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File: 23 KB, 353x500, nietzsche_2113785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17302394 No.17302394 [Reply] [Original]

Nietzsche is just the final temptation to cope, isn't he? Cioran was right about him. Just a was a manic-depressive copelord that does not belong in the nihilist canon at all. He's a pseudonihilist. A faker, designed to throw the truth-seeker off-course and into the cursed weeds of "action" and "creation of meaning."
Absolutely pathetic.
Humanity is so weak. Even the best of you are cowards. An esoteric security blanket is what you seek, not truth. Never truth. Truth would crush you.

>> No.17302406

Guess how I know you’re a pseud

>> No.17302420

The truth is that we need to overcome nature and create artificial bodies and brains with none of the flaws of nature. Only with an artificial, superior brain will we achieve the ubersmench

>> No.17302441

Nietzsche never claimed or wanted to be a nihilist, he hated you all

>> No.17302462

>Everything is subjective bro there's no purpose in doing anything

Cioran got eternally BTFO by Sloterdijk and its amuzing to fathom how people still take him seriously lmao

>> No.17302474

>He's a pseudonihilist
He's not a nihilist at all you fucking retard

>> No.17302480
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>nihilist canon

>> No.17302490

he is the anti-cope. he is not a nihilist. you are a pseud, and a faggot too.

>> No.17302507

yea much better to be a cioran reading boo boo ga ga baby boy and piddle in your poop all day because life is hard and thats the darn truth of it!!!

>> No.17302511
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>Humanity is so weak. Even the best of you are cowards. An esoteric security blanket is what you seek, not truth. Never truth. Truth would crush you.

>> No.17302522


Nietzsche has never, ever, never, I repeat, never been associated with Nihilism by anyone who has read Nietzsche. He is far from that and might as well be considered uplifting and anti-nihilistic. Cioran didn't call him one either

>> No.17302528

Are you fucking retarded or just a faggot? Nobody over the age of 16 believes Nietzche is a nihilist and anyone who claims he is instantly outs themselves as both a pseudo and fucking dickhead loser. I bet you're the most miserable cunt to be around, you've probably pushed away anyone who showed any amount of love towards you because deep down you know you're a fucking idiot whose going to die alone and unfulfilled

>> No.17302532

holy cringe

>> No.17302542

The fact that he didnt call himself a nihilist doesnt change the fact that that's what his philosophy is.

>> No.17302545
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>Humanity is so weak.

>> No.17302550

When he says that he philosophizes with a hammer, what exactly do you think he means, if not that he smashes various idols of meaning? Yes, he is a nihilist, just because you have bad associations with that term does not change the facts.

>> No.17302556
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>When he says that he philosophizes with a hammer, what exactly do you think he means, if not that he smashes various idols of meaning? Yes, he is a nihilist

>> No.17302559


>> No.17302572

95% of discussions about Nietzsche on /lit/ are trolls saying that he was a nihillists and newfags replying how he wast in fact a nihilist

>> No.17302581
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>> No.17302586

Yeah, everyone who pwns you is trolling.

>> No.17302704

>thinking nietzsche was a nihilist
epic fail, broski

>> No.17302967

Stirner was nihilist. Nietzsche was not. Thus Spoke Zarathustra literally builds his critique against nihilistic "Last Man" he worried about that Stirner fulfilled with his "Unique One." Nietzschean Overman is the answer to nihilism.

>> No.17302978

>the nihilist canon
tell me, who do you think belongs in here?

>> No.17302988

Cioran was such a whiner. I read A Short History of Decay and it was literally nothing but teen angst whining. Fuck, at least Schopenhauer built a coherent system behind his pessimism

>> No.17302989

zoomers are cringe

>> No.17303000

>Doesn’t realize our brain is the sort of our suffering

>> No.17303019

change the facts? holy retard. he was smashing values that he saw as empty, in an attempt to create meaningful values. how old are you? i’ve read half a Nietzsche book and I know more than you on the subject, lol.

>> No.17303097

Its pretty wild to call Nietzsche a nihilist

>> No.17303147

at least do this with Krishnamurti or something

>> No.17303216
File: 436 KB, 1396x1667, Emil-cioran-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The truth is that we need to overcome nature
>Nietzsche never claimed or wanted to be a nihilist, he hated you all
>Cioran got eternally BTFO
>he is the anti-cope. he is not a nihilist.
>be a cioran reading boo boo ga ga baby boy
>I read A Short History of Decay and it was literally nothing but teen angst whining
>an attempt to create meaningful values

honestly embarrassing to see you nietzschean copelords coming out of the woodwork to protect your illusions of meaning. if I was still capable of hope I would be disappointed. instead my disgust just continues to pile. you are all pathetic. you are coping while denying your cope. Nietzsche, as I stated, is cope in disguise as truth-seeking. will you charge your mind one day? it won't matter. you'll pervert even the clean nihilism of cioran. you'll twist it into some bastardized hope or meaning, yourself being incapable of carrying yourself in the bleak light of true. reality is the abyss you fear. your defensive reception says more than our words ever could. nihilism is your great mortal fear, literally. at you have the sense to know when you are defeated, even if it is subconscious kneejerk rejections of the reality of the threat of really realizing reality

>> No.17303283

Why would anyone care about truth? All you nihilist fags think you are somehow superior because you are miserable. >>17303216
If you had read only the first paragraphs of Beyond Good and Evil than you would know that Nietzsche doesn't give a damn about the truth. For truth is not superior to falsity but complements it. So why the fuck should I care about your bleak outlook if it only was capable of producing an incel of your quality!
If you call it cope than I respond: Yes! and carry on with my day.

>> No.17303315

>If you had read only the first paragraphs of Beyond Good and Evil than you would know that Nietzsche doesn't give a damn about the truth
actually I've only finished the preface so far but yes that was mentioned. and thats a problem to me. hes like a religion or leaderless cult. nothing of substance

>> No.17303425

Nietzsche literally hated nihilism, and thought willpower could give individuals the ability be creative and invent new forms of life and ideals to overcome what he thought as the degeneration of German values (the guy was German Nationalist who voted consistently for ultra-nationalist, conservative parties). Nihilism, to Nietzsche, would be the passive and unambitious. Those with who strove conformable, hedonist life style.

>> No.17303480

>i’ve read half a Nietzsche book
I've read all of them, which is why I know more than you do. Keep it up sport, you'll get there.

>> No.17303498

>Nietzsche literally hated nihilism
Because he knew it was correct. That's why he struggled so much to find a way around it. He practically drove himself crazy thinking about the meaningless eternal recurrence. He used 'joy' as a cope for a few years and then fully went mad. You guys who think he wasn't a nihilist are just basing your opinions on a quarter understanding of a couple books he wrote.

>> No.17303524

are there parts where he reveals his fear of nihilism being correct? I believe he was manic-depressive, and while it is not accepted by all of academia it does have supporters. I think he was mentally ill and believed nihilism could be overcome only when in states of mania. it would also explain his slide into insanity

>> No.17303534


>> No.17303549

that's what nihilists do, no reason for me

>> No.17303571

Great argument from nihilistards

>> No.17303574

the anti-nihilists are the only people on this board I see get this angry, over and over again. it's like a /pol/tard's reaction to basic political realism. to me the reaction indicates that nihilism is correct in some way, if it was really easy to refute they simply wouldn't react as if their lives are being threatened by it. they're scared. it's like sacrelige to them to even suggest it. they want to kill the idea and the people who believe it

>> No.17303583
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 1605533953575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go easy on them, suicide is the only option they know.

>> No.17303602

>the anti-nihilists are the only people on this board I see get this angry
1) Lurk more
2) If someone came to your house and started shitting all over the place, you'd be angry too; what you're currently doing is arguing that "shitting all over the place is correct in some way". Nah nigga you're just being a retarded baby

>> No.17303619

You don't have any idea what you're talking about. He knew nihilism was correct... when he defined nihilism as a symptom of a sick / weak will? How does that make sense?

>> No.17303632
File: 98 KB, 400x500, french.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody who can comprehend nihilism and accept it is at risk of suicide. the actual nihilist had the strength to continue on without cope, as an observer of the meaningless reality we exist in. there is no need for any action, including suicide.

the men who kill themselves are the ones desperate for meaning, and without the constitution to survive an encounter with the truth

>> No.17303640

talk about cope

>> No.17303645

no, I have entered your castle of shit, and called it as such. you cannot bare it

>> No.17303648

>an observer of the meaningless reality we exist in. there is no need for any action
And you call this life? Do you even hear how this sounds?
Suicide comes not from search from meaning, but as an end to whatever type of pathetic existence you described.
Whatever floats your boat, though.

>> No.17303706
File: 60 KB, 750x960, 2213e869f4e44337336fdb8d3486386f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw anti-nihilists think nihilism overrides biological drives
they're still not understanding. this frustrates me, but in the end...

>> No.17303714

You've entered the castle of shit, while smelling of piss yourself.

>> No.17303718

What's the truth?

>> No.17303756

Everything by Nietzsche is a cope

>> No.17303764
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>they're beginning to understand...
all.. ist sheiss

>> No.17303767

for his underlying nihilism

>> No.17303769

What you will.

>> No.17303782

Had we been so strong and not cope lords, how would we go about our lives then, tough guy?

>> No.17303785

>only living for the biological drives
you just convinced everyone, including yourself, that you are no better than an animal
good job

>> No.17303892

No one is "better than an animal." You are an animal, and everything you do is animalistic by extension.

>> No.17303901

>An esoteric security blanket is what you seek, not truth. Never truth. Truth would crush you.
Yes, and?

>> No.17303903
File: 58 KB, 479x640, 7c50c974e33511479c5081b4bbf76a1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment an animal breaks down, it begins resembling a man. Just look at a rabid dog or an abulic one: as if it was awaiting its novelist or its poet.

>> No.17303926

>dude nothing means anything
>I think some things mean something because of reasons
>nah you just think that because lack of meaning is too scary and your reasons are fake

defeatists are terrified of meaning because they might have to stop accepting defeat

>> No.17303984

>copelord that does not belong in the nihilist canon at all. He's a pseudonihilist.
Are you a retard? Nietzsche was an anti-nihilist. His entire project was to discover a means that could eradicate nihilism—the dangerous ennui that follows from the death of God (which had originally given meaning to the lives of men).

>> No.17304002
File: 50 KB, 600x599, ssrco,classic_tee,mens,101010:01c5ca27c6,front_alt,square_product,600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how would we go about our lives then, tough guy?
first you grow some balls. then you keep calm and carry on

>defeatists are terrified of meaning because they might have to stop accepting defeat
Nihilism is not defeatism. It is the inevitable conclusion of winners and losers all, so long as they are honest.
inversely, those clinging to"meaning" usually find it in things that are conveniently available to them. their strength, their wealth, their religion, their appearance, their nation, their race, their ready. all lies

>> No.17304101

It is out of fear of suffering that we struggle so to abolish reality. Our efforts crowned with success, such abolition reveals itself as a source of sufferings.

>> No.17304138

>all the mad psueds in this thread coping that nietzsche wasnt a nihilist because he said he wasnt even though the natural conclusion of his philosophy is nihilism.

>> No.17304149

>His entire project was to discover a means that could eradicate nihilism

which he failed to do, he is a nihilist because he accepts that nihilism has basically won, and is doing a last ditch effort to see if he can find any way around it, his attempt is pretty pathetic to say the least which leaves only one conclusion.

>> No.17304155

Why yes, the man who called for aristocracy, a German nationalist, and was politically active during his life time was definitely a nihilist

>> No.17304159

the real nihilist believe that he believe in nothing.
someone who really dont believe in nothing is in a state of confusion and despair.
nihilism as a concept is a cope in itself. if you dont believe in nothing you dont start with words and thoughts.
look at yourself
>the truth

>> No.17304161

The natural conclusion of his philosophy is the overman, though.

>> No.17304166

So just kill yourself instead of trying to create meaning for yourself by getting recognition for your preferred aesthetic perception of reality. You’re ultimately a nietzschean when you get down to it.

>> No.17304210

>which he failed to do
You know he was the one who wrote, "Some are born posthumously," right? I don't understand how you think he "failed." His writings exist and other people continue to read them. He's not gone yet.

>> No.17304260

>Are you a retard? Nietzsche was an anti-nihilist.
Came to say this.

>which he failed to do
And therefore he is in the nihilist canon? I don´t follow you.

>> No.17304784
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>> No.17304816

cute pep yet otherwise worthless post

>> No.17304987

>german nationalist
friend what?

>> No.17305103

Its just Nietzsche's sister shitposting from the grave

>> No.17305111


>> No.17306123


>> No.17306147

Truly op is the cringest of cringe

>> No.17306177

Nearly every bad part of the Nietzsche canon can be attributed to the woman who did the academic equivalent of scribbling on walls with markers to his work
Not to mention Nietzsche never claimed to be a nihilist, it really was just the closest existing term people could clamp onto him (most people seeing 'god is dead' and not realizing to declare god dead is to not believe in him, and for someone to be believed in or not requires them to exist (if i said I didn't believe in you when you asked for well wishes before a triathlon, you wouldn't stop fucking existing) in the first place).
Point being, you're right but dumb as a bag of rocks

>> No.17306465

Nothing makes Nietzscheans more angry than attacking their Savior. They're the new Christians, and their messiah's not even interesting.

>> No.17306546

>that t-shirt
my sides ahhhh

>> No.17306566
