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17296638 No.17296638 [Reply] [Original]

And christcucks have been coping ever since

>> No.17296644

What is evil?

>> No.17296657

The Book of Genesis btfo’s that argument.

>> No.17296663
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And they never recovered

>> No.17296665

Yes, our God is evil and we're dumb believing it. You're right. Now leave us the fuck alone, aint nobody trying to convince you.

>> No.17296672

Then why do christcucks pop up in so many threads and try and convert people?

>> No.17296680

i've never understood this moral qualification for god. god is not good or evil anymore than a gust of wind is

>> No.17296682

Who said god should be kind to us? What did we do to deserve kindness? You worship your master, whether they are kind to you or not

>> No.17296711

What is evil?

>> No.17296724

Aquinas solved this 1000 years ago idiot. What is morally right is good because it is God. God is goodness itself.

>> No.17296769

Big yawn to that one.

Christianity is AT ITS CORE literally the answer to this problem.

>> No.17296778

The trannys choice of argument. Aka the middle school tier rhetoric

>> No.17296788

Christian eschatology is structured around the problem of evil. Man is saved, the world is redeemed, and good overcomes evil. That's God's plan, that's God's goodness, and that's God's power. Furthermore, Christians have consistently framed evil as a problem of time; it is God's will that it lasts only a season, so to speak, before it is redeemed - and that's the key to the problem of evil. Redemption. Van Balthasar touches on this in A Theology of History, if you're interested. He frames time itself in salvific terms, and you'll find, if you read earlier Christian theologians, that this strain of thought has been present from the beginning of the religion.

>> No.17296789


>> No.17296798

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17296799

Why you're ignoring animals?

>> No.17296809

You will never be a Christian.

>> No.17296820

You should be dilating right now.

>> No.17296831

>the world is redeemed
That includes animals.

>> No.17296836

Good and evil are relative.

>> No.17296849
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Silence gives sweetness to the sounds of a choir. Can't have good without evil. And greater evil serve greater goods. This is literally theology 101 Come on man.

>> No.17296850
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You don't need anything else to realize that the Christian god is a huge joke. The "what is evil" rebuttal is such a shitty argument because even by the loosest of definitions the core argument holds. Literally kicking the can down the road until you can solve all of moral philosophy before even addressing that if god exists he is a huge dick. Grow up faggot.

>> No.17296853

I should probably add that Christians generally believe that evil is metaphysical. The natural world is as cruel and full of suffering as it is because of evil, but there will come a time when it is not.

>> No.17296861

You really should read more.
All of this is reddit-tier.

>> No.17296864
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And then there was peace

>> No.17296880

You should be praying right now.

>> No.17296894

Is your dilation hurting your manpussy again today?

Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.17296898

You really should learn to think.
This isn't an argument.

>> No.17296915

Is your Christianity hurting your demon again today?

Sad! Many such cases!

>> No.17296918

If you cant see how this is an argument you should read more.

>> No.17296926

This is the type of shit that propagates the stereotype of us atheists as drooling morons. Drop it and read a book OP.

>> No.17296934

but -- i have a better moral system than the smartest being in existence

>> No.17296935
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>> No.17296946

Isn't drooling moron and atheist tautological?

>> No.17296950
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And finally god was dead

>> No.17296969
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It doesn't matter. Religious people are low IQ niggers by default, they lose any argument just by being religious.

>> No.17296970

I'm curious, as an atheist why would you say this is a bad take?
Because categorizing something isn't persuasion, only smooth brains would be convinced of something because some anonymous guy on the internet called it cringe

>> No.17296986

Nietzsche is such a smoothbrain, disgusting.

>> No.17297014

>I'm curious, as an atheist why would you say this is a bad take?
Atheist are per definitionem tautoligically and analitically smoothbrains.

You will realise that once you have read the next 10.000 pages.

>> No.17297058
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Horseshoe theory, you start off atheist, then you hit 10000 pages then become Christian, then you hit 1,000,000 pages and become atheist again. Better start reading anon, I feel sorry for low IQ niggers like your self that can't read at my pace.

>> No.17297111
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And then you synthesize the two in Hegel

>> No.17297122

No matter how much you read I have already read two time the amount.

Checkmate atheist.

>> No.17297138
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>> No.17297189
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>> No.17297688

This, the quote assumes mortals know better than god what evil/good is. Its basically a huge strawman.

>> No.17297724

Jokes on you, I don't read! That's why I'm on /lit/

>> No.17297775
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You have to get over your fagborne idea that God is kind and gentle. We're talking about the being who invented rape and murder, and starving to death, and being blinded. It's like any writer who writes a book, ever read a book by some fag who intended only to write about pleasant things? Outside of children's books I mean. No? Well then just accept that God is cruel and move on.

>> No.17297875
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>be weak, hairless monkey
>get kicked out of tree home by stronger monkeys
>start noticing patterns in the world and develop more sophisticated means of communicating with fellow hairless monkeys
>fuck yeah, now me and my buddies can hunt and gather like no creature ever has before, let's just focus on this

>bunch of fuckin years later
>hunter gatherer brain parts got bigger and stronger
>now a bunch of monkeys got the stupid fucking idea that their hunter gatherer brain parts are, in fact, so fucking big and strong that whatever created the whole fucking universe should be as simple and easy to understand as hunting and gathering
>they think they can understand everything and if it doesn't make sense to them it must just not be objectively possible

Yeah fucking YHWH or whoever the fuck is floating around up there is gonna look at your r/atheism wordplay .jpg and go "Ah fuck, ya got me, I fucking suck" and vanish or turn into Carl Sagan or some shit. The whole of existence is just a bunch of meaningless dead matter flying around for no reason and we should all just consoom and masturbate until we rot because life is pointless unless god is anthropomorphic, simple, and on our fucking side when we don't know dick about shit. We can't even figure out how to not have our societies constantly collapse but the 14 year old moderator for the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE facebook page that started this thread has it all figured out.

>> No.17297890

Lmao, atheists are so gay

>> No.17297918

>Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
we don't know
>Then he is not omnipotent
no, we don't know
>is he able, but not willing?
we don't know
>then he is malevolent
this is just seething
>is he both able and willing?
>Then whence cometh evil?
>is he neither able nor willing?
... we don't know
>Then why call him God
Because God is the cause of this world, its creator. Do you even know what God means?

>> No.17297992

Christians deny evolution and think that the earth is six thousand years old.

>> No.17298066

>implying the earth was once ruled over by giant lizard monsters
Ok dummy

>> No.17299181
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>Christians deny evolution and think that the earth is six thousand years old.
Atheists think the smoky smoky from the car's butt has more of an effect on the earth's temperature than the SUN ITSELF.
Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about atheist big brain ideas.

>> No.17299251

>Then he is malevolent
read the quote, dumbass.

>> No.17299258


I know you're trolling but it is still really dumb and uncreative.

>> No.17299259

The point is that it has to be one of the options, so "we don't know" is a horrible argument.

>> No.17299287

epicurus didn't read the book of job

>> No.17299412

>excluding the Gulf States, Brunei, etc

>> No.17299664

He was quite literally mentally ill

>> No.17300279

no, my point is that we literally don't and can't know today or then. Waste of time arguing.

>> No.17300304

I'm reading Philokalia, which is basically writings by Orthodox monks for Orthodox monks. So far, rejecting the world is a major theme. So is anger and hating your enemies, which surprised me, the enemies being demons, sin, and sinners. I think Niecheesy might be onto something.

>> No.17300557

Abraham, baby torture rituals (get circumcised without anesthesia if you don't think its torture)... things like that are evil.

>> No.17300564

Problem here is that nothing exists without God. Matter is intent.

>> No.17300577

Baby don't hurt me

>> No.17300613

>Niecheesy might be onto something.
That being his daddy issues.

>> No.17300636
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Thanks for posting this. The amount of cope and seething autists here is a delight.

>> No.17300769

So these, by your understanding, are examples of evil. They posses the quality of evil. What is evil, though? What is it that makes something evil?

>> No.17301459

Atheists believe that their grandfather is an amoeba lmao

>> No.17301584

>is he able, but not willing?
then he is malevolent.

Does not follow. Explain how it does. You can't.

>> No.17301883

Nigga these places are IQ wastelands save for select minorities (like the Chinese in Brunei) and (mostly Western) expats

>> No.17301923
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replace evil with schizo

>> No.17301961
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>Is God willing to wipe my ass, but not able?
>Then he is not omnipotent.
>Is he able, but not willing?
>Then he is malevolent.
>Is he both able and willing?
>Then why is my ass still poopy?
>Is he neither able nor willing?
>Then who's going to wipe my ass?

>> No.17301968

This argument is so irrefutable that religious cucks have to deny the existence of evil to cope with it. But if evil doesn't exist, how can you then invoke some so-called God as a supreme moral authority?

>> No.17302098

A Greek like Epicurus would have no conception of the Christian God, to him God would have been the natural order we are all part of. Questions of God being willing or able are then meaningless, the world is, as it is, its as simple as that.

>> No.17302163

Reality itself is limited by our own bodies. Shrimp can see colors that are probably beyond imagination.

It's not only absurd, but also retarded to believe that we will ever comprehend the universe in it's interity, much less, that our own perceptions of it, are the ultimate and only one available.

Gods may be a human contructiob, but perhaps, it's beyond our understanding to truly understand what "god" is.

>> No.17302276

>It's not only absurd, but also retarded to believe that we will ever comprehend the universe in it's interity
It's also retarded to claim your God is the real one and tell people how to live their lives based on your fanfiction and kill people over your specific brand of God™
Us not "knowing anything" is not an excuse for religion

>> No.17302317

The only ones who suffer these afflictions are those who have ignored with voice of the creator.

>> No.17302337

>We're talking about the being who invented rape and murder, and starving to death, and being blinded.
You know all that stuff is our fault right?

>> No.17302418

I've read over a dozen of these threads on a problem of evil, and so far one of the main problems of both sides is lack of a consistency between axioms (low level) and ethical implications (high level).
Mainly it manifests in conflation of terms as they appear in axioms and ethical implications, even though their meanings are quite different. For example, GOOD in God's omnibenevolence (axiom) is obviously independent from human GOOD. Despite this some atheists judge God by human morals and some xtians use extended mental gymnastics to call everything good. The same may be applied to conflation of deistic Godhead and biblical God.
The second problem is that theists use unknowability of God and good as a pro-christian argument, even though it tangentially invalidates their ethics as being only human, while truth remains transcendental.
And the third problem is that there is no 100% reason to assume that God (YHWH for that matter) possesses omnibenevolence, omniscience and omnipotence, there are no explicit verses, only interpretations. Abstinence from dogmatic overinflation of God's power may absolve us from paradoxes and textual inconsistencies, so the meme of a biblical God being OOO God is just a slow bomb creating more and more fedora atheists and christian schizos each time the problem of evil rises up.

>> No.17302427

>being worked by christianity so much you can't understand the greeks without using christianity
Am I on reddit?

>> No.17302534

There is only one absolutely true, although trivial and inadequate, solution to a problem of 3O God. It is to assume that what God deems good is completely independent from human notions of goodness, be they christian, islamic, judaistic, atheistic, etc; everything that happens is for a greater (God's) good, that isn't completely knowable by humans; and that there is no rules of divine reward (Job being example). There is no guarantee that you will go to heaven, to hell, will be blessed or punished in accordance to you deeds in this framework, so its quite tautological and lacking in implications, except negative ones.

>> No.17302643


>> No.17302918

Evil is subjective, it doesn't actually exist.

>> No.17302941


God is omnipotent, asking if the 'could or could not' do something is incoherent. Evil is deviation from the will of God.

'From whence come evil'... from man.
From choice.

>> No.17302947

>let me just assume concepts that only make sense if god exists in order to use them to argue against gods existence

brainlet epicurus

>> No.17304036
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It's called reductio ad absurdum.
If God's omnipotent and has a will, why would there be deviations from God's will? If it is also the will of god for these "deviations" to exist, then they're not deviations from his will to start. That's basic logic

>> No.17304244

thing bad = evil
simple as