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17317440 No.17317440 [Reply] [Original]

*turn 600 years of printed literature into landfill garbage*

heh, nothing personnel

>> No.17317456

Reddit made literature obsolete.

>> No.17318165

Kobo or Kindle

>> No.17318184

Just got a Kobo Clara HD and I’m loving it. I got an invite for Bib and their eBooks are retail grat. just without the drm so I can put em on through calibre where they’re formatted really well.

If it’s a book I really enjoy though I’ll go ahead and buy physical text. Really nice when I go backpacking

>> No.17318237

i got a kobo libra h2o. Cant think of any justification to pay the extra for an oasis

>> No.17318249

I dont want one with a touchscreen so the H2O would be the only one I'd get. But it's too pricey.

>> No.17318314

Online platforms have already become censors, and are abusing their market dominance daily to wipe out competition.

I still have CD's from 2000 with software I still use- and you know why?
The 2005 version was better, but my license only lasted for 5 years and It ran out.
The 2010 version was great, but cost $100 and the license was only three years.
The 2015 version only worked with approved devices and cost $150, and it was never stable so as soon as the devs stopped patching it it died.
The 2020 version was user access only, I didn't get the actual program just access to it's cloud user interface. I pay a weekly subscription and if I don't update it every week it stops working

Do you see where I'm going with this?
Things today you "own"- you don't really own.
>but anon I have the files
In 40 years time will you actually have a device that can read them?
I'm serious. It's already near impossible to repair new devices, spare parts are often manufacturer sale only and are often unobtanium.
New devices will be licensed to a specific user only, you will pay $100 for a phone but a yearly fee for using your device.
The sites where you can share files are all dying, one day they will all just vanish at once.

I have physical books, and if someone wants them they will have to physically come to my house and take them
Your readers are going to break, the batteries will get fried, and soon the platforms are going to be bought out by a company that will again Itunes the E-reader market as soon as the infrastructure to support physical book sales dissapears

>> No.17318716

>17317440 (You)
>Error you have been caught trying to access restricted resources and have aptly been charged for possession of illegal thought weapons, please report to the nearest cuckmunity center for biological dissolution.

>> No.17318726

We need fucking printed books. Thanks, anon.

>> No.17318756

take your meds

>> No.17318757

>oh god I need to hoard every book I read and physically own it

>> No.17318767

I feel like your anecdote on that one piece of software is pretty weak.

I can’t imagine ePub/mobi/pdf readers will suddenly “disappear” because they’ve taken such a strong footing in the marketplace of reading there will be no shortage of ways to view them in the future. Just look at how accessible fucking emulation is in this day and age despite various companies trying to stifle it and gain profit. Maybe that’s not a perfect example in addition to your software example but it’s what came to mind.
But yeah, buy physical books if you can, I won’t argue with you there.

>> No.17318810

>Error: Unable to connect to internet
>We are unable to verify your books are up to date, and in compliance with the Language Decency Act of 2027. You will not be able to read your books until you connect to a WiFi hotspot, or enter an area with universal 5G coverage.

>> No.17318822

Weak schizo answer
Take your meds

>> No.17318878

There are non drm ebooks out there you know

>> No.17319011

>This book contains 48 instances of an outdated and pejorative term for people of African descent. Please select your decency mode:
>Replace the term with “flowerdream smile” (Recommended)
>Redact the term with a low-resolution pixelated box or black bar. You can fine-tune your redaction settings in the Preferences menu.
>I don’t want to read this book, take me to the Home Screen.

>> No.17319058

this, you got to be a technologically retarded boomer to not have exclusively pirated epubs on your ereader

>> No.17319145

Kindle is the major reason i began reading again.
A book is just too bulky and uncomfortable while reading in the bed, especially if you need a reading lamp too.

>> No.17319166

>house burns down

There goes you collection Anon.

>> No.17319179

Everything good about ebooks depends on publishers and retailers not being able to do anything about piracy. It's not a sustainable situation. If you actually give a shit about still having access to books a decade from now, you're going to have to start hoarding them now while they're still available. If you're going to hoard, you might as well hoard in the format that's got a proven archival success record. Of course, you should hoard digital books as well. Anything is better than assuming that you'll always be able to get free books from the internet, look what happened to the internet archive last year. We're living in the golden age of ebooks, but no golden age lasts forever.
>A book is just too bulky and uncomfortable
Do a push-up, geez louise.

>> No.17319252

As long as the internet exists people will find ways to share media. If lib.gen is taken down, 3 more will take its place.

>> No.17319924

Nigga there are programs for your computer that read epub. Even if portable e-readers go obsolete in the future you'll still be able to read your books.

>> No.17319930

I was anti ebook until I bought one and downloaded like 500 books for free. One cannot deny the convenience.

>> No.17319988
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>> No.17320011

Your post is pretty cringe, but I agree that the subscription service market is cancer.

>> No.17320080

>I have physical books, and if someone wants them they will have to physically come to my house and take them

Companies that profit from ebooks and that want you top stop buying print will start an influencer campaign shaming you for harming the environment by buying printed books and you will go along with it and love it. The Atlantic runs an article saying only white people in flyer over states buy printed books, and some publisher pays a scientist to do a study comparing printed books to an SUV for environmental impact, you will be first in line to throw all your physical books in the recycling bin.

>> No.17320341

no one cares about E-cucks. Why do you guys always feel the need to talk about how great your pee reader is? inferiority complex or something?

>> No.17320434
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I will never understand how some people don't appreciate the comfiness of having a reading corner filled with books


>> No.17320515

I would use E-Books if they weren't tied to some account. With that being the case, you find yourself at the whim of some corporation. That's the downside of technology, it makes you vulnurable. Normal books are always the better option.

>> No.17320540

is it difficult to keep good ratio on bib? I hear that you need to upload stuff to survive. Where to get some stuff to upload there

>> No.17320809

I read because it's fun and I like gaining knowledge not so I can hoard them in my room to LARP as a well studied 19th century aristocratic intelectual. Pirating ebooks let me achieve my purpose way cheaper.

>> No.17321090

*runs out of batteries*

>> No.17321093

I’ll look at requests and buy. The amount I’m downloading and the value I think I receive is worth it IMO. Hell, not even opinion, I know I’m saving some money.

Idk, makes me feel good to contribute to the service.

>> No.17321102

Based reply.
Anons that post pics like that won’t ever make enough money to fund a room in their house that looks like that. And if they did, it’d be so out of place next to their bitch wife’s “live laugh love” wall decor.

>> No.17321342

Imagine this:

I don't care if some sour bitter manchild on 4chan think i have a bookshelf to impress other people. I'm not insecure like you.

>> No.17321366

Oh no, where will I get electricity in 2021 big city?!!?!?
>inb4 some schizo emp strike scenario

>> No.17321380

But I do make that money

>> No.17321559

I don't retain information as well reading from an e-reader, and I find referring to annotations less convenient on e-readers as well. If I didn't have those two problems I'd probably switch over.

>> No.17321589

>I don't retain information as well
How do you know that?

>> No.17321591

ebooks do not tie you to some account. you download files from the internet and put them onto your device like a flash drive. enjoy your new ereader.

>> No.17321595

flipping back and forth in dense books with many characters is harder on a e-book, though the kindle's x-ray kind of fixes that

>> No.17321598

This one hit close to home,

>> No.17321738

It’s cold outside. Clouds swarm overhead. Thunder booms and rolls in the distance. The man shivers in his bathrobe and taps his concrete porch with his foot and gazes down the road. A driverless taxi crashed into an internet pole a couple blocks down about twenty minutes ago. The man studies the lone police car’s blue and red strobe, flanked by three google vans. The officer stands off to the side scribbling notes on a tablet as the passenger is questioned by a team clad in black jackets emblazoned with the multicolor G logo. But this commotion isn’t what brought the man outside, he is waiting for the amazon drone to deliver his groceries and other goods he ordered half an hour ago.

The man shakes off the cold and sets the neatly taped boxes in his entryway. He returns to the fire in his living room and stokes it a bit before retiring to his chair. He picks up the tablet and scrolls through menus of books available for purchase. Electronic tomes. Stories of young black women persevering against white racism. Apologetic biographies of pedophiles. Zionist manifestos. Revisionist historical accounts. It takes him several minutes to bypass what is recommended for him and he begins to browse the classics. Perhaps some twentieth century science fiction.

He heard two or three passing references to this book in his youth, and understood it to be required reading in its time. Index finger held on the home button. Purchase Successful! The screen fades to black and the hunter green cover crawls from the bottom into view. George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four. A novel.

He swipes the image of the cover to open the book and is greeted with a thirty second ad for toilet paper. And a fifteen second ad for pretzels. Unskipable pitches from competitors of the products he just retrieved from his front yard. The man sighs and studies the flames of his fireplace as sweet promises of triple absorbency and reduced fat linger about the room. The title page appears back on the screen. The man swipes to continue but the turn of this digital paperwhite reveals yet another mandatory video.

A Special Foreword by Jack Dorsey. The visage of an elderly cave troll haunts the screen, grimy silver dreadlocks and beard like an old dirty mop. “Greetings, reader! Before you delve into Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty-Four, I’d like to put a few things in context for you...” the troll takes a brief pause to suck on a vaporizer pen. Curls of bubblegum cannabis slither from his lips and nostrils. “In the time this book was written, humanity hadn’t fully realized the benefits of living in the global village...”

>> No.17321762

Is paranoia a pre-requisite to enjoying paperbacks? Why yes the evil jews are coming after your poetry collection

>> No.17321775

No you don’t

>> No.17321783

I got a kobo because of you guys
why isnt it waterproof and why is this better than a kindle exactly?

>> No.17321787

Just dont hook it up to the internet and download with calibre from libgen

>> No.17321796

>Why yes the evil jews are coming after your poetry collection
Unironically yes

>> No.17321959

>try to read right-wing oriented book

>> No.17321974

I read Revolt on my kindle no problem

>> No.17321991

Keeping all of your media and data on a digital medium is retarded. It will not survive the test of time, people in the future are going to assume we lived in some kind of dark age after all the data is either lost or unreadable.

>> No.17322018


>> No.17322093
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It's a good thing printed books are nearly indestructible objects that cannot be damaged by means of heat, humidity, mold, rot, tear, wear, coffee stains, mice, termites etc etc
Culture is saved

>> No.17322096

I've read both Crime and Punishment and Brothers Karamazov on an e-reader and from physical copies. My second read of both novels was with physical copies and both times I was astonished by how little I actually retained the first time I read it (forgetting characters and important scenes completely). I've had similar experiences with other books as well. It just doesn't work for me, unfortunately.

>> No.17322118
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I agree with you, anon

>> No.17322133

You all have good points, buy physical copies of the most important books and store copies of those and more on hard drives, but make sure to transition them to knew file formats so they don't become incomprehensible

>> No.17322160

Also reminder to archive all your stuff. I just bought a 4TB hard drivie. Using kiwix I downloaded Project Gutenberg and Wikisource, using Wget I downloaded internet sacred text archives, am downloading infowars too, I also have a few large MEGA files I want to archive.

>> No.17322271

>I retained more of the book the second time through
Anon, thats how repeated readings work...Do you seriously believe that looking at words on paper magically made you understand them beetter?

>> No.17322429

ratio on bib is easy if you have some specific interests, just upload stuff from some niche discipline

>> No.17322446

>hard drive dies

>> No.17322457

even in this dystopia of yours a jailbroken e-reader and an sd card with a terabyte of banned books is more convient than a secret underground library. its easier to copy, hide, or use.

>> No.17322456

>regularly backed up and in a bank safe deposit box

>> No.17322469

>Anon, thats how repeated readings work.
That isn't my point. If I read through a book once I should be able to remember the important scenes from it. I was extremely engaged with BK my first time reading it but when I read it a second time I was surprised by the fact that I had absolutely no memory of Father Zosima, the chapters prior to his death recounting his life, Ivan's discussion with Alyosha, The Grand Inquisitor, or even Smyrdakov's relation to the rest of the brothers. It was truly remarkable how little I actually remembered about the book. I don't think there's anything magical about it, it's just the way it is for me. I do not like reading from screens, I do not like the feeling of holding an e-reader, and I just find it less enjoyable to read in general so I think that prevents me from retaining as much information as I would like. I've also seen people in threads like this one make mention of things like tactile stimulation when trying to explain why some retain less information reading e-books, but I don't know enough about that to make any claims about its validity.

>> No.17322475

>ran out of meds again

>> No.17322517


>> No.17322672


>> No.17322774

Onyx boox max lumi

>> No.17322799

Do you seriously believe having a bookshelf in your house is pretentious? The reverse snobbery on this board is fucking unreal sometimes. I buy used books and keep them on plywood shelves, but I guess that's too highbrow for you salt-of-the-earth types and the ereaders your parents got you for Christmas.

>> No.17322802

what does it have to justify the pricetag?

>> No.17322906

Why not both though? I keep a nice room with books that have meaning to me or are important enough to want to have around, and also use an e-reader for its lightweight, portability, and ease of use.

You don't need an account to use E-books. Just download the books as a file and load them on to your device like a flash drive.

>> No.17323039

This makes the redditor seethe

>> No.17323320


>> No.17323342
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>> No.17323438

There are already texts that I struggle to source- one of the major issues is veracity- it's far to common that historical texts are (((edited for clarity))).
I'm not talking about the edgy shit, which is really of little literary value and is typically of so little merit if it wasn't edgy it wouldn't even be re-published at all.
No, the difficulty is in sourcing academic work.
Historical studies, technical papers, achedemic work- often by some mechanism the legal rights to it's use is restricted, typically the rights are bough posthumously.
A lot of academic work simply doesn't exist in full form online as it's censored by platforms on the basis that its not valid scientifically- really this is just historical revisionism by platforms.

If you are writing a paper, you need to site sources.
It's very hard to cite sources if those papers have all been bought posthumously by publishers who just hide them.

>> No.17323595


>> No.17323601

>what is censorship
>What is de-platforming
There is already content that you can't find on major platforms, piracy used to be the solution but with users loosing control of their own devices the days of piracy are numbered.
unironically yes.
If a work is important to me, it's important that other people can read it as well.
Right now almost everything is available, but things have changed so rapidly in the last ten years that if they continue at this pace new digital services may well threaten the accessibility of texts
They are strong until shareholders vote to sell the company to a monopoly network.
The Apple style system where user devices are locked onto a network and they have a distribution monopoly is the most profitable, and right now they do things like ban apps like Parler.
In the future these anti-social monopolies will only grow in power, and google will end up buying everyone out.
Draw a graph of big tech acquisition by user base and it's hard to deny.
>new reader comes out for $20, but hard wired onto apple store
>physical device retailers paid a kickpack from apple to sell devices
>normies flock into locked marketplace
>independent platforms under lawfare attack, constant DMCA and copywrite lawsuits
>apple buys them out, lawsuits all dropped
What format?
>there are programs for your computer that read epub
They best work on my Esoteric linux distro ghost machine.
What I'm more worried about is that I know from experince digitally stored material is liable to be lost or destroyed.
People literally loose hard drives, delete them when drunk, lend them and never get them back etc.
>the evil jews are coming after your poetry collection
Yes, yes they are.

>> No.17323685

What kind of stuff are you looking for? I've been fairly successful at getting old historical articles hosted on aggregators like JSTOR via sci-hub, but I've never really gone off the beaten path. I'd imagine that anything that hasn't been digitized is practically memoryholed at this point, since fewer and fewer libraries are holding onto print journals when they can just use an online subscription service instead.

>> No.17323903
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You are unequivocally correct.

>> No.17323905

>when you have to write dystopian science fiction on a taiwanese transvestite board to justify your rampant consumerism
PoMo times, everywhere

>> No.17323919

>Go to used book store
>Literally cost me $10 to get ALL of In Search of Lost Time.
>I have spent $40 over the past three weeks and now have enough physical books to last me until the Fall at least.

>> No.17323929
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>> No.17323988


I don’t want e-shit.

I want the worthy media/content/literature printed on fungal resistant hemp stock.

The modern world can suck my anus.

>> No.17323999


We’re so fucked!

>> No.17324255

Are you genuinely ignorant of the increasing prevalence and scope of deplatforming?

>> No.17324383

Cope. Larping fucking idiot.

>> No.17324501

Some of yall are making me real paranoid. I already have a hard time reading because I worry that every other word has been revised in someway or another, not even factoring in translated literature. What if its all fake? God damn it this board plays right into my mental afflictions

>> No.17324877

>Go to z-library
>Literally cost me $0 dollars to get ALL of western canon.
>I have spent $0 over the last three weeks and now have enough digital books to last me a lifetime at least.

>> No.17325038

Kobo because it supports ePub and Overdrive in Canada where Kindle does not.

>> No.17325041

Everything would be gone either way. Are you really going to be reading books from cloud storage while your entire life is a pile of ash? You would probably have to cancel the subscription to afford lunch.

>> No.17325046

>In 40 years time will you actually have a device that can read them?
Obviously I'll still be using the same Core 2 Duo ThinkPad I always have been

>> No.17325065
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I love e-readers. Show me someone on an e-reader and I will show you either :

a:) a retired boomer who wants to read in retirement and gee whiz these new devices are good!

b:) a fucking pitiful zoomer who thinks sticking books on a phone-like device will somehow overcome thier lack of concentration and need for immediate satisfaction and help them read a book, a thing they have never done and now never will. Invariably they just read a few sentances and pull out the real phone when they get bored.

>> No.17325110
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Based. Don't listen to these zoomer retards. Another thing is that retaining information is less effective on screens as well.

>> No.17325120

What's the difference between a display that looks exactly like paper and paper to your brain? Have you ever actually seen an ereader?

>> No.17325147

look faggot - enjoy your fucking e-reader, just ignore the sniggering around you its easy

>> No.17325204

Do you think everyone on channel is a poor student?

>> No.17325212

>I think in memes

You need to go outside

>> No.17325224

>Having a bookshelf is larping

The absolute state of e-readers. Why do you care so much?

>> No.17325246

Everything is not about money. I like the look of a bookshelf in my home.

>> No.17325261

Are these readers easier on the eye than paper? Seems like they would tire your eyes more easily especially if they reflect light from other sources.

>> No.17325304

this is the kind of shit that keeps me up at night.
what is the solution

>> No.17325653

learn to program

>> No.17325671

I initially got rid of all my books for minimalist reasons, then decided to just have one slim bookcase of books, and sell one the ones I’ve read/won’t read again. I think hoarding books is dumb but I love books and kindle just felt dead and lifeless to me.

>> No.17325710

Im a proud phone reader, lithium for e-books and xodo for pdfs. Changed from tablet to phone after i bought a new phone with a huge screen. I already have my phone with me at all times so i dont need to lug around a tablet too. I only buy books these days if i find something cool from a used books store or its impossible to find it online. I also buy books in my native language to support authors i like. But its still only one book a year. I personally find reading from my phone easier as it is lighter and always on me.

>> No.17326616

nothing, 13.3in is way too big for an ereader anyways. their nova series however is excellent

>> No.17326713

The best way to preserve a book is to do it like the Muslims do. Every town has to have at least one Hafiz - one who has memorized the whole of Quran.

In your case every town has to have at least one person who has memorized the entire Moby Dick.

>> No.17326725
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>the days of piracy are numbered.

>> No.17326757

publicly hang all technocrats
burn california to the ground
allow bullies to kill the weak if they can stomach it

>> No.17326766

>burn california to the ground
Isn't California like 50% of the US GDP?

>> No.17326804

>oh no not our precious fake money now the fed will have to make more 1s & 0s!!
Besides, most of their GDP is in services which have no intrinsic value.

>> No.17326865

>which have no intrinsic value.
Nothing has intrinsic value

>> No.17326962

What is "fake money"?

>> No.17326994

The screens are nothing like a phone or tablet screen.

>> No.17327004

>I love books
>sells his entire book collection on a whim
You don't love books, you love telling people you love books.

>> No.17327357

How was this guy an incel again?

>> No.17327998

Not him, but jesus christ, was your first read not in your native language or something? When I was starting to read in English not remembering stuff was a common occurrence to me but now I know it's just better to read slower in those cases.

>> No.17328022

Unfathomably based

>> No.17328037

But one CAN just print them off of project gutenberg

>> No.17328058

he loves reading, you love collecting

>> No.17328098

Where did I say I love books? I don’t love books, books are just objects. I love reading, gaining knowledge. Which I think you need to do more of, tryhard

>> No.17328113

no I think everyone is in their mid 50’s and installs cable

Do you wanna take me back to your fully IKEA furnished “aristocrat” room and kiss next to your Britannica collection?

>> No.17328120

Imagine judging someone for using an ereader and unironically using a Ted photo to support your argument.

Ted would have wanted you bombed too young man

>> No.17328128



>> No.17328323

You know you have to be over 18 to post here retard boy

>> No.17328565

Debt based currency that isn’t actually tied to anything

>> No.17328590

Oh god here comes the conspiracy theories

>> No.17328599

Where does your knowledge come from?

>> No.17329354

I use a mixture of physical books/ journals and PDFs (through university library or pirated) for work.
I use e-reader for reading at home, usually around one book per week. There are sensual disadvantages, totally outweighed by advantages (massive library, back-lit so can read in bed without waking baby or wife, dictionary, translator).
T. 36-year-old Literature professor.

>> No.17329453
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>what is the solution

>> No.17329490

I smell dust

>> No.17329873

Neither a conspiracy nor a theory

>> No.17330007

> what is the solution
The solution is to become technically literate enough to be able to tell legitimate problems from baseless fear mongering like the posts you're quoting.

I have an ebook reader that has, in its lifetime, not once been connected to the internet.
I never buy DRM-restricted content, out of principle, even though it still would be easy to remove.
EPUB is a sane enough format, so that even if there wasn't free software for it, you could program some yourself (or just read the tag soup directly).
I back up my ebooks in ways that wouldn't be possible for physical ones.

Nothing in the quoted posts applies to me.

>> No.17330023


You are absolutely correct, anon. Every single detractor felt the need to call you crazy because they're too afraid to realize what you are saying. A sorry state of affairs on this board.

>> No.17330049

holy redpilled

>> No.17330128

You can buy computers for 5$ that are easily powerful enough to handle displaying ebooks. If paranoid about a future where general purpose computing is outlawed, then just buy a couple of these, which will last you a lifetime.

Also see

>> No.17331029

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.17331252
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id hate to be in your headspace

>> No.17332552
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I keep my books for the nuclear holocaust case.

>> No.17332870
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>> No.17332890
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Lethally redpilled. What papers were you looking for anon?

>> No.17333107

I get you on the software and scientific publishers end, but I think your view of future electronics is too gloomy. We already have companies whose whole selling point is that their phones are modular with easy to replace parts. Pretty much every desktop is still easily build from individual parts.
The books who enter meatspace will never get memoryholed ij the near future as making a scan of a book is trivially easy, and can be done with an app on your phone if you are desperate enough.

Malicious edits and mass surveillence are a far greater threat. This is already done by intelligence services to undermine seditionist books.

>> No.17333144

Anyone who doesn’t own their books physically is retarded, Amazon or whatever service could just replace all your books with queer theory literature and there’s fuck all you could do about it.

>> No.17333158

>enjoy your classic texts subscription only $10 a month

>> No.17333213

nobody ever claimed such i have books from the 1950's that are still readable today how many of your hard drives or memory cards can boast that level of longevity

>> No.17333255

Not at all

But raving about "1's and 0's" are worthless and doesn't contribute to the economy because it isnt backed by gold is borderline conspiracy theory

Muh feds controlled by jews

>> No.17333302

I had a kindle paperwhite which was adequate for reading epubs but it sucked for pdfs. Recently got a boox note which is considerably more expensive but it's very good for both epubs and pdfs

>> No.17333690

I found a paperwhite kindle like 1.5 years ago for 35 bucks. It had a small scratch in the screen. Any reason to upgrade?