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/lit/ - Literature

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17236998 No.17236998 [Reply] [Original]

why does it seem like there are only two or three book houses in the anglosphere?

>> No.17237006

Most people don't read, anon. It is a thing worldwide.

>> No.17237016


>> No.17237048

economies of scale

>> No.17237185

Yeah there are aren't many for literature/philosophy.
Oxford, Cambridge, Penguin, Hackett
I think those are the four most common.
I've thought about trying to publish the classics but there are so few people who read anything at all, let alone the classics, that I don't think it would work. Even on /lit/ I don't think more than 10% of posters read 10+ books last year.

>> No.17237221

>Even on /lit/ I don't think more than 10% of posters read 10+ books last year.

>> No.17237232

NTG, I unironically haven't finished a book in 2 years.

>> No.17237237

because monopolies are happening whether you like it or not, only now they are naturally happening without nationalist oversight

>> No.17237242

Then why are you here?

>> No.17237245

No, I think the notion that no one on /lit/ reads is a running gag. At least I hope it is. I read about 50 books this year.

>> No.17237247

As in the world it is not really a decent place for a lot of independent publishers.

>> No.17237248

I started reading again in november and I read 12 books last year. there’s no way that 90% havent read 10

>> No.17237251

For the memes and effortposts

>> No.17237257

What are you procrastinating on your reading pile or pdf folder or whatever you used to read?

>> No.17237258

you're not as smart as you think you are for posting on /lit/

>> No.17237263

a book a weak? how much free time do you have?

>> No.17237272

This place is the internet sewers, anon.

>> No.17237277

It's not an issue of smart. This is a forum for talking about how many fancy books you've read. Why would you post here if you don't read fancy books?

>> No.17237278

I would be willing to bet at least 30% of the board haven't actually read more than 8 books cover to cover. And that's being generous - 5 or so from school, and maybe 3 more they just happened upon. More than that is expecting too much.

It's pretty clear there's an overwhelming amount of teenagers here that only theoretically enjoy reading.

>> No.17237282

Not really procrastinating, just living life. I keep starting books and never finishing them. Also I am not the anon who hasn't finished a book in 2 years. A few months ago I finished Four Quartets and a few other poetry volumes.

>> No.17237290

Half of the threads here could be moved to r9k and no one would notice. Most threads that actually try to have a discussion die before 10 posts. It often seems like people who post about books just read the Wikipedia article and think that's good enough.
Most of the board is just the "smart kids" from high school who think they fit in better here than the other boards.

>> No.17237296

Yes, but what is on your reading pile?

>> No.17237300

Aeneid, Quixote, and Christa wolf's Cassandra

>> No.17237338

not anon but I read about 40 books last year and worked a 9-5 it's not that crazy

>> No.17237433

Also stack/shelf threads make me think that a lot of people just want to project an image of being intelligent or whatever. It used to be that anonymity meant that people were more honest, more candid, but now it seems that the vanity engendered by social media has infested everything. I don't even trust when people say that they read X books anymore.

>> No.17237505

what a bitchy defensive response. why the fuck would you be on a literature board if you don't read literature? evaluate yourself

>> No.17237509

a book a week is nothing. if a book is 350 pages and you read 50 pages in a hour that is 1 hour of reading a day. you probably spend 6 hours a day on 4chan

>> No.17237553

I think it depends on what you read. I can only read philosophy at 20 pages per hour so e.g. Spirit of the Laws is a ~45 hour book. After work I'm left with 5 hours for everything else and I'm sure that there are people with less time than me.

>> No.17237569

the point stands that most of us spend lots of free time every day doing things (like 4chan) that are truly a waste of time. people that read very little or not at all are simply making excuses for themselves. i don't even touch the internet until i have at least 2 hours reading done.