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17275121 No.17275121 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17275127

take a shit on it

>> No.17275132

I think it's worth it if you plan to have it in the family for a while.

>> No.17275135

do they make those with KJV? looks beautiful, I've been on the lookout for a Bible I could keep the rest of my life

>> No.17275138
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>> No.17275162

Cambridge makes world-renown redletter KJVs. I highly recommend the Cambridge Concord Ref.

>> No.17275163

I'm sure someone somewhere does, but honestly your best bet is to look into custom rebinding. This pastor's youtube channel has a lot of recommendations in that regard: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzZeN-hOXtiz9Q0YvVUee8A

I have no experience with custom rebinding but I would assume it probably costs about as much as a nice Bible would in the first place. Just buy a KJV with nice paper and a cheap cover and ship it out.

>> No.17275188
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>not spending $500 on a cowhide smythsewn ESV reader's set in walnut case where the bible is printed on thick paper, single line, novel style margins and page setting, and separated into 6 books (pentateuch, history, poetry, prophets, gospels, acts/epistles)
Never G. M. I.

>> No.17275204
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I daydream about being able to afford this set, which is why I'm posting about it twice in a row. Look how aesthetic this is.

>> No.17275220

Use foreskin, coward!

>> No.17275237

>Buying leather books
wrapping holy texts in animal skin is satanic. Also spending $200 on a bible is Gluttony, sorry bud your not a real christian.

>> No.17275236

kek forgot about this .gif

>> No.17275239

It's 500 dollars, my friend. I think it's very doable.

>> No.17275242

>your not
oops sorry your post and all future ones like it are now disregarded because you can't speak english. tough luck pal.

>> No.17275253

>wrapping holy texts in animal skin is satanic
what an outrageously bourgeois accusation. fucking marx was right people like you need to be dragged from your houses and forced to work in fields.

>> No.17275278

>wrapping holy texts in animal skin is satanic
whatafuk man?

>> No.17275285

tradcath larping is fucking embarrassing. congrats, you just spent $200 on a fuckin' meme

>> No.17275296

You will never be a real Christian.

>> No.17275298

Is ESV tradcath?

>> No.17275299

Schuyler, Cambridge, or R.L. Allan if you want to spend as much as OP.
Church Bible Publishers also has a range of edge-lined sewn Bibles with leather covers starting at $55.
>keep the rest of my life
Anything you want really but if you already have a Bible you are fond of you can pay to get it rebound. Otherwise make sure what you buy is edge-lined.

>> No.17275301

I'm evangelical Reformed. And I actually have a wife and kids and go to church and bible study and small groups. My take on tradcath larping is that it is a type of narcissism in the DSM sense of the term.

lol absolutely not. he was just lashing out for childish reasons.

>> No.17275319

You people think any expression of belief is "tradcath larping" Go find some motivation in life and stop lashing out at others.

>> No.17275327

Guys, seriously. The ESV is confessional orthodox Reformed. Stop slandering it by calling it Catholic. Catholics hate it for being too conservative:

>The Association of Catholic Priests have criticized the ESV for not using gender-inclusive language, arguing terms such as "mankind" and "brothers" to be "not just out of sync with modern usage but are culturally regarded as diminishing and disrespectful of women.”

>> No.17275413

bros why, WHY are catholics like this...

>> No.17276032

>The Association of Catholic Priests have criticized the ESV for not using gender-inclusive language, arguing terms such as "mankind" and "brothers" to be "not just out of sync with modern usage but are culturally regarded as diminishing and disrespectful of women.”
yep that's a yikes from me

>> No.17276062

you're not a catholic and never will be

>> No.17276078

Yes...? And that's a good thing. Was this supposed to be an insult or is your reading comp literally that trash?

>> No.17276560

Why is there no way for me to find a nice edition of the Johannine corpus in one book????

>> No.17277835

>unironically reading the bible
These kind of fairy tales do not entertain me. I am a man of science.

>> No.17277845

Enjoy going to HELL and having goat-skinned demons dance and prance on your writhing body for eternity

>> No.17278085

the 11th commandment


>> No.17278138

Based. Hail Christ fuck the christlarpers.

>> No.17278179

it used to be that animal skins were the only way to publish bro

>> No.17279404

>leather is anti christian
>chud brain hasn't read even 3 chapters of Genesis

>> No.17279423

Currently just enrolled into seminary. I usually just use the bible App with KJV, The Message, and the NIV downloaded onto it. Are there any other recommended versions to check out?

>> No.17279432

>sorry bud your not a real christian.

>> No.17279442

But used bibles you retards, you can get nice old ones for cheap. spending $200 on a book is vain

>> No.17279452

I dropped 200 on a collection of Cicero's letters, The Aeneid,and Metamorphosis all in original latin a month ago.
Don't speak latin but it looks great on my bookshelf.

>> No.17279454

yeah spending 200 bucks on a bible is, to quote soloman: vanity, vanity.

you'll get the same material in a 10-20 dollar bible.

>> No.17279461

OP here I make 174k/yr, tithe, and donate to charity so I'd love to know more about what you do and which part of the gospel would give you the right and prerogative to judge me regardless. Actually save it. Not interested in larpers and their opinions

>> No.17279468

extremely unchristlike of you.

>> No.17279472

Yeah I suspected you were just low content trolling but I wanted to be sure.

>> No.17279491

not him. just having a laugh at another self-righteous christian.

>> No.17279492

>$10 Bible
>same material as a $200 Bible

>> No.17279512

I just realized lit is full of actual mental deficients. Like not as an insult but as in I feel sorry for people like you. Yikes.

The Message and NIV are jokes. I guess the NIV you could argue is relevant since so many evangelicals read it. The ESV is the academic standard especially in conservative seminaries. I'm kinda surprised that didn't cross your mind yet. My assumption is you will be using it in class.

The ESV Study Bible also comes highly recommended for getting started with sermons and preaching

>> No.17279519

i'm referring to the literary content

>> No.17279533

Just having a laugh at a self righteous atheist whose life isn't going like he hoped. When I was an atheist I didn't indulge in weird behaviors like this but thats because I was well adjusted. You should really get help, and I'm not saying that because you're trying to insult me. I promise I could care less.

Its just that doing stuff like this online is really a sign that things aren't OK in your life. Maybe consider making a change. I promise Christians aren't the reason you're not happy with yourself. Would you like me to recommend some literature to learn about the Lord?

>> No.17279575

i'm not an atheist! good try
for real though, why do so many of you pretend to be christians online yet behave like this? aren't you embarrassed?

>> No.17279640


>> No.17279658

I'll pray for you then. Maybe the Lord will change your heart.

>> No.17279661

thank you

>> No.17280203

Anyone want a good orthodox evangelical apologetics source?

>> No.17280216

>I just realized lit is full of actual mental deficients. Like not as an insult but as in I feel sorry for people like you. Yikes.
At least I am not engaging in idolatrous, papist Satan-worship! What's next? A translation of the Bible that promotes homosexual orgies??

>> No.17280223

It sounds like your rage issues. are getting really out of control. Next time you feel the urge to post something like this, I recommend you step away from the computer for a few minutes; that may give your temper an opportunity to settle.

>> No.17280257

This post is literally projection

>> No.17280269

Stimulus check money when it comes

>> No.17280318

Well, just read what this poster had to say: >>17279533

He frantically asserts that the other poster's life is a disaster and involves "weird behaviors," and then starts ranting about how "well adjusted" he is, then he starts defensively claiming that he doesn't care what the other poster thinks, despite the fact that he's in the middle of writing out an angry screed to him. I've seen other people who have issues like this -- some of them managed to find help, and others ended up making serious errors because of their uncontrolled rage, that had serious long-term consequences.

>> No.17280337

>the condensation on the camera
perfect gif

>> No.17280380

Ok dude thanks for posting a wall of text at me but I don't give a shit lol. Apply the same standard to your own psycho post

>> No.17280396

I'm not attacking you. I'm just offering some concerned advice.

>> No.17280779

Not trying to insult you OP, but more than like $20 for a bible is incredibly odd to me considering how many biblical stories center on those poor in wealth but rich in spirit. Cup of a carpenter and all that.

>> No.17280826
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*mogs OP*

>> No.17281163

That looks extremely vain considering the teachings of the book

>> No.17281392

wow, anon, we're just trying to have a discussion about books. calm down

>> No.17281501

I find this attitude ridiculously judgmental and frankly legalistic. Have you read the Bible yourself? Having money or nice things isn't the problem in itself, its the orientation and priorities and attachments that result. And frankly, having "nice things" related to God is better than buying a new tv instead. But whatever the Bible says about owning nice things, it says more about this sort of knee-jerk callous judgment so maybe think about that.

>> No.17281526

>Having money or nice things isn't the problem in itself


>> No.17281531

I dont really know much about what im looking for but does this one seem ok?


>> No.17281558

Ok let's agree to disagree then. Lets hope your little digs have provided you the satisfaction you craved. And let's hope the hypocrisy of enthusiastically judging doesn't come back to haunt you.

>> No.17281565

Man, I dunno. What's wrong with enjoying a beautifully crafted object if it's done in the right spirit? Do you think people should avoid going to art galleries as well?

>> No.17281576

It certainly seems up to snuff. The only thing I couldn't tell by glancing at it is whether the pages are sewn or glued. Sewn is obviously way better for longevity and sturdiness so look at that before you buy. Otherwise if it has the features you want, go for it.

Oh, line matching the text on both sides of the page is another feature to look for these days

>> No.17281603

I think having a nice bible as a focal piece of home worship makes perfect sense, especially if you're intending to preserve it and pass it on. As another person mentioned, spending your money in this area seems less vain than spending money on clothes or tvs. I mean, what does it say if you have nice things but then wear a t-shirt and jeans to church and only have a crumpled paperback bible if you read it everyday?

Frankly it feels like cope and trolling at best. Worldy riches are not a good thing but this idea that being able to afford something for 200$ makes you no longer christian is just dumb. God grants people worldly riches per his providence. If someone loves God that neither inherently good nor bad

>> No.17281811

>As another person mentioned, spending your money in this area seems less vain than spending money on clothes or tvs.
I don't think it's wrong to spend money on anything in particular, so long as you're doing it in the right spirit. I enjoy dressing well for the same reason I prefer to groom myself properly in other ways. It's possible to be just as vain about dressing in rags as it is about dressing in a suit and tie. In my view, it's fine to possess anything so long as you have a healthy awareness that you'll eventually lose it, that it's "on loan" from the universe and that you don't really own it in the fullest sense of the word.

>> No.17281848

sounds like prosperity gospel to me bro

>> No.17281869

2000 years later and retards are still sacrificing goats to an imaginary man in the sky

>> No.17281883

That book is called the New Testament

>> No.17281907

For someone who's happy with their decision to spend $200 on a Bible, you're getting awfully angry about it. Honestly, it doesn't look any different to a $15 bonded leather Bible.

>> No.17281955

that's because you're retarded bro. don't reply to me again.

>> No.17281976

yeah this post is actually poorfag cope now. get a job.

>> No.17281978

I see you got the translation with all that stuff about warthogs.

>> No.17281985

>yeah this post is actually poorfag cope now. get a job.
The absolute state of Christians.

>> No.17281999

>Do you think people should avoid going to art galleries as well?
Unironically yes

>> No.17282009

Christians are supposed to work and be respectable members of society. You sitting on 4chan all day and night and complaining about people who work earning wages as a result isn't what Christ had in mind. Grow up. You've pushed your fake judgmental shtick as far as it can go. Get a job, freak.

>> No.17282036

>not ordering a free bible online

>> No.17282070
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Ha ha, now I’m making you look at beautiful art. Fuck off.

I have enough wealth to live life properly. It’s just a little hard to imagine Jesus screeching at people for being poor.

>> No.17282095

not hard to imagine Jesus condemning slothful, bitter people who instead of being productive as God commands twist Christianity to hurl judgments at people that they are envious toward.

>> No.17282115

Sure, but “slothful” and “bitter” are different than “get a job poorfag.” I just can’t imagine what charm Christianity would have if you took out the anti-materialist stuff.

>> No.17282140

you could have fed a poor family with that

>> No.17282141

I don't think you're as familiar with Christianity as you think you are. It doesn't live or die on charm and you're reading modern preoccupations into Christ's words. To be clear I'm not denying that materialism is problematic but Christ wasn't an anti materialist because that's a modern late capitalist schizo term. The biblical command to work and to earn your living are extremely clear. The specific nature of the Christian to wealth less so. Attitudes toward wealth are very clear.

>> No.17282150

So could you. Did you spend 200$ on poor people today the last time you spent 200$?

>> No.17282167

>It doesn't live or die on charm
Apparently not.

>> No.17282373
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Problem is that you have a ESV rather then a quality Bible. Look up Genesis 3:16 in the ESV.

You need a goatskin bond Schuyler KJV

>> No.17282407

well, at least it's obvious that this thread is filled with a bunch of faux-christian consoomerist posers

>> No.17282490

The KJV and its consequences have been a disaster for England.
>mutilated texts
>responsible for the absolute state of ancient language scholarship compared to other countries
>impaired the ability to write new translations because of the inevitable comparison
>bound the bible to state institutions

>> No.17282657


1) No
2) No
3) Yes. Which is not bad as there needs to be a standard. Unlike the ESV or NIVwhich keeps being revised, but under cultural pressure. ESV is heavily biased for reformed theology. NIV in general is not accurate and is gender inclusive.
4) Having christian leaders is not necessarily a bad thing. Having a government that respects christian values is beneficial.

>> No.17282693

>unsubstantiated drivel
I wonder what modern cultures have committed more to the preservation and study of world history.

>> No.17282815

>thick paper
you can see the text on the next page?! rip-off.
If you want good quality to need to buy older books from an antiquarian

>> No.17282888
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>> No.17282917

>Tu quoque
the state of christians...

>> No.17282932

His point was that "feeding le poor" isn't the Christian's job or goal.

>> No.17282952

>all that blank space


>> No.17283015

are there any versions of the king james bible like this

>> No.17283618


I've considered getting one of these, the idea is it stays in the family for a few hundred years

>> No.17285028

what bible should I read as a Catholic? I don't want to go to hell with all the protestant infidels