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17274718 No.17274718 [Reply] [Original]

Good books on Daoist rebuttal of Buddhism?

>> No.17274755

MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra by Nagarjuna

>> No.17274771

Also how much taoism is in zen?

>> No.17274778

YogastilaDañaja - Ishawar Auguna

>> No.17274782

>Nāgārjuna (c. 150 – c. 250 CE; Chinese pinyin: Lóngshù; Standard Tibetan: mGon-po Klu-grub) was an Indian Mahāyāna Buddhist thinker who is widely considered one of the most important Buddhist philosophers
Please explain how that is related to what I asked

>> No.17274789

Your diary desu, the bit where the girl you liked who was into Buddhism started dating someone else.

>> No.17274790

This doesn't give me results. What is it?

>> No.17274825

It’s a book that compares the teachings of Daoism and Buddhism and explains Buddhist arguments against Daoism and Daoist Arguments against Buddhism.

>> No.17274854

Can you link it? I find no results.

>> No.17274881

Is it unavailable online? I’ve only read it physically, so that might be the case.

>> No.17274884

Stupid hylic, everything refers back to genitalia doesnt it?

>> No.17274939

I don't even find references on google. Maybe you misspelled it? Please check

>> No.17275817

There is a long history of Taoists and Buddhists debating and arguing in China, there are various surviving texts recording these, and we know there were state-sponsered debates between Taoists and Buddhists in China. From what I can tell though little of this material has been translated. I remember reading about one Chinese Taoist author who called Buddhism a demonic religion for promoting the abandoning of filial piety and the abandoning of ones place in the community and for undermining social harmony etc

>> No.17275835
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>one Chinese Taoist author who called Buddhism a demonic religion for promoting the abandoning of filial piety and the abandoning of ones place in the community and for undermining social harmony etc

>> No.17275849

>I remember reading about one Chinese Taoist author who called Buddhism a demonic religion for promoting the abandoning of filial piety and the abandoning of ones place in the community and for undermining social harmony etc

Sounds more like a Confucian complaining that Buddhism gives you a way to opt out of shitty social orders.

Taoism grants the same freedoms. How many Taoists just fucked off in the woods/monasteries?

>> No.17275851

He sounds like a confucian. Did you mix something up?

>> No.17275893

I think I misspelled it, fuck

>> No.17275939
File: 629 KB, 750x1334, 9E17277C-E111-42D5-9014-D07689F2BB10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you mix something up?
Nope, it was the early Tang Taoist master Fu Yi who called Buddhism demonic in his work Gaoshi zhuan

source: Filial Piety in Chinese Thought and History by Alan Chan (its on libgen)

>> No.17276513

Well then what is the correct spelling?

>> No.17276861


>> No.17277687

It’s not, he just spams it everywhere

>> No.17277731
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why is he so found of Nāgārjuna?

>> No.17277896

I have no idea, the current prevailing opinion among experts is that the MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra was not even written by Nagarjuna but was written by a Buddhist monk from Kashmir

>> No.17278053

>the MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra was not even written by Nagarjuna but was written by a Buddhist monk from Kashmir
any more info on this?

>> No.17278161

explain this pic

>> No.17278199

Chan can be like that sometimes. Even though it's Tao / Buddhism combined, there are moments where masters will admonish buddhist tendencies from the taoist side or taoism from the buddhist side.
>Venerable master Nanyue Huairang, a great disciple of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng, asked Mazu Daoyi, "Why are you in meditation?" He replied, "Because I want to be a Buddha." Thereupon Huairang took a brick and polished it in front of Mazu's hermitage day after day.
Till one day, Mazu asked him, "Why are you polishing the brick?"
Huairang replied, "I am polishing it into a mirror."
Mazu asked, "How can you make a mirror by polishing a brick?"
Huairang said, "If I cannot make a mirror by polishing a brick, how can you become a Buddha by sitting in meditation?"
Mazu said, "Then what shall I do?"
Huairang asked, "When an ox-carriage stops moving, do you hit the carriage or the ox?" Mazu had no reply.

>> No.17278292

But taoists meditate too.

>> No.17278329

There is none, he made it up.

The guy on the right is part of a group of Buddhists that have many esoteric practices. One amounts to jamming a little paper scroll covered in prayers in a little spinny thing, and then spinning it. This counts as saying the prayer. Technically, you have to be focusing on the spinning.

The guy on the left is a member of a group of Buddhists that completely reject that.

I have a book in my library on this, gimme a minute.

>> No.17278349
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>> No.17278389
File: 234 KB, 535x481, 1610563456369[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're asking pretty specific questions from 4chan.
the best you're going to get is some kid googling this question for you.
The worst you'll get is disinformation from a manchild pretending to know what he's talking about.
what the fuck are you doing op?
I feel sorry for you if you're serious.

>> No.17278601

Right, so, Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face is up on libgen. I haven't read this book (it's on my "to read" list, alongside a gazillion other books) but from briefly skimming it, the main philosophical (as opposed to political and cultural) issue between the two is that Buddhists ultimately want to side step death by achieving a transcendent state after death, whereas Taoists want to do it by just never dying.

>> No.17279470

>There is none, he made it up

> According to the indications furnished by the author, he seems to have been active at the beginning of the 4th century of our era in north-western India

> In regard to his epoch and the sources that he uses, it seems that the author of the Traité was a Sarvāstivādin, perhaps belatedly converted to the Mahāyāna. His high esteem for the monastic life (p. 839–846F), his disdainful silence toward the Mahāsāṃghikas whom he mentions only once in his work suggests that he wore the yellow robe of the bhikṣu in some Sarvāstivādin monastery of north-western India, one of these monasteries built on the plains or on the hills, the ruins of which still exist at Shāh-jī-ḍherī, Ṣāh-ḍherī, Shahr-ī-Bahlol, Sanghao, Takht-ī-Bahai, Hamal-Gaṛhī, Karkai, etc. Fa-hien, who visited them at the beginning of the 5th century, tells us that they were occupied almost exclusively by Sarvāstivādins.

>Under the direction of learned teachers, the author devoted himself to the study of the sacred texts, memorized the Tripiṭaka and specialized in the Sarvāstivādin Abhidharma. He manifests such a deep understanding of it that we may think he in turn taught it. Later, the reading of the Mahāyānasūtras must have made an impression on him, and study of the early Mādhyamikans (Nāgārjuna, Āryadeva, Rāhulabhadra) convinced him of the cogency of the new ideas. He went over to the Mahāyayāna without, however, giving up his scholastic habits. In the form of a commentary on the Pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā, he composed a voluminous exegetical treatise which is like a Mahāyāna reply to the Sarvāstivādin Abhidharma. The author appears both as a Sarvāstivādin by training and a Mahāyānist by conviction, and it is under these two aspects that he should be studied.


>> No.17279557

>Quanzhen School, also known as Completion of Authenticity, Complete Reality, and Complete Perfection is currently the most dominant branch of Taoism in continental China
>Dragon Gate sect (lóngménpài 龍門派) of the Complete Reality School (全真派) of Taoism incorporates elements of Buddhism and Confucianism into a comprehensive form of Taoism
>11th generation Dragon Gate priests Min Yi-De (闵一得) combined three religions (Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism) together to develop the "Dragon convenience methods"
>The principle is "learn from Buddhism, to comply with the precepts, diligently practice inner alchemy arts"

>> No.17279590


>> No.17280112

why are buddhists such simps?

>> No.17280274

I'm somewhat perplexed why Vajrayana Buddhism with it's tantric practices and "questionable" teaching pedagogy never caught on anywhere else outside of Tibet and now Western hippies. The belief is half esoteric sex cult and the transmission lineages are serves as a license to molest pupils which in the face of it would seem to be extremely popular religious option among elites looking to extract as many privileges from the peons as possible, but it never blossomed anywhere else outside of India and Tibet. I can see old fashioned Confucian prudishness being a barrier to dissemination in China but the Japanese were historically less reserved about such things so it is surprising that it didn't catch on there and Southeast Asia too is also a very libertine society when as well.

>> No.17280314

Maybe you are perplexed because you have only a superficial knowledge of Vajrayana doctrine such that you make generalizations about half its beliefs being an esoteric sex cult.

> but it never blossomed anywhere else outside of India and Tibet. I can see old fashioned Confucian prudishness being a barrier to dissemination in China but the Japanese were historically less reserved about such things so it is surprising that it didn't catch on there
Tantric Buddhism existed in China, with its own Chinese teachers and was called 'Esoteric Buddhism'


One of the major schools of Japanese Buddhism, Shingon Buddhism, is a Vajrayana tradition


>> No.17280606

Why is Vajrayana so based?

>> No.17280787

not him but iqdb>saucenao>yandex.

>> No.17281118

Taoism isn't monolithic and your idea of it is probably wrong because from what I've read it promotes social harmony / simplicity and sincere filial piety (not from duty but love). It's not 'just do whatever you want brooo', not even a little bit. In any case, chinks hold filial piety and social harmony close to heart so it's always going to feature.

>> No.17281997

They didn't catch on and become domiannt though, just creepy sex cults at the margins.

>> No.17282806

Social harmony is meant to bring about a situation where people naturally want to do what they should be doing.

If you have extremely toxic parents, being pious towards them is destructive towards yourself and your efforts.

Teddy K fucking off into the woods may have been for the best. Whether the bombs were is another story. Probably still better than him taking his psychiatrists advice and chopping his penis off because LOL psychiatry.

>> No.17283466

Shaivist influence