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17256180 No.17256180 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this

>> No.17256378

I don't trust this guy

>> No.17256390
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>His holiness

>> No.17256519


>> No.17256556

The Dalai Lama will be no more because the chinks have stolen keys. LAMO

>> No.17256566

You mean he’s not keyed anymore?

>> No.17256578

There is a second guy who picks the new Lama when this one dies and the chinks have him sins he was a baby

>> No.17256710

yeah, white chicks

>> No.17256762

you vill eat ze bugs, und you vill fink you are happy

>> No.17256780

>HH says he will reincarnate outside of Tibet
chinks btfo

>> No.17256817

Not into vajrayana

>> No.17256850

But what you recommend instead

>> No.17256871

theravada all day if u gonna go buddhist

>> No.17256873

What are you looking for?
Start with "in the buddha's words" if you want to learn about buddhism

>> No.17256996

Im looking to end suffering, beat addictions, find peace and purpose in life

>> No.17257022

Me too man. Good luck

>> No.17257027

crazy motherfucker is shitting in the mouths of disoriented westerners who are looking for some messiah.

>> No.17257072
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a buddhist would not call themselves "holy"

>> No.17257121

In the buddha's words is a good introduction then
After that, just read the dhammapada, then whichever suttas are relevant to the questions you have.
Good luck

>> No.17257195

holy means whole, it is technical fact, not just a label you can put like you like.

>> No.17257296

Check out Aryadeva's Four Hundred Stanzas (with commentary by Gyel-tsep). It's a really good starting point (and place to return to after a few years).

Here's a few lines:

53. Among all women there is not the least
Difference in sexual intercourse.
When others, too, enjoy her appearance,
What use is this perfect woman to you?

54. Whoever sees her as appealing
Thinks himself satisfied with her.
Since even dogs and the like share this,
Why, fool, are you attracted?

55. This woman, every part of whom is
Lovely to you, was common to all before.
Finding her is not as
Astonishing as it is for you.

>> No.17257298
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>> No.17257311

His Holy Based..

>> No.17257669

Will read him now. Thanks

>> No.17257918
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>> No.17257923
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>real buddhists wouldn't do x!

>> No.17257934


Fucking Westerners trying to impose their western morals on an Eastern spirituality. He 's just letting us know in advance how we'll fin dhis reincarnation. Who better to know that his next life will be that of a thicc e-thot?

>> No.17257964

A buddhist wouldn't be a chantard

>> No.17257972
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anyone else read this?
i picked it up on a trip to armenia. it was the only english book in the library besides theoretical physics and whatnot.
i ended up greatly enjoying it! one of my favorite books of all time. looking for someone to discuss with, and if anyone else has read it, it was a 4channer.
anyone else here moscowpilled?

>> No.17257978

dear god, imagine a qt female dalai lama preaching the DHVMMAH to us

>> No.17257981

women can't get enlightened

>> No.17257996

correct, the dalai lama is a bodhisattva, they only help others get enlightened

>> No.17258013

Retarded populist theocrat. This guys take is so lame. You could go to sam harris for the same insight.

You are a brainlet when happiness is your ultimate life goal anyway. This books is for STEMtards who once read something besides the clean code bible.

>> No.17258117

>2 yuan and 500 social credit(s) have been deposited on your account

>> No.17258119

>You are a brainlet when happiness is your ultimate life goal anyway.
Lol. What should it be instead?

>> No.17258162

This guy is an absolute Chad.
He just laughs when he's talking about people being killed in interviews

>> No.17258275

No, but it's probably not a bad idea to read it. Every time I read a Buddhist book I end up feeling better. Those guys are really on to something.

>> No.17258281
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Get a load of this incel lmao. Have sex

>> No.17258358

I would second that people ought to read texts if they are interested in Buddhism and not go straight for the Dalai Lama's self-promoting stuff. He can be wise and laconic but it's mostly fluff and if you have no foundation in Buddhism it will just sound like any other religious figurehead is talking (which is pretty much the case). That being said there is a pretty good interview he did with a French journalist in the 90s, published in English as Imagine All the People. Has nothing to do with John Lennon either, just more dumb marketing. But he has some interesting takes there on what were then current events.

>> No.17258477

It is a reductionist goal that does ironically not lead to happiness but rather to ressentiment and feelings of guilt because permanent "happiness" is unattainable physiologically and psychologically. It is much better to find a personal philosophy that helps you cope with both ups and downs and put them into a healthy perspective. When somebody has happiness as an ultimate goal it immediatly tells me that this person has no idea what he wants. Hell, he is a buddhist how can he not know this? Isnt his entire religion a giant cope for the sufferings of existance? The dalai lama basically suggest naive scientism to attain happiness (happiness studies, questionable empiricism, p-hacked psychological surveys etc.). How come with all this empiric "happiness" studies, most of these faggot professors are taking zoloft and suicide rates are rising? Basically this "wisdom" is "be passive" ,"be docile", "dont get attached", "accept everything". What happenend to "be masculine", "impose your will on the world", "have ideals", "be strong", "be passionate without shame"? Better values in my opinion

>> No.17258502

Bestsellers are not literature

>> No.17258512

maman died today

>> No.17258524

>>It is a reductionist goal that does ironically not lead to happiness but rather to ressentiment and feelings of guilt because permanent "happiness" is unattainable physiologically and psychologically.
only according to women and atheists, and those ''people'' are just depressed sex addicts, are you one of them?

>> No.17258536

>What happenend to "be masculine", "impose your will on the world", "have ideals", "be strong", "be passionate without shame"? Better values in my opinion
How come spooks made up by beta males to feel relevant under the eyes of the ruling class and women are so popular even in 2021?

>> No.17258549

Are you dumb? Women are the prime audience for stupid esotericism and simple "happiness" guides. They are the ones who mainly like the dalai lama. Not rightoid edgy teens who like him for being counter-immigration. Tell me one incredible insight the dalai lama made on "happniness". I wait

>> No.17258559

What is your life philosophy anon?

>> No.17258561

>permanent "happiness" is unattainable physiologically and psychologically.
Nowhere did he claim it is dumbass

>> No.17258579

>name one insight
Dont mistake pleasure for happines. Avoid pleasure which yields short term happiness but longterm pain. There you go. Whats wrong wth that?

>> No.17258583

Does not matter. He still sees this as a primary goal for life (he at the very least wants to maximise this state). He preaches "eat, love and pray" levels of wisdom. Weird that this forum of all people seem to like it.

>> No.17258590

>he at the very least wants to maximise this state
What the fuck is wrong with that. I bet he is much happier than you being assblasted on a chinese carton board.

>> No.17258600

So does aristoteles and basically every single relevant philosopher in history. Do you enjoy being miserable anon?

>> No.17258629

You do aswell you dumb pseud. Everything you do is done with the intention to maximize your experienced pleasure during your lifetime, while minimizing the probability of death.

Because of this, everyone is fundamentally a hedonist, even the stoic and the ascetic deprive themselves of pleasure because they feel like they will be rewarded with greater pleasure in the future. Similarly, a Christian may deny himself the world, but only because he is promised eternal joy and life in heaven if he does so.

What of suicide? Well, in this case, you are basically conceding that the possibility of future pleasure is nil, so the most pleasurable thing to do would be to end you suffering, this is the only time the pursuit of pleasure outweighs the desire to minimize the possibility of death. So even suicide is hedonistic to an extent.
If everything is hedonistic, then all actions are morally equivalent.

Everything you do is hedonistic, even suicide and (temporary) denial of pleasure.

>> No.17258661

you have to be 18 to post on here

>> No.17258665


It does not work you mongoloid. If it worked I would recommend this to everybody I know. It is just empty phrases and vague truths. I dont even say it is wrong- it is just shallow. Of course, for example, avoiding short term gratification in favor of long term goals is good. But how does this help? Everybody knows this. These wisdoms dont work because people are individuals and everybody has to find his/her own way. There are some thinkers who help you find direction. But this requires effort, thought some egocentrism and subjectivity on your part. Thats why this calendar wisdom is popular and populist. He regurgitates things everybody knows. I dont doubt that there is a lot of truth in this book but it does not challenge the way I view the world in the slightest. So it is utterly useless to me.

>> No.17258685

>Everybody knows this.
>These wisdoms dont work because people are individuals and everybody has to find his/her own way.
>help you find direction
>So it is utterly useless to me.
Nobody cares

>> No.17258705

I dislike the approach you dumbfuck. Going about this naively with the direct intention does not work. Build character, find passion and happiness will come. This does not help you do either of those so it is a shit book. Simple as that. Reading comprehension is terrible on this forum.

>> No.17258707
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>its useless to me therefore its useless for everybody

>> No.17258710

if anything he said surprised you I feel bad for you

>> No.17258718

>character, passion
Nobody is impressed when you throw around buzzwords anon. Did you even read the book? Be honest

>> No.17258760

Surely you are an happy and passionate individual with great character being this full of yourself. Just lol

>> No.17258783

I read one of the newer editions: it's worthless. Or, well, not worthless, but it has very little elucidation on Buddhism.

>> No.17258784

How are these buzzwords? Building character is having the confidence to rely on your own perspective/subjective world view while simultanously being aware and of the other. It is hard to balance this without being an egomaniac or being too meek and objective. Literature and philosophy often touches on that. This book does superficially. Napoleons biography for example is so much more honest and insightful compared to this ideological drivel.

>> No.17258796

So you didnt read it. Alright then.

>> No.17258806

Whatever if it helped you I also recommend:
12 rules to clean your room
The art of not giving a fuck