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17321634 No.17321634 [Reply] [Original]

What does Christ do as people are carted off to death camps? Turn the other cheek? I need to know

>> No.17321662

>Maximilian Maria Kolbe (born Rajmund Kolbe; Polish: Maksymilian Maria Kolbe [maksɨˌmʲilʲan ˌmarʲja ˈkɔlbɛ]; 8 January 1894 – 14 August 1941), venerated as Saint Maximilian Kolbe, was a Polish Catholic priest and Conventual Franciscan friar who volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the German death camp of Auschwitz, located in German-occupied Poland during World War II.
That's what Christ would do, anon.

>> No.17321669

Yup. And then he chills in another dimension being all Jesusy while the True Believers all go “He works in mysterious ways.”

>> No.17321962

What if the offer to trade places isn't there? If the only way to prevent evil is with the sword? I still can't tell if the gospels demand pacifism only for self-defence situations. Surely I can use violence to protect others from evil?

>> No.17322145

>So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.

Take a wild guess.

>> No.17322296

let dead bury their dead

>> No.17322338


>> No.17323305

Spray the offenders with AK-47.

>> No.17323894

Wait, arent we the ones building the death camps?

>> No.17323980

Yeshua bar yosef would have been on the trains

>> No.17324272

Christian philosophy like most mystic religions is not action-oriented, or at least it wasn't until Jesus's mission he gave to the disciples was warped and bastardized.
Initially it was go to each tribe on the earth and present the gospel there among them, making some converts from each tribe. The core concept simply was that each tribe was entitled by promise to hear the salvific word and that a remnant of each people would be saved through God's election.
Now its preach to the same fucker over and over and over again for decades hoping one day he's psychologically worn down enough to cave and make a superficial proclamation, then pat yourself on the back

>> No.17324639

He gets carted off to the death camp with them.

>> No.17324683
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Yes you can use self defense. The church has sanctioned many wars in the past, and the God in the OT did plenty of times. If you read the bible literally you get a bunch of strange heresy like this anon
The idea that every man should be his own prophet is an incredibly novel concept. Even the whackest of puritans felt that matters of doctrine should fall on the shoulders of individual churches (instead of cardinals and shit), but never the laity.

>> No.17324690


>> No.17324695

Ponder this: it is not Satan that is the mans enemy. Let that simmer in you for a while.

>> No.17324698

Death is not the end.

>> No.17324712
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Prevent them. You can non-violently prevent it in extreme situations but it shouldn't ever get to that point.

>> No.17324723

Yeah the point is to show objective truth and justice and how it's what everyone seeks.

>> No.17324725

'Turn the other cheek' doesn't mean being a cuck. It means that you don't give your enemy the satisfaction of showing weakness.

t. demon possessed edgelord

>> No.17324797
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>Death is not the end

>> No.17324834

Yahweh was a god of nomadic desert jews. Why would I worship him?

>> No.17325083


>> No.17325142

Christ is Christ, eternal. The flesh is weak--the body might die--but the Spirit is eternal. The Christ can never die.

What is small and weak in us must die in order to awaken to His Majesty. As John says "I die daily--" daily I go to Him in meditation and in prayer, to "give all I have and follow him."

Christ is not a man. It is a Spirit--the Holy Spirit--it is how God created us. Perfect, in His image--before our own ideas tempted us to make bad decisions/live out of accord with the Truth--the Divine Law as God created it.

Christ is. It is up to us to choose/accept Him. Then it will not matter what appears to happen to us--we will bear our cross, as he did--although likely ours will be less extreme.

If you wish to know, forget everything, be still, open your heart and mind to Him--wait on Him!

>> No.17325264

I have read the Bible anon, I might have struggled to understand the gospels in any serious way though. I just read Tolstoy's Gospel so I'm trying to understand Christ's pacifism. Could Tolstoy have written the same book after seeing genocide?

>> No.17325938

Christ's own best friends, the apostles, were all tortured to death or otherwise brutally murdered, with the exception of John, who was horrifically poisoned but survived and exiled to a tiny island.

>> No.17325945

My point being that, as another anon said, death is not the end. If you really start thinking about the nature of eternity then this life becomes little more than a brief stint in a waiting room.

>> No.17325951

Everyone someone dies a horrible death, the Jewish demons of the abrahamists all ejaculate and laugh together.

>> No.17326567
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No. He comes from the Fertile Crescent.

>> No.17327041
File: 193 KB, 736x1562, CrucifixtionWithMaryMagdalene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible neither rejects or condones violence. You could say "turn the other cheek" is what the Bible means, but then again, Joshua destroyed the Canaanites with Machiavellian ruthlessness. Like much of life, it's contextual, but what we should observe is not how people are, but how God is, which is what the Bible exists to tell us.

Jesus says of the Father, that he sends rain on the just, and upon the unjust, and causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good (Matthew 5:45). Jesus says that this is what makes God perfect (Matthew 5:48). God does not take sides like people take sides, this is why Jesus also says "blessed are the peacemakers" (Matthew 5:9).

What a Christian should do, is frankly obvious. One should make every effort not to end up like Maximillian Kolbe >>17321662 by doing one's utmost to foster peace. St Kolbe was a victim of a failed society, just like Jesus was a victim of a failed society, just like all the martyrs and prophets were victims of failed societies. One should make every effort to foster peace and to do so BEFORE SHTF. If this means "turning the other cheek" then do so, if this means destroying an external threat to the community, then do so. This is not hard stuff to understand.

>> No.17327349


>> No.17327373

Not an argument

>> No.17327410

Yeah well someone should tell him about the pedophiles preaching his gospel.