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17240534 No.17240534 [Reply] [Original]

>Of all things in the world, metaphysics requires the least amount of effort; as it is neither based on nor subjected to the test of objective reality, people can talk as much nonsense as they like. Upholding materialistic dialectics, in contrast, demands a high level of genuine effort. On the one hand, we should strengthen investigation and research to accurately understand objective reality and truly grasp objective laws. On the other hand, we should continue to observe things dynamically, not statically; holistically, not one-dimensionally; systematically, not fragmentally; and in context, not in isolation, with a view to properly handling various major relationships. All subjectivist, formalist, mechanistic, dogmatist, and empiricist views are metaphysical ways of thinking, and cannot produce positive results in practice.

>> No.17240678

God he is such a brainchad, why can't western leaders be like this?

>> No.17240901

Is this Xi Jingping's new book "Why I am not a Communist?" Because if so, it's brilliant (think about it).

>> No.17240902


>> No.17241112

No wonder that China has been slowly evolving into a technocratic state.

>> No.17241114

And this is why you don't go to political leaders when you want to learn about philosophy. He doesn't seem to understand what the word metaphysics means, or he is using it in a very idiosyncratic way. He says that empiricism is a metaphysical view while materialism is not but in reality the opposite is true. Empiricism is a position on epistemology, and materialism a position in metaphysics.

>> No.17241220

>Empiricism is a position on epistemology, and materialism a position in metaphysics.

It's both. Epistemological empiricism is (usually understood as) the view that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience. While metaphysical empiricism takes this one step further and states that this is because our sensory experience is all that exist. This is rather unfortunate, because metaphysical empiricism would deny that metaphysics could exist, see Kant.
>The very concept of metaphysics ensures that the sources of metaphysics can’t be empirical. If something could be known through the senses, that would automatically show that it doesn’t belong to metaphysics; that’s an upshot of the meaning of the word ‘metaphysics.’ Its basic principles can never be taken from experience, nor can its basic concepts; for it is not to be physical but metaphysical knowledge, so it must be beyond experience.

This is again repeated by the positivist. See the debate over verificationism by the logical empiricist and their opponents. The principle claims:
>every meaningful sentence is either analytic or verifiable.
This principle is obviously not analytic, and how would one verify it? It's self-undercutting. Logical empiricist anti-metaphysics is itself a form of metaphysics and therefore self defeating, the same way metaphysical empiricism is self-defeating.

But to claim metaphysical empiricism has never been argued would be a mistake.

>> No.17241238

How can one man be so basado?

>> No.17241264

Not /lit/

>> No.17241273

Spoken like a true soulless chink

>> No.17241301


>> No.17241311

Damn its going to be sick when he hypersonic missiles the US because he read and understood Schmitt and not some pussy like John Rawls

>> No.17241321

All the leading Schmittians are Chinese and it's gigabased.

>> No.17241325

>muh soul
Seethe christcuck
Can't wait to claim my Chinese waifu to help based Xi build an army of obedient hapa super soldiers

>> No.17241346

Okay, well if we’re speaking materialistically and empirically, we should admit that BWC is larger in size to what they have in China. And since it is larger in size, it is more easily able to pleasure a woman. Therefore, all Chinese women should go with BWC. Do you agree?

>> No.17241358

Yes that's precisely what I'm saying.

>> No.17241368

Xi won't sell out his race like whites do for a little bit of money

>> No.17241382

China already have to many men. If they are going to create HAPAs they would simply kill all the white men, and give every white woman one Chinaman.

>> No.17241390

This is just basic marxism-leninism. who the fuck is schmitt?

>> No.17241393

they're already sending 5% of their men to Africa to breed them since there are too many men you retard

>> No.17241398

The average chinaman is shorter than the average white woman. What makes you think the women wouldnt domestically abuse the chinamen into submission?

>> No.17241404

You're so autistic. Only white incels care about racemixing.

>> No.17241412

17240534 (Tranny)
>unironically taking the ontological views of a nihilist materialist fetus-boiled-in-piss eater for granted
i fucking hate your kind don't bother replying to me when the day comes i'll blow your tiny head off

>> No.17241419


>> No.17241421

>when the day comes i'll blow your tiny head off
Won't happen Bob, based China is taking over

>> No.17241427

Carl Schmitt was a leading Nazi legal theorist and philosopher. He has had some influence on European thinking, both left wing (Walter Benjamin, Laclau and Mouffe) and right wing (Leo Strauss), but has, in general, because of his ties to Nazism and Hitler, been ignored, or not cited.

In China on the other hand he is massively influential. Start with Qi Zheng's Carl Schmitt, Mao Zedong and the Politics of Transition. Then move onto Jiang Shigong.

Oh, and Carl Schmitt's main theoretical contribution for both the left and right wing is his anti-liberalism.

>> No.17241437

>this self projecting incel who knows nothing about china
being han chinese is very, very important to china

>> No.17241446

What makes you think the Chinamen would not enjoy that?

>> No.17241459

>ccp is just marxism-leninism
anon, you're brainwashed by america lol

>> No.17241464

Maybe the fact that they all seem like sub-variations of Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman?

>> No.17241472

>chinks understanding schmitt
What a shit meme. They're fucking all neolibs and a few commies.

>> No.17241484

>everyone in power are stupid except for me! The 4channel shitposter

>> No.17241486


>> No.17241487

Chinks are literally the only ones who do understand Schmitt.

>> No.17241488

No retard, im just familiar with marxist-leninist thought. This is very similar to Mao and Stalin in essence. Xi Jinping is a marxist-leninist if this is anything to go by.

>> No.17241494


>> No.17241497

>schmitt was a neolib
ok retard

>> No.17241512

Even the most hardline chinese communists, including Mao, were familiar with western political theory, military theory etc.

>> No.17241526

t. never read Mao's Combat Liberalism.

>> No.17241527

>implying china is liberal

>> No.17241528

>chinks read books too

>> No.17241532

What is objective reality though and what are objective truths? Isn't his definition of objective simply things that work under circumstances he deems reasonable and proper? This quote says nothing that hasn't been said and refuted already

>> No.17241537

You fucking pseuds. Just go look at who is studying Schmitt in China, it's an opposition group mostly and they're neolibs.
Otherwise it's a critique. Fucking retards don't even read the shit you meme.

>> No.17241539

>What is objective reality though
damn, really makes you think

>> No.17241542

Realistically would China ever go to war with the US or India?

>> No.17241551

>objective truths
don't exist without being in a closed framework of thought. Nations need a shared framework to be able to be objectively true within them.
Having no true shared framework is a strong reason for mental illness in the west

>> No.17241555

>main theoretical contribution is his anti-liberalism
This is why you don't take advice from /lit/

>> No.17241558

Claiming Jiang Shigong is part of the opposition lol. You absolute midwit.
Read "Philosophy and History: Interpreting the ‘Xi Jinping Era’ through Xi’s Report to the Nineteenth National Congress of the CCP" and then say Chinese Schmittians are in the opposition.

>> No.17241560


>> No.17241562

I don't see why anyone would want to go to a war with america right now when they're doing it all themselves.

>> No.17241576

Curious what you mean by this. In Die Diktatur and Political Theology he's clearly arguing in favor of decisionism against liberalism. For politics this is his main contribution.

>> No.17241618

>they’re already going to war with themselves
On the surface. All of it is propelling America towards a megacorp society. Eventually we’ll all be tiered somewhere down the Amazon workline.

>> No.17241632

Fuck off China shill. The articles are trash.
And plenty of people study Schmitt in the West, doesn't mean they implement his ideas or that they're influenced by him

>> No.17241643

keep seething

>> No.17241666
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>Fuck off China shill. The articles are trash.
>And plenty of people study Schmitt in the West, doesn't mean they implement his ideas or that they're influenced by him

>> No.17241669

the difference is china does implement him anon...

>> No.17241679

>while the US becomes and third world country China creates its own sun
What did China mean by this?

>> No.17241683

You will never be a real communist

>> No.17241755

Couldn't you solve this by adopting foundationalism and changing the principle of verificationism to:
>every meaningful non-axiomatic proposition is analytic of verifiable.

>> No.17241767

The Chinese as a whole are a very pragmatic and practical people. This isn't because they're incapable of metaphysical speculation, but rather the exact opposite: they figured it out over 2,000 years ago, and there's no need to go back to it. Case closed, moving on.

This is something that I feel Westerners have a hard time dealing with, because everything for us has to be propositional. The closest thing we can really approximate this with is how Jewishness is fundamental to the universe, but even that's not really close to how the Chinese see things because even though Jewishness is more ontologically fundamental than anything we gentiles have, it's still propositional from Yahweh's perspective.

The world works a certain way, China is, how can the Chinese benefit themselves? This way of looking at the world is alien to the West.

>> No.17241801

What you are effectively saying is that
>every meaningful proposition is analytic of verifiable except this one
Which leaves you with a the problem of explaining why this exact proposition is exempt. But if you can defend that, maybe by referring to some foundationalist argument, you have solved the problem. Personally I don't believe this can be done.

>> No.17241874

Hahahahaha he still believes they're marxist-leninist

>> No.17241887
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>The Chinese as a whole are a very pragmatic and practical people. This isn't because they're incapable of metaphysical speculation, but rather the exact opposite: they figured it out over 2,000 years ago, and there's no need to go back to it. Case closed, moving on.

>> No.17241893

>they figured it out over 2,000 years ago, and there's no need to go back to it. Case closed, moving on.
How so?

>> No.17241895

Schmitt was a far right Leninist

>> No.17241908

more marxist-leninist than westerners who can only fantasize about revolutions

>> No.17241921
File: 180 KB, 1200x630, ATOAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To study and apply materialistic dialectics, we should oppose metaphysical ways of thinking. Having understood this long ago, our ancestors created many parables to criticize and satirize the metaphysical. Some examples are the blind men trying to size up an elephant and mistaking a single part for the whole; the man from the State of Zheng trusting the measurement rather than his own feet when buying shoes; the limited outlook of a frog observing the sky from the bottom of a well; the man plugging his own ears to steal a bell; trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward; cutting one’s feet to fit the shoes; and drawing a snake and unnecessarily adding feet.

It's the same paragraph as OP.

>> No.17241933

>The Chinese as a whole are a very pragmatic and practical people. This isn't because they're incapable of metaphysical speculation, but rather the exact opposite: they figured it out over 2,000 years ago, and there's no need to go back to it. Case closed, moving on.

Isn't this what Spengler says In decline of the west?

>> No.17241934

Interestingly, in the foreword to a Norwegian collection of Schmitt text's, political theorist Rune Slagstad calls Schmitt a right wing leninist, and Lenin a left wing Schmittian.

>> No.17241939
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>our ancestors created many parables to criticize and satirize the metaphysical. Case closed, moving on.

>> No.17241954

guys, what is this guy's problem?

>> No.17241958

>But to claim metaphysical empiricism has never been argued would be a mistake.
There is no such thing as "metaphysical empiricism". You can make up your own terms all you want, but the term is not in circulation. What you are describing is called the verificationist theory of meaning, and it is an epistemological principle.

>> No.17241971

chinks are the only ones who understand the consequences of schmittian politicking, all americans intuitively internalized schmitt despite never having read a single word

>> No.17241979

Imagine a US president with that kind of capacity for abstraction. Not since the founding fathers has there been one.

>> No.17241985


>> No.17242000

cope harder mutt

>> No.17242010

Fucking hate the CCP but he's right.

>> No.17242011

>verificationist theory of meaning
No, no, no. The verificationist theory of meaning would be the inverse or opposite of metaphysical empiricism. The verificationist theory of meaning is explicitly anti-metaphysical, while metaphysical empiricism is explicitly metaphysical, but they fail for the exact same reason. While the anti-metaphysicalism of verificationism fails because the principle itself is metaphysics, metaphysical empiricism fails, beucuse if you hold this *metaphysical* view you also accept that there can be noe metaphysics. They are not the same, but the fail for the same, although inverse, reason.

>> No.17242016

So, China is usually thought of as having three religions: Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism. The problem is, this is wrong. Where do Guan Yu and Guan Ping fit into this? What about Mazu and Longshen? These conceptions of the divine aren't like those found in Europe or the Semitic world, or India, but they're still there. Where do they fall under?

They fall under "Chinese Folk Religion", which is essentially a background metaphysical conception of the world. If you are Chinese, you operate according to Chinese Folk Religion. The Hui are Muslim, but operate according to this, so they are Chinese. The Uighur, meanwhile, do not, so they aren't. Because of this basic framework, certain things will come about. Taoism isn't peasant superstition and oriental woo, it's actually the intellectualizing of Chinese Folk Religion. There is no "why" here, it's just axiomatic.

This puts the Chinese on a footing where they all agree how the universe actually works. They don't need to ask "what does 'what' mean?" or "what is being?" because they already all know. They already all agree. So, they adopt a practical, pragmatic stance because they can. This gives them an interesting position when it comes to the West, which >>17241921 points out, wherein they just happily take Whitey's neat observations and clever toys because they're already secure in their position.

>> No.17242019

>in this house, we believe science is science
Yeah man. Truly a heavyweight thinker

>> No.17242024
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Do you guys learn from the best?

>> No.17242029

Yes, but if Egypt were still around the same would apply to them. The Indians are also like this, albeit in a different form. If we're putting it in Spenglerian terms (we don't have to) he'd say that China and India have already ossified, their world-spirits having gone through their vital period, whereas Faustian Man has not. World spirits don't die of old age in Spengler, they die when they're murdered. Chinese Man ossified in like 200AD.

>> No.17242039
File: 11 KB, 400x400, 04DC8819-98FD-471B-8014-B77EB2E571AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't need to ask "what does 'what' mean?" or "what is being?" because they already all know.

>> No.17242065

What seems to be the problem, my single digit IQ friend?

>> No.17242089

Nobody uses the term metaphysical empiricism to refer to anything, it is a word you made up. The verificationist theory of meaning is a real term philosophers use.

>> No.17242096

It's rather that they know they can't know, so they follow practical things. Maybe one day we'll know. Not in this lifetime. Likely never.

>> No.17242098
File: 13 KB, 289x174, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.17242109

>they know they can’t know
And there we go :)

>> No.17242111

I'll just quote Kant again:
>The very concept of metaphysics ensures that the sources of metaphysics can’t be empirical. If something could be known through the senses, that would automatically show that it doesn’t belong to metaphysics; that’s an upshot of the meaning of the word ‘metaphysics.’ Its basic principles can never be taken from experience, nor can its basic concepts; for it is not to be physical but metaphysical knowledge, so it must be beyond experience.

>> No.17242117

this type of thinking is exactly why my countrymen produced relativity and differential geometry and electricity before... oh wait nvm

xi should get the rope

>> No.17242121

well if you take into account his biography you kind of understand while he would think that

>> No.17242126

Neither of these things were invented by mutts.

>> No.17242140

This thread has a weird amount of Chinese shills or ignorant westerners who know nothing about Xi.

It would be one thing if you were praising Deng Xiaoping, an actual genius statesman. But Xi? He's a privileged brat with delusions of grandeur, who walks around with an autistic engineer's mindset. This is like worshipping Zuckerberg.

>> No.17242163

Forgot to add that Schelling also devotes an entire chapter to metaphysical empiricism, titled "Metaphysical Empiricism" in The Grounding of Positive Philosophy.

>> No.17242171

As I already pointed out, no one uses the term metaphysical empiricism to refer to anything. Your quote doesn't make use of it either. It is a word you made up. You can use it if you really like it, but communication would be easier if we stick to the established jargon.

>> No.17242176

These are just buzzwords without context, not unlike some NY-times midwit or tech guru talking about the future of startups

>> No.17242180

read >>17242163

>> No.17242192

>It would be one thing if you were praising Deng Xiaoping

Why would you praise Deng Xiaoping? Everything Deng Xiaoping did was devised by Zhou Enlai, the actual GOAT statesman.
Seems like you are an ignorant pajeet who knows nothing about China.

>> No.17242197

they were invented by germans and french, who are the peoples of contemplation and abstraction.

this is the only correct take

>> No.17242202

Okay you found one philosopher from the 19th century that uses it. But it's not a term in circulation.

>> No.17242204

Just a snippet of Schelling

>[title] Metaphysical Empiricism

> The lowest level of empiricism is one in which all knowledge is limited
to experience through the senses, in which everything supersensible is either
denied as such or as a possible object of knowledge. If one accepts philosophical empiricism in this sense, then it does not even share positive philosophy’s
opposition to rationalism. For positive philosophy merely denies that the
supersensible is knowable only in a rational manner, whereas empiricism
maintains that it is not knowable in this or any other way, and that ultimately
it does not even exist.

>> No.17242229

>ya mon these orientals live in harmony with eachother, pure bliss and enlightenment, unlike us ignorant and anxious westerners with our silly infighting, our metaphysics and scientific crises

>> No.17242269

Except Xi is actually purging the Western-style capitalists, CIA assets, and liberals from the party.
Like it or not, but at this point Xi & China are the only real opposition to liberalism.

>> No.17242319

why are sinoboos like this?

>> No.17242455
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Dement Biden cant even compete and has never read a book on philosophy in his entire life

>> No.17242561

Nietzsche would beg to differ. You can bring the sky to the earth if you choose to view it that way. Just synthesize metaphysics and empiricism. Metaphysical doctrines are always propounded by prophets, that in itself is a synthesis.

>> No.17242630

I'm not Chinese.

Who are you quoting?

>an autistic engineer's mindset
That's exactly the point. The CCP's entire mandate to rule is predicated on providing continuous economic growth. The CCP themselves argue this. China doesn't, and really never has, wanted to be ruled by some giga-brained philosopher king or whatever.

Morons who hear anything they deem even slightly positive about China will throw a fit about the Chinese pragmatism, but it's not necessarily a good thing. It's why the Chinese came up with gunpowder and did fucking nothing with it for centuries, or came up with the fucking blast furnace when the Romans were just getting gud at bronze and then did fucking nothing with it. One could make an argument that this is why the Chinese never moved away from pure logograms despite literally every other civilization to invent writing doing so. Even fucking Africans did that. This pragmatism prevents them from ever looking beyond an incredibly narrow scope and trying to optimize for an incredibly local set of problems and circumstances. This is why the Chinese HAVE to constantly be looking to the West for developments to fuel their growth: they can't come up with them on their own (partially out of not being familiar with how to do it, partially because the CCP is terrified of growth slowing, which leads to the ~fun zone~). The Chinese value the West precisely for its airy-fairy head-in-the-clouds metaphysical posturing and speculation.

For the retards out there, let me throw you a bone: You know that "The Chinese aren't creative" meme? That's where this comes from.

>> No.17242649

>It's why the Chinese came up with gunpowder and did fucking nothing with it for centuries, or came up with the fucking blast furnace when the Romans were just getting gud at bronze and then did fucking nothing with it.
When did they do this?

>> No.17242697

Left wing schmittian lmao

>> No.17242708

>I believe the Hui are Chinese with no source or evidence
>I believe Uighur are not Chinese, similarly with no evidence or source
>I only believe Uighurs don't follow Chinese Folklore, because 'I Believe so'
Get back to your office CCP scum

>> No.17242710

Dude, in Europe most schmittians are left-wing. Read Walter Benjamin, read Laclau, read Agamben, read Mouffe.

>> No.17242723

Xi never seeks to define what he references, which is a major flaw in his reading and allows for various interpretation.
This book is just to farm posts like >>17240678
from Western 'intellectuals'

>> No.17242759

> Ban western literature
> Impose censorship laws on intellectual categories
> Read everything you ban
> Become the only polymath in the country, due to you being the only one in the country with the ability to do so
> ???
> Accepted by Western critics

>> No.17242766

Everything about this is based.

>> No.17242778
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>> No.17242790

He hired some western undergrad to write this book. After all, he's a insectoid and thus devoid of rational thinking.

>> No.17242791


>> No.17242801

Based ccp

>> No.17242824

Oh, sorry i meant to say
>dial 8 troon, kys

>> No.17242887

Xi is obviously referencing Mao's landmark essay On Practice. Of course he doesn't care about being accepted by philosophy academics or whatever.

>> No.17242896


>Upholding materialistic dialectics, in contrast, demands a high level of genuine effort.
Upholding cognitive dissonances usually does.

>On the other hand, we should continue to observe things dynamically, not statically; holistically, not one-dimensionally; systematically, not fragmentally; and in context, not in isolation, with a view to properly handling various major relationships.
This epistemological position: Vagueism.

>All subjectivist, formalist, mechanistic, dogmatist, and empiricist views are metaphysical ways of thinking
Materialism is a metaphysical position.

>> No.17243050

This is what Kay Griggs refers to when describing the ‘existentialist’ transnational spying cabal infesting NATO

>”[Xi] lacks soundness of thought[/mind].” — recent statements from former university officials
Boilerplate Fedora Nietzsche meme jabberwocky.

Hypersonic delivery systems were patented through the 40s-60s and were already operational by the 70s at the latest, it’s spook bullshit

Celestial richly deserve the ‘inside out/saffron small hats’ monikers, and their ‘strategic partners’ in the Levant are in for a rude awakening if they believe they won’t be subsumed under heaven while pushing the ancient skinsuit routine

>like worshipping Zuckerburg
They’re called ‘Princelings’ for a reason; all of this a gloss for establishing ‘communitarian’ trade blocks for simplified trade regulation; turbo capitalists like the Rockefellers gushed over how perfect China is for social engineering human hive labor on a civilization all scale for good reason — their ‘socialism’ enshrines the permanent finance oligarchy with a permanent bureaucrat priest caste mandarins

The night and day difference between China and Japan as regards technics is down to neologism formation, and the latter having the parallel phonetic system to accommodate them

>> No.17243105
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He's using the metaphysics/dialectics distinction that dialectical materialists use since Engels. Engels means something specific by 'metaphysics,' he doesn't oppose objective reality.

>> No.17243121

what do i read to get a big brain like xi?

>> No.17243130

marxist word salads

>> No.17243139
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>All subjectivist, formalist, mechanistic, dogmatist, and empiricist views are metaphysical ways of thinking, and cannot produce positive results in practice.

>> No.17243166
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>objective reality
>objective laws

>> No.17243213

Pretty much this. And the western undergrad is, as expected, a retard.

>> No.17243217

Hi Martin.

>> No.17243231

>Laclau and Mouffe
>For example, though an individual may think that they are just 'born male' this is, for Laclau, not the case: 'maleness' is a socially constructed category that has no innate meaning.
I'll stick with Benjamin and Agamben, thank you very much.

>> No.17243270

>before humans there was no reality trust me bro

>> No.17243303

I don't like Laclau but he is correct there.

>> No.17243304
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but reality is dialectical and contradictory comrade

>> No.17243316


>> No.17243317

it still isn't subjective, brainlet

>> No.17243350
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A worlding without Dasein? Nope

>> No.17244452

literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.17245043

not different from the west?

>> No.17245050

>inb4 noooooo, it's different when we do it

>> No.17245056
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Read Xi Jinping Thought with a proper grounding in historical materialism and dialectics. Then you will understand the goals of China and trajectory towards socialist development

>> No.17245084

>materialistic dialectic good
>empiricism bad
What's the idea here?

>> No.17245094

US leaders are polymaths who voraciously read Chinese literature, while banning other people from doing the same?

>> No.17245099

The Marxist "make it up as you go"

>> No.17245456

what do you think they do?

>> No.17245482

theyre more likely to be watching fox news broadcasts and read rupert murdoch/disney owned papers

>> No.17245604

true philosopher king

>> No.17245925

The Hui are literally converted Han, whereas the Uighurs are fucking Turkics who came to what is now Xinjiang in the fucking 800as AD you inbred retard. Shouldn't you be screeching about Blormph trying to through a coup and stealing democracy or something similarly idiotic?

I HIGHLY doubt that. Their staffers and interns, maybe, but there's no way in hell these people actually think for themselves enough to watch TV or read anything.

>> No.17245955
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Oh dear...what's happening to your beloved mascot? Is she, maychance, attracted to the sweet allure of capital? Will she surrender her means of reproduction to the bourgeoisie?

>> No.17245962

All this jibber-jabber jibberish. How do philosophers dress themselves in the morning without becoming entranced by the meta-physics epistemological empiricisms of their ass smell I'll never know.

The only worthwhile philosophies are absurdism and hedonism and neither have been refuted.

>> No.17246161

what's the contradiction?

>> No.17246198

It's not like Western leaders read anything beyond their little dilatant forays into the esoteric, world-shattering works of Ibram X. Kendi and Pat Buchanan.

>> No.17246315

>it is neither based

>> No.17246660

>materialistic dialectic does not contain metaphysical speculation
lol... just stick to jailing dissidents Pooh bear, this isn't for you

>> No.17247074

Interesting, I haven't read Engels so you may be right

>> No.17247091

>Of all things in the world, metaphysics requires the least amount of effort; as it is neither based
Stopped reading there. The fact that he uses chanspeak tells me this guy is based as fuck. FUCK western pig dogs, fuck muslims, fuck pornographers and most of all FUCK JANNIES. Hail the communist party of china and nationalize everything. Thank you.

>> No.17247101


>> No.17247106

Would they? You should really be asking; are they?

>> No.17247119

Right, but that's like, just their opinion man.

>> No.17247144

>Free Tibet
Not a single good reason to other than spooks like muh autonomy and muh self determination.
>Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
> The Tiananmen Square Massacre
Unironically got what they're deserved. University elitists and western influenced academics throwing a fit about muh democracy.
>The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
How were these bad? Anti urbanites. Also cultural campaigns demonized homosexuality and other bourgeois decadence. Sounds pretty fucking based to me.
> Human Rights Democratization Freedom Independence
>Multi-party system
Leads to strife and conflict and national division. Its unironically a worse idea than a multi steering wheel car.
>Taiwan Formosa
Belongs to the PRC.
>Republic of China
Non state
> Tibet
> Dalai Lama
Falun Dafa
> The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Muslims belong in camps
>Nobel Peace Prize
Meme given to western warlords

>> No.17247159

That's exactly why middle class Americans would flock to something like China. Its in the Goldilocks zone of being both a presentable concrete set of facts that you can tell your grandparents at the dinner table, but controversial enough to lay under the protection of irony-fallback - in the case of being proven wrong; "yeah, I'm just doing it for the lols lol". Arrogant westerners will suffer the same fate as Röhm.

>> No.17247275
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War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacrePatriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange Corporate interests Petrodollar warfare Israel Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup Illegal Occupation 1954 Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson Embargo on Mexico Russian Puppet President Kinder Surprise

>> No.17247359

>muh dick

>> No.17248160

Based Buchanan

>> No.17248175

Xi is too dumb to realise everytime he talks about 'objective reality' 'objective laws' he is making a metaphysical claim. What the fuck is he on when he says 'empiricism' is a metaphysical way of thinking.

>> No.17248183
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I triggers me why someone would put this ugly green behind some perfectly fine cool photos

>> No.17248190
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>objective reality

>> No.17248200
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Ayo white boy. It's cool if I fuck your gf right? I, objectively, have the superior genes and she moans louder when I'm dicking her.

>> No.17248245

>On the one hand, we should strengthen investigation and research to accurately understand objective reality and truly grasp objective laws. On the other hand, we should continue to observe things dynamically, not statically; holistically, not one-dimensionally; systematically, not fragmentally; and in context, not in isolation, with a view to properly handling various major relationships. All subjectivist, formalist, mechanistic, dogmatist, and empiricist views are metaphysical ways of thinking, and cannot produce positive results in practice.
Based and Hegelian

>> No.17248422

And yet, how successful has Marxism actually been at upholding its own material dialogue? The proletariat revolted long ago in China, and yet the so called communists in power continue to welcome capitalism with open arms. For all the material progress they’ve made, socialism seems infinitely far off. For this reason it has become ever more obvious that communists are in need of some kind of principles to guide them, one which is not just blind dialectical materialism.
If you’re going to be a socialist in the 21st century, at least be a moralist

>> No.17248474

this poster has low intelligence and thus has a decent chance of being american

>> No.17248493

this is true

>> No.17248496

>on the other hand
>on the other hand
100% an undergrad writing this after taking a few philosophy classes.
> continue to observe things dynamically, not statically; holistically, not one-dimensionally; systematically, not fragmentally; and in context, not in isolation, with a view to properly handling various major relationships
>We should look at the whole picture.
Wow truly ground breaking idea there. Not like anyone did that before. Certainly no reason to study the individual components of the whole to be understand it. Never heard of anyone doing that either.

>> No.17248523

>the so called communists in power continue to welcome capitalism with open arms
china not real communism t. baizuo
*posted from starbucks from my iphone 12*

>> No.17248620

What? While you post from a HEYTEA with your Huawei phone?
An insistence upon dialectical materialism has made China just as soulless as the west, there is no denying this fact.
How are you so blind that you can’t see the way China is going makes it just as befitting of Marxist critique as the west is.

>> No.17248730

i think plato said something like this in the republic

>> No.17249877

>Ayo white boy
I'm a black bull though?

>> No.17249996

China at least doesn't look at its billionaire tech CEOs as untouchable. When one of them starts to get a bit too close to the West and starts to criticize the party, Xi takes them down a peg.
Same thing with Western products in China: Movies have to cut e.g. LGBT content in their Chinese version, American companies have to follow party guidelines when it comes to restricting content, etc.
Literally all I want is a government that acts in the interest of its own people and isn't afraid to say 'No' -- both to billionaire companies, and harmful values like liberalism or the "free market".

>> No.17250046

always a good laugh to hear marxist midwits spit out a bunch of words they don't know

>> No.17250058

What's China's problem with LGBT? I thought they were marxists? Don't they know queerphobia is a eurocentric value and that they have a job to lead the third world away from those values?

>> No.17250709
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>This is something that I feel Westerners have a hard time dealing with, because everything for us has to be propositional. The closest thing we can really approximate this with is how Jewishness is fundamental to the universe

it´s not westerners, it´s the fucking anglos with their disgusting submissiveness towards brown people who creates the chaotic world of the present, i think that most antisemitic who shout jews jews jews are just ashamed that their own leaders are selling them like cattle but they don´t want to acknowledge that fact so they resort to an imaginary enemy like the jewish people, who like all people who embraced the anglo-universalism just part of the machinery

>> No.17251163
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Has this ever been refuted?

>> No.17252196

pure burger cope

>> No.17252202

Guess not

>> No.17252220

absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

>> No.17252745

did you just confuse green with orange?
i do that shit but only in speech. im not colorblind i just mix up the words green and orange all the time.

>> No.17253483

true, true

>> No.17253484

He has the mind of someone at the head of a state, an authoritarian one at that, of course the material is the only thing he cares about. I mean also factor in he doesn't want you to develop any lofty ideas all he is is an overeducated bureaucrat with a burning desire for power.

>> No.17253788

I sincerely believe that Xi Jinping is an honest, well-educated man that is doing his best to increase the standard of living for Chinese people thought the use of socialism with Chinese characteristics. I believe he is a socialist, but that he understands the need to utilize foreign capital to increase productive forces in China before true socialism can be achieved. I believe that China's foreign policy is fundamentally peaceful and cooperative, and that their approach to building up third world countries offers a far better, less exploitative alternative to the Western debt-trap method. I also believe that China is taking great strides to reduce their environmental impact on the world, including planting trees and pledging to become carbon neutral by 2060. I do not believe that there is any genocide ongoing in Xinjiang province; the only "evidence" for that is either fabricated, falsified, or blown out of proportion by Western news media and the CIA. I do believe that the Chinese government has taken measures to reduce the Islamic terrorism in that region by re-educating extremists in special vocational schools; this is the best way to deal with terrorism, and far better than the American way, which is to kill and bomb innocent civilians in the Middle East. I believe that the rise of China to superpower status is causing massive anxiety in American leadership, as they see their own power being eclipsed, and that is why they make up lies and slander about China. Fundamentally, I believe that China, and the Chinese socialist model, offers a beacon of hope for a better future to the rest of the world. I will continue to denounce American imperialism and support China and its leader Xi Jinping. These are my honest thoughts and beliefs, and I am open to discussing them further with curious, open-minded individuals that might have more questions.

>> No.17253833

Queer phobia is a universal value and gays were views with neutrality or disgust by Marxists until the 60s

>> No.17253869

Don’t you think regular elections and freedom of the press are worth preserving? Granted the country runs well and their geopolitical strategy isn’t as evil - but there’s no freedom of association for any groups that aren’t 100% in line with the party

>> No.17253883

>the need to utilize foreign capital to increase productive forces in China before true socialism can be achieved. I
I really don't get why you guys believe this. They are moving in the opposite direction. Not that I think it's bad, China is clearly the most functional large country in the world, whatever they're doing works for them.

>> No.17254139

I love you.

>> No.17254154

"freedom of press" just means freedom for corporations to spew their lies and use capital to buy the most ad time

>> No.17254255

I don't believe bourgeois media or bourgeois elections are ideals in and of themselves. In America, what do free elections and freedom of the press lead to? A government that does not represent the material interests of the people and a media that lies to the people on behalf of the capitalists and warmongers. In China, the government's policies more accurately reflect the material interests of the people, and there are more democratic processes in China than you seem to think. Though it's true that the CPC is the dominant party in China, there are other political parties represented in the legislature; although they have very little power, they do exist.

The modern "opening-up" of Chinese markets and economies was engineered by Deng Xiaoping as a recognition of the need for foreign investment if the Chinese economy was to survive, never a refutation of Marxism. You have to understand the formative events of the Communist leadership in China to understand the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics: first, the revolution; then, the era of Mao and the Cultural revolution, in which many people suffered and starved; and finally, the fall of the Soviet Union, which created a lasting impression on Chinese socialist thought. The CPC took lessons from all these historical events and applied them to the creation of a modern socialist state. Dengist policies laid the groundwork for the transformation of China from an agrarian backwater, to becoming one of the largest economies on Earth with fully realized industrial, technology, and research sectors. The wealth generated from this has made every single person in China richer, healthier, and more materially secure. The end goal, however, has always been communism. China is careful not to go the way of the USSR, which collapsed because it went too far with liberalization. I do not see any evidence that China is straying from socialist theory; in fact, I see a government that is equipped with pragmatic solutions to dealing with the struggle of building a type of state that has never been built before in all of history.

Thank you, comrade.

>> No.17254275

>. I do not see any evidence that China is straying from socialist theory
maybe you need to study more fucking Dengoid faggot

>> No.17254291

>The wealth generated from this has made every single person in China richer, healthier, and more materially secure.
The wealth mostly followed the liberalization
>The end goal, however, has always been communism.
When does this part actually happen? Because again the economy gets more private every year there, at what point does this process reverse?

>> No.17255108

>holistically, not one-dimensionally; systematically, not fragmentally; and in context, not in isolation, with a view to properly handling various major relationships.
This is an amazingly contradictory thing to say right after, just previously, limiting himself to the reductionist view known as materialism.

>> No.17255145

meaningless statement by a hylic

>> No.17255150

amnichaeism was more based

>> No.17255163

its from a ching chong what do you expect mate hes not even the based taoist kind either

>> No.17255177
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>> No.17255188

get a job

>> No.17255261

Sounds like the west ngl

>> No.17255464

>blind men trying to size up an elephant and mistaking a single part for the whole; the man from the State of Zheng trusting the measurement rather than his own feet when buying shoes; the limited outlook of a frog observing the sky from the bottom of a well; the man plugging his own ears to steal a bell; trying to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward; cutting one’s feet to fit the shoes; and drawing a snake and unnecessarily adding feet
i thought these were the pitfalls of empiricism

>> No.17256064
File: 701 KB, 2500x1514, 7B5300F8-CF30-4804-96EB-32A5AECB35CE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xi writes some breencast tier shit, time to time
It’s fucking delicious

>> No.17256074

What having zero chin does to a mf

>> No.17256083

It's ghostwritten you retard, you seriously think he has the time to write some shit like this? Not to mention he doesn't actually have any background in this stuff.

>> No.17256089

based and confucianpilled

>> No.17256100

They like to talk a lot of shit but they know full well they don't stand a chance against the US.
They might try something with India though.

>> No.17256108

>all metaphysics is bad!
>except MY metaphysics!
Dialectical materialism is as unfalsifiable as any other metaphysical doctrine.

>> No.17256117

Ironically this is just another case of someone being able to spew as much nonsense as he likes without a single fact to back it up.

>> No.17256127

but I'm going to make sure i win and you are not

>> No.17256153

Win what? Wanna rule on the rubble after the fallout clears out? Have fun.

>> No.17256736

>be convinced this is the only life you'll have
>make it as miserable as possible in the effort to make it as good as possible
>end up in gehenna
>consider that this is not the only life you'll have
>renounce the cares therein and have a much better life than most men of the world
>know god afterward

>> No.17257159

What a fucking chad


>> No.17257203
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>Being the dictator over a country with the most ruthless form of capitalism the world has seen since 19th century Britain.

>still labor under the delusion that what you're doing is "Marxist dialectics"

Chinese tankies are the worst kind of communist.

>> No.17257540

>with the most ruthless form of capitalism the world has seen since 19th century Britain.
You mean the US?

>> No.17257795
