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17250728 No.17250728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a name for this aesthetic? I'm struggling to articulate it. Sort of "bug paste dystopia" with a side dish of "we can't tell you where we're going on holiday because our parents have links to the military-industrial complex"-core.

>> No.17250730
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>> No.17250742
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>> No.17250744

British upper-middle class new-buildcore

>> No.17250749

I know what you mean but can’t out it into words either. It’s like an elite suburbia. Arlington, Virginia is the perfect real world example though.

>> No.17250751

this is literally just a suburb with a local park in front of it....
>"bug paste dystopia" with a side dish of "we can't tell you where we're going on holiday because our parents have links to the military-industrial complex"-core.
are you retarded?

>> No.17250757

yeah, faggotism lol

>> No.17250760


The neighborhood I grew up in looks kinda like that.

Its called comfy.

>> No.17250768
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"too white for you, nigger"esque

>> No.17250769

resentment is palpable in the OP

>> No.17250777

>Sort of "bug paste dystopia" with a side dish of "we can't tell you where we're going on holiday because our parents have links to the military-industrial complex"-core.
There are lots of shitty things of the post-modern era you could pick at but this housing is harmless

>> No.17250778

i mean
i'm getting Diet Burgerpunk vibes.

>> No.17250866

True Bugmen Confirmed

>> No.17250874
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>True Bugmen Confirmed

>> No.17250877

I can smell the rotten eggs sewage coming off the pond. There's a lot of dog shit in the grass. Half the waste in the bins is venti starbucks cups and lids. You will need to work 2.5 lifetimes at the median income to afford a house.

>> No.17250888

This is middle-England right?

>> No.17250893

east anglia, the edge of the universe

>> No.17250913

>Stinking shit-pipe of the universe

>> No.17250932

>t. grew up in section 8 housing

>> No.17250941


not my fault your parents were poor

>> No.17250961

That's not upper middle class, it's middle middle. Upper middle class is Jacob Rees-Mogg, upper class is aristocracy.

>> No.17250976

Take your meds

>> No.17250982

why does it look so awful? it has green grass, "nice" looking homes, a blue sky. why does it look so inhumane?

>> No.17250998

>you'd have to be a POORFAG to hate this intensely artificial and miserable post-modern living environment
I hope you die of something that could've been prevented if your doctor had discovered it sooner.

>> No.17251019

calm yourself

>> No.17251020
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>I hope you die of something that could've been prevented if your doctor had discovered it sooner.

>> No.17251044

awful thread. all Americans should be hanged.

>> No.17251090

there's no people

>> No.17251100

>>t. grew up in section 8 housing
Nope, turn of the century heritage neighborhood in a mid-size city, unfortunately being slowly torn down and densified with new builds.

>> No.17251109

They're supposed to look good on SSRIs.

>> No.17251152

Petite Bourgeoisie.