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17231113 No.17231113 [Reply] [Original]

Why does virtually none of you emigrate to remote islands, say, of the South Pacific?

desu i'm seriously considering that. it's a non industrial paradise and you can literally cut yourself out of this industrialized waste of a world.

>> No.17231123

ok, good luck.

>> No.17231126

All cope and no action.

>> No.17231148 [DELETED] 
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they aren't willing to give up proximity to Western medical care, in case their lifestyle lead to injury, somehow

>> No.17231156
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>>17231113 (OP)
they aren't willing to give up proximity to Western medical care, in case their lifestyle leads to injury, somehow

>> No.17231157

Not a follower, but I think it is similar to a lot of anti-modernity types. The problems they see as problems are all encompassing and universal, and they feel conflicted by their participation in it, because they can't really do anything to change it. Ted's bombing campaign was a means to getting his manifesto published. There was no end game other than living in his cabin forever (somebody correct me if I am wrong). Moving to a remote area is not as easy as it seems either. There's little work available and homesteading requires capital. What you're suggesting would more likely end in an "Into the Wild" scenario.

>> No.17231163

almost every person who talks about him on this website hasnt read more than 10 pages of his manifesto

>> No.17231167
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atheists are hedonists just like everybody else and they are too addicted to the easy life of atheism

also they cant have orgies in the woods if they are alone

>> No.17231168

howling at this

>> No.17231173

yes, seeking refuge from this industrialized waste of a world amongst the immigrant detention centers, depleted phosphate mines and nuclear proving grounds of the South Pacific sounds like a fantastic idea to me

>> No.17231176

I'm pretty sure Ted went apeshit because he was living in his hut alone for ages but then they ruined some natural feature near him to build a road, or at least that was his rationale, and he thought that his kind of lifestyle couldn't exist as long as people were developing things

>> No.17231180

Global warming is making islands disappear

>> No.17231194

The actions and beliefs of notable men seem to stem from rather personal and petty realizations.

>> No.17231199

OP here.
was thinking about this until i realized we won't actually run out of tropical paradise islands. more robust islands of today will just replace them as the rise of oceans reduces them in size to cute 1-2 m above sea level islands

>> No.17231207

nice generalisation
has nothing to do with my point or the OP

>> No.17231218

I didn't make a point. It was merely an observation of mine.
Things like
>plotinus was breastfed until the age of 8 and then iconized the monad as a nipple
>X was so mad that he came up with Y idea
lead me(note: lead) to believe I have little true autonomy over my thoughts(i.e no free will).

>> No.17231221

I know that country is buying land because their land keeps sinking. Tbh I think the internet did the best thing for any anarchist movement that having land could never do but Mars realty should be a good cheap number two pick assuming whoever takes over after Musk isn't a nut job and USA doesn't hire Musk to do some federal shipments for them which would shit on his legal hold over Mars

>> No.17231233

Remote islands are very difficult to move onto, insanely strict immigration, even the uninhabited ones are monitored. The island nations have little land and do everything they can to make sure they keep what they have and keep it from becoming over run.

>> No.17231244

Didn't know that, thanks. I think it adds to my point that there was a sense of hopelessness in his actions. He wasn't a revolutionary figure in the sense of political organization. I guess my point was that no matter how far the Teds of the world go to isolate themselves from society, they can't happily coexist with the current state of society, so to OP's idea, moving to a remote island wouldn't fix the problem, because the root cause of their unhappiness still exists. They'd be reminded of it every time a trade ship rolled by in the distance or a plane flew overhead, and that sounds like what Ted experienced himself.

>> No.17231260

>I guess my point was that no matter how far the Teds of the world go to isolate themselves from society, they can't happily coexist with the current state of society, so to OP's idea, moving to a remote island wouldn't fix the problem, because the root cause of their unhappiness still exists
or maybe just move a little further out lol, he didn't have to live in one of the most industrialised countries in the world
>They'd be reminded of it every time a trade ship rolled by in the distance or a plane flew overhead
he could also not be autistic enough to let that bother him

>> No.17231295

If people stop using glasses long enough, their vision improves a bit. Especially if they're aware of the exercises that can help speed this along.

Of course they'd have to hope to avoid running into the tiger before that...

>> No.17231301

Emigrating is not as easy as you think. Even back then, it would've been far easier to find a remote area in the U.S. (of which there are many) than it would be to gain residency/citizenship in another country, both financially and legally. What countries aren't changing? There isn't anywhere on earth that isn't experiencing increased industrialization. What different would it make to a guy like him?
>he could also not be autistic enough to let that bother him
If that was the case he wouldn't have mailed bombs and written so much about about the ills of modern society and technology.

>> No.17231345

>Emigrating is not as easy as you think
I'm not American. I really doubt it would be that hard to emigrate to Canada
>What countries aren't changing? There isn't anywhere on earth that isn't experiencing increased industrialization.
Yeah but not to the advanced degree of America, there's plenty of wilderness out there. This is a great show that actually shows the lives of people who decide to live out in the middle of nowhere
The episodes I've seen were a random island in Tonga, extreme southern Chile and northern Sweden. That isn't even counting places in Russia, Canada and southern Argentina
>If that was the case he wouldn't have mailed bombs and written so much about about the ills of modern society and technology.
my point is inane stuff like planes flying overhead occasionally. The whole thing is a larp anyway, even when you find some beautiful remote area in the middle of nowhere if you absolutely refuse to interact with others and the outside world out of spite then there's probably an underlying bitterness that can't be fixed

>> No.17231357

also at the very least he could have gone to Alaska

>> No.17231362

To move to a country like Canada you would have to prove residency for a few years, which involves working or being a student, and then you have to go through the rigamarole of applying for citizenship. I agree with you that there are more remote places in the world, but I don't think it was practical in Ted's case. Maybe it could work for others.

>> No.17231383

His beliefs pre-dated that, though. Why else would he be living in the woods? I think it's more that people who seem 'notable' tend to act on their ethical code. And I'm not saying this is true across the board, but maybe what you call petty is a rationalization to yourself of your fear of striking back when somebody wrongs you.

>> No.17231388

There are often expedited immigrant programs between countries as close as the US and Canada, for example I just looked it up and they have something called "Express Entry" which seems to covered skilled workers, which Ted would have been with his degree. I guess you're right he would have needed a job, but in the Escape to the Wild show I just posted it showed English expats living in placed like Sweden, Tonga and I think Southern Chile (that or they were German I can't recall), there are often ways around that. It would have been easier in the 80s for someone like Ted, as an American citizen when the world was much smaller, many countries even have kind of settlement programs to encourage people to do this stuff
Sure it would have been jumping through some hoops but the whole discussion of it just points out how Ted was nothing more than a larper who was so inept at life that he didn't move any further than his local area to achieve his grand ideals. He wanted to punish the world rather than actually live out on his own somewhere

>> No.17231398

I've always been sympathetic to Ted's beliefs, but I don't believe that killing people helped anything. That said, the Nashville bomber introduced a much more humane style of anti-technological rebellion (even if it was unintentional): announcing the bomb beforehand will still get the message across in a consequential way with a much lower chance of death.

I'm not condoning anything, but I wonder what Ted would think.

>> No.17231403

Yes, yes. I'll expand on my observation and observe further that they live in the now and thus are more alive. If only I could articulate myself more! Sorry, I'm an idiot.

>> No.17231407

>The island nations have little land and do everything they can to make sure they keep what they have and keep it from becoming over run.
pretty sure there's enough islands and only a tiny amount of people who ever seriously consider moving to such a place, so why?

>> No.17231411

>That said, the Nashville bomber introduced a much more humane style of anti-technological rebellion (even if it was unintentional): announcing the bomb beforehand will still get the message across in a consequential way with a much lower chance of death.
kek the Irish have been doing that for decades
This was one of the largest explosions ever and no one was killed. Ted just had a vendetta

>> No.17231420

Ha, sorry for the ignorance. Good to know.

>> No.17231428

gimme some of those cool exercises please

>> No.17231437

Not the guy you're replying to, but programs like that are premised upon the kind of technological data exchange/panopticon that likely sent shivers through Ted's spine.

>> No.17231443

Yes but wasn't his whole point to reject society? Just wagecuck for six months or whatever and then go live out on your hut

>> No.17231446

I disagree that he was larper or inept at life. His bombing were a lashing out, but it also functioned as a way for him to get his message out. He was very clear about how he thought that a collapse of technological society was the only way to prevent an even worse outcome, and he highlights what would be necessary to achieve that in his Road to Revolution. I wouldn't consider Marx and Engels inept for not being the ones to actually put their manifesto into action. If you read more than just Industrial Society and Its Future you will see why he would have never been content to just live in the wild remotely forever.
Ted was still receiving financial assistance from his parents when he was in his cabin. He wasn't exactly sitting on a nest egg.

>> No.17231455

Maybe start with something easier, like "why don't you stop lurking the interwebz 16 hours a day if you are such a technophobe".

>> No.17231475

>he highlights what would be necessary to achieve that in his Road to Revolution.


>> No.17231476

>I disagree that he was larper or inept at life
>Ted was still receiving financial assistance from his parents when he was in his cabin.
uhhh mate
He was clearly just angry that he couldn't have his super ebin yeoman lifestyle handed on a platter to him. With a bit more effort he could have moved to some remove area, seriously if you watch the show I recommended you can see that it's not that hard. It's just that most people don't want to move away and live out in the middle of nowhere, Ted claimed he wanted to but he didn't seem to try after his first paltry attempt and while, apparently, living off of his parents

>> No.17231491

>NOOOOO NOT A GIANT CAT NOOOOOOOOOO *stabs with rock attached to stick, instantly killing it*

>> No.17231508

lol. Would love to see TK's reaction to /g/.
He talks about the Russian and French revolutions, and how it would be necessary to develop a new set of values independent of tech, which is/was the backbone of modern society. He seemed to be under the impression that there were many people as disgruntled with technology as he was. It's a pretty short read.
He wanted there to be a collapse, he wouldn't have been happy to just disappear, regardless of how hard or easy it would have been. He wanted to get his message out in order to spark a "revolution," in his sense of the word. I'm not saying he is a hero or was right, but he was not motivated solely by a desire to isolate himself from the world.

>> No.17231531

>develop a new set of values independent of tech

Does he ever define what he means by 'technology'? To Heidegger, for example, anything that puts man into a 'technical mode' is technology. So a shovel, even a rock being used in a certain way, are technology. So values independent from technology defined that way seems hard to imagine.

I'm not trying to grill your for answers, I'll read him again eventually, just curious if you know off the top of your head.

>> No.17231545

Ted does clearly define there's a difference between technology produced by individuals and technology that can only be reproduced through industrialization.

>> No.17231547

>He wanted there to be a collapse, he wouldn't have been happy to just disappear, regardless of how hard or easy it would have been.
yeah but as I said here >>17231176 he only came to that conclusion after trying to live by himself but failing because he lives in a country that's a global superpower and has probably the largest rates of peri-urbanism in the world. Why not move overseas and maybe even find some likeminded people instead of bombing people for living the way they wanted to live?

>> No.17231554

>dude everyone whose philosophy to which I object is a TRANNY

>> No.17231568

He does make a distinction between organizational/societal dependent technology, and small scale technology (like you mentioned). Small scale tech like tools would stick around but if his revolution occurred there would be no need for a return to industrialism. He also makes the comparison to how Karl Marx defined technology as it related to production, and thinks that Marx would agree with him that his definition would need to be expanded because of the increased effect that tech has on our lives outside of just production (and that Marx would agree). He was also very anti-leftist/liberal and viewed them as a major part of the problem, so anything that he construed as a means of controlling behavior/propaganda had to go too. He says leftists but he really means modern day American liberals too.

>> No.17231588

>Why not move overseas and maybe even find some likeminded people instead of bombing people for living the way they wanted to live?
Because that would not have contributed to the revolution that he dreamed about. Technological slavery was originally published as The Road to Revolution. He was politically motivated and bombed innocent people. I don't expect that he rationalized things the same way that we would.

>> No.17231593

actually let me rephrase my point, I think his argument was that the industrial complex made it impossible for people to live a simpler lifestyle which is why it had to be taken down, but that's not the case. If people try they can live out in the middle of nowhere even today

>> No.17231617

because its hard and you will most likely die quickly

>> No.17231629

I net benefit to all: tedfag would be able to experience just how pleasant fulfilling the unrestricted power process is and we wouldn't have to suffer their inane spamming 24/7

>> No.17231675

I will watch your documentary tomorrow because it sounds interesting and reply if the thread is still up. Ted was troubled and considering his very anti-leftist views in a country where the right is equally pro technology and industry, I think that there was more motivating him than just a desire for people to be able to live a simple life. He also was mailing bombs for years before he even mailed his manifesto to the press while living in the woods. I think he wanted to mail bombs more than he wanted to live as a luddite.

>> No.17231683
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>this thread

>> No.17231691

Glowies gonna glowie.

>> No.17231721

It's not really a serious documentary but it's interesting to see that it is possible to live that kind of life in the modern era, it's just that most people wouldn't want to be cut off from everything
>I think that there was more motivating him than just a desire for people to be able to live a simple life. He also was mailing bombs for years before he even mailed his manifesto to the press while living in the woods. I think he wanted to mail bombs more than he wanted to live as a luddite.
Yeah this is kind of my point, he dressed up his own inadequacies and hatred towards society as some kind of pastoral fervour dream that, had he not been driven by his need to lash out at society, he could have achieved. My point is he was more driven by hatred than a real desire to live simply

>> No.17231726

but if you lived out in a cabin in the middle of the woods you could do all these things

>> No.17231737

His dumb metaphysics about authenticity is cringe anyway.

>> No.17231742

Does he actually talk about 'authenticity'?

>> No.17231757

>just be yourself lol

>> No.17231758

You haven't read him?

>> No.17231777

I read the manifesto ages ago. If he wrote about authenticity, I don't remember much.

>> No.17231848
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But I did.
For a year I lived in the non industrialized islands(parts)of Vanuatu(meaning wherever no aussies go for holidays).
First for a month on Malo, then for a couple at Port Olry in the north and for half a year in Kerepua in the far western part of Espiritu Santo where no roads exists and only once a week a gallon of diesel is brought by people arriving from the day journey from the only town on the island used to generate some electricity for friday night kava festivities.
On the Island there are even rogue expats from the west who set up post apocalypse paradises for themselves because they fear nuclear war and believe this island to be distant but self sufficient enough to survive all the trouble. They called it Eden Hope and since the early 2000s it turned more into a sex cult than a survivalist cult.
But on the far west, if you wanted meat you had to hunt it with spear or slingshot (pic related; and this obviously isnt me nor someone who cares, let alone used the internet before) or you had to fish. You ate off fruits of trees whenever you walked by a tree and felt like it.

>> No.17231904

>On the Island there are even rogue expats from the west who set up post apocalypse paradises for themselves because they fear nuclear war and believe this island to be distant but self sufficient enough to survive all the trouble. They called it Eden Hope and since the early 2000s it turned more into a sex cult than a survivalist cult.

The most boomer thing I've read in months.

>> No.17232245


Mate if it was this easy big cats wouldn't kill dindus by the fucking hundreds every years.

>> No.17232483

>i'm seriously considering that

>> No.17232500

I mean, I don't see how glasses would help all that much against a tiger

>> No.17232513
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>> No.17232524

Because they will never leave you alone. Never ever. Every shithole you transfer to, they will come too.
And the more you play that game instead of fighting back, the more they'll take from you

>> No.17232572
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reeee OP reply to me reeeeeeeeeeeeee
I think thats them. I only saw the lady once in town.
there is also a cult that only wears hyper traditional clothing (meaning only plants), dont speak any foreign language and wont interact with non locals.
The funny thing is it started by a japanese soldier who after the war fled there and started this turly traditionalist cult and had some 50 wives.
He is long dead now but the cult still exists. I met one once and he actually warmed up to me. even the locals think all these type of cult people are crazy.

>> No.17233277


>> No.17233297

>hedonism is not wanting to be underwater in twenty to thirty years

>> No.17233372

Most people in this website are kids or internet addicts who wouldn't be able to stop consuming media. For all the extremist ideas they post about on the internet they seem to have the most banal of lifestyles, as anyone can shitpost about ever more extreme stuff and then practice nothing of that in life.

>> No.17233514
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>those giggles
id fuck her desu

>> No.17233632

for free

>> No.17233687

Ted was not an anprim or for total personal isolation. Why does everyone think this. He wrote lengthy critiques and condemnations of anprim and isolating yourself in the woods

>> No.17233708
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this is how they lure incels to use for human sacrifice

>> No.17233720

All the ones that can support humans are already inhabited.

>> No.17234203

Is this Fallout 1??

>> No.17234219

>this is how they lure incels to use for human sacrifice
That's what I thought. This hoe is the bait.

>> No.17234250

>You think society is bad and degenerates people? But you live in society!

>> No.17234258

>He wrote lengthy critiques and condemnations of anprim and isolating yourself in the woods
Post it.

>> No.17234333

is that how living in society looks to you?

>> No.17234473

I might still give it a watch it I can find an episode. Cool, I agree with you then. I enjoyed reading his works though. If you haven’t read all of them, Technological Slavery isn’t very long and is ordered well. It was definitely an interesting opinion on technology, despite his political biases. Like I mentioned before, the fact that the primary focus of his ire was the political left was telling. I think technology ended up being a scapegoat for the societal changes that he didn’t like.

>> No.17234499

Are there any stories of people making illegal cabins and living in state/federal parks? Reason I ask is that in America those are the only areas of land basically guaranteed to never be developed.

>> No.17234894

Yeah seeing a tiger in detail is gonna help you not get eaten retard

>> No.17234905
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>move to Caribbean
>it's literally just society but with palm trees

>> No.17234975

Ted would probably say it’s only a matter of time before it comes for you.

>> No.17235057

You mean wilderness areas. State and National Parks are developed all the time.

>> No.17235245

probably means BLM areas

>> No.17235373

well they lured her in as well.
so you get a incel + femcel tropical paradise no?
a /lit/ meetup so to speak

>> No.17235380

thing is if you weren't a ricky retardo you would have stayed indoors

>> No.17235388

Well anyway, have there?

>> No.17235414

the technology isn't outside, it's inside. the moment you start to conceive of yourself as a being in time with plans and potential rewards in the future is also the moment that the machine begins to grow. rational processes gives birth to metallic fingers inside your head, doling out happy chemicals when you tick a box on the internal spreadsheet

>> No.17235463

>we are the technology
Anprims absolutely btfo

>> No.17235592

why did you ignore the other part of his post? and in any case your answer doesn't have anything to do with what you quoted

half of the posts in this thread feel coherent and well intentioned in the surface but are actually retarded, generalizing over things and talking about ted without knowing shit, it feels weird

>> No.17235717

consequently, the way to attack the frameworks of technology is not to bomb pipelines and power grids, which is just the outside manifestation of technological growth. you have to destroy your own internal machines, you have to grow in places beyond the reach of robot fingers and then lead people into real prosperity with the help of new, healthy metaphysical frameworks. it might sound radical but it's really just a religious overtaking which is a common historical event. that's not saying it's easy or that it's without friction/bloodshed/cataclysmic consequences
it should be obvious but people like ted can only ever be halfway right because they see themselves as separate/better than other people, externalizing the horror they see in the world and pretending they are not a part of it
ted certainly had the machine growing in him, you can't become that good at mathematical analysis without some serious circuitry inside you. that's also why he had an intimate knowledge of where our technological society is heading and it understandably freaked him out, especially since he doesn't have what requires to combat it: a metaphysical framework rooted in love and faith, something that centers the most fundamental building blocks of human life

>"Religion, nowadays either is used as cheap and transparent support for narrow, short-sighted selfishness (some conservatives use it this way), or even is cynically exploited to make easy money (by many evangelists), or has degenerated into crude irrationalism (fundamentalist protestant sects, 'cults'), or is simply stagnant (Catholicism, main-line Protestantism)." (Ted Kaczynski, Manifesto, note 30, Paragraph 184).

>"'I believe in nothing,' Kaczynski wrote in the journals released last week by federal prosecutors. 'I don't even believe in the cult of nature-worshipers or wilderness-worshipers.'" (quoted in 'Kaczynski Sentenced to Four Life Terms,' by William Booth, Washington Post, Tuesday, May 5, 1998.)

the thing that's important to notice here is that he's not wrong. if the faith isn't strong and compounded enough to carry the machine, it wont. we might not have what it takes (as a collective) to carry this technological weight and then it becomes an issue of construction post-collapse frameworks

>> No.17235758

>it should be obvious but people like ted can only ever be halfway right because they see themselves as separate/better than other people, externalizing the horror they see in the world and pretending they are not a part of it
Very well put and good post.

>> No.17235768

We did this for tens of thousands of years and it worked out just fine.

>> No.17235774

OP here
that must've been awesome for you! sadly in my opinion Vanuatu is too large & too densely populated

i'd love to live on a tiny, super remote paradise island separated by a vast ocean, with just 1 village of about a few hundred people at most.

how to?

>> No.17235839

In retrospect I'm beginning to think you would have gotten more productive answer on /out/. You're looking for practical advice and the whole crux of this thread has focused on why Ted and people with similar ideologies would or would not move to a remote area of the world.

>> No.17235864

you overestimate how "densely populated" Vanuatu is. (plus im not trying to sell you on that place)
People buy their own private islands that are like your OP pic but it is off the coast of some bigger island that will have a couple ~50 people villages.
>i'd love to live on a tiny, super remote paradise island separated by a vast ocean, with just 1 village of about a few hundred people at most.
this is totally possible, it is jsut expensive to a matter of degree and especially over time.
I remember watching a documentary of Lutz Kayser who bought his own private tiny island in the marshall islands. I am certain it is not the only place that leases their islands (usually 99 years max) you jsut have to find it.

It will probably be an issue of buying the island, then having reserve money for resupplying or setting up some form of becoming self sufficient and then to have allocated some money in like an IRA or ETF where you can every 10-20 years get out money that will be at least equivalent in worth as when you put it in (eventhough it should have greatly gained in value).

But also: where there is a will there is a way.
Ive met plenty of expats who survived from early youth travelling across the globe with 0$ in starting capital and no aid from (childhood) friends or family along the way.

but do what other anon said >>17235839 and ask >>>/out/
They will be better at this than /lit/.

>> No.17235975

is that how you think anyone in this thread actually lives? come on

>> No.17236039

Have there what? People who have gone and lived in the wilderness on public land? I’m certain there have been.

>> No.17236070

She cute but I get a strong psychic null/pariah vibe from her

>> No.17236089

Literally all of them are LARPing. Just like tradfags, just like Nazis, etc. The only thing you can do in neoliberalism is LARP.

>> No.17236149

>Ted was nothing more than a larper who was so inept at life
Tell me what you’ve accomplished in life.

>> No.17236352

I dont want to buy an island. I want to emigrate to an island. I thought about the Cook Islands. any thought? the pic related one is Pukapuka. the first discovered Cook Island
it is mainly a question to Ted and his followers, not a personal request for advice. i'm interested why these people don't consider emigrating to a small remote island

it's not exactly like
>go into the woods and spend a live of solitude
as there are still people on these islands

>> No.17236458

do it anon.
there are thousands of Polynesian islands of different sorts under different jurisdiction. There has to be one that fits you perfectly; you just have to research enough.
If you dont have a family that is holding you back (the main reason why most dont follow through on this); then have a pleasant time free from the tyranny of distant technological society.
Send pics and buy a 4channel pass since most of these islands ip ranges are banned on here.

>> No.17236485

Yes, but also he wasted his life on an area in math that turned out to be useless for further research. Kinda sad.

>> No.17236496

thanks. I know it's "cringe" to call out ted for not being a well-rounded person since the laudatory rhetoric surrounding him online boils down to "at least he's a man of action who knew what the problem is" which is true in a sense, but it's important to remember that he's dangerously flawed in the place where many people have a blind spot. the completely utilitarian approach to religion is very telling and it makes sense that he views Protestantism as merely a sub-optimal tool for mobilizing support against the technological society. it's also the reasoning of someone who is completely overtaken by the technological process where everything becomes a game of optimization for some kind of global benefit-cost analysis and every person becomes a pawn that you need to game with the most effective lie

>> No.17236797

thread soundtrack:

>> No.17236809

>Send pics and buy a 4channel pass since most of these islands ip ranges are banned on here.

>> No.17236823

>caring if his research is useful,
in his lifetime of all things

>> No.17237620

implying there's not a single canine on the entire island

>> No.17237644

It's probably really expensive to buy property there

>> No.17238278
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Poor eyesight is caused by the modern lifestyle.

>> No.17238428

Holy shit this guy needs to post more, or get a blog or some shit

>> No.17238437

>Holy shit

Post discarded.

>> No.17239139

Yeah it's definitely an interesting watch, just to see these British families, often with young children, living out in the middle of the pacific or next to some random volcano in Chile. The presenter is generally decent as well, Grand Designs is what he's known for and he's great in it
>Like I mentioned before, the fact that the primary focus of his ire was the political left was telling.
yeah seems like he was very self absorbed in the American political understanding of the world. If anything their hyper-industrial society is a product of their government always giving big companies an extremely broad license to practice compared to the rest of the world, which I would describe as right-wing

>> No.17239160

It's not that weird to move into other areas though

>> No.17239166
File: 83 KB, 495x619, 1 (113).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would be more fit to talk about the degeneracy of a culture than those suffering most from it? i don't see your point

>> No.17239186

>who would be more fit to talk about the degeneracy of a culture than those suffering most from it?
people who live a more conventional lifestyle and are able to properly contextualise the issues in society supposedly becoming more degenerate

>> No.17239230

from what vantage-point is the conventional proper? what grants the conventional the right to speak of the unconventional? that's talking about something one likely has no experience with

>> No.17239252

>from what vantage-point is the conventional proper?
someone who's grown up to see society around them change the way it has
>what grants the conventional the right to speak of the unconventional?
nothing. I'm not pretending otherwise
>that's talking about something one likely has no experience with
this "talk" is over one word I used, seethe more

>> No.17239335

I already live in New Zealand

>> No.17239369

based lawncunt

>> No.17239427

Look everyone, its the resident tranny here to give their failed views on reality!

>> No.17239730
File: 313 KB, 674x859, 1599762389997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in his views on the world but his solution is a bit too extreme, Linkola's approach is better imo but it's still not perfect.

>> No.17240008

>I believe his views on the wolrd
I admit I've only read ISaiF, but
>art is a surrogate activity
>entertainment is a surrogate activity
>the only "proper" way to live the power process is fending for yourself
>because we at FC believe so
Unsupported claims like these stick out like a sore thumb, since in most cases he goes the extra mile to try proving his statements. (Classic stemfag writing style.) Again I don't know if he explains these in his later works, I lost interest while reading the manifesto.

>> No.17240588

yes they have its not hard at all, cringe at you feeling superior for having read a short manifesto