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/lit/ - Literature

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17307810 No.17307810 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest book ever written.

>> No.17307820

That would be the Illiad.

>> No.17307829

It is honestly incredible

>> No.17307830

This is not the Bible, anon.

>> No.17307848

Lmao saint agostine, a useless dead man, who when alive wasted his years with writings on a mythical creature . . what an idiot. And now he’s been dead for how long? His body quickly dissolved into putrid matter and for what? Lmao he didnt even enjoy his life

>> No.17307869

>4 posters
you are either the OP, the Iliad poster, or the Bible poster. OP and Bible seems unlikely, but why would Iliadposter get so angry all of a sudden. Are you OP setting up bait?

>> No.17307872

The Bible doesn't count. It's obviously the greatest book ever written. Next to the bible, The Confessions is the greatest book
>he didn't even enjoy his life
Hateful little gremlin doomed to masturbate forever in Plato's cave. I truly pity you.

>> No.17307878

This doesn't look like Paradise Lost.

>> No.17307879
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he is immortalized on the soul of humanity, and you are a digitized wisp being propelled into the void.

>> No.17307888

The poster you're replying to is obviously living in sin and plagued by guilt as a result. As a consequence said poster makes hateful bigoted comments into the aether saying nothing of value, merely to feed the miserable demons which live in his heart with intellectually lazy vitriol.

>> No.17307889

One of the most overrated poems in English literature. Milton was too in love with his own erudition to write anything with true feeling, the whole poem reads like a flex on the plebs and leaves me cold. Too learned, too Latinate. The Confessions came straight from the heart.

>> No.17307892

Yeah but he didn't add to the poster count, and I was one of the posts, so he has to be OP, Iliadposter, or Bibleposter. I am quite afraid anon

>> No.17307895

Nah i’m a new poster but it’s interesting that there was samefagging in this thread. Judging by the shit literature thAt was mentioned, i’m not surprised

Wow plato’s cave.. youre so smart and edgy anon. Did the middle school books you recently read free you from the chains? Thanks for the pity

>> No.17307904

Only the willfully ignorant will dismiss the Bible and religious literature as sky daddy worship or something to "dab on the mentally ill christcucks." You won't have a good understanding of time and ethics as understood in the west that way

>> No.17307910

>youre so smart
>Did the middle school books you recently read free you from the chains?
>Thanks for the pity
You're welcome.

>> No.17307912


>> No.17307913

Doesn't look like the Quran.

>> No.17307916


>> No.17307921
File: 231 KB, 1080x1080, 1472665362250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17307923

Im having a panic attack over here

>> No.17307929

Wow thanks anon I’ve never heard this before. You just blew my mind
Get to reading the Scriptures then. I’m sure this very original idea you had will give you a good understanding of whatever it is you think is important to understand! As a bonus, you will be able to reference unknown Bible passages which will impress everyone! but make sure to take notes

>> No.17307939
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1596957791097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smug ironic tone of your post just makes me think you're bitter and in pain, anon. If you weren't so arrogant and tried reading the Bible and not dismissing it out of hand, you might just actually feel better, you know.

>> No.17307945

it's very gay

>> No.17307954

Isn't it Mahabharata?

>> No.17307957

epic savage moment

>> No.17307984


>> No.17308633


Pretty silly to judge an epic, Renaissance-type work by anachronistic Romantic values like "feeling".

You don't think Milton wrote with feeling when you read the Book that depicts the Fall? It was the most nerve wracking experience I've ever had with literature, even though I knew the Fall was inevitable. It's like watching a Greek tragedy, you see it coming but you hold out for its prevention up to the end.

>> No.17308767

what translation did you read

>> No.17308775

based based BASED!