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File: 22 KB, 580x212, neuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17269347 No.17269347[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This dude wrote Neuromancer lol.
In 5 years until the grocery store will block you for wrongthink and people will cheer this on because you're clearly a nazi.

>> No.17269360

why do you care, poolack?

>> No.17269363
File: 62 KB, 785x1100, 1594315450398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save the brainlet agendaposting for /pol/

>> No.17269368

Neuromancer really isn't anything special. You shouldn't be reading it if you're over the age of 17.

>> No.17269374

Fuck off nazi.

>> No.17269381

who cares redneck
off yourself

>> No.17269386

Kill yourselves

>> No.17269395

go od on meth like your parents did

>> No.17269397

>author blatantly misses the main theme of the genre he created becoming real
>if you notice this you're a nazi


>> No.17269399

People always suck off power. Our meme culture in the West pretends to be underdog rebels, but they absolutely never were.

Most people who go up against power are insane or stupid. The only exception if they are already elites and see an opportunity for a coup. If you're a prole just fucking forget it.

>> No.17269402
File: 199 KB, 955x214, lit is a slow board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17269403

Have you actually read Neuromancer? It's shit. It might have launched the cyberpunk genre but it doesn't deal with themes of globalism, hyper-capitalism and artificial intelligence other than "they exist". It's a shallow book.

>> No.17269407

Trumpers deserve to be banned for their destructive racist lies and fascist coup attempt

>> No.17269427

What are some good cyberpunk books?

>> No.17269433

not just banned, depersoned

>> No.17269435

>anon is so drowned in cynicism that he thinks just being contrarian automatically puts him on the right side of history
I wonder what stupid shit will you retards latch onto after Druph.

>> No.17269448

Dunno, haven't read any others. Play Deus Ex and System Shock or just watch the news for your cyberpunk fix.

>> No.17269464

Sorry no homos on this board,

>> No.17269468

>using the phrase "right side of history" without a tinge of irony

>> No.17269475

/pol/ wanted that dude from fox tucker carlson to run in 2024 lmao

>> No.17269480

Never finished the book, always got bored.

>> No.17269486

Writers and academics are always establishment shills, even if their writings would suggest otherwise.

>> No.17269499

People are this willing to suck to suck off amazon for one fucking memeday?

>> No.17269505

It is cyberpunk, Gibson is just siding with le evil corporations.

>> No.17269506

>I'm so above you all by never even trying to win

>> No.17269523

This is weird. Kinda like Stephen King rooting for troons when they're textbook killer degenerates from his earlier work.

>> No.17269528
File: 79 KB, 1200x800, blue origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Bezzos. Very cool.

Loved your cock rocket, btw

>> No.17269549

Don't question the lengths people are willing to go to consume.

>> No.17269573

Maybe you should be more introspective and reflect on what the right wing has done over the past 4-5 years. People are fed up with these extremists pushing their bullshit, and the fascist coup attempt was the last straw.

>> No.17269585

No I'm on the exact same level as you, a powerless slave

>> No.17269611

What is he talking about?

>> No.17269627

I’m neither American, nor do I live in the Anglo sphere. So why exactly should I care?

>> No.17269634

Frankly, this. Read Virtual Light to see if he always wrote like a sperg and it was *slightly* better.

>> No.17269641

>why should I care about a cabal of multinational companies acting as a world government through their monopoly on the internet

>> No.17269644


I accept your defeat.

>> No.17269650

even the gay countries are acting worried about this, Merkel and some Frog official were both fretting

>> No.17269662

at least it's defeat a non-native inhabitant of China like yourself can share in

>> No.17269667

Only thing that companies care about is money. They are private institutions and can do as they please within the law. Unless you prove that they are colluding, there’s no such thing as a monopoly. Grow up.

Go create your own company if you can’t cope.

>> No.17269674

Really? Thats surprising what are they saying about it?

>> No.17269676

Just don't wrongthink then you stupid incel. It costs zero $ to not be an asshole