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17256118 No.17256118 [Reply] [Original]

I always wondered why everybody is so focused on attacking christianity. Some may attack islam and rarely anyone ever attacks jews (on a theological level that is). Yet the tightness of their religion seems to reflect how much power they wield over the material world. Are these arguments only valid against christians? Is it only that christianity is slave morality and not all religions? And is it not the ultimate slave morality to say you are against christianity but embrace and respect all other religions for some sort of multicultural values or whatever? To be clear I'm not trying to specifically advocate or defend christianity but simply wondering why it is the preferred target of atheistic thinking, when there is just as much (if not maybe more) to point at in islamic and jewish texts. Why is it so out of proportion?

>> No.17256119

Because Jews aren't fucking annoying. It is probably the only religion I would bother following.

>> No.17256136

ultra orthodox jews (like half of them) arne't annoying?

>> No.17256140

Its pretty obvious
It represents order, discipline, and a sense of duty to your people. Actually having some societal standards, its not conducive to this modern world

>> No.17256151

Never met one, but the regular ones that you see on tv, write books and whatever. I would gladly take that over my Catholic background.

And I live in Brazil, anon. We have mostly Catholics and Protestants in here.

>> No.17256161

Because critical theory has been trendy for the last ~50 years so westerners have been trained to attack their own culture.

>> No.17256167

> the tightness of their religion seems to reflect how much power they wield over the material world.
No. People like the rothschilds or zionists shoul not be considered Jewish. Anyone who believes in the Judgement of the All Mighty genuinely cannot behave in such a way. Look at Neturi Karta if you don't understand there are anti-Zionist jews.

Truth Christianity is falsehood and deception and is perhaps the greatest lie and the biggest tragedy in human history.

Here is a comment I made about it earlier today that got taken down in a vaguely antisemtic thread (Im detecting Christian antisemitic propaganda on here ramping up recently):
The soul within you is an eternal spark from the everlasting fire of The Glorified Eternal Lord. Kindle it with repentance, devotion and prayer and you will eventually come to understand you have infinite potential.
Your body and ego are dust and ashes but with the power of the spirit anything is possible.
In truth there is no evil. There is only the deception and folly of turning away from the righteous ways of The Eternal One. The Hebrews tell a parable: this is as if a king wanted to test one of his son so he sent a prostitute to her to try and seduce him, the son scorned amd rejected her attempts at seduction and so the king celebrated and elevated his son. - It may not be a perfect fit but I pray you may understand. Besides: we believe and know that The All Mighty is perfectly just for "He is righteous in all His ways and holy in all his works." It is we who desecrate His creation.
The Chinese have a proverbs: better to light a lamp that curse the darkness.
If you want to enlighten the world do it with the light of truth.
Tangentially idolatry and all that comes from it are lies and falsehood and the disgusting foolishness of greedy and ignorant people.
So warn people: "'Hasn't it been said to you before, has it not been proclaimed to you from the beginning'? 'The Lord our God, the Lord is One.' To Him shall you return and He will judge and He shall carry it out. So repent to the ways that He has revealed in the past and draw near to Him for there is no refuge besides Him."
Flee from Christianity and its lies my dude, its perhaps the greatest source of error and the most tragic lie in human history.

And no I'm not a jew or a muslim. Everyone has personal relationship with The Glorified One.

>> No.17256174

Because here in the west we have soooo much experience with other religions, OH WAIT RETARD, CHRISTIANITY IS OUR MADE UP RELIGION, WHY REFUTE ISLAM WHEN WE DON'T BELIEVE IT RETARD.

>> No.17256182

>And no I'm not a jew
Hahaha pull the other one, Chaim. Repent while you still can, you satanic sophist - what a paragraph of shite.

>> No.17256187

your mom took you to the church on Sundays instead of letting you play video games, did I get it right?

>> No.17256200

That’s not the point is it? The militant atheist line is not “people believe this, so I’m going to refute it”, it’s “Christianity is responsible for the problems in the world, let me tell you why it’s bullshit so you can stop being a problem”. People quite rightly get annoyed and confused when it is literal *cricket chirps* when little girls get blown up by Muslims at pop concerts or people get mowed down by trucks or get beheaded in the street or the churches, all things that have happened in the past 5 years.

>> No.17256219

You asked about the theological refutation of the religions, why bother with the theology when we know the roots of "human bombs" from western interference in the middle east. In the west, an athiest is most likely to be an exchristian, so will have anti christian critique by essence of resisting it, an ex muslim will have anti Islam critiques (And they do, but you talked to them, right?)

>> No.17256224

christians are obnoxious and proselytize constantly

>> No.17256230

All religions are unironically for lower classes and with lower classes I mean the average university educated person and lower. There is no reason to become a Jew or a Buddhist if you could freely understand what is called high culture. In fact, a lot of religion is generally just high culture masquarading as religion.

>> No.17256235

Quite the opposite, anon. And that is my point. Catholics are fucking weird. My parents are highly educated, my mom is a psychologist (industrial, not clinical), my father was a doctor. And yet they were clueless about simple matters, when I had a "crisis of faith" things turned into a fucking hell. They managed to make what was bad into even worse.

The thing is that they don't study their stuff. Jews have to study and do their thing, they think their faith.

>> No.17256237

could you be any gayer?

>> No.17256240

They're mad that their parents made them go to Sunday school. It's really just that, resentment towards the moral and religious values of their parents and grandparents and a childish urge to rebel.

>> No.17256241

So you like Jews, because the only ones you know are the slightly more inteligent ones you see on the tv and not the smelly loud fanatics that try to haggle on their dinner, because it wasnt kosher enough.

>> No.17256246

And my kind of problem is the thing that some random Philosophy book was able to solve. Don't get me wrong, I'm not shitting on my parents. They did their best, and I appreciate that. They got it right on a lot of things. But there were some crass errors.

>> No.17256248

This vague nonsense mumbo jumbo does not appeal to many people.

>> No.17256254

KEK yes. I'm probably being crazy. Thanks for making me get back to my senses. It is just that I haven't slept yet.

>> No.17256259

>could you be any gayer?
Yes, but I am not going to give you a reach-around.

>> No.17256261

stap dude is just being racist go visit israel u might get it

>> No.17256288

Everybody here can’t refute
>if Christianity is slave morality then all followed systems regarding virtue are slave morality

Look at all the nietzshe followers, silent. Theyve been seduced by his beautiful writing and in the process they failed to evaluate the flawed ideas that they took with them, power is not always good.

>> No.17256294

Dunno, anon. Religion weirds me out.

>> No.17256297

religion is fake

>> No.17256298

Terms like racism and antisemitism are just tricks to get you to put the blame on yourself and not other people, its a defense mechanism of the guilty.

>> No.17256303

Christianity is based and rolls with the punches. All other religions are cringe and they complain

>> No.17256307

All of morality is just an attempt of the guilty to reflect their guilt unto other people.

Jews call people antisemites, because they are guilty of something.

>> No.17256311

youre just a butthurt conservative stfu lame ass fb boomer ass

>> No.17256320

honestly i see ethics as an aspect of a persons personality nothing more or less

>> No.17256326

I'm telling the truth, They who hear all would know and I would be ashamed. "He who creates the ear, shall He not hear, He who creates the eye, shall He not see" "Our Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are but vanity."
Don't believe me if you want. Perhaps you shall see in the next world.
Every soul craves to return to its source in my opinion. It is as when sparks fly upward.

>> No.17256330

ppl do kinda go along w what they hear as right as wrong, social mores r fuckin memes

>> No.17256333

or, your beliefs are a crock of laughable shit

>> No.17256344

KEK kinda this. You need to be convinced that it is utterly inherently unreasonable to accept it.

>> No.17256352

I am a nationalist, you have no arguments.

>> No.17256358

>Every soul craves to return to its source in my opinion.
And thats why I constantly try to enter pussy.

>> No.17256367

> Jews call people antisemites, because they are guilty of something.

Thats not always the reason, therefore not a complete truth

> All of morality is just an attempt of the guilty to reflect their guilt unto other people.

Oversimplified inaccuracy. Surround yourself with better people and you will let go if this immature pessimistic, might is right mindset. Two people uniting to plant a tree is better than one person rationalizing his way into stealing food from the other. Btw art is not the ultimate treasure

>> No.17256377

T. mad their parents made you go to sunday school. The resentment is palpable.

>> No.17256380

Ethics is usually just guilt projected unto other people. To explain it in a simple manner. I mention that Jews haggle, jewish guy feels guilty, projects it back by calling me an antisemite or I mention I heckin' love Homer, leftie realises he doesnt have the broadness of mind to appreciates it, feels guilty, reflects it back to its source and says racist.

The moment you realise almost all moral descriptions are usually just feelings of guilt reflected back is when you free your mind.

>> No.17256385

Christians are kinda naturally antisemites, anon. As much as I don't like people creating religious states, it is not like they don't have a point in Zionism. Because people are fine with them now, but when shit hits the fan, Christians will turn bat shit crazy and start hunting down Jews, because Jesus is mad or some other shit.

>> No.17256391

I didn't, anon. I'm a bit illiterate when it comes to the Bible. I'm not even baptized. My parents let me free to choose my own religion. That was really cool on their part.

>> No.17256393

Demon possessed schizoids

>> No.17256395

>might is right
Nothing I said has anything to do with might makes right, i should have added more usuallies and most of the times, tge fact stand, moral descriptions are almost always guilt deflected back to its source, these also apply to your claim of me being immature. I made you feel guilt and now you deflect it back.

>> No.17256404

If christians where antisemites, Europe would have no Jews

>> No.17256417

Check out what kings used to do back in the day, anon. They do have a tendency to be persecuted. It is usually with political/economical intents, but still always with religion backing it out.

>> No.17256425

They kept trying to convert them/kick them out when they refused though.

>> No.17256431

Jews only settled in Europe because of Christian tolerance

>> No.17256432

I know my history, the reason Jews exist in Europe and pagans, cathars and stoics do not is because christianity is projewish and tolerates their présence.

>> No.17256434

Because on your day to day basis the average dude here rarely interacts with Jews. Mostly with obnoxious Christians. Not that complicated. In Israel you will find plenty secular Jews annoyed with Judaism.

>> No.17256437

Thats toleration, if they where anti-jewish, every Jew would be killed on sight and not allowed to set up ghettos.

>> No.17256438

whatchu think bout catholicism

>> No.17256442

But they always got expelled from places, anon. It happened in Portugal. They were persecuted in Poland, Russia, Germany. I don't really remember everything about the Jewish Diasporas, but still they are a thing. I wouldn't really trust Catholics if I were a Jew, as in settling in a country, having a business and children, and planning to have a tradition of anything.

>> No.17256445

So are jews the problem. Or is the rest of the world that is wrong. Is it a mixture of both, Do they have some culpability or are they a bunch of perfect dindu nuffins. These questions are not rhetorical. I'm just asking.

>> No.17256447

I appreciate its artistic and monastic side, but the average catholic is fairly dull.

>> No.17256451

jews are fixing our world slowly w progressivism

>> No.17256452

The fact that there where so much persecutions, proves Jews where tolerated most of the time.

>> No.17256460

KEK you are free to be a Jew, as long you are not a Jew anymore. Sounds fine.

>> No.17256462

>Because Jews aren't fucking annoying
Explain the Holocaust then

>> No.17256474

I don't know, anon. But I remember reading a play during school. And it was a religious Christian play about hell from the medieval era, and it was reasonably antisemite. As in they go straight up to hell and there isn't even much talk. I'm not a scholar of that, anon. I'm just saying things based on my school education and life experience.

>> No.17256475

The thousands of persecution show Jews where tolerated in Europe. If they where only one persecution would be enough.

The Christian dogma to tolerate Jews is at odds with society, sure, but if christianity is anti-jewish, judaism would have ended in medieval Europe at that would be that.

>> No.17256481

>be me, female
>meet someone i like, get engaged with him
>ask him to send 3000 rubles to my relatives in st. petersburg
>he spends it on a night of carousing with other women
>realize that I'm guilty for being so naive as to trust him with my money and therefore mearly call him a scoundrel, not a thief

>> No.17256483

So they are our betters who dindu nuffin. Interesting. Are you just a bootlicker or are you actually a chosen person?

>> No.17256487

I don't know, anon. I learned that there were economic reasons behind it (Marxist view of it). But I still haven't really checked it.

>> No.17256502

I'm not even qualified to check it. I'm not a historian.

>> No.17256506

Its fine to use strong language and call the man a thief in such a situation, because its an exceptionel case, but the use of moral language in most cases is just reflected guilt.

Calling someone an antisemite because he wants all Jews death in acceptable, calling someone an antisemite because someone doesnt like to read Grunberg is just projected guilt.

>> No.17256514

You only see it as a target of atheistic thinking cause you live in the Christan world. Go to Israel and see how secular thought Vs the Jewish state becomes the center of alot of political debate. Visit India and see Muslims clash constantly with their neighbours over ideology and land

>> No.17256523

I called you immature because your argument doesn’t want to look at the obvious. You need to be mature to see it. Immature isn’t an insult because everybody is immature when they're learning something.

Made me feel guilty about what? Not everybody holds onto their mistakes, there, another example of someone who is immature versus a mature person which converts the negative into a learning experience.

>> No.17256524

But most of the time doesn't cut it, anon. They are Jews not fucking nomadic mongols.

>> No.17256534

I made you realise your worldview is immature, this makes you feel guilt, so you reflect it back. Notice how the first sentence is basically just you repeating how I am immature over and over, also you feel guilty about not learning fron your experiences, its all in there as a deflection towards me.

>> No.17256540

>But most of the time doesn't cut it, anon.
Why in what sense?

>> No.17256551

Jews are a small group, and most of them are really more nationalists than religious. Plenty of people criticize Israel for being an ethnostate.

Islam is attacked routinely, though mostly by right wingers. Neo-libs don’t because Muslims are brown, the victims of colonialism and therefore never wrong on anything. The victim defense is beginning to lose its appeal though

>> No.17256559

Because most people feel like having a family and settling in a place. Having a business and passing it on to your children and whatever. When you think about 5 or 6 generations things definitely start to not look that great.

>> No.17256572

What does that have to do with what I said, I see no connection.

>> No.17256574

Imagine being this naive

>> No.17256581

> The fact that there where so much persecutions, proves Jews where tolerated most of the time.

What do you mean, anon? There were times things were fine, and others were people gone bat shit crazy and started doing hunting them down.

>> No.17256583

Just follow the rest of the thread. I haven't slept yet. And yes, I'm not exactly fond of religion.

>> No.17256589

Like I said, if Christians where anti-jewish, the cult would have ended in the Middle Ages by one big persecution.

Instaid society and christianity where at odds, so you get thousands of small persecutions.

>> No.17256590

> Notice how the first sentence is basically just you repeating how I am immature over and over,

I am explaining why I called you immature, because you dont look at the obvious. How is that me feeling guilty?

My argument was there is correct morality and incorrect morality. You get more apples planting a tree on the persons farm than from stealing an apple.

Your argument is >my set of beliefs that I regard to as being right or wrong is because im guilty and I am trying to show that I am feeling guilty to my neighbour as retribution

But the truth is your opinion is not an absolute truth, because I realized that being nice to the farmer can allow me to get a million more apples than if I stole an apple

>> No.17256603

I don't know. I wouldn't trust them if I was a Jew. Like even nowadays. It is not because of the current context, but this kind of behavior is recurrent, anon.

As in people don't have anything else to do during a time of whatever and start doing some shit. Or because of economic reasons or whatever else.

>> No.17256605

Your argument is purely from self-intrest.

That is, if you act nice to people and act cooperative, you get goodies.

Equally, if it benefits you, and or society at large, you will lie, cheat, accuse, etc

This shows why morality always serves the interest of a person and group and is rarely about something higher.

>> No.17256607

I can not engage with you. Your claim was too ridiculous from the jump. This show indoctrination of the highest order. Only Jesus can help you now.

>> No.17256613

We dont life in a Christiam society anymore, but one based on the enlightenment, such a society having no connection to Jews will either see them as of no importance (modern democracy) or as outside the volk (nazi regime), either way the first will lead to assimilation the second to extermination. The tolerance of christian days is gone.

>> No.17256627

just no longer a crusder for white males sry for the late response i was helping my gf w her homework

>> No.17256632

Yes, that is right. And that is why I'm saying in the recurrent context it is irrelevant. But History isn't Hegelian, anon. Look at some Arabic countries that used to be democracies and got back into fundamentalist regimes.

>> No.17256634

Are you willing to serve?

>> No.17256637

You realise you can never life up to White high culture, this makes you feel guilty and inferior, so you project that guilt unto White people.

>> No.17256638

I dont see how this applies to the post I made?

>> No.17256644

My argument is purely from a win-win, a fair agreement. The farmer stops me from stealing his fruit(if I am or if im not a thief) and I help him dig the hole with his shovel, i leave and come back in a year and then he gets a 1/3rd of my apples because that is what we agreed to, in the end we are both happy. My morals are calibrated in a manner that benefits both people. When two people win that snowballs into progress for humanity. Do you think all the discussion and hard work was 100% entirely originating from my self interest? No, because if I was only self interested I would have just stolen the apples. There is objective morals, the decisions that do the most good for both parties.

I hope you evaluate the ideas that you get from reading, everybody is not benevolent.

>> No.17256645

That shit hits the fan, anon. You are taking all this for granted and that they are bound to get better.

>> No.17256661

you need to just stfu

>> No.17256662

You belief in win-win, because gosh darn being arrested by the police or bad rumour floaring around is just not in your advantage.

Its still self-intrest.

>> No.17256666

Just saying random things.

>> No.17256675

im white dummy youre a whole boomer i thought everyone got over that alt right shit after like 2016 you basic bitch enjoy your doomed ideology

>> No.17256680

>im white dummy
I know, you will never enjoy classical music or enjoy a good novel.

>> No.17256687

I don't know, anon. I'm just not that optimistic.

>> No.17256691

now thats just makin assumptions

>> No.17256696

Lol or a bot, lets see, Biden, bitcoins.

>> No.17256701

>now thats just makin assumptions
Thats a deflection back and not an argument or an explanation, so its true, you know its true, this creates guilt, you now have to deflect the guilt back to its source.

>> No.17256704

>Jews aren't fucking annoying
you've obviously never had to deal with them if you think that.

>> No.17256708

Are you drunk/high, anon? There were a lot of typos on your previous messages and now you are not making any sense.

>> No.17256709

No. This blind person needs to get called out on his flawed ideas.

That doesn’t refute my argument because you said it was 100% self interest, now it is 50-50% self interest?

Every action has some self interest youre not saying anything intelligent and your arrogant assumptions that disregard other possibilities and probabilities are unintelligent which is exactly what Niet does.

>> No.17256713

ive done both of those things lmao

>> No.17256720

i like the nutcracker:)

>> No.17256733

Can you be 100% certain kiling the farmer wont cause you to end up in jail? Or make you feel super guilty about it? Well then, its just for your benefit now is it.

That makes me different from you, I have done things neither to my own or other peoples benefit, yet I was going for sonething higher. You will never get this.

>> No.17256741

He, another response that makes no sense, plus all the lefty talking points. Another bot?

>> No.17256743

Because nobody with the mental capacity (or inclination) to question the religious foundations of their society lives in a predominantly Jewish or Islamic one.

>> No.17256769

Read what I wrote again, your response is irrelevant.

If youre trolling watch a movie if youre ESL use a translator to verify what youre interpreting

>> No.17256777

i dont wanna live in nazi germany ik u do

>> No.17256782

this may surprise you but ppl are actually out here living our lives omg gasp we have nonwhite friends too

>> No.17257659
File: 150 KB, 800x1050, Wandering_jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think everyone is so focused on attacking Christianity?
The answer is, it is another level of subversion for the reader.
Deep down, you know this or else you wouldn't have made this thread.
Also ask yourself, to whom does attacking Islam directly benefit?
Easy answer: The Jews
They'll tell you, "You're a slave" when you follow religion and reject the degeneracy of the world- Haha.
Sit back and watch people call me or anyone else that says something similar retarded on here; Or some other insult and you'll slowly start to realize what I'm talking about.

>> No.17257920

Christianity is by far the most prominent religion in western society, so it's the one people are most familiar with. Of course people are going to focus on Christianity when it's the religion they've grown up with and experienced first hand. Isn't that sort of obvious? Why the fuck would you grow up in a strongly Christian household and come to see all the problems with religion, and then go on to write a book criticising Islam or Judaism? The fundamental concepts and values of the Abrahamic religions are the same anyway.

>> No.17257930

Because Christianity has been the most influential religion for the western world.

>> No.17257945

Based holy trips

>> No.17258006

>jews push homosexuality, birth control, drug legalization, trannies, porn, psychoanalysis, and gambling
>Christians who notice this are anti semitic
Its hard to like a group that does everything you think is evil.

>> No.17258064

>religion says nonbelievers go to hell
>even this one particular set of nonbelievers
>Oy vey, this religion is antisemitic.
Ok retard

>> No.17258196

most "christians" are frauds

>> No.17258221

Literally never went to "sunday school" and didn't even have a religious upbringing
Keep coping

>> No.17258250



>> No.17258263

This is stupid; people criticize Islam all the time.

>> No.17258285

Because Western athiests are only familiar with Christianity as it was taught to them at a young age and they disagree with it. If Islam and Judaism were taught in the way Christianity is (rather than the multicultural, coexisting religions approach to the topic of other religions) they'd probably get the same treatment. But criticising other religions is seen as discrimination because they are not predominate in the West as much.

These athiests probably also have family who are christian, or seek to prove that they are above society because they don't believe in God. There's no reason to go against other religions because they gain nothing out of it.

>> No.17258307
File: 45 KB, 540x540, oldme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because christianity is based and Jesus IS the way and the Logos, and people want to look "rational" criticizing the only thing that is the true, but they are just being self-destructive relax.

>> No.17258369

Christians don't proselytize, only Protestants do

>> No.17258386

you are correct, the gamble of christ is worth it, as we either live a pure life and go to the lord if we are correct, or you will live a pure life and just die having made the world a lighter place if the atheist is correct. the atheists will live and die in degeneracy and shame, and they will do nothing for the next generation

>> No.17258398

Because the religion of today – which isn't called or recognised as religion – is the inversion of Christianity.

>> No.17258652

>Because Jews aren't fucking annoying.

>> No.17258681

This. Remember when Jesus invaded Poland?

>> No.17258692

here's somethign that the thread's been ignoring
>most people here have been extensively reading english media
>which is written mostly by americans because there's like 300 mil of them
>americans on the internet are both very conservative and very progressive (this part is important)
>and being progressive on the internet as an american includes being atheist and anti-christian because the majority of us, especially the more conservative parts of it, is very religious, specifically catholic christian
tl;dr: amerimutts being dumb

>> No.17258693

Islam holds no intellectual power over the West, and is quickly losing its power over the Islamosphere. It's also so absurd and ridiculous to a Westerner that it's beyond humoring. The Earth isn't flat, the moon isn't the size of a human foot, and the original human language wasn't Classical Arabic. Given that these statements are required to be taken as seriously as "Allah exists", the entirety of Islam can be thrown out.

Judaism only holds any power over a Westerner (intellectually) in as much as a Westerner is required to take Christianity seriously. While it is true that Jews, more so than any other group, hold immense power over the West, the are not trying to replace the Constitution with the Torah, nor are they trying to enforce Kashrut upon gentiles (ignore the Kosher Question, that's something different). To put it another way, no one is, or even wants, to make you, the gentile, unable to buy mixed fabrics. Judaism, similarly, contains many ideas that are patently ridiculous to the gentile and as such the entire project can just be tossed out (see: the giant wire encircling New York, making the entire city, in the eyes of Yahweh, a single room).

Christianity, being the dominant religion of the west for around 1,500 years (averaged across all of the West; Russia only finished Christianization in the early 1700s, and the Baltics didn't even really start until the 1800s) >>17256136. It's obviously going to receive far more criticism and far more defense by simple numbers. The number of Christians in the West outnumbers the number of, say, Taoists, by something like 1,000,000:1.

In this sense, attacks on Christianity by Westerners hostile to it are actually of a lesser proportion than they "should" be by considering Islam and Judaism (and Buddhism, various forms of Polytheism, Hinduism, etc) at all.

>> No.17258856

Jews don't practice the terrible stuff of their Bible, Muslims do.

>> No.17258930


>> No.17258940


>> No.17258976

If there is one religion that oppresses people today, as atheists are so fond of claiming, it's Hinduism.
The Brahmins use it as a method of enforcing the incredibly oppressive caste system, because it protects their material interests, since priests still enjoy a privileged position in Indian society, even higher than the Kshatriyas (kings/warriors).

>> No.17258997

>Because Jews aren't fucking annoying

Ahahaha yooooo look at this guy