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17264682 No.17264682 [Reply] [Original]

i shouldn't have started reading philosophy with evola..... i just thought ride the tiger was a cool title so i started reading... i'm in way above my head here....

>> No.17264700

>i shouldn't have started reading philosophy with evola.

you still haven't

>> No.17264713

what do you mean

>> No.17264755

>Evola also justified male domination over women as part of a purely patriarchal society, an outlook stemming from his traditionalist views on gender, which demanded women stay in or revert to what he saw as their traditional gender roles, where they were completely subordinate to male authority.
>He continues to influence contemporary traditionalist and neo-fascist movements
>uring his trial in 1951, Evola denied being a fascist and instead referred to himself as "superfascista" (lit. 'superfascist')
So he's an incel author who hates women. Why am I not surprised.

>> No.17264766

it's mostly entertainment.

>> No.17264775
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>Evola denied being a fascist and instead referred to himself as "superfascista" (lit. 'superfascist')
holy based

>> No.17264790

hey guys is Evola worth read?

Here in Italy almost no one talks about him, probably because apology of fascism is a crime

>> No.17265144

not really worth a read
its your typical fascist rhetoric with some esoterica sprinkled in, its at least slightly entertaining but not exactly thought provoking if youre not an incel

>> No.17265157

I'm not a fascist fascists are me.

>> No.17265837

Is Evola your first serious author? That's going to be hard, anon. Still, I encourage you to keep reading and to sample a lot of his books if you can. After you get a feel for the terminology he is using and familiarise yourself with the context of what he's talking about, things get a lot easier. I feel very confident in my knowledge of his works today even though I was similarly challenged by him when I first started reading.
With all that said, you should know that Evola is a metaphysician first and philosopher second or perhaps even third. You might be well served to supplement your reading with other writers or perhaps at least drill deep into the context of what you are reading - for example, Evola discusses some of the modernists in Ride the Tiger. After you read up to Chapter 11, it might be fun to look into Nietzsche more. He discusses the existentialists right afterwards, though they might prove more challenging for you if you are just starting.
Even if you are trolling please don't cite wikipedia. His page is hilariously dishonest.
Depends what you want to read him for. He revolutionised my worldview entirely. He is a difficult author to get into though. It's sad to hear he's not doing so well in Italy, though he did comment on that in Path of Cinnabar as well, iirc.

>> No.17266136

Why are you concerned with the author's misogyny when YOU WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN?

>> No.17266508 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17266538


>> No.17266560

Wikipedia is notoriously inaccurate. I'm surprised people don't seem to know that.

Supra, not super. It means above or beyond.

>> No.17266571

Why would you read a book about Nietzsche without having read Nietzsche?

>> No.17266616

The book isn't about Nietzsche, it just includes Nietzsche.

>> No.17266907

because Nietzsche is shit lol

>> No.17266914

Why do people make a big deal of it. How is Ride the Tiger way above anyone's head?
What don't you understand?
Can I help you somehow?

>> No.17266959

>he says as he reads fucking Evola

>> No.17266986

At least Evola didn't kill himself

>> No.17267006

Neither did Nietzsche.

>> No.17267041

No I haven't ever read Evola
I just don't like how Nietzsche writes because his style is so.. "German" (?).. idk
I also never read book about Nietzsche but since I don't like how Nietzsche write they are probably better lol

>> No.17267046
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>> No.17267068


>> No.17267133

He meant beyond fascism

>> No.17267138

>probably because apology of fascism is a crime
Do you mean support?

Ignore >>17264790

>> No.17267214

No. Fascist apology is illegal in Italy. It's not punished that often, however. I remember the former Prime Minister defended Mussolini and walked away fine.

>> No.17267264

Yes, I meant defending fascism. I see

If the former prime minister defending him and got away with it, then surely it isn't enforced very heavily?

>> No.17267423

no it is absolutely not, however since this rule exists they can't teach Evola in schools

I missed it! Which prime minister?

>> No.17267473

Teaching Evola in schools would be the biggest surprise of the 21st century lol

What literature is taught in Italian schools?

>> No.17267706

we usually start with Homer, reading the Iliad and the Odissey, then Virgil, the Aeneid. Because Italian literature teaching goes in parallel with history and philosophy teaching, or at least, that what I have studied at the Licaeum.
An Important author every school in my city studies in the first years (in parallel with Homer&co), for his cultural and linguistical relevance is Manzoni.

Then our study continues in parallel: we start reading Dante, all the three books of the Comedy, in parallel with these other authors:
Petrarca, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Machiavelli, Tasso and other minor authors like Beccaria, Giordano Bruno
Then Foscolo, Leopardi, Verga, D'Annunzio, Pirandello, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Calvino and others I can't remember

sadly we didn't study Gadda, Buzzati, Tabucchi and Tomasi di Lampedusa

btw. in Homer, Virgil, and Dante we skipped some chapters because they would have taken too much time
I also have studied Latin and Virgil is studied more in depth there
this seems like a huge list but.. sadly sometimes I wish I just have read those authors on my own because of how they were taught in school .. it feels like it was just wasted time

>> No.17267719

we also study well English literature

>> No.17267819

>starting with Evola
you were asking to get filtered desu

>> No.17267832

You only become more intelligent by reading books over your head. Keep at it anon.

Actually, suck on the barrel of my Mossberg 500 and die faggot.

>> No.17267975

Is that taught between 11 - 16 years old ?

>> No.17268036

Is it compulsory or do you have to choose to study it?

>> No.17268471

that was the program from 13/14 to 18/19 and it should be compulsory for all (decent) High Schools
In Middle School (from 10/11 to 13/14) you basically study the grammar, the various type of writing style, poetry, rhetoric figures etc., stuff like that
the some of the things mentioned above, obviously the most important ones, like Manzoni, Homer, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Tasso, Foscolo, Carducci, Verga, Leopardi. Of course in High School these are studied in depth.

Everything is compulsory until university

>> No.17268508

Sounds a lot better than ours in the UK

>> No.17268571

What do you study in the UK?

>> No.17268941

I meant it sounds better than school education. University education here is good

>> No.17268950

He eventually was critical of both fascism and German national socialism, though he had turned to both because he thought they would develop more to his liking. He does have traditionalist views on gender but it has very much to do with how he views the different sources of spirituality that men and women stem from. The Mystery of the Grail covers that pretty early on. I think Wikipedia and other mainstream critics are wary of Evola because of how his works were adopted by fascists and national socialists, so I would highly recommend reading some of his works and developing your own opinion.

>> No.17268965

do women even aspire to be tradwives? i'm pretty sure men wouldn't like being cooped up at home for their whole lives either how do traditionalists square this dilemma? eventually women will want the same freedoms and power as men even if they aren't as good as men

>> No.17268988

Their arguments is that women are literal robots with no thoughts of their own or any other purpose other than having and raising children, meaning whatever men tells them to do, they will do. You can see why traditionalism isn't very popular now.

>> No.17269196

10/10 bait

>> No.17269203

No it isn't

>> No.17269244

What part of start with the greeks did you not understand?

>> No.17269324

No, because he's joke and the equivalent of a scientologist for anyone who actually knows what he's talking about.
A meno che non sei un criptofascista, in tal caso sono sicuro che stravederai per le puttanate evoliane, ma se credi seriamente in stupidaggini come il "razzismo spirituale" sei probablilmente al livello intelletuale di un carciofo sotto spirito.
tl:dr; read Eliade or Frazer, forget about this hack.
Neither did Nietzsche, Evola on the other hand tried a couple of times but was too much of a wimp to follow through.

>> No.17269343

I'll do everyone a favor here. Read Eros and The Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex before reading his other works. It made me realize how much of a pseud he was and I was never interested in him again. Read the Magnetic Theory of Love section where he pulls a random theory out of his ass after spending the beginning of the book straw manning Freudian and Evolutionary theories. And no he's not being mystical there where you have to decipher his meaning, he literally means what he says


>> No.17269498

>Supra, not super.
literally the same
>his style is so.. "German"
his style is french
regarding evola... the stuff i've read hasn't been too impressive desu

>> No.17269792

>No, because he's joke and the equivalent of a scientologist for anyone who actually knows what he's talking about.
why is he getting so hyped here?

>A meno che non sei un criptofascista, in tal caso sono sicuro che stravederai per le puttanate evoliane, ma se credi seriamente in stupidaggini come il "razzismo spirituale" sei probablilmente al livello intelletuale di un carciofo sotto spirito.
hahahahahaha no guarda non sono proprio il tipo, esoterismo e misticismo mi fanno storcere il naso, mi interesserebbe leggerlo giusto per farmi un'idea di che cazzo scrive visto che qui sembra che tutti stravedino per Evola. Anche se penso che sia più un meme di /pol/

>tl:dr; read Eliade or Frazer, forget about this hack.
thank you, I'll give them a try then!

>> No.17269840

These posters are left-wing political shills bent on steering you away from literature that harms their subversive agenda. They get paid to troll this website daily. Read what you want OP and ignore these spooks.

>> No.17269871

>They get paid to troll this website daily
If fucking only, do you know where to apply for this?

>> No.17269936

>why is he getting so hyped here?
Because you're on fucking /lit/ in 2021, bunch of election kids and pseuds thinking they run the place and get their pants in a twist when somebody on their side of the political spectrum talks about mysticism and shieeeet.
>esoterismo e misticismo mi fanno storcere il naso, mi interesserebbe leggerlo giusto per farmi un'idea di che cazzo scrive visto che qui sembra che tutti stravedino per Evola.
Mah, quella roba ha il suo perchè in ogni caso, molti libri sono comunque interessanti sotto molti punti di vista anche se non credi a quella roba, e esiste comunque letteratura di alto livello a riguardo, come i vari libri di Eliade che per quanto vecchi al giorno d'oggi sono delle buone letture.
Io ti direi: invece di leggere la saggistica e la critica dovresti piu che altro leggere i testi veri e propri, come il Baghvad Gita, Bardo Todol, Sefer Yetzirah/Zohar e insomma, tutti i testi di culture che ti interessano, E POI leggere gli studi a riguardo, anche perchè cosi ti rendi conto molto velocemente di chi scrive cazzate stratosferiche come Evola e chi invece offre riflessioni interessanti, per quanto questa roba è comunque molto poco scientifica.

Evola è purtroppo una di quelle personalità che l'estrema destra riesuma ogni stagione per pretendere che hanno dei pensatori di calibro, con gli anni è diventato anche popolare fuori dall'Italia negli stessi circoli, ma è tutta una grande pagliacciata, e del resto il crollo morale e politico della moderna "sinistra" a livello nazionale e mondiale ovviamente aiuta la diffusione di queste puttanate.
Leggi Evola in ogni caso, è sempre meglio capire e sapere quello di cui la gente parla ed è una brutta abitudine criticare cose che non conosci, e per quanto sia spazzatura almeno ti fai qualche risata, amara o no.

>> No.17270037

Alternatively, all women's rights politics could be viewed as thinly veiled eugenics and pop control policies. Starting with Socrates proposing women's rights in order to facilitate his eugenics program, through to H G Wells suggesting we push all women through higher education in order to lower birthrate by making them too busy, up to the more modern day example of the Rockefellers pushing abortion to keep the black population from exploding.

>> No.17270110
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Given current demographics it will be sooner than you think.

>> No.17271196

This is a great summary as to why you should give him a read

>> No.17271214

Search is over boys. There is no pussy to be found here.

A Jewish Chad (With a white GF)

>> No.17271233

Did he really say superfascist? What an absolute CHAD

>> No.17271255

>i shouldn't have started reading philosophy
There you have it. It's a waste of time and won't improve your life in the slightest. At most it will depress you until you realize the people who wrote it didn't have any more of an idea about anything than you do, then ditch it and start living your life.

>> No.17271273

this is why you start with the greeks

>> No.17271323

Evola threads belong in /x/

>> No.17271354

>take a hodgepodge of "old wisdom" out of their cultural and historical contexts and create a Frankenstein monster of "tradition" that so happens to support your preconceived notions on society.
>also, claim that said 'tradition' (that you discovered) its eternal and transcendent while not offering any historical evidence whatsoever

Evola is just "new age" "hippyism for rightwingers anon

>> No.17271751
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Fucking virgin.

>> No.17271771

posting in Italian doesn't make your stupid opinion any less incorrect
people here who read evola aren't poltards, they make that clear. there seems to be only two types of people who discuss evola. those who have read him, and those who haven't who think he's a nazi author and doesn't shit all over modern identity politics ideology (left or right)

>> No.17271805 [DELETED] 

Anytime anyone posts a book or author that can in any way be considered right wing there is large magnitude buttdestruction. I don't know why trigger triggerpeople come to 4chan.

>> No.17271813

Anytime anyone posts a book or author that can in any way be considered right wing there is large magnitude buttdestruction. I don't know why triggerpeople come to 4chan.

>> No.17271974

I'll put money down that you believes that religion is just caveman science.

>> No.17271993

a hippy band even made a song about riding the tiger lmao i think the clintons used a song by the same band during their campaign in the 90s