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17238420 No.17238420 [Reply] [Original]

I don't expect this to get many meaningful replies, but you never know.

I am almost certainly going to have a child in the next few years yet I know absolutely nothing about raising a kid. Many people seem to get along without reading much as far as I can tell but I really don't know, and I'm curious if there are go-to thinkers or research based books that you could recommend that could shed some light on raising kids. Or perhaps you have your own experience?

I also realize the premise of this thread is ripe for trolling, but I am actually looking for some recommendations.

>> No.17238431

the bible and common sense, ask your grandparents

>> No.17238433

*hits pipe*

>> No.17238450

Psychology of development, anon. Read some of it. There are lots of different authors. Do some research and try to remember your own childhood and see if you can figure out what would possibly works better for you. And read the actual authors.

>> No.17238459

oy vey!

>> No.17238466

dats rite, watch porn with your 8 year old child, it's perfectly natural bro!

>> No.17238514

The republic and any other ancient philosophy that was meant to build citizens for a better society.
They were meant to build heroes and values that would form a person into a perfect leader. Find a way to mold it into your needs. Kids are way to exposed to too much info nowadays and you have to find a way to help them rationalize and analyze this info without censoring it. I’ve seen my 8 yo brother speaking about stuff that I would’ve asked 10 years ago when I was 13.
I’ve noticed he has become overwhelmed by information that isn’t logical to his life experiences. I can’t stop it because my parents have the last call on how to raise him, but I can help him find a way to process this information.

>> No.17238516

Not much to read based anon.
devote a lot of time to sleep. I'm setting 930-730 aside for my third, knowing I'll be up a lot.

>> No.17238524

I can’t imagine teaching a child how to talk. It seems impossible

>> No.17238548

read to them, teach em the value of hard work and don't call them smart

>> No.17238556

Allow them to be reasonably free — whatever that means—, to create their persona with as little of your interference as possible. Let them pursue their interests from a young age, and if you notice they have a gift, it is your responsibility to encourage them to work on it and to improve. However, you should not transform any of their talents into obligation or threaten them will punishment. It will backfire.
All in all, you should let your kids be. Provide for them earlier in life and be sensitive and calming. It is not your place to pass down your deeply held beliefs onto them or to indoctrinate them in any way, but to ensure they’re happy

>> No.17238580

>It is not your place to pass down your deeply held beliefs onto them or to indoctrinate them in any way
If you don't do it, someone who loves them far less will.

>> No.17238601
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>the bible and common sense, ask your grandparents

>> No.17238623
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haha my grandparents fucked my parents up, who in turned fucked me and my brother up.

not gonna fall for it

>> No.17238644

Every old person I've met seems to regret the way they raised their kids.

>> No.17238666

The transition to national propaganda media really fucked a few generations.

>> No.17238668

Bad post. Don't listen to this OP.

>> No.17238673

>don't call them smart

>> No.17238682

I’m gonna screencap this post as a perfect example of everything that has gone wrong with parenthood.

>> No.17238694
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>I’m gonna screencap this post as a perfect example of everything that has gone wrong with parenthood.

>> No.17238698

Ironic how that very approach to parenthood is what created soiboys.

>> No.17238713

ah yes
in turn, they will be raised by the media and other evil external actors
good job

>> No.17238731

There's a saying among Catholics "if you want your child to stay Catholic, don't send them to a Catholic school." Contrivance will turn them against your values.

>> No.17238763

There is an absolute mountain of first hand experience to be found on parenting forums.
Me and my partner took the gentle parenting route because it seems to be the best way.
You cant plan too much as each child will be different but if you have a general idea of what you want to do then that is a good base to start from.
Encourage breastfeeding for as long as your partner is able to.
Cosleeping is excellent if you make sure its safe.
Food is a learning experience and nothing more up to 1 year.

>> No.17238826

I was thinking about same thing anon.
What I find really hard is have a good balance in reward and punish is. Punishment is esstential when raising a child but it's easy to go wrong. I get hit a lot when I was small, and it fucked me up in many ways I did not realize until recently.
Encourage him to plays alot. Children play to grow. Physical games, messing with instruments, or just a bunch of random things, etc...

>> No.17239231

Which parenting forums do you recommend?

>> No.17239453

'partner'? you expect him to take advice from a couple faggots molesting a child?

>> No.17239461

>Me and my """""partner"""""
Your children are doomed.

>> No.17239466
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>> No.17239531

Yeah basically this. Praise effort and not natural gift, it will stop them giving up when things are hard / peers catch up.

>> No.17239541

Unironically: Emile by Rosseau
What Mothers Do by Naomi Stanley
Good luck, anon

>> No.17239545

*Naomi Stadlen , fuck autocorrect

>> No.17239576

Parenting with presence, don’t remember the author.

>> No.17239675

>It is not your place to pass down your deeply held beliefs onto them

Peak western liberal ahahahahahaha

>> No.17239683

The single most important thing is to remember that being a good parent is not being the parent you wished you had and correcting the mistakes of your parents, or even trying to replicate what it is they did right for you, it is asking yourself honestly, what does my child need? What does my child care about, what interests them and what can I do to help foster that interest? Don't get caught up in "this is what I wanted in that situation," take the time to figure out what they want and need. It seems obvious but most parents view being good parents as a competition with their parents and never truly take the time to see what it is their child needs. Your child is not you and never will be, beat that into your brain.

>> No.17239696

they probably want to watch bbc orgy gangbangs

>> No.17239721

Plato, Protagoras and Critias
Realize most of your child's development is not in your hands, beyond the basic essentials of parenting (which you don't really need much of a book for)

>> No.17239736

The only problem with that logic is that children are retarded, and if you only give them what they want or think they need, they will progress a lot more slowly than they otherwise would've. I'm still a little peeved at my parents for doing what you just said, because I'm relatively behind where I could've otherwise been if I knew what I wanted as a kid. I don't really blame them considering the culture we live in and what is considered "normal" for parenting (live and let live bullshit), but seriously reconsider. Generally, it is a golden mean of direction and freedom which you have to figure out based on the relationship with your children. There is no hardline answer, that much is certain.

>> No.17239769

NEED. The want is in context of NEED. As in the greater picture, their interests and desires. They want to become a writer so you figure out what they need to achieve that.

This board is fucking dense for a lit board, no understanding of context.

>> No.17239789

>They want to become a writer so you figure out what they need to achieve that.
I just told you why that is retarded. The best thing you can give them is something which maximizes their possibilities without railroading them into a field they will change their mind on in a few years. Kids do not fundamentally know what they want or need.

>> No.17239819

Try to teach them the seven habits of highly effective people, but in a way attractive to kids. This also means you’ll have to model the behaviours, exercise with them, study with them etc

>> No.17239823

You are a moron. THE GREATER PICTURE. as in, you the supposedly smart and grown up adult and parent takes the time to get to know your child well enough so you can identify what is just a whim or trying new things and what is something they actually have interest in.

>> No.17239834

You don't understand children. It's like visually examining a seed to find out what type of tree it will grow into. At best you can determine very basic and general properties, nothing more. Children mentally fluctuate A LOT over the years, and much more when they reach puberty.

>> No.17239855

>I am almost certainly going to have a child in the next few years yet I know absolutely nothing about raising a kid.
When you do plan to have a baby make sure conception occurs in the winter months.

>> No.17239856

>Allow them to be reasonably free — whatever that means—, to create their persona with as little of your interference as possible.

This is wrong. People build their personality while in contact with others. Not interfering simply means the kid will build his personality only through the interference with other people than you. Since those people are less likely to care about him that's clearly a bad idea.

>> No.17239886

as an addendum to this, make sure he's near the end of the cutoff so he's one of the oldest kids in his year, that's a huge advantage for social develpoment and sucess in athletics, you can google the studies or whatever but it's like a positive feedback loop

>> No.17239889

How many children do you have? I am betting none. I am speaking from experience.

>> No.17239911

Interesting, I mention conception in the winter as its a theory held by eugenicists that children conceived in winter tend to be more intelligent.

>> No.17239979

2, but I'm guessing none of yours have reached adulthood yet

>> No.17240009

eldest is 20.

>> No.17240688

Catholic here in Catholic country where most schools are Catholic and being sent to the Jesuits to shape you is a sign your parents want you to become a well paid leader in your field. I've never heard this. Are you American?

>> No.17240698
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this is, again, just propaganda. Like church girls being the most slutiest. it's just not true, but people have become convinced of it because of (((media)))

>> No.17240786

It's probably different in a country where you're the religious majority. But even then, so many of the "losing my religion" tales I've heard begin with Catholic boarding schools, and the venality of the priests. I'm Australian.
It's not "propaganda". It's something even Fulton Sheen used to say. Catholic schools are generally terrible at catechesis.

>> No.17240967

>Catholic boarding schools, and the venality of the priests
This doesn't really stop you being Catholic here. Most of the abused kids are fucked up and hate the organisation but also still consider themselves Catholics. Accusing the church of being bad Catholics is more common. Many of them are more religious than most. It probably has more to do with expose to secular society/societies. Foreigners or young people raised by the internet really don't understand why people would stay Catholic, but people raised Catholic from here really don't understand why foreigners believe you can give Catholicism up. It's like giving up being black or some other ridiculous shit.

>> No.17241016

Yeah in those countries Catholicism is more of a culture or ethnicity than a proper faith. Most are probably nominal Catholics who will go to hell anyway.

>> No.17242837

Whatever you do don't let them read and don't get them addicted to video games.

>> No.17242852

This. Ironically the most serious Catholics are always the ones from Protestant countries.

>> No.17243089

Can confirm.
My father was 4chan.
And porn my mother.

>> No.17243503

>retard faggot thinks this applies whatsoever to himself

>> No.17243511


>> No.17243611

Far from the tree

And just be a decent person and have patience

>> No.17244660

Actually based advice. I learned to read at 4 and got addicted to books and later to video games. Which essentially made me a life-long escapist. When reality came crashing on me it was pretty brutal ngl, being socially retarded is not easy.

>> No.17244749
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>> No.17244780

I saw the film Ruben Brandt Collector and there was this scene with the German ex-Stasi father showing his son a movie with subliminal messages (paintings by warhol and stuff) dotted throughout, making the child become an art therapist.

I wonder if there are books on such practices. I would do anything for a Stasi manual on the mindraping of children. I'm not becoming a lawyer and then founding a family to raise a deadbeat.

No playing outside, zhis spongebob-astrophysics time.

>> No.17245237

kek gigabased

>> No.17246416

Peaceful Parenting by Steve Franssen

>> No.17246639

They are smarter than you think. It happens as if you aren’t even trying at all.

>> No.17247134

You should look at the world rationally and recognize what's actually going on here. Think about suffering and death and realize that you have no right to inflict this mess on anyone. If you child ends up burning to death or getting cancer, it's on YOU, and both are very real possibilities in this world. Make the right decision and don't have children.

>> No.17247277

Francois Fenelon On The Education of Daughters is a brilliant book on dealing with women in general.

>> No.17247302


>> No.17247493

>You should look at the world rationally
>hits pipe