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17287757 No.17287757[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Physics so fucking retarded?

>> No.17287910


>> No.17287917

KEK Physics is the "higher math," anon. Just accept it.

>> No.17288009

Modern theoretical physics it's the case. It focuses too much on just theory, to the point where that theory can no longer be proved. Think about disconnected parallel universes. How can you prove the existence of a disconnected universe from the one we live in?

>> No.17288053

This is what happens when physicists stop reading philosophy. All the greats of the early 20th century, like Niels Bohr, were much more conversant with philosophy than today's physicists, who think science has replaced philosophy.

>> No.17288089

To think that in the 19 century philosophers mocked physicists for their ideas, now physicists mock philosophers.

>> No.17288216

Nobody takes theoretical physics seriously and most do theoretical mathematics as a hobby. Only the ifuckinglovescience! crowd jerks off over it.

>> No.17288374

Is this really what English majors think dark energy is?

>> No.17289912

Its exactly what it is. Triggered?

>> No.17289968

Niels Bohr is part of the first generation of mystics who might actually add a hypothetical "dark number" to their calculations.

>> No.17289987

wait what about those imaginary numbers they use to let u do square roots of negative numbers

>> No.17290006

A philosopher, a physicist, and an engineer are sitting at the bar. A beautiful woman comes in and sits at the other end. The philosopher huffs and says
>how I wish to speak to her, but to do so I would have to travel half the distance between us, then half of that, then half of that and never meet her.
The physicist goes
>I'm on it. I know there's an integral that gets you there, just give me a minute
The engineer takes a second look at her, sees her wave back and says
>I can get close enough for all practical purposes
And gets up and walks over

>> No.17290376

It is strange that you would characterize the acknowledged, quantified inconsistency between models and measurements as some kind of phony math.

>> No.17290411

If you're talking about the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics then we can test for interference with other branches of the wave function and if none can be find that is evidence against many worlds.

Many worlds is the opposite of OPs picture since many worlds is the quantum interpretation that does the least amount of assumptions.
It adds nothing to the Schrödinger equation and there is no vaguely defined wave function collapse.

>> No.17290417


>> No.17290421

>so fucking retarded
Is that a philosophy? Doesn't sound very scientific, anon.

>> No.17290429
File: 182 KB, 1561x1010, ErjqDN9WMAA-6G5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys that say "trust the science" struggle to explain things as simple as gravity.

>> No.17290432

How about you learn what the unit circle is and what e^(2*pi*i) equals.
Math simply needs to be logically consistent with the set of axioms used for it to be useful.
Complex numbers aren't much more than two dimensional numbers that can rotate. If you can't see uses for that then you're a real brainlet.

Do you know what logical consistency is?

>> No.17290443

Trust the science retards are people drinking onions latte with a bachelor degree in something worthless in the humanities and believe it's just a good as a bachelor in engineering since both are 3 year degrees and they don't have any grasp of statistics and barely knows the difference between a qualitative and quantitative study.

>> No.17290451

Statistics used to be rightly disregarded as a pseudoscience as they are notoriously irreplaceable and prone to bias. People who quoted stats over anecdotes would be considered morons.

>> No.17290458

>talking to a woman
Good one

>> No.17290483

oh so when i is applied to the vector it rotates to be positive or sth?

>> No.17290513

1+2+3+4+5... = -1/12


>> No.17290554

Tbf it's x = 3 and what x is is tangential in physics but in math it's the opposite

>> No.17290584
File: 41 KB, 128x199, 68592CB5-DBE0-42F8-8C98-0BE8A8B1A0C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A philosopher, a physicist, and an engineer are sitting at the bar. A beautiful woman comes in and sits at the other end. The philosopher huffs and says
>>how I wish to speak to her, but to do so I would have to travel half the distance between us, then half of that, then half of that and never meet her.
>The physicist goes
>>I'm on it. I know there's an integral that gets you there, just give me a minute
>The engineer takes a second look at her, sees her wave back and says
>>I can get close enough for all practical purposes
>And gets up and walks over

>> No.17290600

Considering the name of those numbers, that clearly isn't meant to describe something observed in reality.

>> No.17290623

well that other guy sort of explained it, not really, but gave a clue that they just convert the shit to not negative or whatever is needed to solve it, i guess it works because the square root is always the same shit so if you apply it to both it rotates them out, and then when they multiply it brings them back, heh, idk seems cool, but i don't really care enough to read wikipedia abt it

>> No.17290764

Wait, what's wrong with onions? Is onions really the new trendy food.

>> No.17290885

S-o-y is filtered and replaced with onions on 4chan.

>> No.17290897

You're 3 years late, newfags.

>> No.17290906

Basedboy mods are sneething, as per usual. Got it.