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17231256 No.17231256 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17231401

Maccabees is ok

>> No.17231447

I prefer the Rugrats rendition "Maccababies"

>> No.17231518

Maccabees is canon.

>> No.17231526


>> No.17231535

2 Maccabees refutes itself as canon:

>Compiler’s Apology. 37 Since Nicanor’s doings ended in this way, with the city remaining in the possession of the Hebrews from that time on, I will bring my story to an end here too. 38 If it is well written and to the point, that is what I wanted; if it is poorly done and mediocre, that is the best I could do.

Inspired Scripture does not come with the apology and qualification that it might be shitty. There is no instance of the Word of God doing this, nor it would it make any sense for God or an inspired person to say this. That is a ridiculous claim. This passage alone refutes the infallibility of the Catholic Church's judgment in determining canon. If they are wrong once than they aren't infallible and aren't the true church, and therefore due to this verse they aren't the true church and their opinion of what the canon is is worthless.

>> No.17231819

That's not a self-refutatiom of any sort. It's just stating that the historical record doesn't go farther than that point and he doesn't want to make shit up. Even Paul inserts off topic quips from time to time in his writings. It doesn't make it any mor or less i spired.

If anything, that kinda suports it being canon, along with the fact that it has been canon for some 1500 years in not only the Catholic Church but the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches.

>> No.17231924

*any more or less inspired

>> No.17231930

It's called humility, something you prots probably aren't taught in your megachurches and by your televangelists.

>> No.17232007

Are you drunk? It is a literal fact that it was contested from day one in all churches. What a bad faith reply. Read a book.

Yeah the holy spirit is known for self doubt that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.17232141

One of the Gospels apologizes for leaving stuff out because it would be too long to record everything that happened.

>> No.17232165
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I'm a strong supporter of Sola Scriptura doctrine on condition that we talk the real Scripture - full Tewahedo canon.

>> No.17232175


>> No.17232179

>the holy spirit is known for self doubt
Is 1st Corinthians not canon based on 1Cor 7:12?

>> No.17232243
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That's the final sentence of the Gospel of John, and it doesn't really say that, look here John 21:25
>And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

Clearly the author is making a claim here about Jesus' divinity that goes back to John 1:3
>All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In other words, Jesus, the Son of God, has done many things of which we are, and always will be unaware.

>> No.17232258

I don't think so. Maccabees is historical fact, unlike, for instance, Judith or Job. As far as his history is incomplete, I think the author has the right to a) tell you that it's incomplete and b) be a book of the Old Testament, since the Old Testament contains the history of the Israelite nation.

>> No.17232308
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Tobit is kino

>> No.17232359


>> No.17232549
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>> No.17232711

>If it is well written and to the point, that is what I wanted; if it is poorly done and mediocre, that is the best I could do.
The only person in the entire Bible who isnt a lunatic and honest about his abilities, and thats why he gets rejected.

Kek, do all Christians reverse common sense this much?

>> No.17232946

Maccabees is not part of the Hebrew Bible

>> No.17232985


>> No.17233575

Except it wasn't. Scripture wa formally canonized until the late 300s - early 400s in the Council of Alexandria. Until then, all the books in the Bible now were basicly used on a haphazard basis. Some books were read and considered Scripture and others not. Some books like Proverbs or Habbakuk were considered not inspired while deuterocanonical books were or vice versa. That's exactly WHY they canon of the Bible was made clear of St. Jerome: because the Pope at the time realized this might be a problem. If anyone needs to read a book about the Early Church, it's you.