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17234776 No.17234776 [Reply] [Original]

Peterson just saved an entire generation of young men. The pendulum is finally swinging back.

>> No.17234793

You know I was laughing at his original "clean your room" book as well but then I lived with a manchild in a flatshare for a year and realized how much this shit can probably give to people. There are so many men that act like stupid fucking consoomer children, if this stupid shit helps in making them less of a fucking bother to everyone else, I'm all for it.

>> No.17234796

If you want to be saved you are doomed to never be saved. Jordon Peterson is at best scam artist, and at worst a brainlet

>> No.17234822

Can I get the 12 new rules in brief please? Could they possibly be better than- you know- the ten commandments- or the golden verses, or the delphic maxims? Or better than all of them, proverbs?

>> No.17234836

He needs to put out 12 rules for wife for his incel followers (90%)

>> No.17234852

1. Shit the bed - waking up in your own shit mean the day can only get better

>> No.17234857

I could unironically see him doing that

>> No.17234868

There's better advice anon. I've lived w one too, he drove me nuts by how childish he was in some aspects but there's way better advice. He came to being by very simple answers anyone who was critiquing sjw's at the time were

>> No.17234875

rule 1. get addicted to benzos

>> No.17234877

2. Abuse xanax

>> No.17234881

Yeah. From what I've seen of JBP he is pretty stupid but ultimately 'please have a little bit of discipline' is not bad advice

>> No.17234886
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This man really lives rent free in y'all's heads.
Guess it hits too close to home, eh?

>> No.17234899

How is this drug addict coma pussy in a position to give anyone advice other than how to grift?

>> No.17234909

I dunno if he's released them all.

>Rule IV from my new book Beyond Order:12 More Rules for Life: Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated.

>> No.17234913


>> No.17234914

Lmao why are they all so frightened? only 5 people died. Fucking basedboy beta cuck jewsticians

>> No.17234937

Doc Benzo is a disgrace

>> No.17235004
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my superior genes make me fearless in the face of death, I totally don't piss myself whenever I walk past a black guy on the street

>> No.17235020
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is that you in pic? lmao

>> No.17235152

I think he does a lot of damage to young men. When I read his books all it did was increase the weight of my burden and immobilize me. Then I picked up some lighthearted Buddhist books and very quickly I began to cheer up, to move about freely and enjoy each day, and suddenly my responsibilities didn't feel like such an enormous cross to bear. I could fulfill my duties without a second thought and move on to other things. I'm not a Buddhist and still remain skeptical about Buddhism's role in the West, but the fact that simple monks who know little about life in the West were able to help me more than Peterson says a lot. And, really, why would you take life advice from a man who's so desperately unhappy even with a nice family, fame, fortune, and the respect of millions? I'm convinced Peterson is a good person; however I don't think he's a very good therapist, at least not to this reader.

>> No.17235194


>> No.17235275

it's all for show. they're taking advantage of the golden opportunity to definitively call Trump and his supporters genuine retards for the rest of the time. they need to take care not to play it up too much though. chuck schumer said it was the worst day since pearl harbour when they reconvened in the senate chamber

>> No.17235284

What books did you read anon?

>> No.17235340

no not at all if anything he was trying to redirect dissatisfied young men to just conform to current day norms

>> No.17235372

Yeah Trump lost

>> No.17235374

>And, really, why would you take life advice from a man who's so desperately unhappy even with a nice family, fame, fortune, and the respect of millions?
Yes, 100% this. His whole self help guru mantra is basically "If your life is shit it's your own fault and when you have a shit life you cannot criticize anything or anyone". Then it turned out he was high on benzos all the time and nearly killed himself by suddenly quitting. Everyone knows benzo withdrawal can be fatal, so why did he do that? He's not a good person. He's a pseudo-intellectual hypocrite who tries to make money of the backs of millions of young insecure men who are lost in life. Like all cult leaders all he truly seeks is admiration and material gain, while being hollow and empty inside.

>> No.17235377

The Magic of Awareness by Anam Thubten
The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way: Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā
The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind

But reading alone isn't enough. You need to have the presence of mind to apply the teachings to your life. Fortunately, it's not hard. In fact it's very easy.

>> No.17235393

Maybe stop being a little bitch and learn to carry your weight.

>> No.17235401

Will give these books a look through anon and i know thanks.

>> No.17235408

I did, but no thanks to Peterson. That was the point of my post. His methods weren't helpful.

>> No.17235409

Why couldn't Peterson? JP is constantly projecting. He's actually giving advice to himself, which for some reason he cannot apply.

Seriously this guy got famous for saying "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world" and then almost dies of drug abuse. Who does he think he is?

>> No.17235418

>"If your life is shit it's your own fault and when you have a shit life you cannot criticize anything or anyone".
I'm not a JP worshiper, but this is just false. Have you listened to any of his lectures, or are you relying on other people's descriptions of them?

>> No.17235424

There's 24 rules now?
Fuck that

>> No.17235437
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I stopped paying attention after he initially went viral during the protests in 2016, I think? When he was still a professor. Did he get fired from the University of Toronto or did he resign? He must have had tenure right?

>> No.17235438

>but this is just false
It's rule 6:
>Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world
What the anon you're replying to is getting to is that there are external factors that can impede your house being in perfect order. The irony being that if he followed his own rules, the book would've never been written of course.

>> No.17235439

Peterson says to life your burden, enjoy it, and be happy in the job of completing your task. Buddhism says that the task was never yours to begin with. I can see why lazy people like Buddhism so much.

>> No.17235449

Yes, and that's how I distilled his main point. He teaches young men to be conformists of society. That's where his whole 'clean your room' shit comes from. Why should I clean my room if I like it messy?

JP wants all men to be like drone normies unable to rebel to the world. Good consumers who have a wife and kids and some phony spirituality and then die. History is built on the corpses of those who dared to rebel. If everyone would listen to JP there would never be any change.

And don't get me started on the le marxist boogiemen he invented while openly admitting he never read any Marx outside of the Communist Manifesto. If that's not intellectual dishonesty, I don't know what is.

>> No.17235494

If he was able to help you that's great, but I found it impossible to be happy in the job of completing my task after reading his book and attempting to apply his lessons to my life. As for Buddhism appealing to lazy people, I won't bother disputing that since I don't know any Buddhists, but I can say that I became more active, less lazy, after learning about Buddhism.

>> No.17235502

It's invariably easy for low-iq apes like you.

>> No.17235517

>he's a very good therapist
Remember, therapist is just ‘rapist’ without ‘the’

>> No.17235530

I think he has 48 in total, from his original shitpost on Quora, and you can bet your ass he will turn all of them into meaningless platitude-core

>> No.17235544

My gf's ex boyfriend was a Tibetan Buddhist monk. Let me tell you: these people are the most disciplined people in existence. They literally walk to India from Tibet to meet the dalai lama. Don't bother replying to bitter JP trolls. Like all cultists they'll become agressive when you criticize their Great Leader.

>> No.17235553

>My gf's ex boyfriend was a Tibetan Buddhist monk.
You're a simp for your girlfriend's ex? What a cuck lmao.

>> No.17235567

t. incel

>> No.17235573

I’d be scared too if my working quarters got stormed by a group of mentally deranged rednecks; they’re like undomesticated animals, you have no idea what they’ll do.

>> No.17235577

>My gf's ex boyfriend was a Tibetan Buddhist monk.

Did he pass on the flame to his son you’re raising?

>> No.17235578

My wife's boyfriend would disagree, plus he's super strong and could kick the shit out of you if you ever said these things irl.

>> No.17235599

this is more sad than that "The Game" pickup artist putting out another book after everyone saw that doofus's Jamiroquai hat

>> No.17235612

I think it is shortsighted to dismiss things as "projecting" or "hypocrisy" if the person behind those things doesn't abide by them 100%.
What if an drug addict tells you to not do drugs? Will you do drugs just because you think that fucker is probably hiding something good?
Have some good faith - what if he genuinely cares about young guys mental health and wants them to improve, even if he himself is unable to do so out of his own mental health problems (depression)?
I mean I would definitely tell people not to cheat at exams even if I'm a faggot and sometimes do it out of weakness, doesn't mean I'm not sincere.

What good does it when you take something he says out of context (Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world) completely literally to the point it definitely wasn't meant to be?

>> No.17235614

he seems like a nice person and well read enough to provide basic advice

>> No.17235626

Imagine being this insecure lmao

>> No.17235639

>My gf's ex boyfriend was a Tibetan Buddhist monk.
bruh moment

>> No.17235648

damn bro you really showed him with that strawman

>> No.17235656

Because it's short sighted. People don't have full control over their lives. Simple as that.

>> No.17235668

i think he madea quora list of his 40 rules, which he took the best for the first book and the next best for the second book. i haven't read his full list but i'd guess they're all around if you google

>> No.17235689

lmao it's very painful to read someone simping an ex boyfriend holy shit. did she tell you if she got fucked nice and had rough sex with him? did she let him coom inside?

t. sex daily with gf of 6 years

>> No.17235690

Imagine bragging about the guy who used to fuck your girlfriend.

I bet he was the most disciplined man you’ve ever met, I’m sure he never missed a single hole. Even cleaned her ears with his fleshy prayer wheel I reckon

>> No.17235695

agree on that one, but what about the other things I've said? good faith?

>> No.17235716

What do you think

>> No.17235722

This actually isn't bad advice.
If more people absolutely degraded themselves, if only temporarily, and realized that they are shitty humans whose shit stinks the world would be a better place.
A practice in humility.

>> No.17235723

I'm not bragging about anything? It's a simple fact Buddhist monks are extremely disciplined. That's not admiration, that's just how it is. This emasculated insecurity is exactly what attracts you to JP in the first place lmfao

>> No.17235737

Yeah and I bet he disciplined your gf too. Got discipline all over her face and chest. She's positively leaking discipline right now.

>> No.17235747

Oh no my gf had sex before she met me, just like me! No how will I ever get over this!

>> No.17235757

>how will I ever get over this
You wont, you'll just fantasise about her ex's discipline hahahaha
Get it together m8.

>> No.17235769

>My gf's ex
nice bait

>> No.17235773

I don't think JP is a bad person but I also think rapid fame is not good for your mental well being. I'd appreciate him more if he was more knowledgable about Western philosophy but he is severely lacking in that department. This is why he comes across as a shallow self help guru to me.

>> No.17235778

I don't even like JP, never read anything from him lmao.
projecting your insecurity to "JORDAN PETERSON BAD" boogeyman tells something about you my friend.
how many guys did cum inside your gf btw?

>> No.17235782

I guess the real self help anon was the benzos we took along the way.

>> No.17235809

he might have gotten dragged by his own success into self-help area, that is possible.
but I wouldn't dismiss any of these self help authors, especially since "guru" usually means a 40yo American woman who sells cosmetics over the internet and has paid mortgage on her house so she is successful. an educated professor is a blessing in this department.
he is also not a philosopher but a psychiatrist first, if I am not mistaken, so I think it is unfair to wrong him on his philosophy education

>> No.17235873

>so I think it is unfair to wrong him on his philosophy education
Yet his whole career is based on criticizing 'post-modern marxism' without even knowing what that means. Then he'll continue about how we're related to lobsters and how lobsters have hierarchies and how we shouldn't be jealous etc. He's making philosophical assertions literally all the time and he should be held accountable for that.

I don't understand why, with the immense platform he has, does not retire for a year and reads Western philosophy from A to Z then comes back and actually says something meaningful. Instead straight when he goes out of coma he goes on his daughter's podcast, writes a new self-help book (after literally almost dying from drugs) and makes a new Youtube series about the Bible. JP does not even believe in God. He just likes the admiration and material gain, he is not actually intellectually curious about anything. He has a soft side too, obviously. But those are his deepest inner drives, I think.

>> No.17235885

so easy

>> No.17235897

He rebelled against Canadian university bureaucracies and the political swamp himself. You don't get millions of followers because you think urinating all over the room makes you Spartacus.

>> No.17235904

Peterson's advice is more dangerous than it is helpful. Encouraging naive individualism and anti-collectivism is a stupid survival strategy.

To put it bluntly, if I would inflict your advice on my enemies to destroy them, it's bad advice and I would never follow it myself.

>> No.17235914

ok here my knowledge is not enough, since I was mostly playing devil's advocate and I haven't seen much of him. so I will trust you he doesn't know much about philosophy and that is his flaw.

but I have to strongly disagree with you on one point - critizicing 'post-modern marxism' from a psychiatry point of view is completely valid and shouldn't require any philosophy knowledge at all. I mean who else than clinical psychiatrist can see and observe the effects of postmodernism on the minds of the youth? it is not wrong to then make a conclusion about dangers of postmodernism, if you observe it first hand from your experience as a psychiatrist?

>> No.17235929
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its a young bernie sanders

>> No.17235935

In order to criticize postmodernism one should know what it actually means.

>> No.17235960

show me 1 evidence of him misunderstanding postmodernism
show me 1 evidence of anyone actually being able to define postmodernism coherently

in other words, I believe noone actually fucking knows what postmodernism is. obviously you are hinting at the fact that he uses the word "postmodernism" for everything that is bad in this world, similar to how americans use "fascist" to those who disagree with something. yea, that is unreasonable, but it seems to get the point across to his listeners somehow - how is it possible that they all understand each other without noone actually understanding what it means?

>> No.17236011
File: 1.54 MB, 450x337, tumblr_37bb47c0dbafed408c01d16d27954bff_8485ecbd_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curtailing the symptoms does not cure the sickness; no amount of reformatted trivia will fill the hole in one's heart, but rather, it will only inevitably lead that one to yet another frenetic existential crash; if you think that a "selfhelp" book written by a cryptozionist has helped you in any way, something is already wrong.

>> No.17236026
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So Sneed - and that's the bloody thing about Sneed - he represents seed and feed, in fact, he's an agent of agriculture, and in contrast, we have Chuck, who represents suck and fuck, roughly speaking. But Chuck, in his bitter resentment, in his-his postmodern cultural marxist ideology, he tries to tame the seed - and that's a bad idea man, it's like-it's like if you tried planting gummy bears, you won't grow anything out there. But Chuck, he tries anyway, motivated by a lust for suck and fuck - and it's like - god it's no sad - it's like you're not a farmer! You're not a farmer, and no postmodern rationalisation will change that. The evidence is clear. The scientific literature is explicit on this matter. And speaking of suck and fuck - what happen's by the end of Chuck's 'experiment'? Chuck is not sucked and fucked, quite the opposite, he's actually lost his business. And this demonstrates exactly what happened in the 20th century. And it's like Solzhenitsyn writes in the gulag archipelago - the bloody city slickers attempted to seed and feed, but in doing so they merely sucked and fucked. And well actually, they did quite a bit more. You can't pretend to have low soil pH when it's around 9.6. We tried that experiment in the 20th century,and it was a bad idea man! And it. is. not. a. route. you. want. to. go. down

>> No.17236044

agreed, capitalism must go down

>> No.17236059


>> No.17236060

Yeah and those are the guys that want you to keep killing towelheads in the middle east.

>> No.17236093

And replace it with fascism or even better, a monarchy.

>> No.17236125
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His entire claim to fame is that one Channel 4 appearence, where his interviewer made a complete ass of herself and he, in contrast, appeared to command superhuman argumentative skills.

This notion he immediately dispelled after, but by then he had a fanbase that was eating his shit up.

I mean, look at this train wreck of a tweet, and tell me with a straight face that this person is to be taken seriously.

>> No.17236127

>12 rules to help alleviate the stasis that comes from following rules
Seems like an unproductive approach. I've enjoyed some of his lecture videos that are online, but I think he's doing more harm than good, unfortunately. He's a nerdy old academic, not a life coach or role model. From what I've seen of his fans, he's just teaching them to be like him, i.e., a good lecturer (but nothing else), and they don't realize that.

>> No.17236133


>> No.17236138

>this tweet
More things are wrong with it that it has words. It's almost impressive.

>> No.17236171

jordano petersonino bad because thiso tweeto

Truly an intellectual.

>> No.17236205

>Public figures can be judged on the words they willingly choose to broadcast to large audiences
Yes, that is how being a public figure works.

>> No.17236239

>cherry picking 1 tweet to make a statement
public figure doesn't deserve any different judgement than a non-public figure, especially since he didn't choose publicity unlike a politician for example.
would you be so judgemental about the same tweet but authored by a colleague of yours from work? someone you know in your life?

it's a stretch, but if I searched for Trump's tweets, I think I might be able to cherry pick one where he talks like a normal human being. does that give me any hints about his real character?

>> No.17236249

he owned you, by negating his own statement that you can't prove something without an axiom he proved that it's true

>> No.17236276

self-help is a grift

>> No.17236283

>public figure doesn't deserve any different judgement than a non-public figure
Of course they do, just like a frontline soldier is not judged on the same physical standard as the average dude, a prominent person who gains fame, money and status for speeches and lecturing should be judged on a higher standard (in their public speeches, and for better or worse twitter functions as a public forum) than a random guy talking with friends.

>would you be so judgemental about the same tweet but authored by a colleague of yours from work?
Of course, I would. I've seen enough nonsensical, boilerplate low-iq takes on Godel's incompleteness theorem to fill a major public library. I can't remember last time I saw someone mention Godel and not butcher the entire point of that theorem. I have no tolerance left for that kind of sloppiness.
Not that my opinion would matter to Peterson or my coworker anyway. Which only makes me less inclined to be indulgent for indulgence's sake.

>someone you know in your life?
Someone I really care for (say a family member), no, I would just gently correct them or discuss it with them. But that would be private conversation.

>especially since he didn't choose publicity
He cashed on it, and pretty greedily at that (remember the lobster merchandise he put out?). People look up to him and he makes money from those people. And on top of it he's a fully employed academic. The least we can expect of him is to sound smarter than a freshman who just slept through his intro to formal logic elective.

Now if that tweet was made after his breakdown, by all means, I understand, but that's only more reason to stop taking him seriously as a public speaker and let him rest.

>> No.17236291

Nothing was proved in this instance, save perhaps that Peterson shouldn't use twitter while on medication.

>> No.17236315

He's correct there, he just shouldn't have worded it as "as Godel proved" or suggest there is only one God. More like as Godel explained, and more like "faith in [a] God".

>> No.17236319

>has a chin

>> No.17236365

Can someone please give me a quick rundown for why Reddit in particular hates this guy so much?

>> No.17236367
File: 151 KB, 1874x1104, orencassgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicide rate still climbing
>life expectancy still declining
>wealth gap still growing
>"lol just work harder, you younger generations are just lazy"
It's all so tiresome

>> No.17236380

Its more embarrassing when you remember that he is an atheist.

>> No.17236383

>If you presuppose I'm right, then I'm right
It's impressive to be this stupid and unselfaware

>> No.17236390

The analogy about a frontline soldier is irrelevant. Soldier chooses his career willingly, gets paid for specific tasks - like maintaining his fitness. JP does not get paid for correctly interpreting Godel - he is a psychiatrist.
I agree that being a public figure comes with responsibility, but not to the point where every fucking thing you say and it is not 100% researched (unlike by a /lit/izen) condemns you to hell.
And if you're a public figure and you're let's say averagely educated in biology, you can share your opinions and interpretations with your audience (if you're not directly hurting someone). Does not mean some biology expert will not fuck you up if he wanted. By the way why don't you reply to that tweet and explain it? (unless it's old and you have it saved on your PC because JP lives rent free in your head). Why do you think your opinion wouldn't matter?

About you being too judgemental, I can't say anything else, since that is how you choose to live your life.

I don't know about him being greedy, but it is possible and it would make me less inclined to defend him, since I don't like people more successful than me (not sarcasm).

>> No.17236392

The relationship with Godel and faith in God is extremely contrived here. At best you could say Godel had a personal faith in God, but that is irrelevant. The jump from axioms to faith is also jarring, axiom are not about faith, you don't even have to believe in the axioms you use. Not to mention not all proofs are formal proofs in practice.
It's just drunk college-student logic mash where loosely related terms can be conflated and distant relationships collapsed into identity without consequences. The internet (not to mention bars and college parties) is choke-full of this already.

>> No.17236417

because racists like him and that is enough to judge this man.

>> No.17236437

>axiom are not about faith
They aren't? But an axiom is something you just assume is true. It's a presupposition that you are gambling on without proof or demonstration.

>> No.17236443

Kek, true

>> No.17236445

yeah, the 2nd place

>> No.17236451

He is reddit.

>> No.17236473

In a proof by contradiction, you're also temporarily presuming something to be true, despite showing it to be false.

>> No.17236475

>JP does not get paid for correctly interpreting Godel - he is a psychiatrist.
Then why does he mention Godel (of which he has patently no understanding) in a public venue? The answer is that is what Peterson almost always does, half of his persona is overusing references he isn't familiar with (like Marx) to feign expertise and get a rise out of people. He's easily 50% fraud.
Also he doesn't make most of his money from psychiatry (or psychology or whatever) but from public speaking, youtube videos, and the associated merchandise.

>but not to the point where every fucking thing you say and it is not 100% researched (unlike by a /lit/izen) condemns you to hell.
Not to hell, simply to accountability and occasionally being mocked for acting like a retard. Also his claim here is not "not 100% researched", it's utter bull, even though the reference to Godel is supposed to be the reference that gives solid ground to his (confused) reasoning. Remember that heads of state make announcements on twitter. It looks shiny and gamey buy it's still serious business for someone who makes a living in speeches.

>By the way why don't you reply to that tweet and explain it?
I don't have twitter.
>By the way why don't you reply to that tweet and explain it?
I'm not the one who posted it. I would have been just as derisive had that statement been made by a random person on /lit/, that's how low the standard it meets is.

I don't see why you need to rationalize so much the fact that he made a retarded tweet and that I called him a retard for it. He's a university professor making a fortune out of his public appearances and yet he allows himself to write tweets unworthy of a good college graduate (even as a /lit/ post it would be pretty bad, only this level of sloppiness is expected here), as if he has no respect for the audience that consider him a mentor and buy his products, yet somehow I'm harsh for condemning it?

Look at this shit: https://www.amazon.com/Professor-Peterson-Shirt-Straight-Lobster/dp/B079HLYYWY.. Is that the natural expression of Peterson'x expertise in psychiatry, or is it just a cash grab?

>> No.17236484

Fuck off commie

>> No.17236494

>They aren't? But an axiom is something you just assume is true
Something you assume is true for a specific purpose, which might be strictly technical. Faith is about your relationship to the world or an outer world in the absolute sense. It involves you as a person, it often has an ethical and/or a mystical component, it relates to experiences like suffering and joy. There's no deep personal commitment in choosing an axiom when studying a theory. I could choose an axiom tonight and use an opposite axiom tomorrow morning if I like it. I could even study how the behavior of a structure change as I modify the axiom of the theory I use to express that structure.
I couldn't change overnight a deep-held faith just for the heck of it.

>> No.17236500

Did you even read the post you're answering to? You seem to have missed the whole point, read again.

>> No.17236513


>> No.17236538
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kys retard JP is a hack Jew cocksucker

>> No.17236586

ahem, Jordan Peterson is a nigger and people who look up to him are niggers as well

>> No.17236622

And Teddy Spaghetti is a boomer retard

>> No.17236654

There is still an axiom behind thought that we put our faith in. For example, one's own existence or the existence of causality. It can't be proven that either occurs, and all demonstrations in an effort to prove either would be tautological by default.

>> No.17236687

>Yes, and that's how I distilled his main point. He teaches young men to be conformists of society. That's where his whole 'clean your room' shit comes from. Why should I clean my room if I like it messy?
You missed his whole fucking point then. I still doubt you've actually listened to him if this is all you took away from it.

He's says, over and over again, that bringing ORDER to your life is a prerequisite for accomplishing anything. That chaos in one part of your life bleeds over into other parts of your life. This is 100% true and it's the difference between people who are successful and have their shit together and people who don't.

Literally every single JBP lecture has the theme of order and chaos, how the fuck did you miss his core message? Conformity/rebellion has literally fuck all to do with it.

>> No.17236694

My point about the proof by contradiction is that there's nothing wrong with presuming that some statement (or axiom) is true, without actually believing in it.

>> No.17236725

Yes, but my point in the axiom behind thought is that all knowledge stems from faith. To think you've proven something means to believe in something outside your mind. Life is not actually about proofs, or about truth, but something else.

>> No.17236764

>Encouraging naive individualism and anti-collectivism is a stupid survival strategy.
Show me where Peterson says this.

Stop listening to people who "interpret" Peterson and actually listen to what he says for once. Nothing he says is outrageous or controversial. The fact that there are manchildren today throwing a shitfit over him suggesting you "clean your room" speaks volumes.

His one core message is this: fix the shit you can control and use that to expand your sphere of control. Stop chasing after things beyond your reach to try and "fix" all the shit that is broken in your life.

This is the most goddamned obvious piece of life advice and I can't believe there are this many people who are assblasted to hear it. No, becoming famous won't fix your problems. If anything, it will make them worse. No, you can't write a book if you can't even write a decent short story. No, you can't start a company if you can't even do your taxes right.

All of this shit is obvious. It's "start small, then grow". Why is any of this controversial? Has the world really gone to shit so bad that people can't even take the advice of "fix your own life before trying to fix others"?

>> No.17236780

>Life is not actually about proofs, or about truth, but something else.
Just to elaborate, what I mean by this is that I agree with JP's line of thinking in that tweet but disagree with the conclusion. He seems to conclude that proof affirms the existence of God, whereas I conclude that the absurdity of God affirms the absurdity of the concept of a proof and truth in general. Truth is an ancient meme that is extremely useful to our species' survival but which is ultimately a malleable thing which we can manipulate into serving us regardless of what our goal is with reasonably satisfying results almost every time (assuming we are successful at manipulating it).

>> No.17236808

This kind of default state faith is not identical with faith in God, else every person would be born and stay religious and conflict of faith would be moot. This default faith is also not logical in nature, it is unconscious and phenomenological, it has nothing to do with first positing as an axiom that you exist, then accepting that you exist.
Therefore Peterson's argument contains two massive unexamined semantic leaps on top of the unnecessary and incorrect reference to Godel.

>> No.17236836

Well, it depends on what is meant by God. That's why I took issue with how he worded it. Otherwise, I agree.

>> No.17236853

Problem is that "faith" understood in that loose sense might not even be about a divine entity or principle. There are too many possible takes on the divine (not to mention non-divine forms of faith) for his statement to be anything but a cheap stoner argument for twitter likes (an argument that he might believe in, but that would mean a steep intellectual descent for the man who wrote Maps of Meaning).

>> No.17236897

Even if there is better advice, the difference between having read any productive advice and none is greater.

>> No.17236916

What does that pic have to do with Peterson?

>> No.17236979

idk man getting serious goober vibes from this "public intellectual"
am always reminded of this whenever i see a jp thread:

>> No.17237146

You will never be a woman

>> No.17237304
File: 64 KB, 700x430, Jimmy-Carter-Peanut-Farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17237324

controlled OP jew

>> No.17237358

It really doesn't matter if they're not technically marxist, he's pointing out a pattern of subversive actors / methods, and denying it based on them not being real Marxists is just gadlighting, 'there is no problem, you're crazy'

>> No.17237359
File: 577 KB, 1600x1118, Augustus-statue-Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weenie Hut JRs is that way pal

>> No.17237379

Okay, they're not 'postmodern neomarxists' they're some other term. Does this take away from his criticisms whatsoever?

>> No.17237390

>he's pointing out a pattern of subversive actors / methods
Which he also made up.

>> No.17237479

Disagree, as do many many people. Hence: gas lighting. If you think it is simply a bogeyman with no basis in reality, then there is no room for further discussion with you on this topic. We cannot have a meaningful dialogue if you explicitly deny my viewpoint without evidence, reason. Good day.

>> No.17237636

Wait, he made it up?

>> No.17237647

Peak Faggot