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17276934 No.17276934 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Substance>
Favorite Book>

>Crime and Punishment

>> No.17276943

> The Upanishads

>> No.17276967

>fanged noumena (中文 translation)

>> No.17276972

Is one who never tried these missing out in life?

>> No.17276978

Sock tea
Zhuang Zhi


>> No.17277048

>Ulysses by James Joyce

>> No.17277057

no but would recommend at least having one psychedelic experience in your life desu

>> No.17277059

Catch 22

>> No.17277060

hi Land

>> No.17277063

> Nicotine
> I don't have one anymore.

>> No.17277078

>LSD (haven't tried DMT, but I'm curious about it)
>The Man Without Qualities

>> No.17277079

>don't have one

>> No.17277083

>The Count of Monte Cristo (Unabridged)

>> No.17277102



>> No.17277111
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>idk i've never read a book

>> No.17277121
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>> No.17277124

Well no, but psychedelics do often better your perspective and outlook on life. They're also very interesting and intriguing substances that are non-addictive and are fairly safe if you are prepared and do minimal research.

>> No.17277125

The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.17277136
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Call of the Crocodile

>> No.17277141

I once took opium and read Schopenhauer and realised how pathetic I am. Never did drugs since.

>> No.17277168

unless you have a bad trip in which case they fuck you up.

>> No.17277179

ego and its own

>> No.17277208

>LSD or meth
>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.17277208,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bad trips often have extremely positive and often life-changing side effects

>> No.17277208,2 [INTERNAL] 

The Drowned World

>> No.17277441
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>> No.17277484

>The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.17277488

alcohol (wish it wasnt though)
the stranger

>> No.17277510

Alcohol or caffeine.

Leaves of Grass (but ask me again tomorrow and I will have a different favorite book).

>> No.17277560

I wasn’t expecting this whole series to be about DMT monsters.

>> No.17277568

I have done weed, cocaine and speed. I have donne each of them multiple times and have used them at the same time multiple times. I just don't get it. Even high I just feel like I am wasting my time, my health and limitating myself. Why do people like being intoxicated so much?
>Caligula by Camus.

>> No.17277580

try psychedelics, all the drugs you mentioned are good for nothing but getting high

>> No.17277595

Are actually able to do stuff on psychedelics? Like would I be able to read?

>> No.17278498

not him but yes, but IME I prefer other things on psychs - music, painting, etc.
reading in the afterglow of a trip is heaven though

>> No.17278508

>Ubu roi

>> No.17279370

>Fahrenheit 451
yes, I see the irony...

>> No.17279408

crime and punishment

>> No.17279430

Saint emilion grand cru 2017
After virtue

>> No.17279489

How can LSD be your favorite? Do you guys actually do it everyday? Or did you fall for the microdose meme?

>> No.17279505
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some strands do more than just f u up

>> No.17279507


>> No.17279513

>Or did you fall for the microdose meme?
Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it a meme, nor do you have to habitually use a substance to consider it your favourite.

>> No.17279521

>freshly brewed coffee
>book of disquiet

>> No.17279531

War & Peace

>> No.17279612

>Pedro Páramo

>> No.17279633

>Gerald Murnane - Border Districts

>> No.17279779
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>The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.17279810

Blood and Thunder

>> No.17279873

I don’t trip often but it is my favorite substance. I haven’t tripped in around 4 or 5 months but I had a life changing trip around a year ago. The trip enabled me to better my life in so many ways and I kept up with everything that I decided from after the trip. It’s my favorite substance because of the impact it had on me and the “experience.” For pure fun it would probably be mdma or percs.

>> No.17279886

Nice I could’ve gone with lsd or mdma too.

>> No.17280578

>Atom sharp crystal dextromethylamphetamine
> Waiting for Godot, Ulysses, Foucault Madness & Civilization.

>> No.17280595

John Ashbery's collected poems

>> No.17280605

>benedryl otherwise lsd (microdose, otherwise shrooms)
>As I Lay Dying

>the microdose meme
the only good part about lsd is microdosing from my experience. anything else is a sort of pale sweet nausea manic horror beauty nausea, its not really worth it unless you feel you need to break out of some sort of rut your whole life has stuck in

>> No.17280635

>The complete works of Evola

>> No.17280647


>> No.17280803

>Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

how's undergrad treating you, anon?

>> No.17280808

will you please be my gf

>> No.17280812
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>alcohol or mushrooms
>anything by Virgil or All Things Are Possible by Lev Shestov
very nice

>> No.17280828

well I've tried like 100+ substances so its hard to pick. GHB, Clonazepam, DMT and 25b-NBOMe are all up there.
The Beautiful and Damned by Fitzgerald

>> No.17280840

change clonazepam to etizolam. although I kinda like kpins more I've had much better experiences on etizolam.

>> No.17280946

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.17280974

Blood Meridian

>> No.17280983

A man brewed a tea from "magic mushrooms" and injected the concoction into his veins; several days later, he ended up at the emergency department with the fungus growing in his blood.

The man spent 22 days in the hospital, with eight of those days in the intensive care unit (ICU), where he received treatment for multisystem organ failure. Now released, he is still being treated with a long-term regimen of antibiotic and antifungal drugs, according to a description of the case published Jan. 11 in the Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry.

>> No.17281017
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>Tobacco or DMT
>Blood Meridian

>> No.17281028

What's the point microdosing? You get the same effects from a dab tbqh. If you're not tripping then I don't get the point of LSD, but maybe I just don't get microdosing.

>> No.17281072

Anti-Federalist papers

>> No.17281088
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>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.17281104

>If you're not tripping then I don't get the point of LSD, but maybe I just don't get microdosing.
The point of microdosing is that the dose is so small that you don't get any overt visuals, but you feel the cognitive impact. I know for me personally microdosing psilocybin has helped improve my attention span and memory beyond what I believe a placebo would be capable of.

There's been some studies done that shows that psychedelics can improve neural plasticity and can be an effective treatment for depression, though the literature is relatively new as it hasn't been extensively explored.


>> No.17281132

>You get the same effects from a dab tbqh
i havent been near marijuana but i know a kid that dabs like every hour of every day and spends more money on it in a month than i have in the past 2 years (and counting) on lsd. also his mouth is eternally dry, his affect is muted like those old dare couch commercials, and clearly dabs way too hot because he's developed a cough, and spends a long portion of his day thinking about dabbing when he is not dabbing. lsd is something i spend a couple seconds swallowing, have no other equipment, and then forget about and it lasts the whole day (even when it's gone i still feel a pale sweet aura), and its not something i have any desire to take daily and it costs me more or less nothing. last time i bought lsd was 1.2 years ago and i still have some left

so even if it's the same, and that seems dubious, there's other reasons not to bother with it; the mechanics of the experience are different

>> No.17281145

think i meant to say cannabis or thc here, excuse my noobiness

>> No.17281373

>Being and Nothingness

>> No.17281629


>> No.17281638

The Complete Shakespeare

>> No.17281654

Some people understand the world without it very well, but for some (myself) it felt like waking up from a long coma. Like coming of age.

>> No.17281715

That's a toughie. I'd say the one that had the profoundest and most enlightening effect on me was World as Will and Representation. It taught me to see the real beauty in things, unveiled the sources of suffering, and showed me that it is not death to be feared, but life.

>> No.17281718

>Scho Ka Kola
>Wind, Sand and Stars

>> No.17281817
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>a river runs through it
why would anyone do drugs when they could just flyfish?

>> No.17281822

No, but the psychedelic experience is a unique experience.
So no, but kind of yes.

>> No.17281832

Yes. Do acid.

>> No.17281886

>Voyage to Arcturus

>> No.17281894

>The White Guard

>> No.17281960

Not an undergrad anymore (haven't been for years). But during my undergrad I was a coke fiend and was obsessed with Paradise Lost.

>> No.17282077

The Book of Five Rings

>> No.17282283
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>opiates more specifically opium
>Les Illuminations

opiates are great since they don't make you feel drunk and confused but make you feel eurphorically comfy and make everything seem extremely sensual and aesthetic. even something mundane eating a Big Mac feels like it was written by Huysmans.

sadly real life obligations mean I don't have the opportunity to take opium or heroin more than a few times a year

>> No.17282310

>she comes first

>> No.17282353

>Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola

>> No.17282358

Had a buddy that smoked opium out of a lightbulb once.
>moscow to the end of the line

>> No.17282364

>The hobbit/war of the worlds

>> No.17282368

>Blood Meridian

>> No.17282370

The ethics.

>> No.17282515

>another one of these threads
Nice data mine

>> No.17282556

>a bunch of totally unreliable "data" about drug preference and literature posturing from anonymous larpers connected only to IP and so utterly unrelated to any race/age/ethnicity/location
wow so valuable. fuck off schizo

>> No.17282577

For me yeah but I had turbo autism or something and it helped

>> No.17282581

poetic works of keats

>> No.17282837

>east of eden