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17248110 No.17248110 [Reply] [Original]

what was he getting at?

>> No.17248133

Plane of immanence

>> No.17248899

That could mean anything though.

>> No.17249107

It's basically a way of thinking subject and object on the same plane, as being made of the same stuff (or following the same logic) so to speak. Same with transcendental empiricism.

>> No.17249117

Mate, why tho?

>> No.17249268
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Speculative materialism.

But also because according to D&G and implicitly or explicitly for many of their sources, the subject is constituted by pre-individual "material" forces. "The unconscious is a factory, not a theater" they say against psychoanalysis which has similar (but not identical) aims. The subject, whatever it is, is produced at every moment by ever changing (and some more persistent) connections, relations and relations between relations: material bodily flows connected to collective enunciation machines (signifiers of all kinds) to all kinds of rhythms and bodily movements (psychologists concluded that learning is often tied to involuntary changes in posture, especially in children) and phenomenological "objects" or bundles of perception and collections of past experiences and our affects connected to them. Affects are also capacities to affect and be affected, which all objects have by means of their material nature. Being overpowered by external factors can be material (a severe pain or physical wound for example) as well as mental (trauma), but the two are connected constantly in various rhizomatic (contingent) ways. It's why depression can have so many causes on so many levels for example sufficient repetition of signifiers (since they are tied to material flows) or biological causes of various degrees that often "re-produce" the signifiers associated with the coresponding flows.

In short, lots of theoretical and practical reasons.

>> No.17249627


The window.

>> No.17249668


>> No.17249673

Deleuze's political oeuvre amounts to a metaphysical liberalism. As for his strictly philosophical work you'll have to read it for yourself, no QRD could do it justice.

>> No.17249764

did this asshole ever admit to being influenced by heidegger or was he too soft to admit to it like most of the frenchies

>> No.17250101

heidegger is shit

>> No.17250188
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>Deleuze's political oeuvre amounts to a metaphysical liberalism.
What do you mean exactly? Not saying you're wrong, but it seems at odds with the fact that he called himself a Marxist and all that stuff about war machines and nomadic organization. And he never focused on individualism in a metaphysical sense (as you could argue that classical liberalism did) but rather on pre-individual singularities, which can be connected to collectivism just as much. Again, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you since there was such a conceptual streak in Deleuze (power as capacity vs power as control/limitation for example), but I'm not sure what the term metaphysical liberalism means here.

>> No.17250199

okay so you haven't read him, got it

>> No.17250202

kys frogniggers

>> No.17250232

A fat paycheck for being a respected university professor while making up complete nonsense.

>> No.17250251

cute frog tho

>> No.17250271

Who would you recommend we read instead?

>> No.17250292

read agamben

>> No.17250402
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The fuck are you on about? Derrida was an explicit Heideggerian, Lacan quoted Heidegger often and even met him in person, Sartre considered himself an existentialist as defined by Heidegger (even if he understood it wrongly), Deleuze said he was pursuing Heidegger's calls to develop an ontology of difference, etc.

>> No.17250413

That's not what I said

>> No.17250430

Derrida and Heidegger hung out at heidegger’s cottage, stiegler loved heidegger, the list goes on.

>> No.17250439
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It's a French thread, what else am I going to post?

>> No.17250454
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>> No.17250467

>metaphysical liberalism
It's a bit of an unorthodox reading but I can't help but feel as if the D&G duo wrote as disillusioned Marxists-turned-liberal. They oppose Marxism in all its Oedipal aspects, and fascism for the reason that, well, it's practically Oedipus: The Ideology. Insofar as D&G oppose themselves to capitalism they do this on the grounds of what occurs to me as an ontological reframing of methodological holism. This explains how big D can justify the Marxist epithet; Marxism's claim of the economic domain being the final sociocultural determinant is reflective of this holistic attitude.

>> No.17250508

Tenure and PoMopoints

>> No.17250637
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There are quite a few authors that saw Deleuze as a Liberal, as well as plenty of accusations from the Left of being a Social Democrat of some kind (which in France at the time was almost worse than being a Fascist, at least for the Left). Also accusations of being a sell out that had dinner with the President or something like that (maybe it was the Prime Minister rather, I don't remember).

And I agree with you about Oedipus, it's also a part of vitalism/post-structuralism that any broad formula has its limits and that a radical contingency is the norm. But the thing is that even with Nietzsche the individual, to the extent that it's something to be aspired towards, involves going through a harsh exercise in depersonalization (to quote Deleuze). No thought or desire can be taken for granted as one's own. Which is why I said that there are opportunities to connect to collective levels (or the "dividual" as D&G called it). I don't believe that they actually had answers though, the War Machine and all that was more conceptual than anything and described fringe Leftist anarcho-whatever organizing (but also the army even if the War Machine itself is not the army, which is probably in part why the IDF liked them). In any case, I can see why the liberal reading has merits.

>> No.17250912

Let me put in a language you can understand.
The map is not the territory bro.
Reality is an abstract painting and your job is to slice it in funny ways broo. Just be immanent bro. Have fun bro. Ideas change over time bro
Possibilities are already affecting us in the here-and-now dude If something repeats, then that via repeating that thing changes dawg.
Don't try having a bureacratic system in your thinking basically. Don't have eternal categories that's gay. Bro think about it, but in a new way.
And most importantly: What does make a difference, doesn't exist.
Also stop looking for truth, nobody thinks because they want truth. What's in reality more important than truth are problems. You should creatively adress problems with your thinking. Don't waste energy proving that 2+2 =4 because you wanted to know the truth, go find an interesting problem.
Don't be like Kant and write Critique of Practical Reason only to confirm the already known moral presuppositions of your time, because that would be a waste of thinking power.
Freud is gay.

>> No.17250924

I meant to say: What doesn't make a difference, doesn't exist. Whoops.

>> No.17250940

In terms of historical relevancy Heidegger > Nietzsche?

>> No.17250950
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>Freud is gay.
That explains a lot actually.

>> No.17250952


>> No.17250967
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Probably not. I mean, all those Frenchies and many more were all in love with Nietzsche and Heidegger kinda was as well, his published courses and writings on Nietzsche run for thousands of pages.

>> No.17251015

Deleuze is very different than derrida, his lineage sort of branches from Derrida's and is opposed to the "transcendence" of Heidegger

>> No.17251477
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>> No.17251602


>> No.17251608

Good post.
Got one like that for the BwO?

>> No.17251649

Nothing new

>> No.17252646
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hi everyone im new!!!! *holds up rhizome* my name is giles but u can call me T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs. as you can see im very nomadic!!!! thats why i came here 2 meet nomadic people like me _... I'm 50 years old (im dead for my age tho!!) i like to read spinoza (im neovitalist if you dont like it deal w/it) he is our favorite author!! bcuz its SOOOO panenhenic. Felix is deleuzian 2 of course but i want 2 meet more deleuzian people =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
N0MaDiSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein deleuzian again _^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

love and rhizomes,

T3H B0dY W1tH0uT 0RgANs

>> No.17252654

i prefer derrida's work