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17268928 No.17268928 [Reply] [Original]

What book are you currently reading and how are you feeling?

>> No.17268952

I don't know, I was reading one of some psychopath but it was boring and I stopped and deleted it. I think I'm going to go with some Freud. Feeling ok, anon. Thanks for asking. Just a bit tired. I should be writing buti don't know

>> No.17268968

Or even better, it is your pick, anon! Catherine, the great letters or Freud's intro seminars?

>> No.17268969

>Shit day,
And Quiet flows The Don- Sholokov
The economics and politics of monarchy, democracy and natural order- Hoppe
Might start Nabokov's The Enchanter, the thread here seemed alright

>> No.17268984
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long term
>The Journey to the West (4 Vols)
short term
>Patrick Laude - Pathways to an Inner Islam

>> No.17268985

Reading: magic mountain
Feeling: I want to kill myself. I’m feeling worse than I’ve ever felt and completely lost control over my life. I need to go back to work next week, but I really don’t think I will be able to do it and not commit suicide within a week. I’ve developed insomnia due to my inability to go to bed at a reasonable time and convinced myself I can only fall asleep if I take medication. After getting only 2.5 hours of sleep last night, I tried to take a nap this afternoon but was quickly awaken by my dog, who won’t stop barking all day long. So I lashed out at her and gave her a slap on the butt. She yelped and then I cried, because I regretted it so badly.

>> No.17268991

Catherine first, then Freud.

Just finished Aeschylus' Oresteia, which completes my third reading of Aeschylus entire surviving work. Will on move to Sophocles tomorrow. Hopefully I'll gather the motivation to do a detailed analysis of my reading of the Greek dramatists before the year ends.

>> No.17268999

Im reading kafka's collection of stories, i got to the dog story one, i know it should be like a refrence that dogs are like humans and we're all fucked up, lonely and selfish but i just... I cant find the connection. I feel irritated and distracted right now

>> No.17269013

Freud is a psychopath too anon

>> No.17269034

The four noble truths

>> No.17269047

>What book are you currently reading
Eumeswil by Junger
>and how are you feeling?
that my history knowledge is inadequate

>> No.17269052

I'm reading The Invincible by Stanislaw Lem. It's basically about a group of people searching the planet for a ship that went missing along with the crew. It's very well written, Lem is very observant. I'm not gonna spoil anything more but it's probably one of his more action-packed books.

>> No.17269056

It's gonna be alright anon; go hang out with your dog it has 100% forgot about that by now.

>> No.17269069
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>What book are you currently reading
>'Ten Days That Shook The World' by John Reed
Trying to train myself to not be such an autist when it comes to historical books. I tend zone out while reading large passages. The content is solid but each chapter is a bit of slog, but in a good way due to being very detailed.
>The Stranger
My intro to Camus, enjoying it so far. Given what I know about Camus's beliefs/ideas I'm getting more out of the narrative. Will do 'The Myth of Sisyphus' next.
>Spring Snow
Also my intro to Mishima. I'm enjoying it, everyone's horny.

>how are you feeling?
Good, trying to find work post graduation during one of the worst economic periods but keep getting distracted by playing Fallout: NV. Also I just ate a yummy burrito.

>> No.17269090

Which translation of Journey to the West? I read Anthony Yu's translation and was very happy with how it turned out.

>> No.17269096

The Odyssey. Way more fun than I expected.

>> No.17269127
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read some emma goldman and now post scarcity anarchism.

>> No.17269142

yeah, that one, only a few chapters in. i read Waley's Monkey last year and loved it

>> No.17269173

I will likely finish To The Lighthouse later today, and after that maybe start on Night and Day, however I'm a bit wary of the length. I like how she writes but 500 pages might be a bit much.

Also started back in on the Complete Gary Lutz. I'm maybe halfway through the second collection.

Feeling okay. About to get mighty drunk.

>> No.17269188
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La-Bas or Down There by JK Huysmans, mostly looking for inspiration for a sci-fi/horror thing I've been working on for a while. Finally got to the part that's supposed to be scary and realized I have no idea how to generate dread, fear, mystery, etc. in my audience.
I'm feeling really nostalgic these days. I'm at several forks in the road in terms of my career and personal life, all of which represent good things, improvements, taking on more responsibility in a good way type shit. And I'm outwardly embracing and taking on the challenge, but inside I feel emotionally paralyzed or maybe better put, emotionally constipated. Regressing a little bit.
Spent like an hour yesterday watching sonic adventure 2 battle playthroughs, which was one of my favorite video games as a kid. I don't even like video games any more, haven't thought about that game since ages ago, but it popped into my head. I find myself craving basically one of those idyllic late elementary, early middle school summers. I want my mom to take me to a pool where I can jump off the high dive to impress some girl whose breasts have only recently come in, pop rock hard boners in the locker room I can hang my heavy-ass beach towel on. Fall out of a tree and break my arm. Have a sleepover where me and the boys take over the living room, have my mom make us pizza rolls while we stay up til like 1 playing james bond nightfire.
All of this feels very toxic and shitty, by the way, and I have such a strong association between man-babies and nostalgia that each wave of impulsive regression is followed with intense self-hatred. Damn it, face your fucking life. You fought hard to get here and now is the moment you've been sweating and bleeding for and your head is, where? In your childhood?
Adolescence is a marketing construct anyway, and it's not like my parents created some sort of perfect safe-haven life for me so I'd have an arrested development and desire to never leave the nest. Shit was hard. But it's still pulling me back right now and I need to snap out of it. Hanging out on 4chan more than usual is definitely part of it.

>> No.17269194

Brighton Rock for a class.
I'm feeling bad because I have to read this garbage. What a trash writer Graham Greene was. This book is filled with awkward stylistic blunders. I HATE the "democratic" plebeian prose-style. I HATE the technique he constantly employs of just tabulating whatever he imagines to be in the surroundings. For example a sentence could go something like this: 'The room was blooming with opulence: the golden door-handle, the chair with the Louis Seize embroidery, the expensive port standing innocuously on the table.' And this technique of listing things occurs in almost every paragraph. It's lazy and crude.
There's also nothing in terms of substance to be gleaned from this book. Its message is so conspicuous, but at the same time so juvenile and unrefined, that it feels like you're just reading some thirteen-year-old's philosophical reflections veiled under an imitation of a story.
But all the "best" modern writers such as J.M. Coetzee and Ian McEwan love it so I guess this generation is going to be horrible for literature.

>> No.17269201
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Life is ok bros

>> No.17269207

reading Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, feeling good, about to go for a walk

>> No.17269217

Sun Poo's Art of War and my life's been pretty damn good the last year.

>> No.17269236

Carrie - trying out my first Stephen king
The Complete works of poe, I read one story before bed each night

more importantly, how are you finding magic mountain?

I found kafkas short stories really hit and miss
some of them I get the metaphor by page 3 but then he spends 50 more pages explaining it in great detail without there being any real story there. the one about the mole comes to mind

have you read the waves? it's my favourite of hers

>> No.17269253

my mum always goes on about how greene is one of the greatest writers of all time and I just don't get it lad
if you don't like Brighton rock don't go near travels with my aunt

>> No.17269309

>have you read the waves?

I have not yet, only Mrs Dalloway and Orlando. Synopsis seems interesting though. I'll make that my next one of hers.

>> No.17270251

>Karl Marx-Capital Vol. 1

>> No.17270277
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Being and Time, The Joyous Science, Metamorphoses, The Bible, Gargantua and Pantagruel, Heidegger's Grand Livre
Anxious, don't really know where I'm heading in life and have been feeling despair and at a loss for meaning. At the same time I can't help but think there's something more to all of this which definitely reinforces the affirmative and joyful aspects of life. I think getting out in Nature and away from the internet/certain acquaintances and thoughts would be good.
Also Rabelais is based

>> No.17270661

Im reading Finders keepers, and I feel like Im watching a movie, again.

>> No.17270689
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>currently reading moby dick and crime and punishment
I’m really enjoying reading both of them. The names in C&C are fucking confusing and hard to remember but that’s just me. Moby Dick on the other have some good and boring parts from what I’ve read. I’m felling pretty good after reading a chapter of c&c

>> No.17270688

okayish, finished lonesome dove, tomorrow gonna choose another book to read

>> No.17270696

Xenophons anabasis. Quite good actually

>> No.17270757

jr gaddis

>> No.17270768

Barthes - Mythologies
Wish I could die in my sleep tonight

>> No.17270812

Walden by Thoreau
Feeling chill, enjoying his bean fields

>> No.17272095

I'm reading The Plague by Camus and i feel so fucking empty.

>> No.17272102

Bhagavad Gita

>> No.17272114

The Sun Also Rises
Feeling fine, fun book

>> No.17272132

>A World Undone by GJ Meyer

I'm only up to the part where the actual war begins but I've enjoyed it so far. He gives a good amount of background on each group and his prose style is good.

>The Precipice by Ivan Goncharov

Very slow paced but I like it. The focus is almost entirely on the characters encountered and how they view the world around them which is always good.

I'm feeling well

>> No.17272466

Me too brother