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/lit/ - Literature

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17232067 No.17232067 [Reply] [Original]

Which one have you learned and was it worth it?

>> No.17232080

Fuck off

>> No.17232083

English. Was worth it yes. It's the only language I know.

>> No.17232085

yeah, german. it was most definitely worth it, but you have to realize that in order to learn a language, you will have to go through experiences other than reading, and these experiences are ultimately what help you realize how beneficial it is to learn the language.

>> No.17232198
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This one is better.

I tried learning Italian but I stopped after I realized how pointless it was and how I could spend my time learning something other than a language that would be more fruitful.

>> No.17232777


unfathomably based monolingual bloomer

>> No.17232789

This. You can't learn a language just for reading, at least not if you want to read ficition. You'd be completely oblivious to all kinds of nuances, irony etc. unless you also have a social function with the language.

>> No.17232798

So what did you end up learning instead of italian?
You didn't waste that time, did you?

>> No.17232804

Tried learning Esperanto just for kicks until I realize that there were more speakers of Klingon so I quit.

>> No.17232809


>> No.17232817

Did you end up learning it or did you surrender half-way?

>> No.17232855

I'm learning german, not just for reading tho. I will also give a fair try at French. What do you think about learning two languages at the same time? I won't go at them with the same intensity. German will always be my top priority with some French on the side. Spanish is my native tongue so French is easier for me.

>> No.17232861

I taught myself german to read Hegel's FdG and Heidegger's Sein und Zeit.

Was not worth it.

>> No.17232893
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I'm learning japanese to read untranslated VNs and other untranslated stuff in general, I don't feel like relying on translations anymore.

It's going alright so far, but I know it's something that will take a long time.

>> No.17232997

German for philosophy, but it's still incomprehensible but I guess I've just been filtered

>> No.17233021

tried and failed with both german and french

now trying italian

>> No.17234149

Mishnaic hebrew to read obscure forbidden books like shareii kedusha

>> No.17234188

I learned Spanish in middle school, French in high school, and taking Latin rn in uni.

>> No.17234269

Am learning Danish because I want to live in Denmark (t. bong) . It's ok.

>> No.17234445
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Taught myself four languages just for literary reasons, but now currently focused mostly on French. No regrets. Will continue to work on all my languages when it's the right time. Also plan to pick up Latin at some point.

>> No.17234498

Is there a girl?

There's always a girl for people moving to denmark

>> No.17234723

Yeah learning a second language for the no reason other than self-importance is peak pseud

>> No.17234737
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t. coping with being too dumb to learn even a degenerate form of Latin.
Go smoke weed and watch Netflix. You're just not cut out for it.

>> No.17234748

All of them, English, French, Japanese (not that great at it), Spanish. Starting Russian and German, and might get into Arabic and Chinese. I'm Brazilian.

>> No.17234782
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>I'm Brazilian.
You already know the greatest language of all time- Moortuguese.

>> No.17234888

I wanted to say I understand english by reading but you're right, I know the nuances because of other media like movies

you definately don't need to talk to understand it well, your limitations will only become apparent when trying to have a conversation

>> No.17235728
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>und das heisst erika

>> No.17235926

I majored in Japanese Studies just for reading lol it's still too much of a hassle because fuck looking up Kanji lmaooo

>> No.17236034


>> No.17236422
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your pic literally this faggot, but like in an annoying, bad way

>Which one have you learned and was it worth it?
I learned Latin and am now learning Greek. Yes it was very worth it.

>> No.17236457


>> No.17236474

English. I still have some troubles making phrases but im fine for the internet.
Im spanish.

>> No.17236599

Latin, French and Spanish. Currently learning Greek and plan to learn German and Italian sometime in the near future.

>> No.17236670
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Latin and French and a bit of Greek. I have second hand knowledge of the other romance languages from my studies of Latin and French. I wanna learn Irish Gaelic and also Occitan so I can read the troubadours

>> No.17236692

Not him but -- no, there's no fucking girl, do you know what website you're on?

>> No.17236698

This hits too hard.

>> No.17236748
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FYI if you're going to Copenhagen, or working in a medium/large company, or basically going anywhere relevant that isn't a farm in Jutland, then the Danes won't speak Danish to you. As soon as they detect a hint of your accent, they will switch over to English. Even if you resist and try to speak Danish, they will resist back and reply in English.

And it's not even because most foreigners are physically unable to pronounce understandable Danish (which is true). Rather it seems that Danes are genuinely more comfortable speaking in English, than speaking their own language with a non-native speaker.

t. bong who lives in Denmark

But nonetheless by all means learn to READ Danish, it's a fun language, simple grammar and compact vocabulary, and a solid literature for its size. Plus if you live here obviously you want to read the language just for practical purposes. But don't plan on getting to speak it.

>> No.17236768

I'd say that learning Italian is worth it if you want to read the Divine Comedy in the original and ascend to a higher state of being. I've also heard that it's not too difficult, but I have no idea if that's true yet since I'm working on Latin first

>> No.17236773

I started learning Latin but idk if I should learn ancient greek or german instead. I'm basically only learning it to read more philosophy in its original language.

>> No.17236781

I'm debating between French, Italian, and Russian.
French sounds gay as fuck but it'll be useful for me in the future, Italian sounds really awesome though. I want to learn Russian the most, because I really like a lot of Russian literature, also it sounds really cool.

>> No.17236862
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Hercle, quidnam de me modo dixisti, cinaede? Te certiorem faciam me summa cum laude in classicos milites navigavisse, et multa impeta in Carthaginem fecisse, et plus quam CCC umbras in Orcum demisisse. Bello inhonesto doctus sum et optimus sum sagittarius inter omnes legiones Romanas. Es scopo alio modo mihi. Te prorsus delebo, edepol, elegantia quam ne Mars quidem conspexerit, haec verba memento. Credisne te posse tantis verbis cacatis me in litteris alloqui? Reputa, pathice. Dum haec litteras scribo, cum exploratoribus meis, qui per totum Imperium Romanum late latent, colloquor, et nunc inquisitores chirographum tuum inspiciunt, ergo tempestatem pati para, vermicule. Tempestas quae rem inutilem parvulamque quam vitam tuam appellas delebit. Hercle, mortuissimus es, puer. Alicubi et aliquando adire possum, et plus quam DCC modis te necare possum, inermis manibus solum. Cum pugno perdoctus sum, tum omnibus armis Classis Romanae uti possum, quibus omnino utar ut te ex continente deleam, merdula. Si novisses quas poenas nefarias verbae "lepidae" tuae praestarent, os pinguem fortasse clausisses. Sed non potuisti, non tacuisti, et nunc pateris, stultissime. Pedicabo ego te et irrumabo. Mehercle, mortuissimus es, puer.

>> No.17236906
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I have been learning Spanish because of my heritage (Mexican). Got a gf through it and I speak in Spanish with her on a daily basis, feels good man. I haven't started reading in Spanish though; my backlog for English books is too large and reading Capital is taking up a lot of my reading time. In the future, I do plan on reading in Spanish. I read Don Quixote in English; I'd like to read it in its original Spanish, but it will be very hard to get to that level.

I think I will solely focus on Spanish for the time being. I really enjoy the language and if I started a new language then I'd get distracted. In a few years, I will decide to learn either French or Portuguese.

>> No.17237615

My way was hitting them with "undskyld, jeg taler ikke nogen engelsk" until I was fluent

>> No.17237625

KEK anon.

>> No.17237656

As long as you're only really focusing on one (and can honestly give up the other if time is limited), I think it's fine. I definitely started building a basic vocabulary in Spanish while I was learning German.

>> No.17237668

Can't find anything to read in Danish for free my man.

>> No.17237798

I'm always cracking up at the retards who learn useless languages like Latin "first", "before" then move onto some reasonable ones.
Niggas are monolingual but start with the most difficult ones thinking it will somehow help them. Niggas think they have infinite time. Kek.

>> No.17238313

Are these pics used seriously? Do these people identify as 'improovers' at some level? I wonder if at some point we will be able to separate in different boards the self improvement 'people' from people that actually enjoy literature and do not suffer from perpetual internet induced insufficiency

>> No.17238316

we get it, you're not very bright

>> No.17238332

Stick w French, it's closer to English than Italian. Just do flashcards for an hour every day

>> No.17238384

You're a weak willed faggot who uses Nigger speak to convey points.

>> No.17238462

I learnt French in hs. I've lost a lot of it because I never went overseas and used it. Only book I ever read in French was the little prince, and I ended up reading an English translation afterwards because I missed a bit of it.

>Was it worth it
Yes, a lot of books just throw random French phrases in the middle to seem sophisticated or whatever, so it's good that I can generally figure out what it means without needing to look it up.

>> No.17238582

Du kan nemt nok finde Hans Christian Andersen på nettet.

>> No.17238752
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>Capital is taking up a lot of my reading time

>> No.17238802

learning french right now for reading literature, and 20th century phil
going good so far, i'm ESL tho

>> No.17238833

this; I'm also going to learn latin and, if those two haven't taken me too long, either french, akkadian or classical hebrew.

>> No.17238840

very kek

>> No.17238850

nej da for fenden da

>> No.17238857

The 27 year old FAGGOT. And learning a language isn't pointless if you enjoy languages, you dun got tricked into doing something you don't care about!

>> No.17238965

/lit/ autists should revive this language

>> No.17239093

I want to learn chinese before they take over the world but can't find anyone to practice with.

>> No.17239120

>can't find anyone to practice with

>> No.17239124

Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegran

>> No.17239264

yes it's difficult to get fluent in it. understanding your medicine in two languages doesn't mean you know the language

>> No.17240102

Are you some sort of cuckold? This is the exact opposite of what your response should be. Learn Latin and Greek and your other ancestral European heritage before it is destroyed. Resist!

>implying the Chinese will favour you because you can mumble some words in their language
Honestly it will probably just make them despise you more.

>> No.17240130

Not him but I've seen several videos of foreigners speaking chinese with chinese people and they always seem impressed by the foreigner's ability to speak their language.

>> No.17240387

Tried reading it? I'm genuinely curious whether your wojackposting here is some conditioned knee jerk response, or actual artistry -- thought.

>> No.17241046

Learn it to shitpost like an academic

>> No.17241498

No. Chinese is better.

>> No.17241837

>learned Japanese for /lit/
>actual books are 2hard4me
>mainly use it for manga and fanart/doujin
>provide free dekinai TL for /a/ sometimes
>no longer need subs or scanlations
mixed feelings. Gonna try to get N1 and more advanced in my career field so I can get paid to take business trips to nipland. Maybe then I can approach reading fucking Mishima.

>> No.17241855

I need to learn spanish for work, any pro tips?

>> No.17241870

How you get a job in Denmark? I would love to live in Copenhagen.

>> No.17241909

You don't know the language.

>> No.17241960

>if you don't know 4k kanji then you can't know any jap at all
kk retard

there's a time when english speaking children can read harry potter but they can't read shakespeare or hemingway

>> No.17242007

Hemingway uses fairly simple words, so that's a weird pick.

>> No.17242033
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I learned norwegian just so I could read naess and hamsun

>> No.17242080

how hard? was it worth it?

>> No.17242113

taught myself spanish in 2016 and read lotr to learn new words. was aight

>> No.17242195

Nice crypto-fascist wojak.

>> No.17242249

The language is incredibly easy and I think it was worth it (and there are some great underappreciated norwegian authors). I also like black metal and the winter olympics so it works for me. Thinking of picking up afrikaans next.

>> No.17242262

>The language is incredibly easy
how long did it take you to reach a comfortable reading level? are you a native English speaker?

>> No.17242284

yes I'm a native english speaker and it took me one year, but I'm also a linguist so take that with a grain of salt

>> No.17242308

OK, thanks for the info anon.

>> No.17242317

Bokmål or Nyorsk?

>> No.17242352

How long did it take you to reach your level? I was hoping of being able to read literature within 5-7 years, is that realistic?

>> No.17242388


>> No.17242410
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Chinese vs Russian cannot decide and am crippled by indecision.

>> No.17242411

> learning a new language
> for the sole purpose of cooming

>> No.17242439

Read Freud.

>> No.17242541

I tempted to learn chinese for business not for reading though

>> No.17242550

3 years of very halfassed effort. 5 for literature is quite reasonable.

>> No.17242616

Thanks, that's good to hear

>> No.17242737

See, this is why proficiency matters. I could learn several languages in my language family in the time it would take me to become proficient in one completely alien to me. If you want to read for enjoyment, I recommend sticking to your language family otherwise it'll be a lot of effort (which is ok if your willing to devote the time).

>> No.17243022

i learned french to watch movies
wojaks are political propaganda
the futility is in obeying wojaks

>> No.17243805

Unironically learned to code and now I make money off of it.

>> No.17243859

>there are some great underappreciated norwegian authors
mind giving some names?

>> No.17244017

I mean hamsun and ibsen are the two big names in norwegian literature, I also like naess, and all things ecophilosophy, thor heyerdahl is also great.

>> No.17244122

You haven't "learned" English until you can read Shakespeare or Hemingway.

>> No.17244165
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I want to learn japanese so I can watch game center CX raws

>> No.17244428

I learned Latin to read Church documents and pray with the Roman Breviary

>> No.17244464

I'm learning Chinese to read Xianxia.

>> No.17244568

>watch japanese gameshow
>they're all screaming over each other at top volume
>it's all either shortened words, outright slang, or obscure cultural references from some other gameshow
fuck me sideways

>> No.17245483

I'm trying to learn Russian as my second language. I took a class on it and I'm working through a textbook.

What's the strat on learning languages? 30 min a day consistently?

Does anyone have tips for self teaching

>> No.17245506

What did you learn, front/back end? Language? Self taught? Can you share resources

>> No.17245514

Honestly, if you have to ask and can't just google it of your own initiative it's incredibly likely you're not going to make it.

>> No.17245654

Just curious about what worked for you. I'm comfy enough from crypto, financially. I made money building a website, for a rabbi, a few years ago.

>> No.17246169


>> No.17246194

>I made money
>from a rabbi

>> No.17247646

>learning Spanish because of your heritage
Based, plan to do the same. Currently studying Koine Greek for religious studies.

>> No.17247760

also trying to decide on this.

>> No.17247790

I'm learning Welsh for my heritage.

>> No.17248096

I wish I payed attention in Latin class :(

>> No.17248224


>> No.17248232

Imagine being that much of a fag at 27

>> No.17248282

Why you say that? Russian lit interests me a lot but going China also interests me.

>> No.17248382
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Have you read pic related?

>> No.17248397

Of course.

My gf is from Hong Kong and has Chinese friends. A lot of that seems to ring true from what I can tell.

Guess Russian it is.

>> No.17248438

I would only reconsider in your case if see yourself someday marrying this girl.

>> No.17248445

This at least weebs learn Japanese because they want to play porn games.

>> No.17248464

Yeah, sounds fair. Russian would be useful for my job too.

Interestingly, she speaks Cantonese originally and speaks Mandarin pretty well. Even then, she says she still doesn't fully grasp Mandarin.

>> No.17248504

>she says she still doesn't fully grasp Mandarin
This is something I've heard before about China, and it blows my mind every time. Here you have a language so draconian, so fucking incomprehensible, that a large portion of your literate population still cannot understand it well. Entire regions of the country just straight up can't communicate with other regions effectively due to differences in dialect.

Every other Asian civilization that copied the Chinese writing system ended up modifying it to be less retarded, with varying degrees of success. There's only so much you can do when using Chinese as your foundation.

>> No.17248515

Exactly. I don't know how closely cantonese and mandarin are to one another but I assumed they had significant overlap. The fact that, even then, she doesn't fully grasp Mandarin makes me wonder what chance I would have as an English speaker.

Also, very few Chinese read books or anything and I think it's because the writing system is so stupidly complex.

>> No.17248531

From what I've heard it's not just the Cantonese/Mandarin differences, but even within Cantonese itself there are different dialects of the same language that are straight up unintelligible to the point that you can't hold basic spoken conversation.

>> No.17248575

Meh, i'm into china for the literature, philosophy and history, not for business reasons. Russia and Russians seem more fun but China is an entire world that is very, very hard to translate.

>> No.17248597

Don't worry about it. China will collapse once other countries automate them out of existence. The "Chinese Century" is entirely dependent on importing 10x what they export because less than 10% of the entire country actually has arable land to feed its billions of people. Coincidentally, the largest agricultural producer in the world is their direct competitor, America.

>> No.17248639

Learned Chinese to read gay novels. Absolutely worth it.

>> No.17248685

Yes, english.

Yes, definitely worth it.

>> No.17248700
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I live in a monolingual anglophone country, so having learned a second language makes you seem like a god amongst men. Of course it's worth it.

>> No.17248711

Wait what?

>> No.17248797

Why not both?

I'm interested in Classical Chinese but the resources are very few and far between. I wonder if it's even possible to learn the language if you don't already speak modern Chinese.

Isn't Mishima's prose famous for being really ornate and baroque, though? Sort of like a Japanese Nabokov.

>> No.17248918
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English. worth it, but I better like Hungarian.

>> No.17248925

>makes you seem like a god amongst men.
You've a real overestimation of how people see it. At best it's "oh that's cool!", but no more impressive than playing an instrument for example.

>> No.17248932

I bet the French statistic is boosted by the hundreds of thousands of niggers there.

>> No.17248936


>> No.17248963

>tfw you mogging the avarage guy of every country in europe besides hungary

>> No.17248969


>> No.17249003
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>At best it's "oh that's cool!", but no more impressive than playing an instrument for example.
Yep. Thats it. Except that when you meet a native or a language learner of your target language who wants to speak with you.