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/lit/ - Literature

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17231755 No.17231755 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about it. What are your favorite ones?

>> No.17231759


>> No.17231760

my diary desu

>> No.17231763

The Gay Science
Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is

>> No.17231770

Giovanni's Room (because I hate bisexuals)

>> No.17231774



>Straight men’s physiological stress response to seeing two men kissing is the same as seeing maggots

>> No.17231783


>> No.17231794

>Gay fiction book list that doesn't suck
no sucking? what's the point?

>> No.17231802

My favorite work literature that deals with gays? Got to be the Quran.

>> No.17231808

lol good one

>> No.17231818
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The Last of the Wine

>> No.17231820


>> No.17231832

feel like literature is the bisexual art, while cinema is the heterosexual

>> No.17231847
File: 2.31 MB, 3000x4000, homosexuality in pre-modern to early modern literature WORK IN PROGRESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17231857

>cinema is the heterosexual
It only seems like that because you need money to make cinema, thus making some things harder to sell, while technically any average Joe can write a book.

>> No.17231860

call me by your name

>> No.17231873

Nice work, anon. Very useful.

>> No.17232048

Do any of your sincerely relate to Yukio Mishima? He appears to have been mentally abused by his grandmother into idolizing men sexually do to him being forced in his youth to avoid other boys and play inside with girls. I guess what I'm asking is: can you all trace back to certain parts of your life where certain actions led you to homosexuality?

>> No.17232060

I relate to Mishima in other ways.

>> No.17232081

Im bi, but i remember three things. The first being that my sister would dress me up in female clothes. The second that i played more with girls in my early childhood

>> No.17232130
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>> No.17232270

Infinite Jest

>> No.17232615

Beyond based. Are you the author of this θησαυρός?

>> No.17232684

Dennis Cooper's

>> No.17232967

I’m gay. I think homosexuality is caused by a mix of genetic and environmental factors like most traits are. Genetically speaking, homosexuality seems to run in my mothers side of the family; I have a gay great uncle, a gay uncle, and a gay cousin on her side. Environmentally, as a child, my father was very abusive (not sexually, just emotionally and physically.) As a result, I was raised mostly by my mother and aunt, who had two daughters herself only slightly older than me. There were basically no men in my life as a child, only women.

>> No.17232970

ready player one

>> No.17232987

t. Mishima

>> No.17233002

oof. Mary Renault is good.

>> No.17233034

mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their little stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will have to report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training".

>> No.17233036

It's gay.

>> No.17233039


>> No.17233046

There are legitimate gays, but the ones on 4chan just ended up that way from watching too much pornography.

>> No.17233102

This is unbelievably autistic, would you say this is the end result of 3 years labor?

>> No.17233130

it is autistic i don't actually know what compelled me to do this shit. i haven't worked on it in a few months though it's fucking draining. this isn't even representing the full extent of my slapdash research. there's way way way more shit that isn't on this chart. there's gonna be several when it's completed.

>> No.17233151

>We Think the World of You

>> No.17233343

I relate to mishima in confessions of a mask and I am mostly straight. I had the whole raised by my mom and female friends thing too but I still don't like men sexually. I find traps and crossdressers attractive but only so far as the illusion of them being girls with dicks is kept up. When the angle shifts and I see their maleness below I feel disgusted.

>> No.17233422

Put Don Leon on there when you get to the 19th century.

>> No.17233448

thanks for the rec

>> No.17233449

Why do you hate bisexuals? I consider myself bi, would that book be a worthwhile read for me?

>> No.17233745

Imagine being so mentally ill that you are attracted to hairy man asshole

>> No.17234699


>> No.17234734

idk cinema is like a form of being denied the idea of social sexuality. homoertoicism and bisexual eroticism is very much based upon the idea of "relation" and someone as a person as opposed to the idea of "male gaze" as the feminine ideal which is unattainable

>> No.17234758
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I'm not technically gay, but meta attracted autogynephilic, but I'm functionally gay. Could right volumes about the events that caused me to be like this

>> No.17234977

I like girls. I like dicks. I like girls with dicks. Simple as. The closest thing in the real world is guys dressing up and acting girly and I like the idea until they get on a bad angle or speak with their man voices and ruin the illusion and make you remember it's not a girl with a dick but a man with a wig.

>> No.17235129

Who cares? Gay people exist, they always have, and always will. There is literally nothing you can do about it. Get on with your life and let them get on with yours.

>> No.17235155

The Symposium

>> No.17235453

Bret Easton Ellis is gay and I like his books but the books are not very gay

>> No.17235503

What are your guys’ thoughts on Queer by Burroughs?

>> No.17235615

I enjoy Percy x Nico Literature. It truly elevates the genre from the atrocious and, more often-than-not, bad written Potter x Draco pulp fictions.
(Fucking head like hole wet girls)
It is a well-crafted study about the social dynamics of the power hieralchy of the non-rural world. It excells on its thesis on how The Power-Hungry will never cease on their attempt to gain more powers, even if their methods alienated their followers. It does illustrate the hardship that the rich and possible rapist pederast adults impose onto their children. It demostrates the power that the bloodlines have in our world, and the forces in play. But it doesn't pain a dim picture, it is a hopeful and JOYOUS picture instead.
And It was a good fap.

>> No.17235835

If you haven't already come across him, add Richard Barnfield.
Is there any way to be notified when you finish it? It's hella interesting

>> No.17235869

I’ll bite. What’s the third?

>> No.17235911
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Here's a personal favorite.

>> No.17235944

Morrissey's autobiography

>> No.17236000
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Here's YOUR autobiography.

>> No.17236078
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>> No.17236374

>Dick Dale
Are his writing skills as good as his guitar playing?

>> No.17236409

A guy I knew in hs jumped into my arms once during pe and I've been attracted to twinks ever since

>> No.17236851

The Temple by Spender

>> No.17237049

>can you all trace back to certain parts of your life where certain actions led you to homosexuality?
Speaking strictly for myself, no, not at all. I always regarded myself as straight growing up because my understanding of "gay" was "weird man in a dress"/"pedophile."

You'll have to pick up his masterwork "Rough-Ridin' Cowboy Orgy" and find out for yourself.

>> No.17237177

because you are disgusting if you aren't a cute femboy. don't sully the world.

>> No.17237184

>Dennis Cooper
Suburban teenagers root and kill each other to fill voids in themselves

>> No.17238415
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Here's mine.

>> No.17239276
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My Tender Matador by Lemebel
Kiss of the Spider Woman by Puig

>> No.17239282

We know girls are fucking stupid and disgusting, you don't need to remind us.

>> No.17240219

Yeah Barnfield's on there. I'm not sure what a good way to keep a look out for me is. The filename maybe.

>> No.17240363

I just like the body

>> No.17240378

the bible by jesus

>> No.17242331

that's based as fuck. how many of those have you read? are you up for some comfy discussion too? i'd love to see the end result
discord mephisto-lad#4539

>> No.17242366

I'm bi with strong preference for women but then I'm a ftm tranner too. I relate to him on different aspects, his fascination with the male form in general, his quality of being an outcast on many levels, certain thoughts spoken through his characters.
Of course he's got his flaws, but they're so definite and logical it only spices up the appeal.

>> No.17242445

do you know we to find his Sluts? wasnt on b ok last time i checked. cooper is something special, grotesque and vapid yet strangely thrilling, so bad it's really good

>> No.17242614

that's a good idea

>> No.17242703
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Here's mine.

>> No.17243457

lets not

>> No.17244173
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>> No.17244527



>> No.17244715

Read The Rules of Attraction

>> No.17246160

I’m bi with a preference for women. I was always seen as being slightly more effeminate than other men because I was emotionally sensitive. I also seem to understand and generally like women more than a lot of men.

Apart from that, I was always attracted to androgyny and I eventually came to the realisation that men’s bodies were just as arousing as women’s. Tried hitting on some submissive boys last year and honestly, knowing that there are guys who would simp for you feels empowering. Plus, really submissive gays basically behave indistinguishably from women anyway. A lot of them also seem to like being referred to as women for some reason. It’s a turn on for them. They are annoyingly desperate and clingy though.

Basically, guys are hot and I was just in denial about it for years. Although I was fascinated with gay stuff in literature growing up.

>> No.17246229

André Gide. Nobel prize winner and probably one of the most lauded gay writers, and probably one with some of the most raw talent.
Full disclosure, though, he was an unrepentant pederast boy-fucker and even made a point to write about it, somehow making it out to seem that men who fucked other men rather than younger boys. Although admittedly he was French so this is not so much of an outrage. And he had a taste for Arab boys, which if we're honest with ourselves is not so uncommon among Arab men themselves.

>I call a pederast the man who, as the word indicates, falls in love with young boys. I call a sodomite ("The word is sodomite, sir," said Verlaine to the judge who asked him if it were true that he was a sodomist) the man whose desire is addressed to mature men. […] The pederasts, of whom I am one (why cannot I say this quite simply, without your immediately claiming to see a brag in my confession?), are much rarer, and the sodomites much more numerous, than I first thought. […] That such loves can spring up, that such relationships can be formed, it is not enough for me to say that this is natural; I maintain that it is good; each of the two finds exaltation, protection, a challenge in them; and I wonder whether it is for the youth or the elder man that they are more profitable

>> No.17246657

What are some books where one of the partners is a feminine boy? Met one recently and haven't been able to stop thinking about him. I've only dated girls before, but this boy looks like the perfect synthesis of femininity and a male. He has long hair, this small cute nose, and his eyes are so pretty.

>> No.17246855
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I tried to do nofap and by the time I failed (some weeks) I was lusting for cocks so hard it did not go away at all after cooming

>> No.17247023

What’s the best Gide book? Or some of his best if you can’t choose just one?

>> No.17247295
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>Although admittedly he was French so this is not so much of an outrage.
Arab boys are honestly the noble man's choice. I've read Immoralist by him, not overwhelming but really a comfy nice read

>> No.17247517

>Gide book

>> No.17247645

Start with the Immoralist

>> No.17248079

Marshlands, The Immoralist, Strait Is the Gait, The Vatican Cellars, The Counterfeiters. Also Corydon for philosophical dialogues defending pederasty.

>> No.17248097

'Stolen' Annette Lapointe

>> No.17248386

Most humans have a natural aversion to certain things. The sight of blood, poisonous animals, decaying bodies, and even certain facial expressions indicating anger or mental unbalance, all activate the fight or flight response in most people. Why do you think nature gave us those instincts?

>> No.17248484

Lots of aversions are socially conditioned. If you raise a child and constantly act afraid or disgusted whenever a dog appears, the child will grow up with a fear of it too.

>> No.17248818
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Brideshead Revisited is lovely

>> No.17248857

>hasn't read Glamorama

>> No.17249049


There is nothing honorable about a man sucking another man's dick.

>> No.17249119

> bring up the topic of same sex affection
> the "normal" one instantly thinks of man dick and ass

>> No.17249424

Interesting you would say that, because in western society we're socially conditioned from an early age to accept homosexuality, yet the psych stress response is still there.

>> No.17249470

the men in that study from 2017 if they're adults wouldn't have grown up in some mega gay utopia. things have changed a lot in the past ten years. even now the LGBT in your face stuff is contrived and doesn't garner acceptance on a gut level so much as pragmatic complicity. it's not like ancient greece where everyone is breathing a natural, virile atmosphere of respect for the naked male body and relationships between men.

>> No.17249494


>> No.17249610

So, the men who had the stress response (all of them) were all raised in a homophobic environment ? I don't think so.
Also, I don't think there's any evidence that social conditioning can cause that kind of reaction to an image, unless you count actual trauma.

>> No.17249662

Wasn't homosexuality illegal in some Greek cities? And what was allowed was mostly toward the end of their civilization? I'm pretty sure America is gayer than Greece ever was.

>> No.17249722

>So, the men who had the stress response (all of them) were all raised in a homophobic environment ? I don't think so.

>The current study had a sample comprised of mostly Mormon men living in Utah

>> No.17249746

>Wasn't homosexuality illegal in some Greek cities?
Yeah naturally, all the cities were quite diverse in culture and legal practice. In Symposium Pausanias' describes the attitudes and laws of various city states toward pederasty, concluding that Athens has the best - neither stamping out , nor enabling base licentiousness.
>And what was allowed was mostly toward the end of their civilization?
Not as far as I can tell. It's featured in poetry from the 7th century BC onwards, and Homer references the Ganymede myth in the Iliad.

>> No.17249754

*neither stamping out heroic relationships

>> No.17249801

Not every Mormon child is traumatized to the point of physical revulsion at the mere sight of gays, and not everyone in the study was Mormon.
It's funny that you've never felt disgust when you see things like OP's pic. I was raised to be tolerant, but I have an "ew gross" kind of reaction to gay stuff.

>> No.17249894

>traumatized to the point of physical revulsion at the mere sight of gays
It doesn't take trauma to experience disgust.
Also your own study that is supposed to support your argument doesn't make any conclusions as to whether the reasons for their findings are social or not, so your idea that there's a natural aversion to the sight of gay displays of affection is baseless (and probably just a lazy attempt to justify your ideological beliefs), so gtfo

>> No.17249916

You're right, I concede.

>> No.17250848

God I love cocks.

>> No.17251050

How about it if it’s a man and cute young twink?

>> No.17252722

definitely worth reading, the protagonist is bi so I'm guessing this person is happy abt the bi representation because the protagonist is kinda fucked up but it's really good

>> No.17252783

>the sight of blood activates fight or flight response in most people
Nah mate, you're just a pussy.

>> No.17253197

Eden Eden Eden has left me with a week-long semi

>> No.17253984
