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17320862 No.17320862 [Reply] [Original]

Shittiest book you've ever read any amount of, go.

>> No.17320922


>> No.17320962

War and Peace

>> No.17321618

Infinite Jest

>> No.17321653

The Bell Jar

>> No.17321742


>> No.17321750

White Noise

>> No.17321792
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>> No.17321894

I would have accepted this, "the bible" or "your diary desu" as the first post

>> No.17321905

I read most of Ready Player One just for shits and giggles. I meant to finish it but I got more and more disgusted as I went on and I had to drop it.

>> No.17321927

Filtered and seething
Mediocre but hardly the worst book

>> No.17321989

Sucks how nobody actually posts bad books here. The idea is shitty books. Such as the cowboy romance section in the library.

>> No.17322053

get a load of this faggot.jpg

>> No.17322069
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It's definitely up there with the worst.

>> No.17322087

Easier to just post books that filtered you though.

I vote for neuromancer. Got 6 chapters in and felt thoroughly filtered

>> No.17322106

They made me read the Golden Notebook in college. The Bell Jar too, but trust me, that one is a fucking action comic book compared to the fucking Golden Notebook. Endless meandering mediocrity by an obvious author self insert, a woman who endlessly bemoans the fact that all men are scum and are only interested in her for her body (and of course, EVERY man in the book is interested in her) while she willingly fucks most of them and spends her days boring the reader with her and her friends' nonexistent personalities. It's a monument to self absorption.

>> No.17322117

The first few chapters of Neuromancer are kino in my opinion and then it takes a sharp dive in quality.

Not to mention Gibson these days is a retard. Exhibit A:

>> No.17322125

OP here, pic related sincerely hurt me to try to read, and I haven't completed it. I've tried to advance in it a couple times but it always just reads like a middle aged woman trying to illustrate geek/fandom culture in such a dumb forced way.

>> No.17322151

The only legitimate response in this thread.

>> No.17322221

The I
James countryman

>> No.17322251

my diary desu

>> No.17322283

Fanged Nnoumena

>> No.17322322

the sound and the fury

>> No.17322515

I will never understand how people can just give up halfway through something then call it shit. At least finish it.

>> No.17322528

Don't worry anon, I finished it for him. It was shit.

>> No.17322541

The Inequality of the Human Races by Arthur de Gobineau.

>> No.17322548
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It insists upon itself.

>> No.17322552

See thank you. Now I'm not going to even start reading it.

>> No.17322555

I bought a copy for .50 cents at a goodwill and it made me realize how deeply autistic Ben Shapiro is. It’s like if a computer program wrote a book: all the usual ‘thriller’ plot elements are in it but he’s such an unfeeling robot that he can’t convincingly pull off anything remotely approaching emotion. You cannot ‘2+2 = 4’ your way through a novel plot.

>> No.17322601

Twitter has unfortunately revealed that most contemporary Science Fiction writers are complete losers.

>> No.17322753
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>> No.17323038

Wait Ben Shapiro wrote fiction? And not just his caveman scared of fire views listed out on paper?

>> No.17323052

I know it’s a low hanging fruit but Shapiro’s cadence is super annoying. I can’t read anything of his (which isn’t much) without hearing his little twink voice go 20 words a second.

>> No.17323074
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Think of like 5 separate right wing fantasies and weave them together and it's not far off this book. It's even worse than you can imagine.

>> No.17323095
File: 132 KB, 1400x2170, 6DA8CAF4-7D5E-4284-9BCC-325ED5644ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it’s a meme to hate her but it’s the only really terrible book I’ve read all the way through. It’s hilariously bad at times.

>> No.17323108
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Is it better or worse than that one book Trigger Warning? Fuck, that was terrible.

>> No.17323475

I involuntarily rolled my eyes at the very first sentence, lmao

>> No.17323493

I've never read Trigger Warning but I can tell by the cover they're at least on par with each other.

>> No.17323514


Ben Shapiro wrote fiction? The guy who got fucked in the ass by Mr. Feeny? That Ben Shapiro?

>> No.17323523

I normally wouldn't recommend book related youtube vids but you should try and find some on True Allegiance. It really highlights how much of a brainlet Ben Shapiro is.

>> No.17323613
File: 43 KB, 318x424, BA3DD7B9-7DD9-4960-95C6-0B77DB5284E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys just unlocked a suppressed memory. Someone recommended this book on this board years ago. Probably one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read.

>> No.17323624
File: 374 KB, 828x697, C5D509A0-F181-4733-B0C6-5FC032D23AD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The summary from goodreads

>> No.17323652

This sounds hilarious creepy fantasy bad rather than just Shapiro’s delusional childish autism

>> No.17323768
File: 24 KB, 350x559, 9783630874876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's 400 pages too long and inferior to Vor dem Fest, Before the Feast in every single way.

>> No.17323828

Fuck you this was kino

>> No.17323838
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If you exclude self-published trash it would definitely be RPO.

>> No.17324881
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>> No.17324886
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>> No.17324891

Your CV

>> No.17324915
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>> No.17324920

meant for >>17320862

>> No.17324932

sure it was

>> No.17324974

Oh my God how embarrassing. How is it possible to be so highly educated yet remain a midwit?

>> No.17325001

t. didn't read past Benjy's chapter

>> No.17325016

this sounds awesome

>> No.17325062

from a pure literary standpoint the Bible is pretty solid. id go as far as to say some books can be classified as a masterpiece. the Quran translated to English is terrible. its that way because it wasnt supposed to be translated to begin with

>> No.17325871

Hey cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

>> No.17325881

When were you diagnosed with autism? Dont act like there arent times in your life you didn't finish something because you realized it was shit. You read every thread, every shitpost from start to finish?

>> No.17325934
File: 945 KB, 1714x2560, phoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Phoenix Project. Someone recommended it to me and only made it half way through. The protagonist is a soulless IT bugman and every other character is equally infuriating.

>> No.17325961

Clarion call

Dont remember the author and I didn't finish it. Never found it again, but god damn it was horrible.
Started out as the 1% actually having mind control supernatural powers and controlling people against they're will. Like one scene took a prominent actress and the guy wanting to black mail her used mind control to make her act real slutty on candid camera.
Then it turned into a history lesson of the first person ever in the holocaust that used it to his advantage and muh jews. I mean 200 pages of this. After 50 I dropped the book

Cover was all black and had a blank, expressionless white guy. Slenderman-esque

>> No.17326156

Which book was ever meant to be translated to begin with?

>> No.17327175

the bible desu

>> No.17327256

It's not that bad, considering it portrays IT bugmen as they are.
Anyways, it's supposed to explain business concepts in a story, the focus is not on characters, maybe you should've read the other similar book first.

>> No.17327280

Good choices

>> No.17327345

This is just sand nigger cope

>> No.17327388


>Former Army Ranger Jake Rivers is not your typical Kelton College student. He is not spoiled, coddled, or ultra-lib like his classmates who sneer at the "soldier boy."

>Rivers is not "triggered" by "microaggressions." He is not outraged by "male privilege" and"cisgender bathrooms." He does not need a "safe space." Or coloring books. Jake needs an education. And when terror strikes, the school needs Jake . . .

>Without warning, the sounds of gunfire plunge the campus into a battle zone. A violent gang of marauders invade the main hall, taking students as hostages for big ransom money. As a veteran and patriot, Jake won't give in to their demands. But to fight back, he needs to enlist his fellow classmates to school these special snowflakes in the not-so-liberal art of war. This time, the aggression isn't "micro." It's life or death. And only the strong survive . . .


I can understand why the "safe space" crowd would want to avoid this - and Ulysses, Blood Meridian, etc - or even heap unwarranted contumely upon it, but that doesn't mean that it's not an awesome book.

>> No.17328544

Sounds hilarious.

>> No.17328714

stephen king's IT
or i'm thinking of ending things by iain reid

>> No.17328775

A heart so white by Javier Marias

>> No.17328818

how was it bad? Several reviewers I highly respect have said it was the most gripping literary fiction they read in years. I haven't picked it up yet though

>> No.17328863
File: 18 KB, 254x406, 9780374500016_p3_v3_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom forced me to read it after finding edgy memes (wasn't even based at this time) and had to read it again in school. You know all they celebrate is mundanity, weakness, darkness and death, god forbid they read some beautiful literature in school these days. Ripped it up after finding out Holocaust was fake. Fuck Wiesel, fucking nigger.
