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17285979 No.17285979 [Reply] [Original]

"There is also kinship between the clown and the dictator, a system of mutual bonds. Where the ruler separates himself from the fool, even kills him, his grotesque traits penetrate him. The tyrant liquidates people and classes, the clown possibly an age. Where the anarchist attack reaches anonymous strata, it provokes a suicidal laughter. "Chaplin bakes with dynamite.""

>> No.17285987

Continuing from

>> No.17286784

>>17281160 (You)
>>A great opportunity for us
>What do you mean by this?
In short, that the nomos may be coming to an end. On the surface things do not look good, liberals seem to be fine with increased centralization of technical measures, to an insane degree. And most conservatives, while at first hoping for a major crash or restart of the system, seem to want a return to normalcy.
However, both are unlikely, probably impossible, and both sides will face hidden but severe consequences which will only deepen the sense that a tyranny of technical order can no longer go on.

This is written into the law of technology, as the human is leveled, so too is technology, to the point it no longer can be maintained. All efforts will even turn against technology, or at least turn it towards destructive measures alone where it becomes irrational and the technicians lose sight of its very purpose.
We see this in many of the ridiculous efforts, and the lowering of technology to the level of economics.

>> No.17286881

"After all, the timeless is not alien to us. We come from it and go to it: it accompanies us on the journey as the only luggage that cannot be lost. It casts its shadow on us when we suffer and gives us life when its light touches us.

I owe the word "Gestaltwandel" to Leopold Ziegler - as well as a conversation about the "Arbeiter" shortly after it appeared. We had it very close to the refuge above the Goldbach Chapel, where I turn to these notes with a good view of the lake. The shape-shifting of the gods means that the appearance in which they are worshipped changes. Thus there are places that have always been considered sacred, even though religions have changed. Perhaps an angel had once appeared there, a miracle had occurred. New temples were built from the ruins of the old ones. They remained the destination of pilgrimages, festivals, sacrifices and devotions. Prayers are always important; but it is said that they are especially answered here."

>> No.17287212

In regards to what I said in the last thread, one can say that Schopenhauer's comments on death become general, only without the metaphysical laws which appear with its arrival. Death without the All.
This intensifies it, where it begins to bear the forces of war.

>> No.17287261

"Even after the turn of the millennium, the removal of man from history will continue. The great symbols of "crown and sword" will continue to lose significance; the sceptre will be transformed. Historical boundaries will blur; war will remain outlawed, power development and threat will become planetary and universal."

>> No.17288342

"Even the world state will not abolish violence, since it is part of creation. War is transformed into police actions of smaller and larger scale. Since nuclear weapons are monopolised, insurrections have no prospect, but terror will increase."

>> No.17288538

Nietzsche on the worker:
"Soldiers and leaders still have a far higher relation to one another than do workers and employers. So far at least, all cultures with a military basis are still high above so-called industrial culture: the latter in its present form is altogether the most vulgar form of existence that has ever been. Here it is simply the law of need operating: one wants to live and has to sell oneself, but one despises those who exploit this need and buy the worker. It is strange that submission to powerful, frightening, yes, terrifying persons, to tyrants and generals, is experienced to be not nearly as distressing as this submission to unknown and uninteresting persons, which is what all the greats of industry are: the worker usually sees in the employer only a cunning, bloodsucking dog of a man who speculates on all distress and whose name, figure, manner, and reputation are completely indifferent to him. So far the manufacturers and large-scale commercial entrepreneurs have apparently been much too lacking in all the manners and signs of higher race that alone enable a person to become interesting; if they had the refinement of noble breeding in their eye and gesture, there might not be any socialism of the masses. For the masses are basically prepared to submit to any kind of slavery provided that the superiors constantly legitimize themselves as higher, as born to command - through refined demeanour! The commonest man senses that refinement cannot be improvised and that one has to honour in it the fruit of long ages - but the absence of the higher demeanour and the notorious manufacturer's vulgarity with ruddy, plump hands give him the idea that it is only accident and luck that elevated one above the other in this case: well, then, he infers, let us try accident and luck! Let us throw the dice! - and socialism begins."

>> No.17288648

It is interesting that nietzscheans seem to little interest in the follow up to his work. The question of character and conflict that is higher than class has been almost entirely abandoned. These speaks to the completion of the figure of the worker, and to the levelling process. Nihilism is total, so what are nietzscheans even discussing today?

The conflict of the commoner and the industrious man is perhaps best represented in Stendhal, and not entirely limited to class questions, as we see with Grimmelhausen and the correct order of military succession. Vital forces remain within the slave, or at least the peasant, perhaps better than the master.

That the same laws persist throughout the modern age - whether in the conflict of king and subject, worker and owner, peasant and professional soldier - suggests something higher than conflict, decline, or even character reigns. Subterfuge from the lowest is also a sign of the primordial, of an order beginning from the timeless ages. In this sense both the proletarian and bourgeios willingly submit to an invisible ruler, one whose demeanour is of the future, superior to any human dominion.

>> No.17289193


>> No.17290135

Another reading is that each class is engaged in the will to power. The uniform of technology is discarded where the world approaches a single class.

>> No.17290221

Nietzsche's Cerberus is a symbol of technical morality; for Holderlin he is part of the great order of peace, of law in which even the monstrous guardians are lulled to sleep. This is the finality of Pindar's myths.
The gods are at the greatest distance from the world but in no way weakened. The worker only appears where he is equally distant to the sleep of Cerberus.

>> No.17290233

Nietzsche's idea is also that of "tying even the devil to a pillow." A morality of decline rather than order and becoming.
This increases the monstrous vision in which one becomes the last herald of an infinite becoming.

>> No.17290249

>in which one wills himself as
It is a worker attitude which must be covered up in the equality of poetics.

The class struggle cannot be eliminated, only measured to a higher order - otherwise one is dragged into its abstract realm unwillingly.

>> No.17290312

There is also a great shift with the death of romanticism. The worker takes its territory. Nietzsche's poetics are thus something of a last defense.
It is difficult for us to imagine, but technique was a greater force in that era, tied to every thought and movement. A biological force. We have, by comparison, shed ourselves of it - freed in the sense of morphology This is apparent where man has begun to distance himself from technological order, as well as the countless movements against technology, especially those which hope to maintain its proximity.
There is an attitude of extended rights in this, and further, freeing the laws of creation.

>> No.17290356

>maintain proximity
For example, the mass projects of data storage and automated information process. These sites appear as technician communities rather than economic workhouses, styles after the utopian planners. The technician begins to see himself freed from his work, and even creates a morality in which the technical world may be left behind.

>> No.17290453

Tocqueville's image of the barricades is perhaps the best image of labour and revolution as a willless force. The extent of the work turns along with fated time, as in the work song become sea shanty "Roll the Old Chariot" the labourer is carried off into the peace of death.
It is where Leviathan and Behemoth forces meet. The sea is the end of all law, but also the dominion of limitless freedom - a freedom which drags itself down against the earth. The worker reconciles the order of time which divides the peasant and fisherman.

>> No.17290485

>the labourer is carried off into the peace of death.
In this case the landscape is carried off as well. Titanic striving without the signs of war.

>> No.17291752


>> No.17293278


>> No.17294109 [DELETED] 

"The gods are not eternal but timeless - in this respect the prayers addressed to them do not fulfil earthly hope, but they are fulfilled beyond all hope."

The arrival of gods can be foreseen - but neither calculated nor predicted. But they must appear, for without gods there is no culture. Both naïve and well-founded expectations are directed towards apparitions before the great turning points.

>> No.17294122

"The gods are not eternal but timeless - in this respect the prayers addressed to them do not fulfil earthly hope, but they are fulfilled beyond all hope.

The arrival of gods can be foreseen - but neither calculated nor predicted. But they must appear, for without gods there is no culture. Both naïve and well-founded expectations are directed towards apparitions before the great turning points."

>> No.17294892

"The growing spiritualisation is highly dangerous, but it is also capable of standing up to annihilation - for example, to war by reducing it to an exchange of formulas. The loser gives up like in a game of chess. If he overturns the game table, he will meet the fate of the giants."

>> No.17295635

Key for searching these threads

>> No.17296737


>> No.17298242

One final attempt.

>> No.17298280

How the fuck does a person hairline just stay like that for his entire life without receding any more

>> No.17298357

Extremely healthy. Good environment and genes. Strong spirit.