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/lit/ - Literature

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17288166 No.17288166 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever taken a break from life for a couple of years to read a bunch of shit?

>> No.17288175

This would be an "lmao what the fuck," story if he was continued to be payed during it. As one would think the word skip entails.

If not then it's only kind of funny.

>> No.17288183

my thoughts

>> No.17288188

Yeah, I've been NEET for several years to focus most of my attention on books. Truly the literary lifestyle.

>> No.17288192

Very much a power move IMO.

>> No.17288202

i took a week off work to play through all the castlevania games

>> No.17288203

How easy is it to join a monastery?

>> No.17288210
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>> No.17288232
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>contemporary economic organization isn't largely a sham propped up by unnecessary management positio-

>> No.17288261
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>> No.17288266

Yeah pretty much my whole life.

>> No.17288285

Spain has massive unemployment, i don't think it was by choice

>> No.17288289


>> No.17288319

Based, did you finish them all?

>> No.17288329

I got as far as SOTN

>> No.17288338

tfw you take a 6-year long siesta

>> No.17288340

>His absence was first noticed in 2010, when Garcia was due to receive a medal for long service
This is something straight out of an absurdist novel.

>> No.17288355

Lmao, if only he showed up for the medal it all would have been fine.

>> No.17288442

Suppose he would have never guessed they would give him a medal.

>> No.17288501

True, but it would only be smart to check your mail or whatever contact means they have for you if you're still technically working for them.

>> No.17288507

Absolutely based.

>> No.17288511

He just didn't care, he was busy studying Spinoza.

>> No.17288518

Spinozachads just keep winning

>> No.17288519

unbelievably based

>> No.17288521

Sounds like a honey pot award

>> No.17288522


>> No.17289722


>> No.17289738

based and DEUSpilled

>> No.17289847

yep, i'm thinking he is utterly based

>> No.17289866

Are the pre-SotN even worth playing?

>> No.17289886

I will be buying a boat to live on very soon. Should have a good decade worth of living expenses covered and no bills to pay. Going to spend my time hopping between ports and reading/writing, probably make a few big passages so i can just set the sails and focus on writing for weeks at a time. It will be a good life.

>> No.17289899
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Fucking incredible

>> No.17289916
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BASED Toddposter

>> No.17289919

That is true. He is a man of philosophy.

>> No.17289924

I enjoyed castlevania 1, super castlevania, and bloodlines all more than I did SOTN

>> No.17289938
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>> No.17289966

What boat are you buying?

>> No.17290028

Not sure yet, boat sales are primarily a spring thing in these parts, few months away. Was supposed to be last spring but no one sold their boats last year since everything was closed and they had nothing better to do than use their neglected boats. Overall it worked out well for me, i made massive corona pay and the market is much more open to me financialy speaking. There is a rather nice C&C 32' nearby which is tempting but it is marina prices, so about $7k more than it would go for as a private sale, but they have sold no boats in over a year thanks to corona so i might see if they will make a deal.

>> No.17290032
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the Up Boat

>> No.17290038

You did? Interesting. Will probably get them in the current Switch sale. Or I could emulate them but idk.

>> No.17290084

you should absolutely play super castlevania at the very least. one of the best SNES games for sure

>> No.17290101


>> No.17290715


>> No.17290778

>Studies Jew philosophy
>Uses Jewish tricks

>> No.17290788

What are the chances that you will be lost at sea, mein goy?

>> No.17290825


I saved up a bunch of money and moved to the city a few years ago. I didn't feel like looking for work so I lived off my savings for two years until they were nearly out. During that time I visited museums regularly, began reading again, did recreational math and started taking and keeping lots of notes on whatever took my interest. It was around this point that I started actively editing wikipedia, not primarily to benefit others, but to benefit my own retention of whatever information I cared to learn (and if it helped others, that's fine too). I've continued these patterns of activity through today.

>> No.17290829

what do you do for work?

>> No.17290948

The story gets better when you learn that he was a leftist who decided to do so after a few fights with his recently appointed rightist boss (at least that's what I remember from the Spanish newspapers)

>> No.17291077

Small (25' to 50') mono hull sail boats are actually some of the safest boats to be in out at sea, assuming they are designed for open water and kept ship shape. Unlike larger ships they can ride the waves, it may not give the most comfortable ride or the driest, but it is safe. Their being self righting is also a great help, even after a capsize they generally flip back up the right way. Even in this day of international shipping, most ocean crossings are by boats in this size range, by a long shot most likely. Biggest dangers for boats of this size is running a ground from being to close to land in a storm, they are at their safest in open water, just drop sail and ride out the storm. The dangers of boat life are less than that of a modern city or driving, as long as i do not venture into open water or out into storms before i am ready there is little risk. It is possible and there are random things which happen like striking flotsam which puts a hole in the hull or a whale deciding i look like a fun thing to ram, but those are less common than lightning. I accept the risks.

>> No.17291260

how do you finance that?

>> No.17291303

Living the dream. Be sure to fish out there and enjoy the stars

>> No.17291325

Fish will certainly be a staple of the diet, the bulk of the rest will be forage and root veggies which are oh so cheap and oh so tasty. I could happily live on onions, potatoes and carrots, throw in the odd rutabaga and a healthy supply of dried beans and I am in heaven. I will probably miss pork and chicken, but no huge loss and I will be able to have them from time to time but the lack of refrigeration means they will become luxury.

>> No.17291337
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You could learn a ton of philosophy in six fucking years and this man wasted it all on only one philosopher whose main work is a short book. Not based.

>> No.17291339

Spinoza (pbuh) and his works are worth more than every other philosophy book combined.

>> No.17291360

I would say Emerson. But that very well could just be my being an American and the ever growing ridiculousness of the two (2) parties. Transcendental individuality seems pretty much what we need at this time.

>> No.17291386

Jesus you people are so gay

>> No.17291406

(You) people need something other than the past. Stop leaching off our popular culture and get your own. It really does not need your help to make it suck.

>> No.17291421

They're massively overrated. If you want a better continental rationalist Leibniz is honestly better, but then you factor in Hume, Kant, or anything after Kant, as well as ancient philosophy, and Spinoza just feels really meh. I never got the Spinoza fandom. He's alright, but that's all. I have to assume people are obsessed with him because of the monism. What a stupid superficial reason.

>> No.17291428

Hume and Kant's disregard for the empirical is kind of depressing.

>> No.17291453


grocery store shift lead for almost five years, no higher ambitions in life and recent events have vindicated me staying put in my day job.

>> No.17291462

Is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.17291474

Peon is the way to go these days. Got a decade in swinging a mop and I am doing better than most of my friends with their college educations.

>> No.17291502


Sorry to hear you comparing yourself to your fellows.

>> No.17291550

It is not comparing, it is objective fact. It is possible that they could come out for the better in the long run and we have discussed such things, we have the sort of friendship that is not based on feeding delusions and ego. It could turn out in the long run that I am the one who made the mistake of dropping out, we have also discussed that. Only time will tell.

Do you have any real friendships? I mean ones that are truly based on honesty and not just hand jobs?

>> No.17291567

They should be giving him $30,000 more plus the medal.

>> No.17291597


>> No.17291626

Dangerous play

>> No.17291638

The most spanish thing ive ever seen, guy took siesta to a whole new level

>> No.17291649

Spinozism isn't Jew philosophy. He was literally excommunicated from his community and some angry Jew tried to kill him over it. That's how based it was.

>> No.17291682

Now that is a cope. We can all learn from this anon.

>> No.17291685
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>I started actively editing wikipedia

>> No.17292134

The based Joyce schizo professor story is my favorite. The NYT article about him was a great read.

>> No.17292149

He is not as nutty as they made him out to be. He put an insane amount of work into it and had it all get caught up in legal bullshit. He has a great deal of newer content floating about the web, he is an interesting fella, worth reading up on.

What the hell was his name?

>> No.17292255

patron saint of /lit/

>> No.17292266

He's still active online? What's his new content about

It was John Kidd. Here's the article but it's probably paywalled for you too:


>> No.17292274

He is working on some new massive project, I forget what it is. I think he might be in South America for it? He is not active online but there is a fair amount about him and some interviews. Really interesting fella and insanely smart, not at all schizo.

>> No.17292461

Yeah I was just being hyperbolic by calling him a schizo, 4chan has fried my brain. Now that I'm remembering the article, it seems like a lot of people held a grudge against him. But that was partly his fault for poking a beehive by mocking all the other Joyce scholars and never delivering his much-promised translation

>> No.17292491

He has a massive ego, which is not entirely undeserved, but it got him into trouble from time to time. Find some of the interviews with him regarding Joyce/FW, they are really interesting and he really knows his shit. He would probably be the leading Joyce scholar if he could have kept his mouth shut.

>> No.17292601

this neet samurai rise up

>> No.17292680

good luck the hidden cost of boat ownership are going to bite you in the ass

>> No.17292710

Yes, everyone but you is ignorant, you are the only one with any knowledge. If you read that anons other posts you would realize he is not exactly going into the endeavor blind.

>> No.17292723

that's interesting i didn't know they were so powerfully uprighting

>> No.17292751

yea i've taken a 7 year break from life to read this fucking board and a couple others

>> No.17292779

You casual sneed, they are the only good ones. Castlevania 3 is the best one.

>> No.17292883

Lol try 11

>> No.17293330

He wrote more than that one book anon. His complete work is like 1000 pages.

>> No.17293730
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dios mío como amo mi puto país.
Solo en España, basado.

>> No.17293846

They won't allow you to study Spinoza in a monestary.

>> No.17293855

Why didn't they just let it do, holy God how embarassing for the company.

>> No.17293872
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>pulling a costanza to read a Jewish philosopher

>> No.17293878

The “company” was the Spanish government lmfao what a beautiful country.

>> No.17293893

Beyond based

>> No.17293916

Now that I work from home I don't have to pretend to work. So I've been getting a lot of reading done. I can usally read for a cumulative 2 hours per day during my 8 'working' hours, not including my lunch break. Typically I read in 30 minute chunks, but I am forced to be pretty responsive to calls/emails.

>> No.17294034

This is the majority of people who wfh.

>> No.17294138


>> No.17294150

>it takes six years to truly study a philosopher
Fuck you guys asking me to study the entire canon in one lifetime. I'm skipping to the interesting ones.

>> No.17294195

This is not only a cheaper diet but a healthier one. Seems like you have already firgured out the essential anon, congrats.

>> No.17294205

>Should have a good decade worth of living expenses covered and no bills to pay.
Invest in dividend paying stock

>> No.17294229

>Do you have any real friendships? I mean ones that are truly based on honesty and not just hand jobs?
I resent the implication that good freindships cannot be baded on handjobs, I enjoy my own company very much.

>> No.17294241

Thats the last straw. No more euro gibs from northern countries you lazy medshits

>> No.17294946

I'm literally doing it right now.

>> No.17295046
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beyond based

>> No.17295066

Lol what a cuck

>> No.17295170
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>the essence that keeps giving

>> No.17296237

The 'hidden' costs are less than those of maintaining a house or paying rent and are only hidden if you know nothing about boats. Boats are only expensive if they are your hobby, if they are your home it is pretty cheap as long as you keep up on the maintenance just like a standard home. Sure I will have to buy or make sails from time to time and replace the standing rigging eventually, but those combined are less than a new roof on a house. My average monthly expenses might be $100 and I have $10K set aside for any big repairs needed down the line. Should have enough cash to last a decade at least and I plan on swinging Alaska way every so often to do a stint gutting fish or the like and haul out for heavy maintenance. Three month contract as a gutter will renew the savings and cover the expense of most any repair.

Most suited for open water will. They do have a dead spot at 180 degrees, but generally boats never get fully 180 degrees since the rigging provides a great deal of resistance and fights rolling like that. Sometime if you have a good amount of sail up and the sail gets pushed under you can get stuck on your side because the weight of the water in the sails is more than the weight of the keel, but also not common since unless you are racing or stupid you should never have that much sail up in conditions which can do that sort of thing.

Nah, just makes life complicated when you find yourself in need of major repairs in some backwater on the other side of the world. Money needs to be easily accessible if you live this sort of life, I will just spend a summer working every 5 to 10 years to keep the funds up.

>> No.17297522


>> No.17297579

Basado y rojopilled

>> No.17298131


>> No.17298193
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I've heard this occurs in japan too with "Window men" who are workers that have so much time and unionized contracts with the company it's more expensive to let them go than to keep em on with BS work.

>> No.17298321

santisima y sagradamente basado

>> No.17298436
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Agua...de Cadiz por favor

>> No.17298643
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Yeah...I'm thinking that's hype as fuck

>> No.17298790

how will wagies ever recover?