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17323817 No.17323817 [Reply] [Original]

The Great Debate.
is listening to audio books considered reading the book?

>> No.17323825

yes and no

>> No.17323827

>the action or practice of a person who reads.
No, it's listening.

>> No.17323831
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>> No.17323836

the only people who give a shit about this question are retards who brag about what they read

>> No.17323839

Just because the term has the word: "book", in its name, does not mean that it has anything to do with /lit/erature.

>> No.17323925

No. It's close enough for most people (same with reading a work in translation) that you're generally pretentious if you start arguing about it IRL, but it's not reading it and there are significant changes that are made between reading a book and listening to someone else reading it.

>> No.17323968

booktube cares immensely, and your ableist scum if you don't think it's literally the same as reading

>> No.17324139

>Is listening to Audio Books considered reading the book?
Nice joke anon, I give it an 8/10. No.


>> No.17324160

For pulp? Yes. For nyt bestseller nonfiction? Yes. For highbrow poetic lit? No you will miss devices. For technical monographs or textbooks? Absolutely not. You need to engage and double check and possibly refute those things

>> No.17324393


>> No.17324606

No, but it's still worthwhile. I like turning on something comfy like Beowulf or Sir Gawain when I'm going to sleep.

>> No.17324609

Is listening to an instrument play a song the same the same thing as playing the song on with the instrument?

>> No.17325103

No anon, audiobooks are listening to music and reading is watching a live show without sound

>> No.17325148

I don't think so and got pretty annoyed when I saw someone talk about "the audiobooks they want to read this year" instead of saying listen to.

>> No.17325225

>is listening to audio books considered reading the book?
stop asking this retarded question and stop falling for the bait

>> No.17325649

Anyone who dismisses audiobooks is insecure about their poor comprehension ability.

>> No.17326801

The question requires the point. Does the reader/listener absorb the story and follow the context? It is good to be comfortable with both I tend to own physical and audio versions of the same books. I'll leap on books narrated by their authors for what better way to make sure you don't misunderstand context or emotion if conveyed by the author? Assuming the author is able to pull it off. I'm reading some books where a movie was made years later and the actor who played a role narrated most of the books. Felt very meta and only distracting at first. But nothing beats the tactile sensation of having a book in your hands. But for me I am physically repulsed by the sensation of my fingers moving over old paper back pages it feels gross. I don't know why. I'm always on the go so audiobooks are convenient for me

>> No.17326843

lol no

>> No.17326853

The only time I would want to listen to another person read a book to me would be during a public reading.

>> No.17326863

I'll read you a book. I'll read you so hard....