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17240612 No.17240612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books on the root causes of our present day clown world?

>> No.17240615

Gravity's rainbow

>> No.17240619


The Civil War a narrative
The protocols of the learned elders of Zion
Gulag archipelago

>> No.17240675

Americans deserve the bullet

>> No.17240686

Leviathan and it's enemies - samuel t francis

>> No.17240693

Lol I was the one who posted this on /ck/. The jannies just took it down and banned me,

>> No.17240700

But for some reason they left the McDonalds and Olive Garden threads about this same situation up.

>> No.17240701

>trying this hard to make a /pol/ thread

>> No.17240705

Nevermind, they just took them down.

>> No.17240733

I don't take what corporations say seriously. If it's on a social-media site, I immediately dismiss it.

>> No.17240738


>> No.17240803

I love getting lectured by an ice cream company

>> No.17240828

This is not going to stop until American corporations doing the insincere woke thing start getting woke-shamed themselves for the way they exploit the Third World.

>> No.17240883

Really you can say almost anything is a riot to uphold white supremacy these days and get 100k+ retweets. Anon, I would advise just writing a book about how white people are evil and bad, you will probably make some money off it.

>> No.17240894

what the hell is going on in america

>> No.17240900
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This is an infographic produced by a black history museum about "whiteness", which they consider a framework of domination and institutionalized racism.

It's a helpful reminder. If you like or agree with anything in this chart... when the far left says "white supremacist", "nazi" "fascist" etc, they mean YOU. Even if you're not white, they mean you, and they want you killed or jailed; though they'll settle for continuing to commit genocide while demonizing and disenfranchising you.

>> No.17240905

nobody cares about the third world. it is all about discrimination and inequality on a national level nowadays, and even the most hardcore leftists who are aware of the incincere pandering corporations are doing at least agree that they are a useful tool to deplatform their politcal adversaries

>> No.17240907

I don't think the chart is saying these things are necessarily bad.

>> No.17240917
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What should I pick up from him?

>> No.17240924

I don't understand this quote, spoonfeed me.

>> No.17240929

The people who made the chart are saying that every single thing on that list is something that must be dismantled or destroyed or made abnormal for "social justice." And if you oppose them, then you're exactly the same to them as a crossburner or a lyncher, they would say that you support them "covertly."

People need to learn that the left has nothing but hatred and evil in it, and that YOU can and will be next, it's only a matter of time.

>> No.17240947

Fall of an empire.

>> No.17240962


>continuing genocide

do you live in a white room? padded walls? are you frequently coerced into eating pills from a small paper cup? Where is this white genocide happening? Besides maybe Zimbabwe 40 years ago? How is not wanting to be shot by cops equivalent to a race based uprising and NWO?

The problem with you room temp conspiracy theory chucklefucks is that you can't face up to while you're a failure in life. You have to build a fantasy dream world of black people and jews some how keeping you down to explain why you dropped out and spend 18 hours a day "anonymous". You know why people like you like 4chan so much? So you can lose your identity. So you don't have to face up to being a complete failure.

>> No.17240972

Imagine if corporations constantly talked about Jewish mobs and Jewish privilege

>> No.17240974
File: 130 KB, 782x520, yawn guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, you're just a cringelord with a complex.
Not /lit/ related. Faggot.

>> No.17241035

>Stated ideology is irrelevant in politics
>The only value system in place is :
>any action my side does or which helps my side = Good
>any action my opponent does, or which helps them = Bad

>> No.17241072

Sir, this is a Ben & Jerry's.

>> No.17241094

Jeff Tiedrich must be on suicide watch now that he can't spam "Sir, this is a Wendy's" underneath Trump's tweets anymore.

>> No.17241100

damn they had a riot insurrection terrorism events without any guns

>> No.17241109
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Thomas Sowells books.