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17221754 No.17221754 [Reply] [Original]


What does /lit/ think of this article on Epicureanism as a life philosophy? Some highlights to catch your eye:

>The use of reason, self-control and frugality are worthwhile aims and worth philosophising over. But I side with Epicurus, the 3rd century BCE founder of the Ancient Greek sect, who stated: “[I] do not even know what I should conceive the good to be, if I eliminate the pleasures of taste, and eliminate the pleasures of sex, and eliminate the pleasures of listening, and eliminate the pleasant motions caused in our vision by a sensible form.”
>Real pleasure arises from judicious – though not overly fussy – “choice and avoidance”, and avoidance is as important as choice.
>the ambitious in any arena will find themselves surrounded by dangerous enemies.
>Unrequited love, he recognised, is terrible to endure, as are the torments of jealousy, so keep away from anyone threatening to make you miserable before you are in over your head.
>And in keeping our eyes fixed on ambitious goals, we avert them from the deprivations other people suffer through no fault of their own.
>A political message of much philosophy through the ages, an argument one encounters in Aristotle’s Politics as well as in Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement, is that the deprivation and suffering of the majority of human beings is an arrangement favoured by nature and the cosmos so the superior few can thrive. Many religions teach that suffering today does not matter because it will be compensated for in another life.
>The Epicureans thought this was wicked nonsense, and their later followers, especially Thomas Hobbes, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx, agreed. These thinkers insisted, in their different ways, that this life is all we have, and that a humane politics ought to aim at security for all and enjoyment in the present.
>What would an Epicurean world look like? It wouldn’t be based, as our world is, on the value of the speed and efficiency of output – the transformation of raw materials into consumer products and consumer products into rubbish, at whatever human cost. It would be focused on enhancing another form of utility, the creation of good experiences and the minimisation of pain.
>Adam Smith hoped and believed that a deregulated capitalism would accomplish that goal, which he called “universal opulence”. For reasons well understood by economists, sociologists and philosophers, too, that has not happened. Epicureanism provides a unique and timely philosophical framework for reforming our institutions, our interactions with the natural world and our relationships with each other.

TL;DR High ambitions and striving for meaning is scary and hurts people, be nice to everyone (this will stop all evil people from existing), Tolerance™ and moDERaTIoN iS keY!

>> No.17221767

All greek philosophy has been made completely irrelevant (it's almost like 3000 years!). I don't give a fuck what some tranny journalist thinks about Epicurus. I shit all over Epicurus.

>> No.17221786

">What would an Epicurean world look like? It wouldn’t be based"
All I needed to hear.

>> No.17221793

Dunno, anon. Both of those are quite complimentary (Seneca himself admits it). Seems a bit stupid picking either when you don't have to make a choice. Does that make sense?

>> No.17221816


>> No.17221851

Sure I agree for the most part, seems odd how the author feels the need to place "not Stoicism" in the headline. From the article it seems she has a thin and basic understanding of Stoicism as "pain and suffering" when really they seem to coexist.

>> No.17221908


Yes, that not stoicism is weird af. I would be ok if it were some meme thread or whatever. But that is a weird article.

>> No.17222418

Enough of these decadent, life-denying philosophies. More like Epicopeus.

>> No.17222459
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>It would be focused on enhancing another form of utility, the creation of good experiences and the minimisation of pain.

So, hedonism.

Fuck off. I'm tired of you materialist retards who can't moralize the world in any other way than through pleasure.

>> No.17222539
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>the creation of good experiences and the minimisation of pain.
To make people retarded so they are easily entertained and to wrangle them away from hot stoves and the like.

I don't want that for me and I don't respect that in others.

To reach for new limits, push those boundaries, fulfill potential, to grow, not to stagnate. And to suffer what it takes to do it.

>> No.17222548

>aimed at security for all
Is that the goal here?

>> No.17222571

Why do you think they are locking you in your houses?

>> No.17222573
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>> No.17222578
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>> No.17222583

I'd smash

>> No.17222587
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>> No.17222595

>Catherine Wilson (1822 – 20 October 1862) was a British serial killer who was hanged for one murder, but was generally thought at the time to have committed six others.[1] She worked as a nurse and poisoned her victims after encouraging them to leave her money in their wills. She was described privately by the sentencing judge as "the greatest criminal that ever lived."

>> No.17222647

Who are you talking to? I openly disparaged the article in my TL;DR summary.

>> No.17222656

Wants her cake and to eat it too. Thinks security for all comes from drinking and fucking.

>> No.17222673

>But Buddhism is still relevant
You don’t understand what Epicureanism is, my soft headed lad

>> No.17222683

>To reach for new limits, push those boundaries, fulfill potential, to grow, not to stagnate. And to suffer what it takes to do it.

Indeed. According to the author this kind of striving is hurtful and in as few words as possible tries so hard not to outright blurt out "Toxic Masculinity" as the driver of this intense ambition.

>> No.17222687

>Everybody hold hands and smell the flowers! THIS is what will save humanity! Just love each other! Everybody BE NICER REEEE

>> No.17222693

It still essentially is when push comes to shove. yes it is golden median of things, not embibing so much that it affects pleasure, avoiding pain and all, but it is still essentially a materialist based conception that does place ultimate and sole value on the material. Which is fine and all if you are a materialist, but then you should probably be fine with stuff like >>17222573
too then.

>> No.17222699

I think it's a politically motivated addition on her part. She's using Stoicism as a fill in for "conservative" or "right wing".

>> No.17222707

I would like our two party system to be based on the two parties of stoic and epicuriean, and all politicians must argue their case in terms of their party's patron self-help philosophy.

>> No.17222718

Well they kinda do that already, but instead use Reagan and I'm not sure who the Democrats use. JFK? Clinton? Obama?

>> No.17222734

If the economy was driven by networking, friendly ties, and not life and death competition, we would change quite a lot about ourselves.

>fine and all
Yes. It is.

>> No.17222739

Epicurean and stoicism are both reddit tier

>> No.17222747

what is non reddit teir pray tell?

>> No.17222750

lincoln often, but usually aphoristically. but even then not concreete.

As an Abstracted connection I can kind of understand, but the positions are not as well defined as the actual systems of e and S themselves.

>> No.17222756

Go practice your idealism on your own dime.

>> No.17222760
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Why do I get the feeling everything I encounter in the modern world is an attempt to distract, confuse and mentally castrate me.

>> No.17222765

>High ambitions and striving for meaning is scary and hurts people
Sounds like stoicuckery

>> No.17222766
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Horse shit. Look, fuck all your philosophy, all your politics, all your laws, all your morals. Marginal improvements in terms of justice will NOT lead to exponential growth of happiness, wealth or prosperity. If you want happy people, it doesn't matter one shit what they believe, it matters how much they get paid.

Why can't people get it through their thick fucking heads that you can't get something for nothing? Nobody is happy with moral-fagging philosophy, it helps no-one.

>> No.17222768
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Liberals. State-capitalism needs you docile.

>> No.17222767

because you are either a gnostic false flagger or have just yet to realised that meaning is preeminently construable and modernity has had a recent upticking in construing things real heavy handedly.

>> No.17222773

>says the hopeless materialist who can't into moderation

>> No.17222782

>no we must keep on believing in unsubtantiable dogma that only produces division and misery

>> No.17222899
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We are all absurdly prudent and timid: cynicism is not something we are taught in school. Nor is pride.
“Menippus, in his work entitled The Virtue of Diogenes, tells how he was captured and sold as a slave, and that he was asked what he knew how to do. Diogenes answered: 'Command!' and shouted to the herald: 'Ask who wants to buy a master.'”
The man who affronted Alexander and Plato, who masturbated in the marketplace ("If only heaven let us rub our bellies too, and that be enough to stave off hunger!"), the man of the famous cask and the famous lantern, and who in his youth was a counterfeiter (what higher dignity for a cynic?), what must his experience have been of his neighbors? Certainly our own, yet with this difference: that man was the sole substance of his reflection and his contempt. Without suffering the falsifications of any ethic and any metaphysic, he strove to strip man in order to show him to us nakeder and more abominable than any comedy, any apocalypse has done.
“Socrates gone mad,” Plato called him—Socrates turned sincere is what he should have said, Socrates renouncing the Good abjuring formulas and the City, Socrates turning, finally, into a psychologist and nothing more. But Socrates—even sublime—remains conventional; he remains a master an edifying model Only Diogenes proposes nothing; the basis of his attitude—and of cynicism in its essence—is determined by a testicular horror of the absurdity of being man.
The thinker who reflects without illusion upon human reality, if he wants to remain within the world, and if he eliminates mysticism as an escape-hatch, ends up with a vision in which are mingled wisdom, bitterness, and farce; and if he chooses the marketplace as the site of his solitude, he musters his verve in mocking his “kind” or in exhibiting his disgust, a disgust which today, with Christianity and the police, we can no longer permit ourselves. Two thousand years of oaths and codes have sweetened our bile; moreover, in a hurried world, who would stop to answer our insolences, to delight in our howls?
That the greatest connoisseur of human beings should have been nicknamd “dog” proves that man has never had the courage to accept his authentic image and that he has always rejected truths without accommodations. Diogenes suppressed pose in himself. What a monster in other men’s eyes! To have an honorable place in philosophy you must be an actor, you must respect the play of ideas and exercise yourself over false problems. In no case must man as such be your business. Again, according to Diogenes Laërtius: “At the Olympic games, when the herald proclaimed: ‘Dioxippus has vanquished men!’ Diogenes answered: 'He has vanquished only slaves—men are my business'

>> No.17222916
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what Diogenes lost to become the man who permitted himself everything, who translated his innermost thoughts into actions with a supernatural insolence, like some libidinous yet pure god of knowledge. No one was so frank; a limit case of sincerity and lucidity as well as an example of what we could be if education and hypocrisy did not rein in our desires and our gestures.
“One day a man invited him into a richly furnished house, saying 'be careful not to spit on the floor.' Diogenes, who needed to spit, spat in his face, exclaiming that it was the only dirty place he could find where spitting was permitted."—Diogenes Laèrtius.
Who, after being received by a rich man, has not longed oceans of saliva to expectorate on all the owners of the earth? And who has not swallowed his own spittle for fear of casting it in the face of some stout and respected thief?

>> No.17222920

I'm convinced there is a force out there that wants everything to suck for everyone.

>> No.17222921

>its the HECKING liberals
ok so when state capitalism stops being liberal or starts being some anarchocommunist state you become any less powerless? god ideologes like you are all retards

>> No.17222937
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>Why do I get the feeling everything I encounter in the modern world is an attempt to distract, confuse and mentally castrate me.
>I'm convinced there is a force out there that wants everything to suck for everyone
A human being possessed by a belief and not eager to pass it on to others is a phenomenon alien to the earth, where our mania for salvation makes life unbreathable. Look around you: everywhere, specters preaching; each institution translates a mission; city halls have their absolute, even as the temples—officialdom, with its rules—a metaphysics designed for monkeys. . . Everyone trying to remedy everyone’s life: even beggars, even the incurable aspire to it: the sidewalks and hospitals of the world overflow with reformers. The longing to become a source of events affects each man like a mental disorder or a desired malediction. Society—an inferno of saviors! What Diogenes was looking for with his lantern was an indifferent man. . . .
It is enough for me to hear someone talk sincerely about ideals, about the future, about philosophy, to hear him say “we” with a certain inflection of assurance, to hear him invoke “others” and regard himself as their interpreter—-for me to consider him my enemy. I see in him a tyrant manqué an approximate executioner, quite as detestable as the first-rate tyrants, the first-rate executioners Every faith practices some form of terror, all the more dreadful when the “pure” are its agents. We mistrust the swindler, the trickster, the con man; yet to them we can impute none of history’s great convulsions; believing in nothing, it is not they who rummage in your hearts,

>> No.17223062

Cynicism, eclecticism pythagoreanism, platonism broadly speaking. Basically rejecting trendy spice 'o life or 'self help" philosophers

>> No.17223078

so long as you try to wrap your life around some philosophy you read about in a book, you will needlessly suffer. as long as you search for meaning you don’t have it... you don’t need any of this. reject all this shit. everything they say you are supposed to do is shit.

>> No.17223116

justify your absolute laziness because of your overly-impressionable peabrain? couldn't, wouldn't, will not ever be me. read a fucking book and do it with skepticism like a normal person

>> No.17223243

garbage "philosophy" for arrogant imbeciles who reject philosophy outright for the "conventional wisdom" i.e. reddit

>> No.17223390

lol the only female cynic decided that cynicism was having sex in the street

>> No.17223413

Shut the fuck up pseud

>> No.17223429

I am so tired of morons love you so think the Stoics and the Cynics practiced the bastardized modern definition of these terms. YOU FUCKING MORON

>> No.17223545
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it's ok anon just try to mentally filter the retards as best you can. no matter how many times you correct the ignorant, most will never learn and an endless supply will replace those who do.

>> No.17223708

Epicureanism literally requires doublethink (plain stupidity may work as a substitute) because it's internally inconsistent.
It's a shit philosophy and most people pushing it nowadays are only trying to give classical validation for postmodernism degeneration

>> No.17223719

>division and misery
Diversity is good