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17317188 No.17317188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

His self published manifesto will be read 50 years from now. By both haters and admirers. The incel ur-text will continue to be studied by people who purport to be experts and professionals in various subfields of humanities and social sciences. Especially if some sort of grand conflict erupts in the 2020s that involves a lot of young disaffected, dispossessed men.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.17317197

The only merit it has is the part where he describes in his whiny narcissistic prose an event where he was deservedly beaten up for being an idiot at a party. It feels like something out of a satirical depiction of 21st century life that nobody has been smart enough to write yet.

The rest of it is garbage.

>> No.17317206

He sounded like a super villain throughout the book lol

>> No.17317217

Could you tell why he got beat up?

>> No.17317237

>"That was the last straw, I had taken enough insults that night. A dark, hate-fueled rage overcame my entire being, and I tried to push as many of them as I could from the 10-foot ledge. My main target was the girls. I wanted to punish them for talking to the obnoxious boys instead of me ....I failed to push any of them from the ledge, and the boys started to push me, which resulted in me being the one to fall onto the street... As I stumbled a few yards down Del Playa with my shattered leg, I realized that someone had stolen my Gucci sunglasses that my mother had given me. I loved those sunglasses, and had to get them back. I vehemently turned around and staggered back towards the party. At that point, I was so drunk that I forgot where the party was, and ended up walking onto the front yard of the house next to it, demanding to know who took my sunglasses. The people in this house must have been friends with the ones I previously fought with, for they greeted me with vicious hostility. They called me names like “human being” and “pussy”, typical things those types of scumbags would say....A whole group of the obnoxious brutes came up and dragged me onto their driveway, pushing and hitting me. I wanted to fight and kill them all. I managed to throw one punch toward the main attacker, but that only caused them to beat me even more. I fell to the ground where they started kicking me and punching me in the face."

>> No.17317244

the funniest part is when he says he identifies with Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars prequel trilogy

>> No.17317250

Brett Easton Ellis will adapt his manifesto into a script and the Safdie brothers will turn it into a critically acclaimed cult movie before the decade is over. It will be hailed as the unofficial sequel/update to Taxi Driver - the quintessential lonely guy with simmering rage flick of the 21st century.

>> No.17317251


>"The highly unjust experience of being beaten and humiliated in front of everyone in Isla Vista, and their subsequent lack of concern for my well-being, was the last and final straw. I actually gave them all one last chance to accept me, to give me a reason not to hate them, and they devastatingly blew it back in my face. I gave the world too many chances. It was time for Retribution."

>> No.17317311
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>my Gucci sunglasses

>> No.17317326

>They called me names like “human being” [...], typical things those types of scumbags would say....

>> No.17317352

Imagine being an indie author with a special talent for performance art and viral manuscript marketing.... and having a talented, professional photographer to document your entire life to boot.


Other litfags can only seethe.

>> No.17317381

It's a wordfilter of the website I copied the text from, the real word is faggot

>> No.17317387

>By both haters and admirers
Stands to logic. The rest of us are resoundingly apathetic to it. Having poor prose, Elliot's manifesto would need more to provoke any serious research. Elliot wasn't particularly smart and, as far as I can tell, had no specific field in which he was interested. So strike out on that count as well. The last part, the one you're referencing with your (really reductionist, incidentally) dichotomy of """"haters and admirers"""". That's just pop culture, the average reactions of your average person. They are interested in Elliot because of what he did, and they want to know what made him tick. Problem is, his manifesto is just his story. Textbook, pathological narcissism. Well, surely hearing the story will help us understand better why he did it and how to prevent it in the future, right? Not really. Psychologists aren't really particularly interested in engaging with the output of a patient's neuroses except to challenge them and hopefully help replace them with a more rational belief. But again, Elliot was a textbook narcissist (if we take him at his word) and underneath any case of narcissism runs this "story" with its own internal system of logic. These stories tend to be very firmly engrained and resistant to treatment. The narcissist is fundamentally incapable of allowing a competing narrative any space.

Basically, Elliot wasn't that great a writer, had nothing that interesting, and wasn't actually all that interesting in a clinical sense either. The only reasons anyone could possibly be seriously interested in Elliot are either idiocy or on account of what he did. So, idiots and gawkers.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.17317393

I liked the part where he wrote about hearing his sister get railed by a chad.

>> No.17317396

>had nothing that interesting
He had nothing interesting to say, rather.

>> No.17317409

I don't sympathise with Rodger at all, outside of pity, but you may be right. Imagine leftoids comparing everything to his manifesto the way conservatives do with 1984

>> No.17317423

What a faggot website.

>> No.17317438


"I visited my mother’s house quite often in the Autumn. To my extreme rage, I discovered that my sister now had a boyfriend, and that she had lost her virginity. She had casually “dated” boys in the past, but never to the serious extent that she did with this one. This one was a half White, half Mexican named Samuel, and I immediately took an intense disliking to him when I was first introduced to him. He seemed like the typical obnoxious slob that most young girls are sexually attracted to. Georgia invited him to my mother’s house all the time, and it angered me to watch him lurking about, eating my mother’s food and drinks, and making use of my mother’s house. He was freeloading off my mother, and she didn’t even realize it.

I eventually grew to hate him after I heard him having sex with my sister. I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did. It reminded me of how pathetic I was, that at the age of twenty-two, I was still a virgin. I hated her boyfriend as well. My sister said that he’s been with other girls before her, and I’m sure he lost his virginity at a much younger age. It is such an injustice. The slob doesn’t even have a car, and he is able to get girlfriends, while I drive a BMW and get no attention from any girls whatsoever.

My sister even showed me a picture of one of his ex-girlfriends, a pretty brunette white girl. My
hatred towards him only intensified after that. I refused to speak to him whenever he came over, and I constantly pestered my mother to ban him from the house, but she refused to heed my demands. Even worse, she constantly talked about him admiringly. He reminded me of Leo Bubenheim, a typical obnoxious boy who has been able to experience a great sex life from a young age. An enemy had now infiltrated the household of my mother, the one place in the whole world where I’ve always sought refuge from injustice. Things were getting too out of hand."

>> No.17317446

>grand conflict erupts in the 2020s that involves a lot of young disaffected, dispossessed men
In reality there will probably be a massive spike in young male suicides. There won't be a grand uprising.

>> No.17317467

Perhaps, but I'd assume some number of those young male suicides would be murder-spree-suicides in the style of Eliott Rodger or Alek Minnassian. Some narcissists and copy-cat autists want to go out with bang.

>> No.17317522


>> No.17317529

absolute kino

>> No.17317547

I wish a talented filmmaker would bring this to the big screen. Say like a David Fincher, or his younger, upcoming millennial equivalent.

>> No.17317549

>My sister even showed me a picture of one of his ex-girlfriends, a pretty brunette white girl
Wait what? Why would she do this?

>> No.17317630

That's actually a really good passage

>> No.17317637


fuckin loser

>> No.17317640

kill yourself fag

>> No.17317864

You seem to hear less about guys being upset they didn't fuck at a young age like people on tv, or maybe I just grew up and stopped caring myself.

The world elliot inhabited was entirely of his own minds creation and it is fascinating

>> No.17319098

As already alluded to by another anon, such passages have been written and written much better by Brett Easton Ellis. (There are permutations of such passages covering every conceivable class and context, as well, in McInerney, Palahniuk, Welsh, Amis, Wallace etc. etc.)

>> No.17319236

Imagine idolizing someone who unironically got excited by Dance of Dragons
Recommend me a better killer to shill

>> No.17319298

i can never not think of this passage when i read the word "plunging" anywhere else

>> No.17319307
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