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/lit/ - Literature

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17238591 No.17238591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ that will help stop this?

>> No.17238594


>> No.17238600

Literally: Theses on Feuerbach. So, praxis.

>> No.17238608
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I also want to read some stuff on Marx's view on power.

>> No.17238611

I mean, the image already identifies the problem. You fantasize more than you do. So do more and don't get lost in mental masturbation (which, by the way, you are incentivized to do).

>> No.17238616

Do things. Stop doing nothing.

>> No.17238628

This. Essentially you need to join the left and become a based Marxist-Leninist communist and transition into the opposite gender (i.e., slice off your cock and take estrogens). If you do this I guarantee you that all thinking will stop.

>> No.17238633

define do? like operate monkey muscles?

>> No.17238634
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I would hang myself before I became a troon

>> No.17238665

Yes. Work towards your goal via action, do not get lost in fantasy. And the only thing that will propel this if you are lost in fantasy is the boring reality of taking the first step. That's it.

>> No.17238684

It's funny how mentioning Marx on this site is like pushing a button that triggers a tranny post or a soijack. It's like a computer program, but it's actually people not bots.

>> No.17238690 [DELETED] 

I wasn't gunna jerk off, but now I will

>> No.17238709

So you expect us to be welcoming to tankie s*ibois and troons trying to peddle ideology to a naive 19 years old? You need to go back to your bunker.

>> No.17238738

It's funny how you're a faggot. Except it isn't funny, and everyone just wants you to fuck off.

>> No.17239065

Willpower + >>17238616

>> No.17239076

Why do right wingers ride the pillpull dildo cuck dilate discord tranny?

>> No.17239097

Not the fags you two were talking to but you're entering a thread to discuss literature and discussing the posters here instead in a highly formulaic manner, similarly to how one interacts woth tripcode users. You're also probably the type that derails threads where trips post to talk about how trips derail discussions. In reality, you just want there to be no one that disagrees with you here because you have no understanding of literature, as you do not read. As such you shit up the board with the same fucking brainless keywords and creat a circlejerk about being based. So basically, stop being a faggot and read, then come back here and discuss what you fucking read.

>> No.17239111

>blah blah blah wah wah muh tripfags
No one cares. Tripfags are faggots forever.

>> No.17239116

Faggot READ

>> No.17239117

Go cry about it, retard.

>> No.17239118

Nice projection you got there. In reality, this was the first time I engaged with ideologue scum, and I did so because a few years ago I might have made the same thread, I can empathize with the OP. No go back to your bunker or discord or wherever you crawled from.

>> No.17239121

Cope, dilate, etc.
Faggot READ.

>> No.17239131

You will... eventually be a woman. Not in this life though. Kys and pray and you might get lucky with the reincarnation.

>> No.17239135
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>Faggot READ.

>> No.17239138

I am a male thank you kindly. Also, gotta tell you to read, faggot.

>> No.17239142
File: 26 KB, 720x400, OIBmx3q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bro, why go to a board about literature if you don't wanna read?

>> No.17239151

I read plenty. Just not elongated whiny faggot posts.

>> No.17239158

Yeah I was whining but I'm still right, you don't add to discussion about literature and you just create a circlejerk about being based in every thread.

>> No.17239164

>I was whining but I'm still right
Nobody gives a fuck. Just don't be a whiny faggot. That's literally all this is about you stupid fucking bitchy dipshit retard.

>> No.17239171

Then stop shitting up this board with off topic nonsense.

>> No.17239179

>stop shitting up this board with off topic nonsense
I don't know if you've noticed but the entire board's been mostly off topic content for the past few years, and me telling some new tripfag to fuck off in an already off topic thread isn't abnormal behavior.

>> No.17239185

>it's already shit so I'll make it worse
Stop being an overly-dramatic faggot, if you effortpost, effortposting will become more common. Instead of using the same neutered insults over and over, discuss a writer's work for God's sake. It isn't that hard.

>> No.17239195

>if you effortpost, effortposting will become more common
The only threads I ever used to find interesting were effortposts and all died in under a dozen posts. That was about 2 years ago at least. I'll leave effortposters alone unless they're faggots and continue to tell tourists to fuck off, and that's all you're going to get from me.

>> No.17239201

I feel like if you don't think you can improve the board you should just not come here anymore and spend that time enjoying literature anon, that doesn't sound like a healthy use of your time.

>> No.17239209

Stop giving so much of a shit you fucking pussy. Obsessing over the last word too. Fucking pathetic. Get over it.

>> No.17239213

>Stop giving so much of a shit you fucking pussy
>Obsessing over the last word too
I don't really know what you mean by this.

>> No.17239322

Do what exactly. If you're broke a computer is literally the most entertainment you will get unless you're chad.