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17315745 No.17315745 [Reply] [Original]

Drop your favorite wikipedia pages


>> No.17315769


>> No.17315778


>> No.17315779


>> No.17315781
File: 140 KB, 1358x666, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: copy wiki text to new text file
Step 2: go to regexr dot com
Step 3: Pic related (change the value at the top w/ [0-9\[[0-9]+\] then replace the bottom part with empty string
Step 4: Copy text from bottom portion of regexer.com
Step 5: Paste text in text file from Step 1
Step 6: insert text file into a tts program

you can now read wiki articles in a tts program without the number interruptions (e.g. Sir Isaiah Berlin OM CBE FBA (6 June 1909 – 5 November 1997) was a Latvian-born British social and political theorist, philosopher and historian of ideas.[4] <<<<)

good luck have fun

>> No.17315788


Naturally I'm happiest with the ones I've overhauled on specific topics which haven't attracted counter-edits. I won't name them here, but there are several having /lit/ relevance.

>> No.17315794

forgot step 3.5 which would be to paste the text you copied into regexer (in the top box)

>> No.17315817
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>> No.17315821


>> No.17315822


>> No.17315839


>> No.17315841



opinion self-invalidated.

>> No.17315853


>> No.17315856


>> No.17315876

>"Don't Worry, Be Happy", written and sung by Bobby McFerrin, is commonly believed to be sung by Bob Marley instead.[44][45] Indeed, a YouTube video entitled "Bob Marley - Don't worry be Happy" has over 146 million views.[46] However, the famous reggae musician Marley never recorded a version of "Don't Worry, Be Happy", as he died seven years before the song was written.
what the FUCK

>> No.17315926

They hide this history away under the German spelling but it is key to understanding political movements


The marxists called the socialists fascists and fight then in the streets. Similar to how the right in America calls neoliberals socialists. It's tiresome but it's important to understand. Everyone is psyoping themselves into ideological cults

>> No.17315932

>Medieval Europeans did not believe Earth was flat. Scholars have known the Earth is spherical since at least 500 B.C. This myth was created in the 17th century by Protestants to argue against Catholic teachings.

Didn’t know this one

>> No.17315939

Also want to point out
>Nonstandard, slang, or colloquial terms used by English speakers are sometimes alleged not to be real words, despite appearing in numerous dictionaries. All words in English became accepted by being commonly used for a certain period of time; thus, there are many vernacular words currently not accepted as part of the standard language, or regarded as inappropriate in formal speech or writing, but the idea that they are somehow not words is a misconception.[88] Examples of words that are sometimes alleged not to be words include "irregardless",[89] "conversate", "funnest",[90] "mentee", "impactful", and "thusly",[91] all of which appear in numerous dictionaries as English words.[92]
This is just someone jamming their perspective on a linguistic debate in where it doesn't belong, this is not a "misconception" of any kind

>> No.17315960

It's true though. Shit becomes words. Yeet, ain't, swag. These are all real words now. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true

>> No.17315984

Just the kind of anticromulent thinking I'd expect from this board.

>> No.17315991

Not going to get into it here but there are plenty of arguments supporting prescriptivism that firmly set it into the category of unresolved discussions even if mainstream lexicography has already made up its mind on it. This obviously isn't the same sort of thing as the other entries and it's deceitful to put it here.

>> No.17316030

>Rosa Parks was not sitting in the front ("white") section of the bus during the event that made her famous and incited the Montgomery bus boycott. Rather, she was sitting in the front of the back ("colored") section of the bus, where African Americans were expected to sit, but refused to give up her seat to a white man who asked for it (which was also the expected action of African Americans at the time).

>> No.17316141

There is no definitive proof of the existence of the vaginal G-spot, and the general consensus is that no such spot exists on the female body.[390

>> No.17316158


>> No.17316231

>People tend to overestimate the physical strength of black men.[341]

>> No.17316314
File: 20 KB, 399x322, Yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In mathematics, the repeating decimal commonly written as 0.999... represents exactly the same quantity as the number one. Despite having the appearance of representing a smaller number, 0.999... is a symbol for the number 1 in exactly the same way that .333... is an equivalent notation for the number represented by the fraction 1/3.[457]
Yikes, I stopped reading there.

>> No.17316373

I can't believe Wikipedia doesn't have a fucking dark mode in 2021, thank god for firefox's reader mode.

>> No.17316413

Dark-mode fags at it again.

>> No.17316443

>Fortune cookies are not found in Chinese cuisine, despite their ubiquity in Chinese restaurants in the United States. They were invented in Japan and introduced to the US by the Japanese. In China, they are considered American, and are rare.
Wtf how does that shit happen

>> No.17316489

Not only is the article pretty cool, but the links leading from it are an amazing rabbit hole to go into.

>> No.17316522

>it's real

>> No.17316598


>> No.17316612

There's a lot of shit that humanists and protestants invented in the 17-18th centuries to portray the past as a brutal, stupid place and justify their newfound age as the sole light in the dark, never mind their age being quite a bloodthirsty one. Colonialism is also built on it.

>> No.17316617


>> No.17316652
File: 585 KB, 900x863, OhNoNoNo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree, whoever added that to the "math misconceptions" section of that Wikipedia page is a massive pseud.
Imagine falling for the "0.999.. = 1" meme and pushing it through wiki edits, kek.

>> No.17316656 [DELETED] 

there is nothing Kikeypedia but degeneracy and Communism

>> No.17316673

i don't like prescriptivism but it's definitely out of place on this list and just saying prescriptivism doesn't mean all that much as there are many kinds, it has become a word with a loose meaning to attach emotional grievances. imo if these anti-prescriptivists are being honest all languages except perhaps some obscure tribal languages are already highly prescriptive and continue to be so, i would say even the concept 'a language' usually is, so it's not such a clear, self-evident distinction to make. i bet they wouldn't mention prescriptivism they ideologically consider good despite it being much more binding than any other today.

>> No.17316685

1/3 can't be expressed in numbers.
0.333... is a representation of 1/3 and if you agree 3*(1/3) is 1 you should agree 0.999... is 1.

>> No.17316696

why not agree and disagree. it depends on the effect it has.

>> No.17316699 [DELETED] 
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>Imagine being so autistically anti-Semitic that you can't even enjoy a Wikipedia article
Why do you allow the Jews to stay rent-free in your brain? If it was the other way around, by this time they would have already raised the rent by about 500% on your ass.

>> No.17316712 [DELETED] 

Real quick, does any anon know why Jews unironically do this pose so much.
I literally just looked up "Hasidic Jews" and picked this at "random" from this article
> https://www.timesofisrael.com/leading-hasidic-rabbi-denounces-jews-who-snitch-over-violations-of-virus-rules/
What the fuck is that about?

>> No.17316745


>> No.17316823

>it depends on the effect it has.
The effect should always be the same, if not the axioms you use are contradictory.

>> No.17316827


>> No.17316937

How so?

>> No.17316997


>> No.17317127

What a dumb reactionary taste in Wikipedia, the Sokal thing has been debunked multiple times.

>> No.17317131

>0.999... is 1.
Even if God came down and told me this was true I'd tell him to fuck off

>> No.17317143

Absolutely based

This guy writes the most beautiful, Christian books. in my mind he's up there with Bernanos, Graham Greene and Grancois Mauriac. I heartily recommend his work and I feel like he would be a bigger deal in a less secular Europe. He worked on the Nobel Prize committee.

>> No.17317200

0.999... is an attempt at a numerical representation of 3/3. Do you agree 3/3 is 1?

>> No.17317345


>> No.17317434
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These make me laugh every single time.

>> No.17317500


>> No.17317648

Were you thinking of three little birds or did you actually think "Don't worry be Happy" was by Bob Marley? No way you can reasonably make that mistake, right?

>> No.17317694


>> No.17317836




>> No.17317894


>> No.17318039


>> No.17318093


>> No.17318130

Ironically, Wikipedia is extremely proscriptivist about being descriptivist.

>> No.17318155
File: 348 KB, 838x1191, Three_Arrows_election_poster_of_the_Social_Democratic_Party_of_Germany,_1932_-_Gegen_Papen,_Hitler,_Thälmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also ironic that the three-arrow symbol used by modern Antifa was the symbol of the Eiserne Front, a Social Democratic paramilitary that, in addition to fighting the Nazis, fought equally against the Communists (including the original Antifa).

>> No.17318158


>> No.17318193

This is also an interesting one.

>> No.17318323


This guy looks interesting never would have guessed I'd hear the words 'Catholic Swede'.

>> No.17318349


>> No.17318382

-People who type in all caps are faggots
-You typed in all caps
-Therfore, you are a faggot
Hey it works

>> No.17318427


For Zhang Zongchang, this site has six of his poems: https://thissiteisbestviewed.com/2018/11/24/the-profane-poetry-of-zhang-zongchang/

>> No.17318439


>> No.17318483


>> No.17318486

Are you like an eighth grader that just learned how to think?

>> No.17318509

Are you going to recognize sarcasm when sarcasm jumps out of the bushes and kicks you in the dick?

>> No.17318513


>> No.17318518

Brb buying a ball stretcher

>> No.17318528


People are too fucking dumb, I don't know you so at first glance I'm not sure if you're being serious or not

>> No.17318542

Why would you do this? Don't you want to check every source?

>> No.17318710

yes! that pisses me off actually. Militant nordic model socialism against marxism is my dream

>> No.17318819


>> No.17318829

Very cool.

>> No.17318959

>The marxists called the socialists fascists and fight then in the streets.
they called the SPD (which where liberals, not socialists) fascist collaborators (which they were) and fought them in the streets.

>> No.17318987


>> No.17319193

How do we defeat Wikipedia?
I think there's enough evidence to prove that it's no longer a force for good

>> No.17320362


>"A Rape on Campus" is a retracted Rolling Stone magazine article and fake news,[2][3][4] written by Sabrina Erdely and originally published on November 19, 2014, that describes a purported group sexual assault at the University of Virginia (UVA) in Charlottesville, Virginia. Rolling Stone retracted the story in its entirety on April 5, 2015.[1][5]

>The article claimed that Jackie Coakley,[6][7] a UVA student identified only as "Jackie" by the magazine, had been taken to a party hosted by UVA's Phi Kappa Psi fraternity by a fellow student. At the party, Jackie alleged in the article, her date led her to a bedroom where she was gang raped by several fraternity members as part of a fraternity initiation ritual.

>Jackie's account generated much media attention, and UVA President Teresa Sullivan suspended all fraternities. After other journalists investigated the article's claims and found significant discrepancies, Rolling Stone issued multiple apologies for the story. It has since been reported that Jackie may have invented portions of the story in an unsuccessful attempt to win the affections of a fellow student in whom she had a romantic interest.[8][9] In a deposition given in 2016, Jackie stated that she believed her story at the time.[10][11]

>On January 12, 2015, Charlottesville Police officials told UVA that an investigation had failed to find any evidence confirming the events in the Rolling Stone article. UVA President Teresa Sullivan acknowledged that the story was discredited. Charlottesville Police officially suspended their four-month investigation on March 23, 2015, based on lack of credible evidence. The Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism audited the editorial processes that culminated in the article being published. On April 5, 2015, Rolling Stone retracted the article and published the independent report on the publication's history.[1]

>> No.17320721


>> No.17320858

The Native American Petra.

>> No.17320868



examine the bibliographies of these lads

>> No.17321007

>In 1984 he published his 643-page tome, Adolf Hitler, el Último Avatãra (Adolf Hitler: The Last Avatar), which is dedicated "To the glory of the Führer, Adolf Hitler". In this arcane work, Serrano unfolds his ultimate philosophical testament through elaborate esoteric and mythological symbolism.[10] He insists that there has been a vast historical conspiracy to conceal the origins of evolved humankind. Serrano's epic vista opens with extragalactic beings who founded the First Hyperborea, a terrestrial but non-physical realm, which was neither geographically limited nor bound by the circles of reincarnation. The Hyperboreans were asexual and reproduced through "plasmic emanations" from their ethereal bodies; the Vril power was theirs to command, the light of the Black Sun coursed through their veins and they saw with the third eye. Serrano contends that the last documents relating to them were destroyed along with the Alexandrian Library, and that, latterly, these beings have been misunderstood as extraterrestrials arriving in spaceships or UFOs. However, the First Hyperborea was immaterial and altogether outside our mechanistic universe.[58]

Hell yeah

>> No.17321175
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>> No.17321207

if americans felt guilty enough to erect a monument everywhere "over 30 people were killed" there wouldn't be room enough to stand

>> No.17321294


Damn... People don’t need to know all of this. Otherwise they’ll think everything is futile

>> No.17321358

brought to you by islam

>> No.17321412


imagine needing to hide behind some greek concept to justify critical thinking skills as something that's not normal behaviour and is instead "based" or whatever. real people in the real world do this without thinking.

>> No.17321509
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>> No.17321691


>Tfw have all of wikipedia, wikisource, etc. on my hard drive
I hate it but it is a decent resource for non-political information

>> No.17321736

I wish I could get a team together to piece together multiple encyclopedias, take anything of value from them, and combine and replace articles with more based sources, so basically like normal Wikipedia except the article on 9/11 says Bush and Mossad did it and the Holocaust is fake... I would call it Basedapedia

>> No.17321761

Pure autism

>> No.17321782

there usd to be a 'list of obsolete units' it had english units, which is still a page, this was the thing from mideval to imperial; like 14 versions of a troy ounce
ancient sumerian, tengar, etc. really love, dunno why they killed it, as a sci guy, it was really fun

>> No.17321842

While pregnancies from sex between first cousins do carry a small risk of birth defects, this risk is often exaggerated:[385] The risk is 5–6% (similar to that of a 40-year-old woman giving birth),[385][386] compared with a baseline risk of 3–4%.

>> No.17321855
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Remember to donate to Wikipedia. Its their 20th birthday today

>> No.17321886

>donate to Wikipedia
No thanks Soros you have enough shekels. I'm glad he let me download the site though before they purge the few things of value from it

>> No.17321895
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(You) for good post.

>> No.17321910

The Simple English article on Proust is a masterclass in minimalist prose and storytelling.


>> No.17321919

>(which where liberals, not socialists)
they were social Democrats and you are a delusional indoctrinated Marxist bafoon

>> No.17321924


Particularly fond of the artistic interpretation

>> No.17321929

> There is no physiological test for virginity, and the condition of the hymen says nothing about a person's sexual experience.[380][381] Bleeding is not directly associated with first vaginal sexual intercourse, and indicates nothing about sexual experience.[380] Physical virginity tests have no scientific merit.[382]
Good goy

>> No.17321931
File: 107 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-12-01-23-40-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian page about suicide. Word for word translation:
Motives for suicide
Other types of suicide
Reasons for living

>> No.17321969


>> No.17322082

Fucking lol

>> No.17322094

>Brun, 22, an inmate at the Metro Toronto East Detention Centre in Canada, died trying to swallow a pocket-size Bible
>An unidentified 25-year-old man was using submersion as an erotic asphyxia method. With a homemade plastic body suit, he tied himself to a boat and was using a homemade diving apparatus for air supply. He died from rebreathing, caused by the faulty apparatus.
>Capewell, 16, died from a heart attack brought on by the buildup of butane and propane in his blood after excessive use of deodorant sprays.[199] He was reported to have been obsessed with personal hygiene
>Bernd Brandes, a German engineer from Berlin, was willingly slaughtered so that he could be butchered and eaten
>A 43-year-old Irish mother of four died of an allergic reaction after having sex with a German Shepherd.

>> No.17322120

>A 43-year-old Irish mother of four died of an allergic reaction after having sex with a German Shepherd.

>> No.17322147
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>Bernd Brandes, a German engineer from Berlin, was willingly slaughtered so that he could be butchered and eaten
yo wtf

>> No.17322158

for 0.999... to exist you need to accept that infinite series exist, as decimals are really just repeated additions of fractions (9/10 + 9/100 + 9/1000 and so on) and so in order to even define 0.999... you need an infinite addition of fractions.
At this point it is trivial to prove using a high school knowledge of infinite series that the sum 9/10 + 9/100 + 9/1000 + ... + 9/10^n converges to 1 as n approaches infinity.
literary pseuds who don't understand math are brainlets.

>> No.17322189


>> No.17322244

>He is suspected of murdering over 300 victims, mostly street children. Was sentenced to 1,853 years in prison, but was later reduced to 22 years.

>> No.17322325

Reminder most of modern science is kabbahlistic garbage

>> No.17322336

>An American anti-abolitionist satire set in a future city where racial mixing of blacks and whites is socially mandatory.
Uh oh

>> No.17322398

What a shitty post. Yeah, that's an unfinished page about a suicide victim. Cool beans.
Hope they write a page like that about you one day.

>> No.17322556

why are you mad

>> No.17323037
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>> No.17323249


>> No.17323257


>> No.17323279

It's okay fren ignore meanies like him

>> No.17323311

>25 acres
It always astounds me how scarce forest is in a large part of the world, being Canadian. Even though we've raped our old growth literally all land that's not active agriculture, housing, arctic waste, or prairie is covered in dense forest.

>> No.17323820

Didn’t know that one

>> No.17323832

>Twinkieshave ashelf lifeof approximately 45 days[3](25 in their original formulation)—far shorter than the common (and somewhat jocular) myth that Twinkies are edible for decades or longer.[4]They generally remain on a store shelf for only 7 to 10 days.[5]
>Most food is edible long after itsexpiration date, with the exception of some perishables.[7]

What did they mean by this

>> No.17323895

Just DL the Dark Reader add-on.

>> No.17324126

shelf life does not necessarily equal edibility. You can eat something way past its expiration date and not die but it probably won’t be palatable

>> No.17324427
File: 20 KB, 415x415, strangulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Thomas Midgley, Jr. (1889–1944) was an American engineer and chemist who contracted polio at age 51, leaving him severely disabled. He devised an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to help others lift him from bed.
> He became accidentally entangled in the ropes and died of strangulation at the age of 55.

>> No.17324486

I remember when I was first getting into jerking off, Wikipedia articles were my choice.

>> No.17324494

>Thomas Midgley Jr. (May 18, 1889 – November 2, 1944) was an American mechanical and chemical engineer. He played a major role in developing leaded gasoline (Tetraethyllead) and some of the first chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), better known by its brand name Freon; both products were later banned due to concerns about their impact on human health and the environment. He was granted more than 100 patents over the course of his career.
I guess he should have died a lot earlier.

>> No.17324509
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>had more impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in Earth's history
Holy shit this guy.

>> No.17324531

i thought so too

>> No.17324539

the syllogic method is retarded, doesn't work

>> No.17324649

Poe's Law doesn't apply here, you're just autistic.

>> No.17324692

Do you believe 9bar.9bar = 0? 9bar.0 = -1?
The belief in an infinity is really the most fervently held religious belief today.

>> No.17324754

Man I have the funniest "time travel, basedjack: the earth isn't flat; medieval chads: we know" meme and I can't find it.

>> No.17324777

>There is no physiological test for virginity
This is objectively false. You can physiologically test a person for any experience, especially such a serious one as sex. The thing about the hymen is true though. Calling virginity a hymen cheapens the meaning of virginity. Virginity is about being loyal to your spouse, not a body part.

>> No.17324801

The source on that claim:
Perlman, Sally E.; Nakajyma, Steven T.; Hertweck, S. Paige (2004). Clinical protocols in pediatric and adolescent gynecology.
>Perlman is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname.
Oy vey.

>> No.17324805

But Nordic-style socialism is just a meme.
It's literally capitalism with a failing welfare state on top of it.
It's not true socialism.

>> No.17324806


Never gets old.

>> No.17324900

>The gene for red hair[clarification needed] is not becoming extinct, nor will the gene for blond hair do so, although both are recessive alleles. Redheads and blonds may become rarer but will not die out unless everyone who carries those alleles dies or fails to reproduce.[356]
Seriously? They're not even trying.

>> No.17325233
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>Takuya Nagaya, 23, from Japan, started to slither on the floor and claimed he had become a snake. He died after his father spent the next two days head-butting and biting him "to drive [out] the snake that had possessed him".[252]

>> No.17325537
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did /lit/ redirect me to a /sci/ thread

>> No.17325574

you know what that means ;)

>> No.17325600


god heads blown the fuck out

>> No.17325618
File: 144 KB, 500x500, deviouspepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I ironically post >>17316314 and >>17316652 to trigger autistic /sci/ pseuds like >>17316598 and >>17322158

>> No.17326050

You're too dumb

>> No.17326138

If there's a link, it's because schizophrenia is good.

>> No.17326517

Yes, ignoring all the 'Jewish Science' on the basis that a jew was on the team is brilliant.
I can't think of any time a nation did something like that and had significant consequences.

>> No.17326726

Still autistic.

>> No.17326763

>See also
>Terry A. Davis
Yeah, I'm thinking you're right.

>> No.17326771

Never got the reason why its still used. Seeing as Monarchy isnt much of a big thing anymore.

I mean, you have a monarch in britian and stuff, but its not an actual practicing monarchally driven state. I mean, It might work if we are talking luxembourg or some small stupidly wealthy euro microstate, but that seems almost petty at this point.

>> No.17326789


>> No.17326793

I agree entirely. If anything, it should be more common.

>> No.17326858

There is nothing petty about insulting monarchy.
A disgusting institution.

>> No.17326878

It's a special kind of autism that makes one have a "favorite wikipedia page." Do you have a favorite doorknob shape, too?

>> No.17326900

Round ones so that my dogs can't open it.

>> No.17326902

why? do you expect any of this to happen in your lifetime?

>> No.17326939


>> No.17326990

No, I dont care if you are against it, just that if you have an ideology dedicated to being "against" something (rather than having an ideological ideal, then circumstantially being against things that currently are opposing it), it is necissarily a circumstantial one. Might as well also include Confucian bureaucracy and theocrasy too and make it 5 arrows. I am just saying that unless monarchy is a real threat atm, it doesnt seem to make sense to have it.

>> No.17327194

0.999... may be close to 1 but it's not 1.

Close only counts with horse shoes and hand grenades.

>> No.17327999

It's "favorite wikipedia pages" which is significantly less autistic. Considering how much people use Wikipedia, I'd say it's reasonable to have favorite Wikipedia pages.

>> No.17328007


>> No.17328299

I wish I was this crazy

>> No.17329032
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>> No.17329093
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>It has since been reported that Jackie may have invented portions of the story in an unsuccessful attempt to win the affections of a fellow student in whom she had a romantic interest

I don't fucking understand crazy people like this. What blows my mind even more is that society has like different attitude towards different kinds of craziness. I feel like the histrionic/bipolar/borderline type craziness that you see in a lot of women and radical SJWs is more acceptable than other forms of "craziness" that are actually more mild. For instance, I think most normies absoultely hate people that are like schizoid or avoidant or paranoid or autistic, or even just depressed. Most people with crippling depression or severe autism have no major detrimental impacts on society, and most of them don't even interact with other people on a regular basis, other than close family members.
On the other hand, bipolar types, narcissists, etc. often have a large public presence and significant political and economic power. In fact, a lot of political and financial elites are prone to these sorts of neurotic/antisocial/narcissistic psychological disorders.

>> No.17329406

What's in like being such an insufferable cunt? I always wonder, do you just wake up mad every day lol

>> No.17329420

I think anyone with taste prefers a high quality door knob over a piece of shit. I think we're coming to the core problem. You're just extremely ugly so you take it out on others and anything aesthetically pleasing. Bingo

>> No.17329688

I'm a socialist. Fuck you and fuck Marx

>> No.17329754

>histrionic/bipolar/borderline type
stop mixing in bipolar with these, bipolar people having episodes are either manically confident and severely depressed. neither state would encourage false rape accusations. borderline would

>> No.17329759

It's actually a lot of fun. The reactions from people like you make laugh and laugh.

>> No.17330088

Every site should have an article like this.

>> No.17330970


>> No.17331006

It's legal in the UK to marry your first cousin

>> No.17331020


>> No.17331239

All I see is you getting roasted

>> No.17331243

based as fuck.

>> No.17331251

And that is pretty funny

>> No.17331285

Absolute kino

>> No.17331528
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>Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928) was a Russian physician, philosopher, science fiction writer and revolutionary of Belarusian ethnicity who experimented with blood transfusion, attempting to achieve eternal youth or at least partial rejuvenation. He died after he took the blood of a student suffering from malaria and tuberculosis, who may have also been the wrong blood type.

>> No.17331547


>> No.17331825


>> No.17331847


>> No.17331856

I'm serious, read The Trebitsch Lincoln article, its fucking nuts. A Jewish nazi who became a Tibetan abbot.

>> No.17331881

>Not a single USA or Canada entry
kinda shocked they did the natives so dirty

>> No.17331907
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>> No.17331914

Canonical Buddhism is basically no fun allowed because entertainment is a gateway to losing mindfulness which is why films and plays are banned in a lot of monasteries

>> No.17331974
File: 1.17 MB, 446x469, 1518469302415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Semi-protected edit request on 30 January 2019
>It is my suggestion to encourage healthy debate regarding lesbian bukkake. I feel as if, though it is not necessary to wade into the 'urine or no debate', we should approach the matter of fair descriptive reference and give those who do activate their skene's gland their dues and put to the rest the issue of 'but it's interchangeably mixed!' to bed. We know it comes out of the vagina not the urethra. Refinement of liquid via tissue filtration may cause a problem for some who smell with their brains sometimes but it's a mind over matter kind of deal.
>Belief that women are pissing on each other misses out on the fundamental form of life and the pre-existing properties from when it was ejaculated.

>> No.17331983


>> No.17331998

What is even crazier is that it happened again!


>> No.17332017

the virgin donating your body to science vs the chad facilitating cannibalism

>> No.17332074


>> No.17332231
File: 673 KB, 267x200, 1487923382787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yayo, Miyouke Yasutarō's wife, was preparing a late meal while carrying her fourth son, Umekichi, on her back. She heard a rumbling noise outside, but before she could investigate, the bear broke through a window and entered the house. The cooking pot on the hearth was overturned, dousing the flames, and in the ensuing panic the oil lamp was put out as well, plunging the house into darkness. Yayo tried to flee the house, but her second son, Yūjirō, clung to her legs, tripping her as she ran. The bear attacked her and bit Umekichi.

Odo had remained at the house as the only bodyguard. When he ran for the door, the bear released the mother and child to pursue him. Yayo then escaped with her children. Odo attempted to hide behind furniture but was clawed in the back. The bear then mauled Kinzō, the third son of the Miyouke family, and Haruyoshi, the fourth son of the Saito family, killing them, and bit Iwao, the third son of the Saitō family. Next to be targeted was Take, Saitō Ishigorō's pregnant wife. She too was attacked, killed, and eaten. From later testimony, villagers heard Take begging the bear not to touch her belly but instead to eat her head. Later the fetus was found alive from her corpse but died shortly after.

The guardsmen who had tracked the bear downriver realized that they were not, in fact, on its trail. As they hurried back to the settlement, a seriously injured Yayo met them and related news of the attack at the Miyouke family's house. The corps raced there to rescue any survivors. When they arrived the house was dark, but sounds of an attack emerged. Believing that the bear had killed everyone inside, some of the guardsmen proposed setting the house on fire. Yayo, hoping that some of the children still lived, forbade this.

The guardsmen divided into two groups: one, consisting of ten men, stood guard at the door while the other group went to the back of the house. When given a signal, the group at the rear set up a racket, shouting and rattling their weapons. As expected, the bear appeared at the front door. The men there had bunched up, with lines of fire blocked by the guard at their head, whose own rifle misfired. Amid the general confusion and risk of crossfire, the bear escaped into the night. Carrying torches made of birch bark, they entered the house and beheld the results of the attack.

Rikizō and Hisano, first son and daughter of the same relatives, were injured but lived. The village people gathered in the school, and seriously injured people were accommodated in the Tsuji family house near the river. In two days, six people had lost their lives, one of them pregnant. After the incident, only veterans of the Russo-Japanese War remained at their posts.
It's like a monster movie

>> No.17332385

That was an excellent read. I actually live in Northern Japan. When the pandemic shit dies down I might go check out the memorial up in Hokkaido.

>> No.17332591

>impactful and thusly aren’t considered regular ass words
Damn, I use these all the time in my homework.

>> No.17332654
File: 194 KB, 750x636, 1EE84B00-9A42-479A-AA12-10B02D8E2168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this deeply unsettling

>> No.17333856

I wish they would put the incident to film. It would be perfect. A murderous, opportunistic bear is a living nightmare.

>> No.17334088

here are your instructions

>> No.17334117

You should read the discussion page of Fat acceptance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fat_acceptance_movement

>> No.17334944

the welfare state isnt failing, the nordic states are still the best places to live in the world by far

>> No.17334974

And there's video of the killing. You'll never see it, though.

>> No.17335058

Nice does your hatred for incest also apply to Jews and Muslims?

>> No.17335073

>thanks oil !!!!

pass and greta is rekting you

>> No.17335128

>Joshua King came to Cambridge from Hawkshead Grammar School. It was soon evident that the school had produced someone of importance. He became Senior Wrangler, and his reputation in Cambridge was immense. It was believed that nothing less than a second Newton had appeared. They expected his work as a mathematician to make an epoch in the science. At an early age he became president of Queens’; later, he was Lucasian Professor. He published nothing; in fact, he did no mathematical work. But as long as he kept his health, he was an active and prominent figure in Cambridge, and he maintained his enormous reputation. When he died, it was felt that the memory of such an extraordinary man should not be permitted to die out, and his papers should be published. So his papers were examined, and nothing whatever worth publishing was found.

>> No.17335275
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>> No.17336845

kek, in my teens I was in relationships with four virgins who didn't bleed:

1) A Ballerina since childhood. Doing all these weird flexing moves might have broken the hymen eventually.
2) A girl who was riding horses almost daily since childhood.
3) Another Ballerina.
4) One that accidentally broke it when trying to use that weird cup for menstrual blood the first time.

>inb4 I got cheated
nah, they were neurotic and young enough and from some goddamn good households

>> No.17337811

>A girl who was riding horses almost daily since childhood

>> No.17338490

we were 13/14
That's a bit young for /horsecock/

>> No.17339014

Please keep digging Anon, I need this one.

>> No.17339124

If you're not schizo enough to believe in this then you're just not a cool dude, simple as.

>> No.17340502

Anon, if 0.999 repeating isnt the same as 1, then there should be a number in between those numbers. Can you give me that number?

>> No.17340515

yeah just add another 9

>> No.17341881
File: 20 KB, 221x500, B9BF89E6-E3AF-49D1-B2A6-5A9357EEAE06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must there be a number between them for them to be different? 1 is sequentially next after 0.9repeat, there is no number between them, but that doesn't mean they're the same thing.

>> No.17342083

Wait until you learn about all the things that humanists, Protestant and revolutionaries lies about.

>> No.17342360

(0.999 repeating + a little bit)

>> No.17342399


>> No.17342507

this wasn't in there last time i read the page. piece of shit website.

>> No.17342880


>> No.17343160

>Twinkieshave ashelf

>> No.17343191

Twinks shave aselves (it's like themselves but for agender people instead of thembies).

>> No.17343209
File: 149 KB, 574x512, jigglin stops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come again?

>> No.17343307

One of my favorites, a List of unusual deaths:

>> No.17344054


wtf was going on in San Francisco in the late 19th century

>> No.17345772

Damn, based Orthodoxs don't have any stain on their reputation.

>> No.17345787

You have to read it, it's hilarious and concerning

>> No.17346039

How is it ALWAYS a jew?!?!?

>> No.17346792

Here's a proof.

x = 0.999...
10x = 9.999...
10x - x = (9.999...) - x
9x = (9.999...) - (0.999...)
9x / 9 = ((9.999...) - (0.999...)) / 9
x = 9/9
x = 1

>> No.17346932

made me lol like a fucking retard

>> No.17346974

it could stand for monarchy but it could equally stand for the class system

>> No.17347273

stop noticing things

>> No.17347281

What is "..."?

>> No.17347298

Repeating decimal

>> No.17347317

her most recent video is her digging up her dead cat and cooking it on her stove top

>> No.17347463

follow her IG. she's wildin and hilarious with a political instinct that is correct more often than not.

>> No.17347756

Based leibowitz poster.

>> No.17347834


>> No.17347850

Holy kek.

>> No.17347885

It already exists in Minecraft.

>> No.17347918

>no mention of his jewish ancestry