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File: 134 KB, 310x482, Karl-Marx-On-the-Jewish-Question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17258942 No.17258942 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he loathe his own people?

>> No.17258996

For the same reason Western left-wingers also tended to despise homosexuals up until the early 20th century. Antisemitism was a ubiquitous prejudice, and it was easy to equate Jewishness with bourgeois values.

>> No.17259060

The self-hating jew is the tale as old as time

>> No.17260272

Just another privileged pseudo-intellectual hipster of the 19th century.. We have plenty that follow him today.

>> No.17260291

That text isn’t ethnically anti-Semitic. He critiques the Jewish religion, not Jews themselves. Their behavior, to his mind, is only the way it is due to the metaphysics of Judaism.

>> No.17260339




>> No.17260358

>Their behavior, to his mind, is only the way it is due to the metaphysics of Judaism.
I thought Marx was supposed to be a Marxist.

>> No.17260369
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>> No.17260387

Anyone who critiques Jews for any reason is anti-semitic according to the ADL.

>> No.17260496

Jews are hideously ugly

>> No.17260575

That particular isn't ethnically antisemitic but OP's question was about the man and he unambiguously was.

Also the answer is that almost everyone on the left was antisemitic then. Philosemitism was a bourgeois value back then.

>> No.17260598

Wtf I am a marxist now

>> No.17260603

same reason why women all hate each other

>> No.17260610

before time even, even god is a self hating jew

>> No.17260612

Communism seeks to overcome ethno-tribalism, which Jewish identitarianism strongly exhibits.

>> No.17260613

Because he was based

>> No.17260627

not even. anyone doesn't like zionism is anti-semitic.

>> No.17260633

His father was already a Christian convert. He probably didn't feel a very strong connection to Judaism, but there's definitely some elements of self hatred there.

>> No.17260644

Because jews have massive influence in the upper class of society and profit big time from exploitation of lower classes

>> No.17260659

technically a marxist would assume that capitalism would have already done the job of dissolving tribal bonds, even if the mindset persisted

>> No.17260675

Sounds like you're one too.

>> No.17260686

The way we understand antisemitism is not the same way he did. In fact, antisemitism didn'te really exist back then. Left antisemitism definitely was a thing after Marx's time, but Marx's anti-Jewry was about the Jews as a class comparable to the lumpenproletariat if anything. Antisemites instead saw the Jews as the cause of Europe's woes.
As such, he did not loath Jews, only the historic circumstances Jewry was left in.

>> No.17260698

(i read the book).
First, it's not his own people. Marx was not jewish. His father was and converted. Need proof that Marx was circumcised, did shabbat, didn't eat pork, went to the synagog, wore a kippah.
About the book, he didn't like jews because jews worshipped money. He wrote that money is the god of the jews. He criticized the jews as being only interested in practical value,
He said that a society which would abolish commerciality (traffic) and money, would abolish judaism. Because the nature of judaism is money and commerciality. Exchange.
He said that the emancipated jews, is the jews who abolish his own judaism. That is, the practice of commerciality and money.
He also said that today, christians are jews, practical jews (who practice commerciality and money), and that the whole world is jewish.
I agree. It doesn't make sense to kill all the jews, but to keep the judaic world (commerciality, exchange value, money).
Rightoids want a jewish world, but without jews, and with swatiskas, Heil Hitler, Hugo Boss outfits.

>> No.17260750

>Their behavior, to his mind, is only the way it is due to the metaphysics of Judaism.
Marx actually said the opposite. He wrote (re-read the book) that the practical activity of the jew is commerciality, money, usury. The religious activity of the jew is only a mirror of his practical activity. It is the practical activity which has created a jewish religion focused toward practical values. A religion which rules are only the reflect of the rules of commerciality.

>> No.17260751

Thank YHWH the ADL isn't the sole arbiter of what is and is not anti-Semitic. It's a piece of trash post-WWII liberal order propaganda machine.

Marx does not deny that religions and metaphysical systems were created and are believed in. Only that they are real. It's just like "ideology." It exists, but it's still imaginary.

Why do you say that, because he made fun of Laselle in one letter? He was shitposting to his close friend. There's nothing in Marx's works or in his biographical details that would indicate he harbored any real hatred for Jews, and he especially didn't have respect for Nordicist racial science

>> No.17260790

>Marx does not deny that religions and metaphysical systems were created and are believed in. Only that they are real. It's just like "ideology." It exists, but it's still imaginary.
Come on. The basic claim of all Marxist theory is that economic conditions (not religion metaphysics or ideology) are the fundamental basis of social existence.

>> No.17260800

You lack reading comprehension

>> No.17260805

Didn't you say basically the same thing as him?

>> No.17260811

I think its an interesting idea that Marx had good intentions for humanity but evil forces twisted and perverted his ideology to enslave and deprive humanity.

>> No.17260828

Didn't the same thing happened with Jesus Christ? First crusade Jerusalem massacre, the Holy inquisition.

>> No.17260844

Judaism did not form in a commercial society. Religion is a reflection of material conditions in Marx, yes, but Judaism is ancient. What he says is that the practical huckstering of the Jews’ ancient conditions were transmuted into theology and come back down in the form of their worldly ethics. These ethics would be abolished along with the abolition of class. It is the superstructural beliefs of the Jew he is attacking, not the Jew himself — do you deny this? Do you think the behavior of Jews is somehow intrinsic to them genetically?

>> No.17261017

No that's basically what i was trying to say. but it's always technically difficult to speak about these (technical) subjects.
>Do you think the behavior of Jews is somehow intrinsic to them genetically?
No, there is probably no gene for the practice of money, commerciality, usury. Those are social relationships. And the jews are Capitalism vanguard. They are specialists of those social relationships. But those social relationships are not genetic. In my opinion, jews at some sort of specificity regarding the practice of commerciality and money, but today, they are by far not the only ones practicing those.
Anglos WASP are probably as good as the jews in those aspects, as well as the chinese, japanese, south Koreans, Singapore. In todays jewish world, which revel in jewish values, the worldwide worship of money, jewish are not even "special" anymore. In 10 years, the Shangai and Hong Kong stock exchange, might surpass wall street.

>> No.17261083
File: 62 KB, 500x623, is a jewish nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17261883

Muddying the waters by shifting the definition of jews as a clear genetic/ethnic group with a religious component into some artificial archetype of greediness benefits jews. Instead of gentile society seeing jews as an ethnic group with its own interests (which jews clearly do, read their holy books), it is far preferable for gentiles to see jewishness as some sort of abstract concept like >>17260698.

>> No.17261920

There is a difference between an ideological view of ideology, where ideology creates and drives groups, and a materialist view of ideology which does not grant it that. One is Marxist and the other is what the other poster is advancing. Read The German Ideology.

>> No.17261937

he was a protestant atheist german who died before the wide spread zionist neoliberal hell world we live in today.
also he didn't hate jews, but he should have

>> No.17261948

Because even if he never lived to see it, he knew that national socialism was the truest form of antisemitism and socialism

>> No.17261957

>he didn’t hate Jews
He referred to some as a”Jewish nigger” in one of his letters

>> No.17262040

>tfw it's not on marxists.whatever
well damn, I guess he was based