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/lit/ - Literature

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17226494 No.17226494 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write a book, and make big fat stacks of DOOLA doing so?

>> No.17226544

Ask F. Gardner.

>> No.17226594
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Why? He writes like a 15 year old, is that the secret?

>> No.17226654

That's MOOLA not DOOLA, dipshit.

>> No.17226698

I invent my own words, like Shakespeare... saltbrain

>> No.17226711

Write heavily corproatized trash or immature YA for the masses and dedicate yourself to marketing it. No one needs to read it, only buy it.

>> No.17226716

No. He is based.

>> No.17226753

How should I market it? Parallel write Literotica fan fiction to release a month after?

>> No.17226819

write young adult fiction/nonfiction that attacks white privilege and props up POC

use a pseudonym that sounds like a black or jewish woman

>> No.17226826

Proceed as if you were a cult leader: Think of a simple wish-fulfillment fantasy, one of revenge, or magical power, or better still both of them in combination. Then imagine humoring people having such a fantasies daily, in a repetitive or formulaic or serial way that combines a hypnotic effect with images & characters just sufficiently realistic to lend the whole thing a certain air of plausibility to a mildly retarded child or adult reader with a nasty streak they've become accustomed to pretending is a virtue, or some kind of virtuosity awaiting its moment to manifest. The key ingredient is that the motives & psychology of the characters must in no way resemble those found in reality, since that would undo the trick that keeps them in thrall. That's also to say, do roughly what Rowling does, but dressed up in some other fashion so it doesn't look like a total rip-off, even though it's the same general kind of trash, like what capeshit is.

>> No.17226838

lol this sucks

>> No.17226945

gave me a fucking headache

>> No.17227235
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Imagine getting filtered by F. Gardner.
How embarrassing!

To be fair, you need an insanely high IQ to understand and appreciate his books.

>> No.17227511

Idk be a vlogger girl and write a very low effort memoir with lowest common denominator self help sprinkled throughout

>> No.17228447

Compare yourself to F. Gardner do what he did to achieve success. Turn yourself and your books into memes.

>> No.17228723

Make some buzzfeed tier social media accounts and websites and fill it with copywriting and links to shit like HuffPo