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File: 53 KB, 992x558, 6265AC10-750C-4BBF-8178-5035E5322641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17224180 No.17224180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which books should anons get a hold of before shit truly hits the fan?

>> No.17224210

I thought the saying was "shit farts the fan"?

>> No.17224254

people are getting $2000 checks in a few weeks and the S&P500 still managed to close in the green yesterday.

nothing will happen.

>> No.17224272

>my imaginary economic figures mean anything of substance
Bugmen gtfo

>> No.17224275

They should have burned the damn thing down.

>> No.17224288

Stay poor

>> No.17224298

I slit nigger's thraots in their sleep

>> No.17224306

The left riots and attacks people and they win. Their demands are taken seriously and they often get what they want but they keep telling us that violence doesn't work. I keep hearing "two wrongs don't make a right" but this assumes that violence is inherently wrong or evil. Make these bastards argue that point because it's indefensible. These are the same people who proudly talk about the "founding fathers" and their revolution but they're more than happy to gloss over the fact that it was successful only because it utilized violence because they know in their hearts that there is a time and place for violence. If now is not the time for it then when is it? That's a serious question that will never get an answer from these "moral Republicans" currently tripping over themselves to condemn conservatives.

>> No.17224320


>> No.17224431

What a disappointing riot.
Until the right stops putting its energy into a failed boomer and learns to fight dirty nothing will happen.

>> No.17224445

The truth is you are only in the wrong if you lose. American precious founding fathers would be regarded as common criminals if brits won

>> No.17224464

Don't worry, attitudes are changing. People are coming to realize that the Founding Founders were slaver pieces of shit and that this country was founded not by heroic warriors of liberty but by landed gentry types.
The America of today is what they wanted, with perhaps less Jews and more WASPs at the top but this is what the Founding Fathers wanted.

>> No.17224488

any books about why americans are the way they are?

>> No.17224493

The founding fathers suck because they were enlightenment liberals. Nobody gives a shit about historical slavery but faggy liberals. The rich bourgeois are not are enemies and you need to pull your head out of the 19th centuries asshole because they're not the ones running this country. It's the salaried managerial class who operate every single corporation and media outlet who get to decide what the truth is and who get's elected.

>> No.17224506

Leviathin and its Enemies and Why Liberalism Failed by Patrick Deneen.

>> No.17224572

>Nobody gives a shit about historical slavery but faggy liberals.
This is important and conservatives should also care. The fact that the Founding Fathers were enlightenment liberals who had no problem with slavery means that they would have no problem with modern wageslavery.
>It's the salaried managerial class who operate every single corporation and media outlet who get to decide what the truth is and who get's elected.
Those middle management types have to answer to their CEOs and shareholders.

>> No.17224629

God you're such a faggot

>> No.17224698
File: 32 KB, 331x500, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin 100,000 dollars eoy. Of course, dollar will probably hyperinflate at some point together with most other fiat currencies. Join us on /biz/ or you'll never own a house or apartment.

>> No.17224724

Anon, printing money doen't create more value.

>> No.17224732
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ok, retard.

>> No.17224734


>muh stonks

>> No.17224752
File: 27 KB, 825x707, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is cyclical, every crash will still end up higher than the previous cycle. Pink wojaks will come again, but patience will win.

>> No.17224917
File: 1014 KB, 1432x2048, Screenshot_20210107-094442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see you chuds prep for THIS!

>> No.17224948

>people think this time shit will hit the fan FOR REAL

Nope. Things will be right back to "normal" within a month, or less. Always does.

>> No.17224987

yes lets remove every single last statue of old white men and put up george floyd and trayyvon martin ones instead.

>> No.17226152

The point is to buy after the crash, not at the height of the boom.

>> No.17226166

>lets remove every single last statue of old white men
The statues of tyrants deserve to be removed.
>and put up george floyd and trayyvon martin ones instead.
No, that would be a waste of taxpayer money

>> No.17226223

Wait until Trump makes his party and replaces the GOP. America is destined to be fascist. You saw how the police allowed this to happen. That’s the only institution Trump needs.

>> No.17226254

>yes lets remove every single last statue of old white men

In the case of (many of those) statues that date no further back than the 50s, sure, why the fuck not?
"Muh History" is a valid claim only when your history isn't half as shit as that of the US.

>> No.17226299
File: 112 KB, 1400x2113, america-the-farewell-tour-9781501152672_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> That chapter where he goes to Kinks.com to diagnose the sexual degeneracy of the US and watches a very tame sadomaso seminar and comes out thinking the average modern's sex life is essentially A Serbian Film.

>> No.17226352

It would be more effective to make his own news channel.

>> No.17227090

>we need to utilize violence like the left
reality is those terrorists in DC acted exactly like their portrayal of the left
>enjoying while doing it
>even taking selfies
except it was like a much much worse version of it because they're literally too dumb. even a bunch of motivated high school kids would've tried to seize the opportunity for something of value. when literal kids organize blm marches they accomplish much more. they spread their agenda and ideals.

it's almost as if the right literally cant meme. they cant spread any idea worth any value because all they have on the inside is nig level seething. when they see nigs doing nig things they project this on them and seethe even harder.

>> No.17227709

and Venezuela still hasn't collapsed the cripple jogs on

>> No.17227713

An actual civil war could break out and the market would still close in the green, and likely even report record numbers.

>> No.17227720

The little man will not be imperilled by revolution.
In the Civil War, both Dixie man and Union man had food on their tables. In the Revolutionary War, belts were tightened, but none starved en masse. Even now, in Syria, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, men and women eke out their lives among death and ruin.
Rome fell so slowly that the Romans did not see it, and it will be the same for you, oh little man, oh American.

>> No.17227742

>dozens call your workplace to try and get you fired
>make a list of the numbers
>consult a phone book and/or contact lookup service
>grief their Minecraft servers
Simple as.

>> No.17227751

>the right can't meme because a directionless protest was directionless
Halo: Reach for the Xbox 360

>> No.17227755

We will forget this in 1 year or less. No one even remembers covid anymore

>> No.17227768

1 year? More like a week lol, people are getting prepared for the Oscars this February. Will probably get a throw-away mention here or there but nothing else.

>> No.17227832

bet you think antifa is an organization still

>> No.17227845

honest question: i see a lot of people dismissing the supposed "fall" of the modern civilization. do you guys mostly adhere to the same school of thought? or is it just random people dismissing shit they dont agree with?

>> No.17227862

"Antifa isn't an organization, despite having chapters and branches united by shared imagery and ideology" is one of the laziest takes you people shit out.

>> No.17227863

People will forget this happened by February, calm your tits.

>> No.17227880

Antifa is more organized than the KKK now

>> No.17227890

maga is also an organization that has chapters and branches united by shared imagery and ideology. how come the maga protesters were so directionless yesterday?

again, the right can't even meme.

>> No.17227897

>antifa is more organized than the KKK
so is maga not an organization or is maga just really shit at being one?

>> No.17227920

I was so excited the entire time but they did fucking nothing in the name of their gay ass optics. Not even one fucking guy took anything from all those laptops onto a thumb drive, these people are fucking pathetic. They called them terrorists regardless of how nice they were to the furniture

>> No.17227950

Because, unlike antifa, half their chapters aren't sockpuppets for the CIA.
The left can't meme, and your mom takes fat cocks.

>> No.17227964

>back to muh deep state
literally the most boring and uninspired meme. even communism has more appeal in this day and age.

>> No.17227996

Fake outrage "protest" (house party in the Capitol). Rightism is devoid of content and goals. If all these people were shot it would have been a net good for this country.

>> No.17228008

Not the deep state, you fat retard, just the CIA on its own. You think they spend their budget on just blow and tranny hookers?

>> No.17228014

sure, why not? nothing would fundamentally change.

>> No.17228017

If (You) shot yourself right now, it'd be a net positive for your parents, and in a triumph of morality and honesty, your headstone would be engraved with the name you were given at birth.

>> No.17228022

every american should be shot

>> No.17228024

>deep state is real, but no it's just the CIA controlling antifa
the meme keeps getting worse and worse

>> No.17228066

>allow me to put words in your mouth
Allow me to put cock in your mouth you stupid little commie troon

>> No.17228074

just like those boomers in DC

>> No.17228075

OP everyone here is useless, they only care and understand philosophical waffle
go ask /out/ or /diy/.