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File: 49 KB, 768x432, death-of-socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17227563 No.17227563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>christians say suicide isn't justifi-
Blocks your path. He had a chance to escape according to Plato but he didn't want to. Why? Because he was based socrates.

>> No.17227597

he was a pedant for the law; nothing admiral in that, desu

>> No.17227606

he was too busy sucking a cock for asclepius

>> No.17227643

Wrong. He was willing to lay down his life for the law.

>> No.17227661

In fact Socrates believed in the rule of law so much he was executed for these radical beliefs. The real question is why we don't worship Socrates as often as we worship Christ.

>> No.17227912

Martyrdom and dying for ones beliefs in general doesn’t count as suicide in Christianity

>> No.17227927

Socrates is proto-Jesus and Christianity is a Platonic religion

>> No.17227931

A) martyrdom is not considered suicide, it is generally considered to be the opposite -- a very noble way to die
B) Christianity literally didn't exist when Socrates did this, and Christianity was not an ex post facto declaration of morality

>> No.17227940


Usually justified by saying that Socrates, at his age, wouldn't have survived more than a few days alone in exile. Which is just dumb as fuck because he was connected enough in the first place that his detractors couldn't just up and murder him and get away with it in the first place, he would have had plenty of folks outside of Athens ready to give him support.

>> No.17227952

he basically said that life was less important than truth

based socrates indeed.

>> No.17227955

maybe he didn't have any friends.
btw you dropped this, reddit friend ;^)

>> No.17227958

>he basically said that life was less important than truth
having never experienced the lack of life, not sure what his basis for comparison is

>> No.17227966

Really dumb thread. Allowing someone to kill you isn't the same as committing suicide. If Christians thought that, they would have to say that Jesus committed suicide, which is absurd.

>> No.17227977

uh sweaty, Jesus didn't allow people to kill him. He just surrendered to a fair trial, which should have proven him innocent.

>> No.17227988

He knew he was going to die, same as Socrates, retard. He could've escaped but he didn't, same as Socrates, retard.

>> No.17227994

so maybe death wasn't so bad after all, with no comparison and all

>> No.17228005

hunny I'd prefer if you didn't use that word

>> No.17228015

relax guy

>> No.17228016

well, yeh, could go that direction too -- but it is silly of him to assume he knows which will be better, and since we are all guaranteed death but not all guaranteed life, it would be wiser to continue to live

>> No.17228021

>getting so upset at a joke about Jesus that you get worked up and actually feel the need to correct the record
I shiggy diggy

>> No.17228034

wat? i said relax guy...

>> No.17228103

>maybe he didn't have any friends.

No, that's the thing, they had to put him on trial *because* he had too many friends. And this wasn't the first time, the Thirty Tyrants had already tried to put pressure on him by asking him to assassinate someone and he refused, the suggested reason why he wasn't killed as a result was because he was already too connected.

>> No.17228119

oh, I thought you were this basedboy, my apologies >>17227994

>> No.17228122

err, this guy >>17227988

>> No.17228247

Jesus literally had no free will. He was following God's orders. Socrates on the other hand chose death voluntarily.

>> No.17228255

Refuted by John 1

>> No.17228260

Socrates, an extraordinarily admirable man, doesn't have the metaphysical justification for all of creation, or all actions, much less his actions.

>> No.17228263
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1608754704813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be like Socrates

>> No.17228276

Honestly I think suicide is the only way out, all other deaths lead to bad ends or just the same shit over and over, suicide is the only way to ascend and become something greater, but you have to suicide for the right reasons. Suicide because you're sad will just lead to repeating life again.
For me I want to live an accomplished life, get many things done, see many things, live a fulfilling life and then sometime in my 50's decide I'm done and go kill myself in a peaceful manner.
I cannot imagine growing old, unable to wipe my own ass or even walk without pain, that is a shit death, I'd rather die due to my own choice.

>> No.17228283

As admirable as he is, Socrates can't tell you how to be like him - he can only show what he is. Be like Jesus, there's a full road map in there for thick and thin.
An example, if Socrates was being brainwashed he couldn't operate as he did while Christianity always has an answer.

>> No.17228294

There's a difference between selfish suicide and martyrdom.

>> No.17228335

>law bad

>> No.17228334

Because Jesus Christ is God, anon.

>> No.17228344
File: 2 KB, 126x71, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant that I want to be dead anon

>> No.17228358

You should develop a love for wisdom first.

>> No.17228365

both of these things are selfish

>> No.17228366

To want to be dead is an alive assertion still. You can't want to be dead in that. You still want to be alive. Don't stress yourself, find some frameworks that are better so your "want to"'s are more effective but that leads away from suicide

>> No.17228368

It's almost as if the life of Socrates was used as a template by early Christian myth creators

>> No.17228375
File: 35 KB, 765x758, 1527922136147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather skip to the hemlock right away tbqh

>> No.17228394


>> No.17228395
File: 26 KB, 548x491, 1604676024613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't want to be dead in that. You still want to be alive
Wrong. I just don't want to die. That includes pain. That includes fear. Death is serenity. Non-existence is the only true final redpill. Better to never have been born

>> No.17228428

First, you need to detach yourself from physical pleasures and spend the rest of your life pursuing wisdom. This will allow your immortal soul to be able to ascend perfectly when you die, so that you can continue to pursue wisdom in the afterlife.