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File: 436 KB, 663x941, Brando.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17249585 No.17249585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In an emasculated and feminised society, how does a man go about spiritually reclaiming his masculinity?

>> No.17249589

Unironically, by sucking other men's dicks. No homo

>> No.17249595
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks

>> No.17249596

By reading Fantômas.

>> No.17249600

Quit bitching about it is a decent start. Just do your thing, anon. And be reasonable, as in listen to women because they are half of the people out there. But don't listen too much to them because they don't exactly get how you experience the world.

>> No.17249602


>> No.17249635

Fretting about your masculinity is one of the least masculine things you can do

>> No.17249641

By tearing open bussies with your warhammer

>> No.17249644
File: 387 KB, 500x382, brando.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked up how brando and james dean were both gay

>> No.17249666
File: 558 KB, 1354x1383, 1609668128743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck dicks in a platonic manner early in life
>briefly become a tranny in adolescent years
Where did I go wrong in obtaining masculinity?

>> No.17249674

being molested, awaken your repressed memories

>> No.17249776

This reminds me of when people online call others beta or say they're alpha. Actual alpha males don't try or consciously think about being alpha, it's the way they think, act and hold themselves without trying.

Anyone who calls themselves alpha has basically outed themselves as a LARP, rather than someone naturaly masculine, confident and a leader, they are just trying to be like that. I don't any actual alpha male has unironically called themselves alpha.

>> No.17249786

Go fishing or something. Be a man Fredo! You can be a man!

>> No.17249804

Read Jocko

>> No.17249813

Read Evola's 11 Points of Orientation

>> No.17249933

By quitting 4chan
By not saving pictures of their idealized men
By being a constructive member of their community

>> No.17249934

Isn’t that more political and less personal?

>> No.17249951
File: 347 KB, 801x814, 1608854977469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By becoming a tranny

>> No.17249972

Have you heard of the Bronze Age Mindset?

>> No.17249983

opened the thread to say this

>> No.17250042

The whole dichotomy is a sign of a diseased society. Some people point out that the Alpha Beta distinction is only found in captivity and that in the wild is completely redundant with the Parent Child distinction. Then they say that it therefore doesn't exist in human societies. Which is ignorant because the Alpha Beta dichotomy is very real in the areas of human life infested with arbitrary hierarchies like schools and many areas of employment. Places where people spend most their lives. With the ongoing breakdown of the family it will only become more and more real. The Alpha Beta dichotomy is a sign of nonproductive or counterproductive social structures in our world.

>> No.17250074

KEK some anons are too fucking retarded.

>> No.17250138

Please read BAM by BAP. Itll save your life, Bernd.

>> No.17250153
File: 33 KB, 568x568, branflakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marlon tried this and look what happened

>> No.17250174

Men are at fault for letting women have rights. This is unironically all of men’s faults because you’re so moronic that you were led astray by women who sued their sexuality to brainwash you. You western men deserve to live like this. It’s is just punishment

>> No.17250301

Well put anon.

What do you think are the causal phenomenon behind these unproductice social structures?

>> No.17250340

no such thing as alpha or beta, humans are more complex in their behavior compared to non-sapiential beings, if we were only drived by our primal instincts, the label would´ve been apt but that´s not the case

>> No.17250599


>> No.17250635

>tfw you will never have someone caress your head and gaze at you longingly
is that a real fresco painting?

>> No.17250649

>no such thing as alpha or beta
I've never heard someone who wasn't a beta say this

>> No.17250652

Be strong and be kind. That’s all you need.

>> No.17251706


I doubt you've spoken to anyone in real life about alphas and betas, and if you have, you are probably a beta for bringing this autism tier stuff.

>> No.17251797

pretty much this. masculinity is strength of will, strength of character and strength of physical ability. if you want to reclaim your masculinity then you will have to change your life style and reflect on what kind of person you are and where you should be

>> No.17251882

Jocularly aggressive homoerotic banter, it’s the only way to re-Hellenize

>> No.17252822

If dumb reactionaries and flavor of the month feminists have any damaging effect on your "masculinity", then you're a limp-wristed dumbass.

>> No.17253072

This but be strong and be evil.

>> No.17253433

Big ol based.

>> No.17253440

how's high school going, pal?

>> No.17253467
File: 48 KB, 653x800, 1547463596605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to be the person I want to be and don't worry about what roles any special interest group, liberal or conservative, says I should act as. Trying to fulfill roles that other people try to push on you instead of finding the person you want to be in your heart of hearts is the most cucked thing you can do.

>> No.17253482

He wouldn't have gotten so fat if he had cock in his mouth instead of food

>> No.17253499
File: 226 KB, 450x300, 1605029315550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't get married
>Give women no attention other than your BWC
>Be in shape
>Be financially stable
>Read lots
>Become worldly and cultured

>> No.17254253

>>Don't get married
I want children.

>> No.17254266

Clone yourself using an egg hatcher and an artificial womb. Make real bugmen drones.

>> No.17254319

I want to be a man though.

>> No.17254341

Good, there might still be hope for you, anon. I'm reasonably happy for it.

>> No.17254351

Earn money, go to Japan, have a lot of sex, drink a lot of sake, see a lot of sights, all on your own.
Sounds pretty manly to me and it is what I am wanting to do this year.

tldr; earn money and go on an adventure

>> No.17254366

that's really absurd

>> No.17254378


>> No.17254407

What is it with these hollywood ideals of masculinity being either gay or bi?

>> No.17254411

You do know white guys going to the Orient to fuck all the mediocre girls there and drink $oy is like a cliche, now, right?

>> No.17254416

But he did have a cock in his mouth. There is literally photographic evidence you can Google.

>> No.17254428

I feel like I can’t be both masculine and love women. How can I love someone whose taken dick to the mouth from three or four or more? So emasculating and it’s all I think about. But do women give a shit? No. Of course not.

>> No.17254429

Yeah, but he needed even more dick-sucking. He wasn't doing it enough.

>> No.17254454

Oh, okay. Agreed.

>> No.17254456

reading wikipedia some niggers claimed brando fucked gay niggers LOL

>> No.17254463

>all the mediocre girls
I know an ugly ass short white dude who has an 8/10 gf in Japan

>> No.17254466

Don't care about cliche. I might have a huge sum to spend and i'm spending it on soap lands if necessary. Also i'm not white, but Pashto.

>> No.17254474

Osaka hates that.

>> No.17254477

How is that fucked up?

>> No.17254479

You have to be reasonably "dirty" to have sex, anon. But it all comes down to hormones, it probably will end up happening and there isn't much you can do about it.

>> No.17254487

Gays are fucking rancid.

>> No.17254495

>tfw all that but single
I’m miserable. I’ve tried getting into relationships but girls seem to want a month trial before compromising. I’ve heard my married female friends talk about how during the firsts weeks they were dating with their current husband they were basically fucking anyone else they were going out with. Hell, some girl convinced another female friend that she can cheat on her husband because marriage is about love and not sex so having sex with other dudes isn’t necessarily cheating.
I was dating a girl and once went into a bar and saw her with another guy. I thought to myself “ok I guess we are not going to have a serious relationship” and never told her anything. A couple of months later at a party I fucked with some girl and she found out. She got mad and told me that I knew we were trying something serious and I just looked at her and told her I knew about some shit and assumed we both knew we weren’t going anywhere with whatever we had going on.
I’ve become really clear with what I want. But women, specially these nu-attractive bunch, seem to struggle with compromising. They want to be messaged daily as if I’m not occupied reading, working or just doing my shit or posting in some Chinese weaving board this thirst for attention that social networks have developed on our current society is so stupid. I want out of society

>> No.17254534

I understand there’s contradictions in it. I’ve had sex with multiple people. It still gets in my head. Makes it so painful to love

>> No.17254538

Why, anon? You mom had sex with your father (and vice-versa). It is part of being and living.

>> No.17254549

They need to be gangbanged by attention from about two dozen guys relationship or not. I fucking hate it man. I’ve had to deal with and ruminate over a ruined long term relationship. It’s just not worth it. I really think I’m not going to marry or do any of that stuff

>> No.17254560

Moron, I can’t fucking explain it. It’s just how I feel, and it’s not like an inclination, it’s like a deep kernel of hatred and disgust in my soul.

>> No.17254571

start by not ogling pictures of brando faggot

>> No.17254594

Is /lit/ really this fucking gay or is it just a meme?

>> No.17254598

I'm trying to help you out here, anon. There is no need to be a fucking jerk. Ask yourself why and you might to the root of it. Why do you feel disgusted if someone had a relationship in the past? Disgust of whom? The other person, yourself or both?

>> No.17254626

If you've "lost" it on account of "society," you never had it.

>> No.17254636

Nah, I think I’m not the issue, I think women giving themselves over completely to men for nothing and then expecting me to put in work and care and love them passionately for that same thing are the problem. I think the egoism and deliberate ignorance that goes into that is so selfish it makes me never want to have a relationship, friend or romantic, with any woman again

>> No.17254665

Don't get me wrong, anon. But aren't you being too radical? As in some people put women in a pedestal and you are putting them on the garbage. I also don't feel like getting into a relationship but that is mainly because I still got to 'set a path' in my life.

And what is up with the giving oneself? It is not like someone loses a piece of oneself after a relationship. There is risk of diseases, but that is mostly it, anon. And if someone felt like being with you instead of someone else, that means that you are better than other options.

>> No.17254734


>> No.17254735

>It is not like someone loses a piece of oneself after a relationship.
That is exactly what happens, actually

>> No.17254744

What exactly, anon? I gained some stuff from past relationships. I have a better notion of what I want and what I don't want. What is so bad about experience?

>> No.17254752

You lose part of yourself. That is exactly what happens. I don’t know what else to tell you beyond that if you disagree

>> No.17254757

it's just wanting to have your cake and eat it too, gotta keep their options open while they figure out if you are legit or not

>> No.17254766

How so? Where have you observed that and where it came from? As in where this idea popped out.

>> No.17254785

does this guy really think women aren't biologically attracted to confident athletic men? is he memeing?

>> No.17255091

yeah. tomb of the diver.

>> No.17255249

>go on an adventure

t. every tinder whore

>> No.17255256

What the fuck is that? I don’t even know what they mean

>> No.17255260

go on holiday and have lots of sex and do drugs

>> No.17255266

>does this guy really think intelligence is not somewhat genetic

yes, these people exist

>> No.17255267

Just do your thing in a world full of institutions that want to control your life lol