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17301808 No.17301808 [Reply] [Original]

>Extract from a modernized translation of a Middle English account of a ghost sighting "The Ghost of Guy", in which the ghost residing in Purgatory is explaining to the Prior that prayers from humans on Earth can alleviate the pain and reduce the time of penance of the souls in Purgatory and informing the Prior about the sins which defy God the most:

>Prior: 'Tell me this, then,' said the prior. 'Which of the world's sins are the most prevalent today?'
>Ghost: 'Ambition, taking pleasure in sex, charging interest on money loaned and hankering after wealth. These are the four. These, along with all the other things that grow from them, are the sins that disgust God and His angels the most. And there are three sins particularly that God will punish severely: one is if a man and a woman live together as though they are married when they are not, or if someone leaves their spouse to live with someone else; this is a great sin before God. Another sin I cannot even bring myself to speak of, but churchmen will know what I refer to! The third sin is murder and denial, which is just as hateful.'
Which sin was the second one, /lit/?

>> No.17301860


>> No.17301882
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am I a heretic for having a hardcover pic related on my bookshelf?

>> No.17301920

recite the chucks 500 times and you will be absolved of sin.

>> No.17301974


>> No.17302068

do you know the answer OP? or is it just a projection question kinda deal?

>> No.17303324

>Which sin was the second one
Buggery, probably.

Look up The Book of Gomorrah by St. Peter Damian, a condemnation "of clerical pederasty and homosexual practices" written in the 11th century.

>Upon a first reading of the Book of Gomorrah I think the average Catholic would find himself in a state of shock at the severity of Damian's condemnation of clerical sodomical practices as well as the severe penalties that he asks Pope Leo IX to attach to such practices.

>> No.17304608

>Part of this reaction, as J. Wilhelm asserts with regard to modern Catholics' adverse reaction to the severity of medieval penalties (including capital punishment for heresy), can be attributed to the fact that we live in an age that has "less regard for the purity of the faith".
>Not wanting to exterminate people means you lack faith
the absolute state of religious boomers, using the word of God as a pretext to harm others

>> No.17304704

Why are christcucks so weird about sex...

>> No.17304783

Nvm, I just looked up the author of that article and found out it was a batshit insane boomer catholic who wants to crucify homosexuals at sight. May God shield us from the likes of her.
It's a complex question, but sex outside marriage is a sin according to the Bible, and like all sins it can be washed away by confession and remittance of sins. In history there have been different views held by Christians about sex, saint Anselm of Canterbury for instance opted for counseling rather than punishment.

>> No.17304815

>taking pleasure in sex
How do you orgasm from sex you don't like?

>> No.17304824

it was written most likely by a monk so...

>> No.17304836

Christians use a milking device while the male is asleep and inseminate the female as you would a cow.

>> No.17305239

>Take, for example, the spiritual and physical penalties declared by the 4th Century architect of Eastern monasticism, St. Basil of Cesarea (322-379AD), for the cleric or monk caught making sexual advances (kissing) or sexually molesting young boys or men. The convicted offender was to be whipped in public, deprived of his tonsure (head shaven), bound in chains and imprisoned for six months, after which he was to be contained in a separate cell and ordered to undergo severe penances and prayer vigils to expedite his sins under the watchful eye of an elder spiritual brother. His diet was that of water and barley bread - the fodder of animals. Outside his cell, while engaged in manual labor and moving about the monastery, the pederast monk was to be always monitored by two fellow monks to insure that he never again had any contact with young men or boys.
>One wonders how many homosexuals and pederasts would be lining up at Bernard Cardinal Law's or any other American prelates, seminary door if they knew that such a harsh fate awaited them if they were found guilty of even attempting much less carrying out the sexual seduction and molestation of minor boys and young men?

The Catholic Church could have avoided much scandal, not to mention many expensive lawsuits, if it had followed such protocols.

>> No.17305328

>The Catholic Church could have avoided much scandal, not to mention many expensive lawsuits
Or it could have sunk even further into oblivion by proving people once more that it failed to follow Jesus' message of forgiveness and salvation.