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/lit/ - Literature

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17223386 No.17223386 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, imma new here, so I ask: Is here any charts to get into your essentialls? Pic is one chart, that i found

>> No.17223434

no anon has read all hundred, some between 20 and 60. there are books (#28, #20, #71...) on this list I have never seen discussed here. there is a lit starter kit chart, a short essential lit chart, and an exit level chart in the megafolder. top 10 of pic related is pretty accurate.

>> No.17223548

lit is a poetry board, novels and philosophy are not welcome here

>> No.17223562

Read Stoner, Blood Meridian, The Trial
Pretend to have read Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, Russians
That's all you need to fit in here

>> No.17223573

sad, but not wrong

>> No.17223662
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im new here too - check the wiki there are literally hundreds of charts

>> No.17223771

Henry James is mentioned often.

>> No.17223790
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The rest is pure pseudery.

>> No.17223803

Is Moby Dick really that great?

>> No.17223947

Bump, I was thinking the same thing

>> No.17224060

Anyone have a spirituality or religions essentials?

>> No.17224063

Yes, it is.

>> No.17224121

rarely. James is recommended or said to be good, but never discussed

>> No.17224123

Is there a chart for people an inch away from going literally crazy

>> No.17224244
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>> No.17224281

Pretty great chart, but why is The Manuscript Found in Saragossa on there? What's exit-level about it? It's not depressing and nowhere near similar to, say, The Melancholy of Resistance or Journey to the End of the Night.

>> No.17224291

>What's exit-level about it?
no one quite knows what "exit-core" means, search warosu and there are a lot of interpretations. The meaning has been lost

>> No.17224299

it is said one may leave this place for good after finishing this chart

>> No.17224319

missing Thomas Manns doktor faustus, probably the best example of this in the genre, seeking genius, he contracts syphilis, which satan later convinces him was a voluntary decision during a trance in sickness.

>> No.17224373

The top 10 is more like a top 12 desu.

>> No.17224401

>Tolstoy before Corncob and Pinecone
pesky Ruskies rigging elections again

>> No.17224478


>> No.17225354
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Here’s the real list.