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/lit/ - Literature

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17270866 No.17270866 [Reply] [Original]

Too lazy to think of a question edition.

Previous thread

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)




>> No.17270870


>> No.17270873


>> No.17270877

why do pseud larpers hate genre fiction?

>> No.17270912
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>Eternal damnation can't be THAT bad, right?
By the way, this is the OFFICIAL soundtrack for the last chapter of TUC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idn50Xj_CiY
Bakker literally quotes it in the chapter epitaph.

>> No.17270917

what's genre fiction?

>> No.17270933

any type of fiction that can be associated with a genre (fantasy, sci-fi, horror, mystery / crime, romance, etc.)

>> No.17270935

literary is a genre, thus genre fiction.

>> No.17270936
File: 69 KB, 1000x550, Ark-of-the-Skies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And they'll tell you black is really white
>The moon is just the sun at night
>And when you walk in golden halls
>You get to keep the gold that falls
>It's Heaven and Hell, oh no!

>> No.17270945

literary isn't a genre retard. literary = a class of writing or an approach to writing.

>> No.17270946

>literature is a genre
So this is the intelligence of an sff-fag

>> No.17270952

Why did he do it bros?

>> No.17270960

do you want to be autistic or do you want to be realistic?

>> No.17270989

The literary genre has its own set of rules, tropes, expectations, and everything else that genre fiction has.

>> No.17271010

Thread question: Compared to movies and videogames, writing has a very low financial and technical barrier to entry. Why is it then so fucking hard to find competent authors with consistent plots? in the context of sffg, It's been over 50 years and (arguably) nobody has surpassed Tolkien and Asimov. There's so many stories that haven't been told. Non-vancian magic is barely explored. Fish-out-of-water archetype is mocked for being cliche and yet I haven't seen it pulled off well more than a couple of times. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.17271019
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He genuinely wanted to save the world.

But despite all his power, he was still just one man, surrounded by the darkness that comes before.

>> No.17271046

Your willful ignorance, narrow-mindedness, and refusal to accept what is what's going on. Among various other issues.

>> No.17271057

but compared to movies and video games, have they done it better than books?

>> No.17271064
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The puh-sood is a consumer of art codified by institutions. These untermensch have been conditioned to believe that art is important, but cannot recognise it

>> No.17271068

>see what's really going on is that you won't actually tell me what's going on, that's why you don't know what's going on
Just scream jews and fuck off already.

>> No.17271076

Not everyone who disagrees with you is /pol/. You really ought to address your persecution complex.

>> No.17271078

4Chan X, guys. It's great. You can filter unwanted posts. Plenty of those ITT.

>> No.17271083

Please expound for me on the shared tropes and expectations between Ulysses, A Confederacy of Dunces, and Anna Karenina

>> No.17271091

Filtering newfaggotry doesn't magic it away.

>> No.17271093

accept what, exactly? I'm asking genuinely. I'm GRRM and Rothfuss can't even finish their shit, Sanderson's tedious systems miss the point of fantasy, Sword and Sorcery peaked and disappeared from public acclaim, you can feel how old A Princess of Mars is whenever you read it.

I'd say they have, only when they truly capture the essence of the medium. Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft and Morrowind do much more to capture the essence of fantasy and exploration than their older counterparts (talking about videogames, specifically).

>> No.17271105

Why? It'd be wasted effort on my part.

>> No.17271111

is that a function of the medium though of the story itself?

>> No.17271120

You're primarily about video games and only have a passing interest in books. Naturally you're entirely biased in their favor and probably for visual mediums in general. There's nothing wrong with that, but it takes a severe lack of self-awareness to go on about it as you have.

>> No.17271128
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Why are you invoking Asimov as a master of plot when his best plots were just cribbing noir? Asimov is hailed as a scifi legend primarily for his revolutionary ideas on robotics

To actually answer your question I expect a lot of talented writers get wasted on multimedia industries. Being a 9-5 writer is much more stable than being a novelist

>> No.17271135
File: 557 KB, 1024x728, cnaiur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong in intellect, weak in spirit, need abominable sorcery just to make a difference in the world but damned irrevocably, think they can actually save it
>ridiculously strong souls, turn themselves into living ciphrang, will go to hell and make a cool dominion for themselves as soon as they die, embraced the warm embrace of mog-pharau
Yeah, I'm thinking my old boy Cnaiür was the based one all along.

>> No.17271150
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>> No.17271155

You assume far too much, I only expanded upon my opinion on videogames because >>17271057
I never said Asimov was a master of plot, I specifically talked about consistency.

In general, I just wanted to start a discussion as to why it seems like most fantasy sucks, maybe it's a consequence of people learning from fantasy to write fantasy instead of starting from the classics, or maybe it's just Sturgeon's Law.

>> No.17271174

It doesn't suck, you simply don't enjoy it. Your personal opinion isn't consensus opinion.

>> No.17271191

I don't want to start a shit flinging contest. Let me rephrase then. Is there something you'd wish would change or improve in modern fantasy? For Example, I wish epic poetry would make a comeback to the mainstream.

>> No.17271270

I'm looking for Robin Hood Fantasy. As in Robin Hood meets Fantasy. Does anybody have any recs?

>> No.17271274

When was it mainstream?

>> No.17271312

Like 1200 years ago lmao this faggot

>> No.17271320

The Lies of Loche Lamora

>> No.17271330

A while ago an anon said it was ruined by the main guy cucking constantly for some love interest character/

>> No.17271342
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Why wouldn't he do it?

>> No.17271349

>Sorcerers of madness telling me the time
>Child of God sitting in the sun giving peace of mind
>Fictional seduction on a black snow sky
>Sadness kills the superman, even fathers cry
>Of all the things in life I value most of all
>I look inside myself and see my world and know that it is good
>You know that I should

>> No.17271352
File: 162 KB, 253x253, cnaiur-mvoam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite scene with Cnaiür is where he reunites with Moenghus Jr. It's practically heartwarming... beating the living crap out of his long-lost son is the only way he knows how to express his fatherly love.

>> No.17271357

That happens mainly in the 3rd novel, where the author was basically writing about his failed marriage. The 1st book however is fantastic as a standalone and should be left at that.

>> No.17271389
File: 70 KB, 640x799, ozzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Seju, it's like he stole the entire plot and aesthetic of the series from this one song.

>> No.17271392

Bakker is the only author to portray simping and cucking for the miserable thing that it is.

Did Sorweel get the pussy in the end though? I can't remember.

>> No.17271401

Yeah, Chadweel was a two-time champion of the Serwa bowl.

>> No.17271403

I meant as in Robin Hood and his Merry Gang are actually in it and the setting stays the same.

>> No.17271417

The Once and Future King

>> No.17271427

Is the kingkiller chronicles the most over rated POS in fantasy?

The main character is the biggest mary sue I've ever seen

>> No.17271447

I very strongly dislike Sanderson, but Rothfuss is even worse.

>> No.17271467

That's King Arthur.

>> No.17271466

only the first book is any good

>> No.17271483

I don't think Kvothe does anything too out of the ordinary within the confines of young power-fantasy (Quentin form The Magicians comes to mind). The problem is how he can be Coldsteel 9001 but also grovel at Denna's feet and claim he's just a humble bartender now.

The LSD tree and black orb-spiders are the only things making me look forward to the final book, though I'm sure I'll be disappointed.

>> No.17271494
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>Be Covenant
>Be misanthropic leper who hates life and society (The typical 4chan user)
>Get transported to fantasy universe and is cured
>He thinks that he's dreaming and its all bullshit
>Random woman shows up and tells him he's not dreaming
>Commits one of the most horrific acts and single handedly destroys her mental state
>Despite this, he's still the hero and chosen one
>You root for him for the following nine books as well
How did Donaldson get away with it?

>> No.17271508

Yeah but Robin Hood is in it

>> No.17271515
File: 573 KB, 1707x2560, 91sdV5kij9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? It's pretty violent, edgy, dark and post-apocalyptic. MC is gay. Not really up to Bakker's level at all though, it's more pulpy, sword&sorcery than le epic high fantasy.

>> No.17271527

Thanks for the rec though

>> No.17271537
File: 170 KB, 480x360, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the chinkpill

>> No.17271540

Give recs
I tried the Poppy War, couldn't really get into it

>> No.17271558
File: 47 KB, 1200x630, 53241839._UY630_SR1200,630_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been liking EE more than I thought. The world feels different and dynamic enough for fantasy and they're easy to read through, not too long either. I'm sure I've gotten more out of it, learning about the Elders, and I've got this Ozriel conversation to finish so that's sorta neat. It doesn't feel as in-your-face as cosmere does.
The flashbacks feel redundant at this stage. Yeah sure seeing how/why the crew met/joined is okay and all but it's book 3, this should have been taken care of by book 2 at the latest. That, their overall motivation, primarily that Ach'magut encounter. At least the crew plays off each other well enough and there are a lot more candid interactions than I'm used to, which I prefer and tend to find lacking in most sff.
Urzaia literally saying he was noble is eyeroll.
I want to read more scenes with my daughter Bliss.

Did you try A Thousand Li?

>> No.17271638
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Six Wakes - Mur Lafferty (2017)

A murder mystery where the generation ship crew, six people, wake up in cloning vats wondering what happened and what or who killed them all. They don't have any memories beyond boarding the ship, but they see a few of their aged corpses drifting nearby. This isn't an ordinary crew, each is a criminal, some with multiple life sentences.

I'm biased towards enjoying set-ups like these, Danganronpa and Dark Matter for example, so I was willing to overlook flaws that otherwise would have detracted.

The dialogue is a problem, but I've come to accept that the disconnect between what the characters are saying and who they are is the current fashion. The purpose of this may be so that they're personally relatable to the reader regardless of the characteristics of the character. I often have a problem with how centuries old characters act. One example is whether they'd make pop culture references that were outdated by centuries by the time they were born centuries ago.

The other primary flaw is that author shifts narrative perspective as required to prevent the reader from learning certain information until it can be later presented as a Big Reveal. Normally this would bother me. It didn't with this book.

I enjoyed all of the characters, how the reading flowed well, and the plot with its many convolutions, several of which were silly. Doing backstory chapters (or episodes) for every character is hit or miss for me, often I'd prefer to continue the momentum of the main plot, but it worked well enough for me in this case. There are engagements with philosophy and religion, but nothing in-depth to where it takes a central role. The ending was equally ridiculous and hilarious and I appreciated that.

Overall, this was a fun read, which usually is more important than anything else for me and does a lot towards mitigating any concerns that I may have. If I forget that I'm reading a book and the hours simply pass by, that's a sure sign that I've been enjoying myself.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.17271673
File: 977 KB, 1235x821, sain_shiryu-sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Poppy War is a lot of bullshit for little payoff though the pacing isn't terrible.
I liked Unsouled/Cradle1 but its pretty basic
I'm reading C.Yu's translation of Journey to the West right now and its obviously better than any modern chinkshit

>> No.17271804

you made this thread because you're a whore

>> No.17271864

what are some GAR books?

>> No.17271928


>> No.17271951

for Gay Ass Retards I recommend anything by Terry Goodkind

Conan The Barbarian

>> No.17272088

>Getting filtered by Richard Rahl

>> No.17272099

Why are they stealing an espresso machine?
Or is it a samovar?

>> No.17272111 [DELETED] 

that's nancy pelosi's espresso machine in the year 2067 and that's a fascist coup you're looking at

>> No.17272293
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Shit on it all you want, but rarely any books can compete with Harry Potter's world building

>> No.17272331
File: 383 KB, 1080x809, Screenshot_20200120-160741_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even worth a (You).

>> No.17272360

>lmao portable time machine that will never be brought up again
>enormous botanical and chemical knowledge and none of it ever goes to the real world, not even by evil wizards
>all the post-book additions to canon
>transformation potion that could destroy sociopolitical cohesion worldwide, even demonstrated in the last book/movie, apparently never exploited.

>> No.17272385

Red Rising was awesome I don't care what you jerks think!

>> No.17272422

I assume you meant "main character"(?).

Why did you choose to make an acronym out of a phrase, a syntagm, which contains only two words, none of which even containing more than three syllables. Why?
Why do Americans, assuming you are American because I have mainly seen Americans use acronyms for literally fucking everything, do this? Why do you belittle and dumb down your own language which later only results (look around if you want proof) in a nation of literal worm-brain, slobbering retards? What the hell is wrong with you?

No wonder that it is never even going to be you absolute disgusting mouth breathing, shit stain blockhead McMutt™ protestant retard, die in pain and misery fuckwit.

Kill yourself and eat a dick, faggot.

>> No.17272425

>need abominable sorcery just to make a difference in the world

citation needed

>> No.17272437

lmao if u can still understand him it's good enough, simple as.

>> No.17272441

>bringing up a boogeyman I didn't name
Sounds like they're rent free in your head bud, I just know JQ psychos when I see them.

>> No.17272449

Isn't he the one who did Altered Carbon or am I misremembering? Those books were pretty good, might have to check this out.

>> No.17272455

Nix unironically shits all over Rowling's worldbuilding in multiple settings.

>> No.17272478

>Why did you choose to make an acronym out of a phrase
Lurk more. Take your meds.

>> No.17272553

Yeah it’s super pulpy. It’s pretty ok, but it also felt like he was trying too hard to be grimdark, especially in the later books.

>> No.17272590

y u mad tho?

>> No.17272604

>Non-vancian magic
Less opportunities for plot complications

>> No.17272656

Because I don't think it's ok to accelerate the retardation of the English language. People like you are the reason why western civilization is collapsing. I am not lazy enough to make an acronym out of 2 words and I am trying to save western culture from destruction.

>> No.17272670

>trying to save western culture from destruction
>by shitposting with grammatical correctness on a Panamanian spearfishing forum
Cool story bro.

>> No.17272807

Malazan > WoT

>> No.17272968


So its Among us: The novel??

>> No.17272972

You have to be 18 to be on 4chan

>> No.17272995

In the future, they grow babies in artificial wombs. And politically important babies are target for kidnappers.

>> No.17272998

While reading Book of the New Sun you learn that Jonas is actually a robot who was badly damaged and has been forced to use organic parts to fix himself.

So now I'm wracking my brain and I can't think of a single other example of a reverse cyborg in fiction.

A fully synthetic being who is slowly becoming more organic. The Androids from DBZ and Cylons from DBZ are organics with synthetic components. Pinocchio is completely changed from wood to flesh, not piecemeal.

>> No.17273003

meant Cylons from BSG.

>> No.17273056

Most of that would probably be buried under "synths" rather than cyborgs.

>> No.17273068

there's a doctor who story like that I'm pretty sure, the androids of something

>> No.17273069
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What am I in for?

>> No.17273083

edgy, pretty good, there's an epic male waifu who gets turned into a female body.

I kind of lost interest once the powercreep got too bad so they had to reset the MC to where he started to get more chapters out of the story

>> No.17273101

Reporting also does nothing and since mods won't act there's nothing else to do except filter the thread.

>> No.17273111

You are a pleb that does not understand the type of character Kvothe is. Kingkiller Chronicles is overrated because it is unfinished and stalled out in its second book due to the author being a giant hack who ran out of ideas writing his debut trilogy but still likes to pretend he's a bigshot author despite not writing anything in a decade.

>> No.17273112

Jesus Christ in heaven. Sanderson is reusing the same scenario from earlier in the book, with the same character dynamics. And he's re-explaining them all over again. He's re-explaining EVERYTHING. Why can't this motherfucker just tell a story, instead of explaining the logic the the plot again and again. I'm dying here. This book is so bad. But I have to finish it.

>> No.17273122

That acronym has been used on 4chan longer than you've likely had hair on your nuts, kid.

>> No.17273165

You should be able to read 200,000 word count book in three days easily, sweetie.

>> No.17273172

stop reading trash authors, mayhaps?

>> No.17273194

Bros, how do I write good characters that aren’t generic stock? Every series has its orphaned hero, its wise wizard, its jaded rogue, its beautiful princess, its evil darklord. How do I play with these archetypes just enough to make them fresh and original?

>> No.17273261

>Every series has its orphaned hero, its wise wizard, its jaded rogue, its beautiful princess, its evil darklord.

no they don't, try reading stuff that isn't bad or 70s tolkien clones

>> No.17273277

Oh sure, it's easy with audio. But what does ease have to do with enjoyment? This book is killing my with its constant explaining. Characters will say exactly what happened, and why it happened. And then immediately, the narration will reiterate what they just said. And then a couple chapters later like an alzheimer's sufferer, the same points are covered again in a near identical fashion.

How can I know the author is trash if I don't experience it?

>> No.17273333

Does /sffg/ have a list or chart for book recommendations that doesn't include any woke garbage?

I'm sick of finding new books in which the main plot involves some nigger, faggot, or woman struggling to fit in with muh patriarchy or getting involved in some faggy relationship.

>> No.17273368

Your generalizations reveal how little fantasy you've read. Or that you simply stopped reading anything published after 1985. So I guess your first step is to correct that and actually read more fantasy before you start generalizing about it so wildly.

>> No.17273404

Reddit has been kind enough to rank books based on sexual violence.
You can find the database here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hQi6C2RQvjGzjSoXU0D063fCFcz1wCHXFUe7PfEsGrk/edit?usp=sharing

Basically woke authors will have less sexual violence

>> No.17273411

Just keep reading the book.

Even if you read only 200 words per minute you can read that book in 17 hours total.

>> No.17273435

I'm listening to the audiobook. The length is about 27 and a half hours. It'll probably have it done in two more days.

>> No.17273442

Genre is only one letter away from Gene

>> No.17273449

You are wrong. Harry Potter's worldbuilding is somewhere between poor and average. However, it's settings, locals and characters are engaging, at least to the younger market (which is fine, I guess).

Not /lit/, but they definitely did a good job capturing that in the movies. I've been around Oxford a few times for work and even though I've only seen the Potter films 1 or 2 times, the locations really jumped out at me.

>> No.17273481

Hasn't been updated at all since I last looked at it months ago, probably abandoned, and it has barely any authors on it anyway.

>> No.17273533

Just don't read anything published in the last 20 years

I have some unfortunate news for you. You aren't going to make it

>> No.17273559

What I did not much care for is the whole "will power over reality" he had going in that one. hungry? just pretend you are not

>> No.17273563

Potter has shit world building. its fine for kids book but it has very little internal logic and the society is not believable

>> No.17273574

I dont think he did. What mostly got me was how tiresome the writing was.

>> No.17273615

Yea I’ve never liked power resets
I read Devil’s Cage and each time he goes to a new dungeon world he starts from zero Essentially
Seems more like authors not planning things out well

>> No.17273665

Thanks anon, I think I’ll give it a read.

>> No.17273673

Wheel of Time has rape?
Please tell me it's Egwene, repeatedly, with a knife.

>> No.17273706

i think a woman rapes a dude


>> No.17273710

Women can't rape though.

>> No.17273753

>There is a man who is raped by a woman and several characters insist he got what was coming to him because he was a known womanizer

>Shaidar Haran raped some female Forsaken (and probably others), Morgase was raped, and of course the controversial Mat and Tylin rape-sex.

Combined with the Aes Sedai spankings, bondage, and what have you it sure seems to me Jordan was writing with an erection the entire time.

>> No.17273800

Man, I must be the only one on /sffg/ that enjoys Thomas Covenant

>> No.17273814
File: 292 KB, 1008x824, Screenshot_20210113-114415_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you started your own YouTube channel to make money on nerds by repeating anecdotes from books?

>> No.17273833

Fool, fool! You´ve got to bleed for the dancer

>> No.17273909

It was funny when Alt Shift X started insulting the show. He tried so hard to stay as neutral as possible throughout all of his videos. Going for the "informational" style of presentation. But the show was so bad, that even he started to break structure and shit on it.

But to answer your question, it's because I listen a number of those guys, and they all repeat the same material again and again, desperately trying to maintain a money making audience. Which seems like an insane thing to do.

Though, if I were to bet on a book to start one of these youtube channels for, I would bet on Wheel of Time. As that show has a chance at becoming popular. And Cradle, which I'm expecting to get an adaptation any day now. It's a very popular book, and the material would be very easy to adapt.

>> No.17273989

Not the guy you were replying too but I was kind of surprised that I didn't see this type of thing happen when The Witcher came out. It's extremely popular but people seem content to just do the millionth "Toss a Coin" cover

>> No.17274005

I want to read Dark Souls: The novel

>> No.17274037

will j. r. r. martin ever finish ASOIAF bros?
i want to start reading it but i hate unfinished book series

>> No.17274109

Obviously not.
Everyone is just waiting for him to die now, so that someone else will push out the series quickly.

The way he is going though, he should only have another couple years left in him, if he is lucky.

>> No.17274115
File: 62 KB, 310x475, 16043804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys do when you've read all of the old-school/essential SFF stuff?
Move onto modern/Reddit tier series?

I'm looking at:

The Lies of Locke Lamora - Gentleman Bastard series
Red Rising - Red Rising Saga
The Fifth Season - Broken Earth series
Kings of The Wyld - The Band series
The Crown Tower - Riryia Chronicles

If you have read them, which are worth reading/not worth reading in your opinion?

>> No.17274128

I've been looking for a book similar to Dark Souls for a long time. Only The Book of The New Sun gave me similar vibes.

>> No.17274139

The Night Land

Read the more obscure old stuff, obviously

>> No.17274157

By the time I have finished all the current old stuff, the new stuff will be old, meaning I can read it.

>> No.17274247
File: 271 KB, 966x1600, princessbride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Princess Bride is for kids and girls, right?
Or is it worth a read as a big strong boy?

>> No.17274268

The chad choice is to get over your insecurity and just read it.

>> No.17274299

You don't have to tell your boyfriend that you're reading this.

>> No.17274347

The next book Winds of Winter has a chance of coming out. But the one after that? Not likely at all.

>> No.17274393

You know it's really funny how upset many on this site got upset about Martin airing a slight disagreement with Tolkien.s way of writing

>> No.17274519



>> No.17274525

No you don’t. It would make a shit premise for a book.

>> No.17274554

Hamilton's Void Trilogy. Is it better than Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained? Should I read Bakker instead?

>> No.17274568

Obviously I didn't mean literal Dark Souls as a novel. I guess two must-haves would be a "dying world" setting and a very nebulous plot that leaves a lot of things up for imagination and interpretation

>> No.17274717


Dying Earth? It's a weird mix of sci-fi and fantasy though

>> No.17274729

Do you prefer settings with tons of magic everywhere or where magic is super rare?

>> No.17274772

What if you made them hot bisexual girls with big jugs?

>> No.17275113

>tfw rewatched the ending again a few nights ago

>> No.17275333
File: 398 KB, 960x960, The-Witcher-Series-Logo-White-the-witcher-netflix-43108096-960-960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was kind of surprised that I didn't see this type of thing happen when The Witcher came out.

because most people simply know about it from the witcher 3 or are vaguely aware the books exist. it's not really something for mainstream attention whores to latch onto for instant appeal.

>> No.17275358

>What do you guys do when you've read all of the old-school/essential SFF stuff?
Die. Seriously, there0s so much old stuff out there and you only hear about the greats.

>> No.17275382
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Is the Goodreads group actually worth checking out?

>> No.17275396
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Daniel Greene wrote a book called "Breach of Peace" which is coming around April.
How WOKE this shit is going to be, some smaller and gay version of Sanderson?


>> No.17275405

Isnt it basically the same trannies that are in the tranny discord?

>> No.17275499


>> No.17275519

Where do you guys pirate your books? Looking for 2nd Apocalypse by Bakker, specifically.

>> No.17275540

Read the sticky and lurk most, fag.

>> No.17275557

Lurk a lot moar until you've lurked the most.

>> No.17275597
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Please recommend me a light read as I will be recovering from surgery next week. I have enjoyed Jack Vance, Dan Simmons, Frank Herbert, Lovecraft, C.A. Smith and Chinese guy of Three-Body Problem trilogy.

>> No.17275630

Go to /t/ there is a fantasy books collection thread

>> No.17275841

and they're in this thread as well

>> No.17275869

The fact Martin says he respects and admires Tolkien seems to be completely overlooked.

>> No.17275881

Can someone identify who the faces on the covers of the second apocalypse books are?

>> No.17275883

>so that someone else will push out the series quickly
Won't happen He has it put into his will that if he dies before finishing, it will remain unfinished. The way he writes, it's unlikely there would be enough material for anybody to finish it even if they went against his wishes.

>> No.17275903

>Wheel of Time has rape?
Why are people surprised by this? It seems like a lot of people have the impression WoT is for kids.

>> No.17275951
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Bakkerfags.. why Bakker hates women so much?

>> No.17276056

Is sword and sorcery the closest fantasy to historical fiction? Stuff like Sharpe or Three Musketeers

>> No.17276104

>Basically woke authors will have less sexual violence

Not necessarily. A woke author will still write the same drivel and still include a little sexual assault.

>> No.17276258

Fuck E William Brown

>Kings of The Wyld - The Band series
No. Don't read that.

>> No.17276428

So let me get this straight.

Our boy, the warrior proper actually studied the human faces of whom exactly? Back in school, I mean.this has to be the sickest part of the series until now.

I’m on book 2 btw,

>> No.17276463

Settle an argument for me, /sffg/. How cliched is the trope of a fantasy setting where there was some huge catastrophe hundreds of years ago that plunged the world into darkness that society is only just recovering from, especially where that catastrophe was, like, a magic explosion causing a wasteland or crater?

>> No.17276475

Defective dunyain.

>> No.17276578

What the fuck are defective dunyain? Don’t answer if it’s a spoiler. In any case, this has been the most horrible part so far.

>> No.17276593

Just the ones who weren't autistic enough.
Literally underachievers.

>> No.17276615

And when I thought that the Consult was bad, I come upon this. LMAO

Not even Kellus’ fault. He was raised by cunts.

>> No.17276646
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... but we love him ...

>> No.17276887

Every major series is like this.

>> No.17276916

Chasm City

>> No.17276919
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Fuck no, Enzyme bonded concrete saga is by far his best work. Void has to much fantasy, but it is okay.
Go read John C Wrights "The Golden Oecumene" trilogy.

>> No.17277013

Any names come to mind? That’s what I thought too, but I couldn’t think of any actual examples when pressed.

>> No.17277194

Lord of the rings
Stormlight archive
Second apocalypse

Magic explosion counts as being made by someone. All of those series have some sort of an apocalyptic past. There are many, many more.

>> No.17277214

Is Cradle actually popular enough to nab an adaptation?

>> No.17277272

Proyas did not deserve to get fucked as hard as he did.

>> No.17277302

This is not true though.
He recently mentioned that if he were to die before he finished, that he would like Stephen King to finish them up for him.

>> No.17277316

Proy-boy was a self-righteous, holier than thou, faith-blinded retard. He had it coming, but he couldn’t see what a pawn he was sincd he was so drunk with power and faith... a place was prepared. As we say in Min-Uroikas, “Mess with the Kell, burn in the Hells.”

>> No.17277322
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>1000 pages of fantasy smut

Is it any good?

>> No.17277331

tfw no bit titty blonde swayali witch gf

>> No.17277333

Excellent choice

>> No.17277334
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> tfw bashrag

>> No.17277343
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More mindfuck sci-fi books like this?

>> No.17277353

Is the latest book by Abercrombie any good, "The Trouble With Peace" or whatever, the previous one kinda sucked.

>> No.17277361

I don’t read children’s books

>> No.17277370

Abercrombie’s not worth reading imo. He’s a sword&sorcery genre hack. Nothing of real substance or depth. Edgy humor that isn’t funny. He’ll be forgotten in 10 years.

>> No.17277402

not reading it as a high-brow literary work, but the first trilogy was a fun read imo.
New trilogy jumped from early renascence to the industrial revolution in 30 years.

>> No.17277411

It's not for children. Book is honestly quite gory.

>> No.17277434
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Maybe it's because i'm an internet-induced adhd zoomer, but i'm trying to look for interesting books to read, and all the settings and synopsis seem quite boring and generic. Having to spend various hours to know if the plot gets interesting beyond that doesn't seem like a good time investment.

I'm also seeing plenty of people being disappointed by the second or third book of a series, and many other complaining about how some books are unnecessarily dense, so it's not very encouraging

Needless to say, I never read. The only books i've read (apart from the ones that are obligatory at school) is asoiaf, which I enjoyed quite a lot.

I guess i'm looking for something rather original that isn't too dense
>inb4 read x famous book that already has a movie/tv adaptation.
I already know the story from the movie, so it's not particularly exciting

>> No.17277436

So is Family Guy. So is the fucking Simpsons now. Violence doesn’t mean mature.

>> No.17277439

Sci fi mixed with medieval telekinesis crap. Void was quite bad, but later books were pure shit. I don't recall exact name of books, it's about alternate time line in void. Something about the fallers.

>> No.17277456

It goes way overboard with hypercompetent women - and I think Weber's MCs are believable.

>> No.17277466

I dunno what to tell you if you think ASoIaF wasn't boring and generic.

>> No.17277469

Salvation sequence is also not bad. Except that deus ex machina in the end.
Or Great North road, that was also good. Maybe because it was short (in comparison to other his monstrosities)

>> No.17277478 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 417x148, 1610568047160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordealbros, I...

>> No.17277487

Doesn't sound like you read it.

>> No.17277501

Not with that cover lmao

Go bother another general

>> No.17277574

Can someone spoil this trash for me?

>> No.17277584

The twist is honestly great. I wouldn’t want to spoil it.

>> No.17277593

Please do. I will never read it so you might as well.

>> No.17277618

‘ate a self shill more than anythin’, Gardner, you sad hack.

>> No.17277691

He’s so fucking pathetic. He created multiple accounts on good reads to review his own books.

>> No.17277699

Did he give it all 5 stars?

>> No.17277718


It's pathetic but i'd probably do the same-. Like, there's nothing to lose

>> No.17277742

You lost your credibility
Yes. And those accounts only reviewed his books ,pretty much.

>> No.17277773

I'd probably do the same but without making it so obvious. Review other books in each account

>> No.17277779

He's a noob. He thinks people wouldn't notice that the people who reviewed his book only read his book.

Should have pm'd high read rate readers and offered them a free copy for an honest review. Some would have picked him up on his offer, and the people that follow those people and would see the reviews, and the stone starts to roll.

>> No.17277786

Imagine putting in that much work to try to get people to read your garbage. And then coming on /lit/ and making everyone hate you with constant obnoxious self-shilling. When you could be spending that time reading and writing like a real author. Sad, Gardner, sad...!

>> No.17277821

Wow! This book was great! And what a twist! 5/5

>> No.17277864

Is Lovecraft worth reading?

>> No.17277882

i have dreams of dropping a mega innathread whenever i write my book in another reality and hoping anyone liked it enough to buy it :)

>> No.17277893

How salvation, I hated the first fallers book. It starts so freaking well.

>> No.17277908
File: 862 KB, 1116x924, B786FAD9-FA62-4CDC-AD46-29F4845B9F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s fine to self promote in a reasonable and respectful manner. What Gardner does is overkill, an abject mockery, and it has already backfired... No one’s going to bother with his garbage after the way he treats the board as his personal advertising space. Pic related is his “prose.”

>> No.17277939


>> No.17278035

Read Book of the New Sun

>> No.17278043
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>> No.17278050
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Revelation space is fast and has nice twists till the very end. You can clearly see that Reynold crammed years and years of worldbuilding in to this book.

Reynolds "The Prefect" books are also fast read and good.

The book that got me in to book reading is Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" , it has something fun on every page.

You could also try reading Ted Chiangs and Greg Egans short stories, both are fantastic.

Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith is also a fantastic fastpaced book.

John Dies at the End is nice and fastpaced.

>> No.17278092

This is laughably amateurish. This is self published right? I find it hard to believe a professional editor let this slide.

>> No.17278098

Wheel of Time immediately comes to mind.

>> No.17278104

that disgusts me
mine would never be that atrocious, i promise

>> No.17278108


>> No.17278113
File: 59 KB, 550x550, ROOBY DOOBY DOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frogposter who thinks ASoIaF is good
>touching hard sci-fi

>> No.17278122

This isn't prose problems, this is basic grammatical mistakes. Prose is subjective, it's a style thing, grammar is objective, you either know how to use commas or you don't.

>> No.17278123

The plot seems quite interesting , but a lot of people say it's a difficult read

>> No.17278124

Yeah going from something with compelling, well-written characters to average sci-fi wooden plank characters is pretty much impossible.

>> No.17278140

It's not that difficult. Just uses a lot of Latin and Greek to create new words which are easy to put together if you know your roots.

>> No.17278198
File: 57 KB, 626x280, Fuck your relationship problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He said he has ADHD. I have ADD and problem with boring books. So I recommended him some books with many great ideas, that keep your attention. Since I'm somewhat autistic I don't care all that much about characters, though I do have a preference for Egans and Chiangs intelligent protagonist.

>> No.17278245

What? It isn't unusual to incorrectly use grammar for stylistic reasons.

>> No.17278295

it was and is, do NOT read the third book. locke and his buddy have the most buddy-feel i've ever read and the first book is excellent. the second is also good if you're ok with boats.
the third is one of the worst things that has ever happened to a series, and if we could literally unwrite it and any subsequent books the series would be better off, just drop it after book 2, they're worth reading.

>> No.17278302

And what stylistic reasons are there to randomly drop commas in sentences like caltrops in a hallway? If the intended effect is "it's supposed to be annoyingly punctuated" then I guess it's just not to my taste.

>> No.17278307

>stylistic reasons

>> No.17278319

Honestly I didn't like first book all that much, the main villain is so anti-climatic.

>> No.17278340

Is that a truck?

>> No.17278356

Breaking with grammatical convention is only forgiven if the result is pleasing to the eye and/or ear. Typically this is only possible when the writer knowingly violates rules deliberately in order to achieve a particular aesthetic end. There's no beauty on display in the sample text though, it's just clunky and awkward to read. If this was done on purpose then he should stick to writing ordinary grammar because he clearly doesn't understand language well enough to color outside the lines yet.

>> No.17278360

What is it with midwits and way overusing commas and parenthetical phrases? This is something I've noticed with introduction to books too. Intros are also almost invariably written by failed authors, so I there has to be something about comma splicing and run-on sentences that seems smart somehow.

>> No.17278372

perhaps the real fantasy were the friends we made along the way

>> No.17278385

Idea-flooding is when you give a person too many concepts to track individually. It's a way to cover for rhetorical or logical weakness. If the reader is spending all their brain's bandwidth just trying to remember everything you said they don't have any to spare to pick apart the details to realize they make no sense.

>> No.17278400

Ah, that does make a lot of sense.

>> No.17278424

there is no one alive who read WoT who could come away with any conclusion that did not include "this guy has a serious femdom fetish".

>> No.17278430

We've compressed written communication into tiny boxes, people don't have much opportunity to practice long form.

>> No.17278433

Abercrombie's writing is bluepilled cynicism, it's terrible and completely fake

>> No.17278436

This kind of deceptive writing exploits good faith readers but is pretty transparent to anybody reading with an eye toward analysis. Unfortunately most people who read genre fiction are just trying to have fun reading and are going to pick up a book in good faith, so its easy for writing like this to proliferate, even become popular, especially if there's no widely circulated criticism of it.

>> No.17278470

The funny thing is, that technique is actually quite useful in academia. However, it's usually used with a great deal more finesse. At the grammatical level it's obvious and clumsy, but when employed at the organizational level of an essay, it's a good way to pad your paper and avoid having to explain yourself. Only the most ardent and not-burned-out professors have the wherewithal to see through it.

>> No.17278486

>bluepilled cynicism
Interesting concept. A lot of "grimdark" writing tuned to current cultural sensibilities comes across as this.

>> No.17278532

Writing standards in academia have gotten so bad there's a entire industry in teaching professors how to write understandable English.

>> No.17278574

best book in thread

>> No.17278584

No I reviewed one of them.

>> No.17278688
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>review by Adam Whitehead

>> No.17278797

I'm going to give it ***** just to piss you incels off


>> No.17278802

you will never be a woman

>> No.17278819

It's hard to say. I don't really follow book sales. But it appears that Cradle's popularity is continuing to snowball.
You can roughly of gauge it in the fact that the ratings for Wintersteel(the latest release) has the most amount of ratings on Amazon within the series. By that I mean, if you glance at the ratings for each book, you can see ratings dwindle from the first book down to the 4th. And then from the 5th to the 8th, reviews go back up again. With the 8th book having the highest volume of ratings. About 2.5x more than the first book. Meaning that instead of losing interest over time, it's actually gaining.

That's only counting amazon though. It works a little different on goodreads. On good reads, you are actually seeing a straight decline in rating volume. With Wintersteel being the lowest. However, when you look at reviews, there's a different story. Again, you see the pattern where books 1-4 see a decline. And then 5-8 see an incline. Though the volume of reviews for 8 never reach the level of 1, the numbers are still close. And you have to take into account the ratio. Where the first book has 15,880 Ratings and 782 Reviews. Which is about 20 to 1. While the eight book has 6,689 Ratings and 635 Reviews. Which is about 10 to 1. Meaning that the reviews for Wintersteel are 2x more enthused than the reviews for Unsouled.

Wintersteel was also nominated for the best fantasy of 2020 on Goodreads.
It's low on the list though. Like 17th place. But the fact that it can even be nominated with the other big names is pretty impressive.

Basically, what I'm seeing are signs of acceleration and growth for the series. It's a very agreeable series for a lot of people. So I predict it will continue to grow though word of mouth, as everyone recommends it to everyone else. The whole world and magic and scenarios of the book are perfect for adaptation.

>> No.17278852
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>make up a cool sounding name
>google it
>it already exists

>> No.17278936

I loved that show.

>> No.17278948

Dead franchise

>> No.17278970

neither will you

>> No.17278977

I don't want to

>> No.17278984

I steal all my titles from lines from other books I like.

>> No.17279031

I steal all my ideas from other books I like.

>> No.17279039

Great artists steal

>> No.17279045

>I already know the story from the movie, so it's not particularly exciting
Diagnosis: terminal faggotry

>> No.17279156

You're right. Literary fiction is a genre. But it's not genre fiction, except in the technical sense which ignores the phrase's idiomatic meaning.

>> No.17279185

Keys to the Kingdom was so good. Never got into Sabriel, but I liked what I read of Lireal.

>> No.17279205

Is this a kissing book?

>> No.17279229

That may be the best literal ending chapter/page/words/whatever I've read in a long time. Short and simple.
Shuffles > Dross all fucking day

>> No.17279243

Power resets are the worst. I haven't read much manga but it's hilarious how shameless they can be with things like power resets and filler content.
>yep here's an entire arc about how the characters went to the beach

>> No.17279318

It's part of the Western mindset and psyche

>> No.17279329
File: 61 KB, 287x475, FD086909-ECE4-4F5B-8230-18726B542BB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, I forgot about Nix. I read this series in middle school, it’s awesome as fuck. Necromancer core. I think there was a third book, I never read it though.

>> No.17279386

>seventh tower
>shade's children
Nix is king of true YA writers.

>> No.17279449

So will Kell descend into Hell, rescue the souls who believed in Him, and set himself up a nice domain in Hell?
Or is he just trapped in the Decapitant? Cnaiürjokli couldn’t find him.


>> No.17279493

I look forward to finally finishing the last 2 Second Apocalypse books someday so I might have any idea what the fuck you people are on about.

>> No.17279594

not really about the antagonists, it's about the interactions between the two main characters.

>> No.17279602

thank you, i wasn't sure why i didn't like his current stuff as much as his older stuff, this is exactly why.

>> No.17279626
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For me, it's Lloyd Alexander

>> No.17279641

Nice. I read Prydain multiple times when I was like 9-11. Shit was cash. Taran Wanderer is the best book in the series desu.

>> No.17279650

I agree with you

>> No.17279738

Just finished The Thousandfold Thought. Not a huge fan of the fractured narrative at the end, for how uneven it's spaced, but the final 100 pages were amazing. If most of the setting wasn't already quite original (at least how tropes and inspirations, maybe, are rearranged to create something that feels new and unique) the sorcery is on another level. Whenever I read fantasy with magic and wizards I always find myself comparing it to TSA's. The linguistic theme and metaphysics alone to how magic works and is described are above the average fantasy.
And I honestly didn't remember the writing being that consistent.

Now I'll start the sequel trilogy, for the first time ever. I wish I hadn't accidentally read many of the spoilers you insufferable faggots have left, but whatever.
I'd ask a few questions, like what's the the haloed hands and the trick of the heart after the circumfix ordeal, but it will probably be answered in time.

>> No.17279762
File: 264 KB, 869x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like some critique, this is the start of my "fake-mythos" ala The Silmarillion, I saw some other anon claiming he was doing the same, so I'd be interested in comparing our stories.

In general, I wonder if a story of this type is not sellable and I should just blogpost it somewhere. In the likely scenario that this sucks, let me know. I'd really appreciate some pointers to improve it, though.

https://pastebin.com/d37FAC99 (Tried uploading pdf but got unsupported filetype)

>> No.17279790

Desu I always used spoiler tags. It’s only your fault if you lack the restraint to open them. Kellhus gets salted.

>> No.17279808

Whore after all.

>> No.17279906

lmao how many autistic posts did you make in this thread?

>> No.17280037

I got your spoiler when browsing the TSA forum. I got Aurang's spoiler from the fucking Wiki. I got the No God spoiler here.

Most people spoil shit through images, copy pasted quotes, open discussion about critical shit. They just don't care. Just goes to prove how superior and respectful Wolfe bros are of this stuff and of its meme status. Bakkerfags act like retarded teens on a sugar rush.

>> No.17280148

recommend a fantasy series that takes place in the far future (non-dystopia)

>> No.17280166

Star wars

>> No.17280196

Iain M. Banks Culture Series

>> No.17280206
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>> No.17280232


soiboi athiest detected, it was real and it's never explained, just a miracle bro

>> No.17280246
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>novel has fair prose, is paced well, has no plot holes or unforeshadowed developments, hits all the points its supposed to, and sets up a series that's sure to gain followers and do decently well
>doesn't interest you at all
What was that novel for you, anon?

>> No.17280417

That kind of sounds like Sanderson. Books that set up a successful series and tie up nicely but are massively uninteresting.

>> No.17280428

>fair prose

>> No.17280451
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Depends on how positive you think "fair" is.

>> No.17280458

Author of that green text, I meant fair as in "serviceable," nothing more.
Whether or not Sanderson is serviceable, well...

>> No.17280501

i'm still seething about the fact that the mc's didn't get together in the seventh tower

>> No.17281093

Any book is a children's book if the kid can read.

>> No.17281100

Milla was always too hardcore for Tal's pansy ass.

>> No.17281138
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>> No.17281187

There is literally nothing wrong with Cradle

>> No.17281212

dross ruined it and MUH MONARCHS are boring

>> No.17281219
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>> No.17281221

abidan involved way too early
uncrowned being half a book
dross humor for half the series now
lindon being subservient 8 books in

>> No.17281252

Whoever made this has not finished TUC and realized what an utter CHAD our boy Sorweel is.

>> No.17281323

literally everything about the abidan is boring and should have been cut out

>> No.17281372
File: 166 KB, 1135x797, olga-marshmallow-siri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been weeks and I cannot stop imagining I am Siri Keeton.
Any other /sffg/ books with schizoid protagonists?

>> No.17281396


Well its certainly psychodelic, is that intended? I think its a little convoluted. Creation myths tend to be more simple, like, at that point in time theres nobody to witness, so humans just make things up with some alegory mixed in.

>> No.17281400

suriel and her stuff at the very beginning was kinda neat but then it became way too fucking forced throughout the series
mad king and fisher thief girl? are they going to show up or affect cradle in any way? don't care
the vroshir? don't care
the only relevant events were the hound ramping up the dreadgods and that other retarded forgettable plot device that watched over the tournament
i think he thinks he needs to flesh out abidan in cradle

>> No.17281516

If you get filtered by BotNS I can't help you. It was the first series I read after not reading shit for years. I didn't understand everything behind-the-scenes on a first read, but you're not supposed to ever understand everything about it. The plot itself is straightforward enough. It just gives you a lot of worldbuilding and history indirectly. Part of the fun is figuring that stuff out, but it's also got shit like decapitating captors on the back of an elephant and romance and fighting giants to keep you moving. You can google any words you don't know but most of the time you won't need to - the Latin and Greek is meant to be evocative, not exact.

>> No.17281549

trying to read this is giving me a stroke

please tell me this is not a professionally published novel

>> No.17281572

Bump Limit

>> No.17281589
File: 166 KB, 1200x908, 7BF8F754-7CDD-44F3-BE1C-DA9380D33108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Tolkien artwork or 60s-80s sf/f artworks are my personal favorite for the OP image desu. Newer book covers, anime and cartoons are less aesthetic and lead to poorer /sffg/ content imo.

>> No.17281593

>in the beforetime
Stopped reading there

>> No.17281619

It’s a decent start. It’s VERY reminiscent of the Ainulindalë in the Silm. The names are interesting. The style is a bit ponderous. You’re describing a metaphysics very similar to Tolkien’s. Desu it would be good to push this further and make it your own. Tolkien’s metaphysics works for him. Bakker rewrote the book with his take on metaphysics. I don’t like Sanderson’s writing, but at least his cosmos is governed by distinct and unique forces. In you’re writing I’m not seeing that yet. Keep it up anon. Post more later once you’ve tightened it up a bit.

>> No.17281620

>abidan involved way too early
Necessary world building. It makes more sense on the second read through.

>uncrowned being half a book
This is probably the only real mistake in the series. As lingering tournament plotline got tangled into all these other things that would have been better off handled without the tournament. Still, Will Wight managed to force it all into a working story. And by the end of Wintersteel, all the events funnel into this single point. Putting the story back on stable ground again.

>dross humor for half the series now
Dross is great.

>lindon being subservient 8 books in
Don't confuse politeness for weakness. Lindon uses courtesy in order to get what he wants out of people. Disguising his ulterior motives. He's been that way from the very first book. and it's worked out quite well for him. But by the end of Wintersteel, he learns how to gain control by using a commanding tone. He's growing.

I liked them.

>mad king and fisher thief girl? are they going to show up or affect cradle in any way?
First, Yes. Because they both threaten Cradle's existence. Since Ozriel's scythe can cut the world out at any time. And remember that the reason the hound came to cradle was to recruit "soldiers" to fight against enemies of the Abidan. So the general idea is that he's taking people from cradle, in order to fight against forces that threaten the existence of cradle.(and all things)

I believe we're going to get more Abidan stuff next book. Because the hound isn't going to leave Cradle without getting new fighters. So I'm betting that at least one of the monarchs are going to ascend, if not two.
But furthermore, anyone who is a sage or Herald can technically ascend too. So it's possible that Yerin and Lindon will reach the heavens, even if it's only temporary.

>> No.17281625

I know nothing of this series but it sounds cool. You should meme it more.

>> No.17281641

I don't "meme" things. Whatever that means.

>> No.17281652

Memeing is the joy of shitposting. And a very fine joy it be.

>> No.17281660
File: 13 KB, 302x355, nothing personel (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf are you doing on fourchannel then?

>> No.17281677
File: 129 KB, 720x922, monkeyking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me the best modern Chinese FANTASY

(not like Lord Dunsany, or MacDonald but more like Tolkien, in the sense not the precursors but the prime example)

>> No.17281681
File: 2.24 MB, 3000x2029, Arelius Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not completely sure what you mean. But I don't like it when other people go around forcing memes. So I'm not going to do it myself. If I happen to think of something funny or interesting or clever, then I'll share it. If it's relevant anyway. Just posting random Cradle memes would be annoying.

I found this cool picture of the main characters. Got it off Reddit. But that's because /v/ doesn't produce any fanwork. I have to go to other sites in order to find Cradle material.
Maybe that's what you can do. Go look up Reddit for Cradle memes.

>> No.17281686

Mainland China is incapable of producing good media. I have tried to find an answer to your question many times, and the answer is that there is nothing of value

>> No.17281699

Sorry, meant /lit/, not /v/. Didn't mean to let my filthy gamer identity show.

>> No.17281720

I only tried it once with this high budget science fiction film by the Chinese. It was a shitshow.

>> No.17281730

Hong Kong and Taiwan do decent work from time to time. Eat Drink Man Woman is a great movie, but not SFF unfortunately

>> No.17281745

this, hong kong and taiwan culture >>>>> mainland culture.

>> No.17281792

Any similar books or recommendations for something in the same vein as the Hellgate: London series, or the Demonata series?

>> No.17281866

get off /lit/ Abercrombie

>> No.17282116

I mainly read historical nonfiction and sci-fi. Which big fantasy series besides ASOIAF should I read? No urban fantasy/no Sanderfag.

>> No.17282135

Prince of Nothing / Second Apocalypse

>> No.17282139
File: 46 KB, 906x516, tae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this scene was epic

>> No.17282177

bless likaro!

>> No.17282824

The Pillars of the Earth is sort of fantasy.
It has a witch in it.

>> No.17283200


I assume they have decent writers that are untranslated, and maybe decent comics

>> No.17283206

A shitty thread once again. Not enough Bakker posting.