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/lit/ - Literature

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17249568 No.17249568 [Reply] [Original]

Sup lit

Let's update (or create a new) patriciancore chart.

Rules: You can nominate 1 to 5 books that are rarely discussed here but you consider are PATRICIAN (and if you want, share why)

Each reply to a nomination is a vote

I'll create a chart with the most voted books

Let's have some fun

>> No.17249619

Celia se pudre - Héctor Rojas Herazo
Fantastic Tales: Visionary and Everyday - Calvino
Los Sorias - Laiseca
Yo recordaré por ustedes - Forn
Confessions of an English Opium Eater - Thomas De Quincey

>> No.17249649

Complete Essays by Montaigne
Larva by Julián Ríos
El infinito en un junco: la invención de los libros en el mundo antiguo by Irene Vallejo
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa by Jan Potocki
Parerga and Paralipomena by Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.17249680

I'd pick the Calvino anthology, it's AMAZING
Montaigne is mentioned here but never discussed properly. He's the best, that's my fav book.
Also Potocki is unbelievable, a wild arrange of craziness and imagination in that single book, epic.

>> No.17249707
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previous chart

>> No.17249733

half of this chart is fine, the rest is a meeeeme

>> No.17249939

ait imma raed me some Laiseca

>> No.17250150

This board is full of pretentious little fucks that have read less than 30 books. Don't expect much from them. I'm almost sure this thread will get archived with less than 15 replies. Reddit is better anyway.

>> No.17250346

Petrolio - Pasolini
Le Baphomet - Klossowski
Hedyphagetica - Wainhouse
Mes amis - Bove
L'apprenti sorcier - Augiéras

>> No.17250438

>that have read less than 30 books

>> No.17250512

based anon is BASED

>> No.17250551

Nicolás Gómez Dávila's Scholia
Borges' complete fiction and non-fiction
Nabokov complete fiction
A good Chateaubriand selection
Raul Gomez Jattin complete poems

>> No.17250622

One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich is rarely ever discussed. It contains the most kino bricklaying scene in all of literature
Of course The Wake is the most patrician of all
Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
Based Gilgamesh
Augustine's Confessions
Vote Montaigne

>> No.17250662

great taste anon!
Who is the author of The Wake?

>> No.17250678

Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce

>> No.17250704

oh I suppossed it but wanted to check
thx anon
Nicolás Gómez Dávila's Scholia
Borges' complete fiction and non-fiction
Nabokov's Pale Fire
A good Chateaubriand selection


Antología universal del relato fantástico by Atalanta

>> No.17250715

Same — Montaigne changed my outlook on life. No writer has had a great impact on my personal growth. What a wonderful book about so little but so much.

>> No.17250719

Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

>> No.17250756

I’ll throw in SatanTango by Krasznahorkai, Encyclopedia of the Dead by Danilo Kis, Antonin Artaud selected writings, and the poetry of Lorca, Jimenez, Transtromer and Trakl. All of these are wonderful.

>> No.17250798

>La puerta del viento by Laiseca
>Laughter in the dark Nabokov
>Gravity's Rainbow (I know, but, unlika the bitchass millenials in this board, I read it)
>Grandes Borrachos Colombianos by Pablo R. Arango (now that's a lil gem)
>A season in hell by Rimbaud
based, Montaigne is highly, highly underrated. thank God for Acantilado's edition.
B A S E D connoisseur

>> No.17250905

You’re fortunate to be able to read Andalusian literature in Spanish. I’m stuck reading Moorish casidas and later works by Lorca, Vallejo, Aleixandre, Jimenez... not too mention Paz, Neruda, Rios, Borges...the list goes on and on... in English or Italian.

>> No.17251279
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succubus bump

>> No.17251580

Based for Artaud, Trakl, and Rimbaud

>> No.17251601

by Cormac McCarthy

>> No.17252580


>> No.17252853

Based Gilgamesh is based

>> No.17254413


>> No.17254564

Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor

>> No.17254855
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>> No.17255090

I'll take that

>> No.17255324

In Praise of Folly by Erasmus
Brideshead Revisited by Waugh
Essays by Emmerson
Mrs. Bridge/Mr Bridge by Connell
Southern California an Island in the Land by McWilliams (not really patrician, but necessary to understand the roots of California/Hollywood culture that has since spread everywhere).

>> No.17255672

I wanted to nominate Fantômas, but then I started to feel silly because the focus will be just on the first book, when one has to read the series as a whole (or at least first few books) to fully grasp the awesomeness of it.

>> No.17255699

>Reddit is better anyway.
go back, then. faggot

>> No.17256122

Absalom, Absalom by Faulkner
Frolic of the Beasts by Mishima( the suspense at the beginning is so alluring)
Death of Virgil by Broch(I really wanna read that one, haven't yet)
Murder of a Buttercup by Döblin( These stories are fucking great and surreal)

>> No.17257061

Based anon for recommending Jattin

>> No.17257268

How old is this one? And why is GR on there if they acknowledged that it is one of the most discussed?

>> No.17257288

Child of God and The Crossing are patrician too. Shame this board only cares for Blood Meridian.
Ada by Nabokov. Not his best but has a distinctive poignant feel that i like.
Ligotti's complete fiction

>> No.17257315
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Lo Yoga della Potenza - Julius Evola
Stalking the Wild Pendulum - Itzakh Benthov
Expanded Cinema - Gene Youngblood
L'amante invisibile - Elemire Zolla
The White Goddess - Robert Graves

>> No.17257324

Big ass vote for the Saragossa manuscript

>> No.17257369


>> No.17258195

The Peregrine by JA Baker

>> No.17258857

George Konrad - The Caseworker
Don’t seem him discussed much here

>> No.17259819
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sup u meme loving fucks
3rd succubus to stimulate your coomer brains and check if there's one single REEEADER among you fucks.

>> No.17259833

vote for Kis
vote fo scholia
Vote for MontaigneGOD
and fucking potocki, i love that nigga

>> No.17259844
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>Anon, name your top 5 patrician books NOW
What would you answer, /lit/?

>> No.17259864

Finnegans Wake (James Joyce)
The Wings of the Dove (Henry James)
Miss Lonelyhearts (Nathanael West)
Your Face Tomorrow: Fever and Spear (Javier Marias)
The Sheltering Sky (Paul Bowles)

>> No.17259879


>> No.17259889

this board is full of plebs, don't expect too much OP

>> No.17261490

bump u faggots

>> No.17261601

Coscienza di Zeno - Italo Svevo
La Luna e i Falo - Cesare Pavese
Women and Men - McElroy
Nebla - Unamuno
Gravity's Rainbow - Pynchon
Insatiability - Witkiewicz
The Trial - Kafka
La Cognizione del Dolore - Gadda
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Sagarana - Rosa
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - Saramago

Seconding these
Parerga and Paralipomena by Arthur Schopenhauer
>One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
>Finnegans Wake
>Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas
> The Epic of Gilgamesh
> Petrolio - Pasolini

>> No.17261616

fug forgot it was 5, guess i'll keep the lesser known ones
Coscienza di Zeno - Italo Svevo
La Luna e i Falo - Cesare Pavese
Sagarana - Rosa
La Cognizione del Dolore - Gadda
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis - Saramago