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/lit/ - Literature

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17266867 No.17266867 [Reply] [Original]

What are some things you can do so that visitors to your home know that you are an intellectual?

>> No.17266881

More like what you do to yourself, anon. People can buy books by weight to decorate walls.

>> No.17266898

kill them kill them

>> No.17266906

They need only their ears to know I am a refined and educated man

>> No.17266960
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actually be an intellectual. People can recognize pseudism just as easily as flattery. You'll only ever fool children.

>> No.17266981

Display your Junot Diaz and Kurt Vonnegut books.

>> No.17267001

kill them

>> No.17267020
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 672-P1_eC_SPR_APP_cmyk_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have hundreds of page markers sticking out from your books

>> No.17267022
File: 72 KB, 454x700, diogenes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move your home into the shade.

>> No.17267030


>> No.17267096

What is your pic anon

>> No.17267198

>have hundreds of page markers sticking out from your books

>> No.17267588

Strech your ass hole in front of them and stick a Complete Works of Shakespeare up your digestive system

>> No.17267702

Also put your books in the drier on low so they look like they’ve been thoroughly read several times

>> No.17267710

This would be impossible. You really only need to do it with the undergrad Signet Four Great Tragedies.

>> No.17267760
File: 2.12 MB, 2614x1813, 20210112_115857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually do this for quick reference. Glad to know it makes me look cool

>> No.17267768

I see you used the dryer method too, looks good!

>> No.17267774

profanation of books. There is an special place in Hell reserved solely to people who engage in such practices.

>> No.17267790

Lol the Bible was already well worn because it came from my local library. I never returned it.

>> No.17267839

I just cleaned out my extensive library. I threw the books directly in the trash. Nobody will read them ever again. They’ll moulder into dust under landfill garbage.

>> No.17267888

Based public masturbator

>> No.17267914

The Devil is maliciously grinning and imagining how he is going to eternally torment your souls. He looks at your souls with his lustful look while he sharps his claws in a flaming marble pillar.

>> No.17267939

You sound like you jerk off to weird porn.

>> No.17267953

KEK kinda. /r/gonewildsmiles used to be what I was into. I think I'm not into it for now, it has been 20 days or something and I didn't really felt like jerking off.

>> No.17267967

Is it weird, anon?

>> No.17268872

It probably is.

>> No.17268884


>> No.17269079

Wherefore do you do it?
I merely underline words I don't know and sentences I find interesting. Also I write the date I started reading it and the date I finished reading it.

>> No.17270469

What reason do they have to smile?

>> No.17270523

I think some enjoy the attention, but most are doing it for money. I never really asked it. There are probably some who are in for both. There is even a girl who writes things in there.

There is a girl who writes a blog. https://knowingless.com She seems to be in a quite particular situation. But check it out if you are that curious.

>> No.17270539

There is a girl who used to post there, she always seems so sad.

>> No.17270547

As in it is definitely not everyone who enjoys it.

>> No.17270650

acne cream

>> No.17270994

If you possess intellect, and virtuously use it, you are an intellectual, and do not need to pose for this to be evident to others —to those who matter; if you possess intellect, and viciously misuse it, you are an intellectualist/sophist —an a priori poseur—, otherwise known as a "dickhead".

>> No.17271071

The surest sign of a fake stack: it tapers in size linearly

>> No.17272249

Don't shit on the carpet

>> No.17272258

big nazi flag on the wall

>> No.17272313

Make sure your wife has a full-time job and your children don't respect you. If you fail either of these tests, you will be outed as an anti-intellectual reactionary troglodyte.

>> No.17272496

I agree with you on fiction, but there’s nothing wrong with marking non-fiction for future reference.

>> No.17273895


>> No.17274151
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You surely must've mistaken me for someone else, kind sir. I am not an intellectual, I am a retard who uses reading as a surrogate activity to ignore life and wait it out until attaining the sweet solace of death.

>> No.17275314
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>> No.17275332
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/lit/ is full of retard genius tropes and this is the definitive mark of intellectualism. Just read a lot but remain retarded