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File: 2.46 MB, 5000x7000, A-guide-to-max-Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17243939 No.17243939 [Reply] [Original]

There have been a lot of Stirner threads lately, and most people have really no idea about him so I made this prototype of a chart.
I would like to add some more books if anyone knows any, take suggestions to improve it and also add some descriptions to each book on the list.
I demand help via union of egoists!

>> No.17244035

Your chart is a spook OP

>> No.17244058

But your bump is not a spook

>> No.17244076

you are a spook, and your answer is just a cope

>> No.17244092

Why recommend Marx's shitty critique instead of further egoist literature? You'd be better of reading egoist anarchism, like "Against Identity Politics" by Lupus Dragonowl

>> No.17244164
File: 799 KB, 1180x765, 2021-01-10 00_23_46-Nietzsche,_Where_To_Start.webp (Imagen WEBP, 2342 × 6196 píxeles).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a joke referencing the text on the Nietzsche chart, as if the whole purpose of reading Stirner was to just have some laughs with Marx's critique. That's why it's small and at the end.
The book you reccomended doesn't seem to be in the "Stirner canon", but I'll add it to my reading list.

>> No.17244187

Is Stirner's unbounded ego effectively the same as the Mahayana concept of one's buddha nature?

>> No.17244238

Are The Unique and Its Property and The Ego and its Own the same book?

>> No.17244250

The Unique and its Property is the new and better thanslation. The first one was made by a *yikes* Christian!
The real butter would have known this.

>> No.17244555

Oh, I see. Sorry, man, the joke flew over my head. "Against Identity Politics" is an essay, you can find it online in The Anarchist Library. As its name suggests, it's a critique of identity politics from a Stirnerian perspective. I found it very illuminating, and it shows how to apply the ideas of The Unique and Its Property to a political/philosophical problem. Plus, its relevant to our zeitgeist.

>> No.17244975

Great chart, OP
I’ve never heard of You Only Have the Courage to be Destructive. Where can I find it?

>> No.17245052

The real butter SHOULD have known this

>> No.17245127

Add the dialectical egoism book to it.

>> No.17245134

>zero books
Into the trash

>> No.17245176

I did go looking after asking, yes.

So don’t read that one. Geez

>> No.17245257
File: 881 KB, 2500x3500, A-guide-to-stirner-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it be clear that I'm prioritizing a cool design over having space to fit books in (jk)
Any more books, sugestions, ideas, improvements, etc will be added.
Do I remove the Marx thing? lol
Also tried to make this one smaller

>> No.17245306
File: 308 KB, 1250x1750, Smol-stirner-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mor smol

>> No.17245315

Just think of your thick ass slamming on my cock :3

>> No.17245839

There are other books but I havent read them so I cant really make a proper recommendation.

If you wanted to make a list of some responses to his work you could have

-Stirners Critics
-The German Ideology
-Max Stirner's Egoism by Clark

Regarding the young hegelians if you want a good accessible book that covers them while not being an anthology of their works, The Young Hegelians and Karl Marx by David McLellan is pretty good.

>> No.17246376

"Max Stirner", edited by Saul Newman. A collection of 8 essays that cover different aspects of Stirner

Also, here's the essay another anon recommended: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/lupus-dragonowl-against-identity-politics

>> No.17247257
File: 350 KB, 746x467, 1499734491074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This essay is also good

There some videos too that help with Stirner
>Max Stirner - Ownness

>Max Stirner - Anarchy

>Podcast with Jacob Blumenfeld on Stirner

>Egoism in Stirner, Rand and Neitzsche

>> No.17247859

Bump, photoshop is taking a lil bit

>> No.17247879


>> No.17247933

on the left: rulers, soldiers, murderers, one of them even laid the foundation to what is going to be the next hegemonical power for centuries to come
on the right: a guy who got chucked by his wife and died to an insect bite

uhm gee but yeah some epic 4channelertards like him more so i guess we got 'em eh hahaha based and redpilled!

>> No.17247982

You are not going to be any of these people, Anon. You are going to be the poor sod that acts on their behalf.

>> No.17248019
File: 428 KB, 1250x2300, Final-version-question-mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still space for more, and I'm open for more suggestions.
Also removed the German Ideology because fuck Marx.
This seems to me like a decent final version.

>> No.17248454
File: 3.99 MB, 3035x3775, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit list, try harder