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17216383 No.17216383 [Reply] [Original]

most red pill lit I see here is written with men in mind.

Is there something like Nietzsche but for women?

>> No.17216388

Nietzche is trash.

>> No.17216390

literally feminist theory

>> No.17216407

Do women even care about that stuff? Asking seriously because I don't know.

>> No.17216409

Camille Paglia is probably what you are looking for, it's non-seething feminism and she is all about women wielding the power they already have over men. If you are a femoid yourself, maybe the Scum Manifesto too, and Females by Andrea Long Chu afterwards to have a look at femininity as a concept.

>> No.17216420

tried feminism but there's too much whining about men or social issues

i literally don't care about men or feminist issues or anything like that

>> No.17216432

Camille Paglia isn't like that at all she is all about analysing femininity itself and she's more interested in how femininity can be a source power for women (especially over men) in a non-whining-about-men way.

>> No.17216434
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>something like Nietzsche but for women
Neumann's writings on the feminine psyche:
>The Great Mother
>Amor and Psyche
Requires knowing some Jung and general psychoanalysis but the gist of things is fairly appreciable in any case.

>> No.17216468

It's useful of me to say that both Peterson and Paglia, who were mentioned in this thread, draw heavily on Neumann. Why not go straight to the source? Psychoanalysis has its roots in Nietzsche anyway.

>> No.17216484

Peterson gives advice to men (clean your room, take care of yourself, etc) because they need to do these things in order to make Peterson's advice to women, have babies, even happen.

>> No.17216502

thanks i will see about her

>> No.17216507
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LMAO Peterson is indistinguishable from an incel.

>> No.17216513


>> No.17216554

Jordan Peterson is really narrowly read

He didn’t even know the roots of empiricism and doesn’t question Jews for behaviors he attacks non Jews for

>> No.17216561

Andrea Dworkin

>> No.17216581

Beauvoir. The Second Sex wasn't that hard of a read.

>> No.17216702

>muh joos
empiricism has nothing to do with judaism
it's an exponent of christianity, much like any post-kantian idea of philosophy

>> No.17217584
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Didn't she make a false rape accusation?

>> No.17217605

isn't he married to a jewess?

>> No.17217633

Learn to dance
Learn to sing
Learn top tier cooking
Know how to communicate
Care for kids

There. Red-pilled

>> No.17217639

>aiming for the male conception of what a female should be
reaaaal authentic

>> No.17217647


>> No.17217700


I don't understand how clean your room, take care of yourself, fight the caos etc doesn't apply either to women too.
What do you got, simps to clean the room for you? Your mom still take care of you?
Also i remembered he said in a lecture that women got too their own hierarchy, in similar way to men

>> No.17217765


>> No.17217770

So what if she did?

>> No.17217795

This. Men owe us money

>> No.17217909

do you really need someone to explain to you what is wrong with being a twat

>> No.17217910

you'll never be a woman

>> No.17217928

Some do

>> No.17217943

She's a pedophilia advocate and supports NAMBLA

>> No.17217953

All men are rapists, some just haven’t had the opportunity to act yet.

>> No.17217989

Shut up paypiggy. Open your wallet, not your mouth

>> No.17218031

because Peterson was created to curtail any male movements which would curtail consumption and damage capitalism

>> No.17218037


>> No.17218083

>Is there something like Nietzsche but for women?

>> No.17218108

Great advice.

Dworkin is too obviously grounded in ideology. Camille Paglia is much closer to men redpill writers. She tries to approach things in a cold and materialistic manner (still a good deal of ideology IMO and so is men's redpill but it's not so much in your face compared to Dworkin).

Beauvoir is pure ideology and mostly worthless. However, she has been influential so you may read her for historical reasons

>> No.17218118

Stirner is not specific enough to be considered redpill for women

>> No.17218138

Repeat, you will NEVER be a woman

>> No.17218180

>a source power for women (especially over men)
That sounds pretty manipulative.

>> No.17218188

>>Is there something like Nietzsche but for women?
yeah, Nietzsche
most sane women agree.

>> No.17218199
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Both of those are the right responses though. Sorry you don't want to hear it hoes.

>> No.17218213

It’s not a pill, it’s a liquid, must be ingested orally twice everyday, and it is secreted from my member.

>> No.17218215

Damn, she might even be able to swallow my dick if she keeps practicing

>> No.17218232

stirner abandoned his wife lmao

>> No.17218249
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>> No.17218254
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>> No.17218259
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>> No.17218267

The figure of the Virgin Mary is the real redpill for women.

>> No.17218298
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>> No.17218327
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Literal gamergate post

>> No.17218345

Yes, it's why the thread was made

>> No.17218348

>red pill for women
Can women even read thought?

>> No.17218364

peterson is a reactionary anti-feminist conservative with "cultural christian" sort of beliefs. he doesnt seem to think that highly of women beyond boxing them in regressive gender roles

>> No.17218367

Yes, but there is more than just kid making in life, anon.

>> No.17218437

Dumb thread
Women are too retarded to become redpilled

>> No.17218499

Traditional gender roles are good because they reflect our nature. What makes a great woman is not the same thing that makes a great man.

>> No.17218506
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>OP implies he's a woman
>Doesn't post tits.
>Probably some ugly tranny at most.
>Either way OP is definitely a faggot
You will never be a woman

>> No.17218510

What exactly do you want? Nietzsche applies to women. What do you mean by "redpill"?

If you mean "about the Jews", then that isn't a male thing, it's just a thing.

If you mean "about women", then you have to clarify further. If you just want to be a miserable sack of shit and maximize your joint slay (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS KWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN), literally just watch makeup tutorials and lower your standards so you can fuck as many dudes as possible at nightclubs, then kill yourself when you turn 30. If you want to find a good man, go to where good men are and lower your standards to "a man that actually exists". 99.99% of "how to talk to girls" comes down to "work out, have a job, and go talk to girls". There's a reason Mister E killed himself after the phone-sex line he fell in love with turned him down. There's a reason Roosh ended up talking about EEZDRN ODODOGZY :DDDDD when the PUA bubble popped.

If you mean "about how to be a woman", literally just do it. Don't think about it. Be a girly girl woman, the rest will come naturally. Get a man, and learn how to can food and sew. Don't overthink it. No, really, don't. You have a well of power within you and it is accessed by doing, not sitting there with your thumb up your ass. Books on "how to be a woman" are useless outside of discussions of the proper way to do womanly things.

>> No.17218529

>You have a well of power within you and it is accessed by doing, not sitting there with your thumb up your ass
This is good advice in general.

>> No.17218548

>Get a man, and learn how to can food and sew.
Lmao yeah dude just adopt the "natural" practices of the 19th century, don't think about how they didn't actually exist before that and make no practical sense in the present. Just be natural!

>> No.17218580


>> No.17218591

That image is extremely accurate and why is it a bad thing? Men have to jump through several different hoops while women can achieve right side of the meme easily

>> No.17218626

>lmfao life sucks so you should be miserable like me!

>> No.17218633

the only few names I really know to look into are Camille Paglia,, Betina Arnt, and Karen Stragn
and some book called fascinating womanhood which espouses the virtue of traditional feminine beauty.

>> No.17218638

>women didnt get man, make food or do housework before 19th century

>> No.17218645
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>> No.17218706

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17218764

Not for women

>> No.17218777


the bible, especially Ruth

>> No.17218788

>Is there something like Nietzsche but for women?
yes, Nietzsche unironically

>> No.17218817
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>[your comment]
No shit sherlock. However, if a man lets himself get seriously manipulated by a girl (and i don't mean thinking with your dick) then he is a failure.

>> No.17218824

>Is there something like Nietzsche but for women?
Hannah Arendt, Lady Anne Conway and Iris Murdoch. Virginia Woolf and Emily Dickinson are likely the best female writers out there if you're not strictly looking for philosophy, so read everything you can from those two dames.

>> No.17218838

read dworkin and stop having sex

>> No.17218842

Aye, pretty much.

>> No.17218853

>for women
>Andrea Long Chu
kek. Anon please don’t self harm by reading that (male) hack

>> No.17218856

>The perfect woman is a higher type of humanity than the perfect man, and also something much rarer. The natural history of animals furnishes grounds in support of this theory.
- Human, All-Too-Human

Like the majority of men, the majority of women lead a useless existence but once in a century or so one elevates herself above the masses like Joan d'arc.

>> No.17218961


>> No.17218969

Damn I'm already halfway there

>> No.17218976

Kekking at the sight of these women trying to cope with their inevitable mediocrity. And these are the "better" ones who somehow managed to leave normiegram and end up on /lit/.

>> No.17218987

how must one lady become the joan d'arc?

>> No.17219011

If the lady hath to ask...

>> No.17219039

right panel is correct tho

>> No.17219041

The one quality that characterizes all of the greatest women is, ironically, chastity.

>> No.17219075

by that standard, if women want to become great women, they should not marry at all, and just become celibate

>> No.17219080
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If you don't believe Peterson, Goethe also had the same view:
>Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be.
But of course, those bitter and left-out women will find a way to slander even someone like Goethe.

>> No.17219098 [DELETED] 
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I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there ’s a pair of us—don’t tell!
They ’d banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

t. the original anti tripfag, frog poster

>> No.17219154

Feminism was always a plot to destroy the morality of women.

>> No.17219159

Isn't it true though? I remember he pointed out that most hyper career driven women end up quitting to be mothers.

>> No.17219180

Poor creatures. If only they knew.

>> No.17219195

Yeah. He talked about treating female corporate lawyers and how they must sacrifice family life in order to climb the corporate ladder by dedicating 80-90 hr work weeks to the career. In the end, the majority end up leaving their careers in their 30s to start a family.

>> No.17219202

I think this is the inherent problem in trying to convince people of taking the right side. The thing is that victory doesn't really exist without struggle. It's not (in the grand scheme of things) difficult to find a man, get married, and have kids. People have been doing it for generations. Therefore it's not appealing on the individual level.

>> No.17219210

JD Unwin's sex and culture would be a good choice
it looked at how women destroy civilisation

>> No.17219215

if we're all rapists then maybe i should rape you

>> No.17219229

This, his rise to fame was completely unnatural and this can be seen by his acquaintances and shallow understanding

>> No.17219439

>Joan d'arc
If you think Nietzsche's advice to women is to become another Jean d'Arc you completely missed the point. There are some 50 other layers you have to cast off before even considering such a thing, roasties.
same if you wanna say he would encourage a man that he should become the next Napoleon; we are talking Nietzsche not Spengler here

>> No.17219460

You are asking too much nuance from these simple creatures.

>> No.17219476

wtf i love feminism now

>> No.17219483

i have a womb but i dress like a tomboy lmao

>> No.17219489

yes. just like all great men

>> No.17219501

And yet, you will never be a woman. Quite an accomplishment!

>> No.17219518

By marrying, a woman is giving herself to serve the greatness of her man and her children, which is a noble and lofty endeavor in and on itself. It is woman’s natural purpose after all.
Dostoevski’s second wife Anna is a good example of this. She turned her husband’s name into a household brand and took care of the administrative and business side of the “Dostoevski project”. There would be no Dostoevski as we know today without her. He would have continued his erratic, unstable life and never rise to greatness.
Since man and woman become one in marriage, his glory is also her glory. Her name will always be remembered.

>> No.17219532

Paglia is a fucking retard, and I only realized this once I actually tried reading, though I don't mind her literary studies.

>> No.17219540

what's the point of this, most Peterson's clients are women

>> No.17219546

>, most Peterson's clients are women
or is this a dig at his supporters?

>> No.17219548

the only way to teach a woman to be a human being would be to raise them as a man like montaigne was raised speaking latin, you would have to isolate them from all other influences. beauvoir said that women raised by single fathers are far better off than women raised by single mothers, because men only know how to raise men, aka human beings, while women left to their own devices will try to raise a copy of themselves, a new deformed subhuman

esther vilar's the manipulated man is good, vindication of the rights of woman is good. anything that has a positive image for women and not just a negative deconstructive one. so you have to go back to the heart of feminism, when feminism was about women trying to be full human beings and equals of men, and it hadn't yet become formalized and turned into a perpetual pity party and big tent affair that invites any whiny histrionic bitch in. modern feminism is purely deconstructive, it is anti-feminist women whining that they want more consideration and pampering. old feminism was about rejecting all special consideration and pampering so that you can fully grow as a person.

i am very wary of trying to recommend anything to women, as even the ones who express some desire to overcome their constructed object-of-desire-perpetual-victim nature will fall back on it in cringe inducing ways. they will ask for advice on transcending their bad habits, and when someone offers it to them they act out those habits. it's like herding cats. women love wielding their fleeting sexual capital as a weapon so much that i don't know if it can ever be pried from their hands once they've been taught how to do it. after a while you can see it happen live, you can look at their eyes as they confront a problem and see the moment their mental gaze diverted from "solve problem" to "WHAT IF I DENIED MY CUNT TO THE PROBLEM? WOULD THE PROBLEM SUBMIT TO ME THEN?" this post will inevitably get such a reply

i still pray for women who will overcome what they have been made to be, but apparently the critical mass threshold for them to break away, to achieve escape velocity and become self-directing so that they don't need constant help and guidance, is just too high for the current ones to manage. i can't tell you how many stupid women i've seen talk a big game about wanting to be more than a brood mare through their 20s, and then all they do is shack up with some hobby-boyfriend (boyfriend = women's only hobby) and numb themselves and while away half a decade. the tradwife thing is hilarious, what a dead end, embracing one form of perpetual childhood to escape from another. for normie women it's probably for the best since family really is the best thing for them to transcend a purely relational existence based on men (at least raising a child is noble, bragging about blowing your gamer boyfriend every day isn't), but it's still sad

>> No.17219557

also the reason most "redpill" advice targets men is that a huge % of men respond to rudderlessness and total freedom by trying to strike out on their own and sometimes returning to conquer the existing thing they were exiled from. women respond by desperately clinging to the thing. again, you can see it in their eyes after you get to know them well enough, the literal pathetic desperation not to do anything "weird," not to be seen as weird by other women, not to be a "bad woman." it's all so tedious.

>> No.17219560

They are mostly white men. He is obviously an agent of the patriarchal rule.

>> No.17219588
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Based and Thomas a Kempis pilled. All men are bound to evil by the original sin and those who yet haven't are only lucky to not have been tested strong enough

>> No.17219610

It's the same stuff desu. Just ignore liberal brainwashing.

>> No.17219616

I have a story about this.
I once met a beautiful woman in her 30s, dressed professionally, crying alone on the floor in an airport.
I came over and asked her what’s up. She told me she was a successful lawyer in Manhattan, making 200k a year working 80hs a week for an important law firm. She confessed that she hated her life, and all she wanted was a family and children, but she could find no man that wanted to marry.
It was truly a sad, dismal sight.

>> No.17219628
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>red pills
>for women
"for women" isn't a useful category, and never will be. you don't have to be an epic rational-spirit enlightenment plebbitor to recognize that specifying complex knowledge or behaviour "for women" is not only shallow, but leads you down a self-crushing shithole. "women" is an eviscerating social category that removes anything you could have been in exchange for social security.

if you want to be a better "woman", read up on proclivities of biology like higher anxiety, less risk seeking, more social awareness, etc. and find ways to turn these things to your advantage. that's basically it

>> No.17219640


>> No.17219653

>"women" is an eviscerating social category that removes anything you could have been in exchange for social security
It’s a natural category not a social category.
>if you want to be a better "woman", read up on proclivities of biology like higher anxiety, less risk seeking, more social awareness, etc. and find ways to turn these things to your advantage. that's basically it
You use the word “better” without first setting what is “good”. Everything you said is pointless.

>> No.17219664
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>> No.17219687

>Since man and woman become one in marriage, his glory is also her glory.
nicely said

>> No.17219702

> the majority end up leaving their careers in their 30s to start a family.
and that is proof that the patriarchy still stands today.
So sad we still see this in the current times.

>> No.17219710

Interesting, insightful post overall but:
>to achieve escape velocity and become self-directing so that they don't need constant help and guidance
You need to extirpate this error from your thinking. The reason the women you talked to cannot do this is that it is not their nature nor purpose. Women NEED direction from a man. They were never meant to lead or be self-reliant. They are followers, and the belief that there is somehow something wrong with that has been extremely harmful for humanity.

>> No.17219717

To be redpilled you need to be able to be introspective, look at things in a deeper level and be willing to sacrifice to change yourself.

Women for the most part are self absorbed, live on surface level thought and feelings, and have support from all sides at all times. You cannot redpill someone like that.

They can only achieve clarity when they become fucking ugly so they live like an average male for some years.

>> No.17219723

dangerously retarded.

>you use the word better
yeah, I don't need to set what is good. people can make their own decisions and potentially be wrong about those. the only assumption i'm making is that knowing things about yourself is better than being ignorant, which goes without saying

>> No.17219738

>yeah, I don't need to set what is good. people can make their own decisions and potentially be wrong about those. the only assumption i'm making is that knowing things about yourself is better than being ignorant, which goes without saying
Then you have nothing to say, and your post was an exercise in triviality.

>> No.17219745

>if you want to be a better "woman", read up on proclivities of biology like higher anxiety, less risk seeking, more social awareness, etc. and find ways to turn these things to your advantage. that's basically it
These traits are statistical. There's no guarantee a woman will 100% be better in any of those than any man. It's always better to judge yourself as an individual without labels.

>> No.17219749

>if you don't prescribe commandments about what is good, you have nothing to say

>> No.17219765

yeah i agree with this 100% and also why i said proclivity... however, it's definitely worth checking out the statistical case if you're likely to be a part of it, no?

>> No.17219776

>dude women are more anxious and less likely to take risks!!11
Absolutely mind blowing, life-changing insight!

>> No.17219877

Just came here to say I hate women

>> No.17219950

Did this really happen?

>> No.17220038

Yes. January 2012. She was dressed in typical female lawyer attire, with suit and heels. She was attractive. Tall, blonde, and slim. I found her sitting on the floor with her back against the wall sobbing with her face on her hands, next to her luggage. Textbook emotional breakdown. Something she said and I didn’t mention before is that she had a boyfriend, but the guy did not want to marry, ever.
I was barely 18 at the time and very bluepilled. It took me years to understand what her problem was.

>> No.17220044

he is a clinical psychologist and he mostly deals with women

>> No.17220065

Can you jsut imagine coping with near menopause and a drastic (near absolute) decline in fertility post age 35?
its bad enough for men, why would it be surprising if it werent worse for women?

>> No.17220399
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>> No.17220434

This was supposedly written as comedy...

>> No.17220452

Nice try Anna.

>> No.17220459

>Nice try Anna.

>> No.17220469

>appeal to nature
the absolute states of conservacucks

>> No.17220480

Unironically yes. Most great thinkers were incels.

>> No.17220496

Read about the lives of noble women in Ancient Rome.

>> No.17220598

Volcels and men that lost interest with women as they got old

>> No.17220906

is that the lady that talked about the finale of Revenge of the Sith? I really liked that video

>> No.17220962

>doesn’t question Jews for behaviors he attacks non Jews for
like what.....?

>> No.17220978

don't interact with the /pol/tard he's gonna post like 30 infographs now

>> No.17221099

>Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be.
Care to elaborate on what this quote means?

>> No.17221109

In general I highly doubt it

>> No.17221111

>after a while you can see it happen live, you can look at their eyes as they confront a problem and see the moment their mental gaze diverted from "solve problem" to "WHAT IF I DENIED MY CUNT TO THE PROBLEM? WOULD THE PROBLEM SUBMIT TO ME THEN?"
I don't really get this line of thinking as she can't ask herself this when it comes to literally every hurdle. Do you really think this is applicable to e.g. her not being able to comprehend something math-related?

>> No.17221117

I never really understood critiquing Peterson for not mentioning Jews. It would instantly make him a David Icke tier lunatic in the eyes of the public if he did it. He has a career and a family. It's plausible he thinks he can do more good by using the limelight for positive things like teaching young men to be conservative and reject tranny faggotry.

The insant your liberal friend starts saying he sees some merit to the accusations that the media is biased, do you lay out your full manifesto of how the Jews are behind it all? He just doesn't want to engage with the antisemites.

Most open self admitted white nationalists don't mention Jew shit because they say it's a distraction and attracts nutters. It's a convenient way for the mainstream to slander you. They strategize that it's better to be focused on a single wedge issue and not muddle it by adding a bunch of other shit you also have to believe to get on board.

>> No.17221138

Not him but.
Women's fundamental value is in their womb and child raising ability, A man's value comes from how they can influence the world.

>> No.17221187

The real redpill for women is to take literally all the good advice given to men and apply it to yourself.
All of the happiest, most successful girls/women I've known were raised in households full of males.

>> No.17221194

There are actually studies that find women raised around lots of brothers and male cousins are more successful

>> No.17221287

Honestly more people should just be coming out as ideological antisemites to sublimate the general public's rage response against any criticism of Jewish doings.
Things like rape and antisemitism accusations have become too powerful of a tool.

>> No.17221448
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That's a good point. Maybe we can post some in this thread?

Redpill #1: Makeup is bad.
During the early 1900s, makeup was not excessively popular. In fact, women hardly wore makeup. Makeup at this time was still mostly the territory of prostitutes. "But it looks good!" Think about what that really means. When you look at someone, your brain makes subconscious judgements of their health and fertility. Red lips and rosy cheeks mean healthy blood flow. Smooth (healthy) skin is desirable, thick (robust) eyelashes are desirable. When you wear makeup, you're painting your face to emulate the visual signs of health and fertility, to advertise your value as a mate. It's simian and unnecessary, and ironically, most men don't like women who wear lots of makeup, for reasons related to the Uncanny Valley.

Redpill #2: Shaving is bad.
Women started shaving their armpits and legs only recently in history. It's another simian attempt to trick the eye and simulate the hairlessness of youth. It's ridiculous, and it's another facet of women's enslavement to their perception of men's desires.

Redpill #3: Avoid sexual fixation.
Your nervous system can hypnotize you -- so much that people neglect important responsibilities to chase the high it brings. It's not unlike drug addiction. This is the reason purity or virginity is considered valuable.

>> No.17221459 [DELETED] 


>> No.17221476

How can I explain #1 to my gf without being reee'd on?

>> No.17221483

tell her its mysoginist or somethng

>> No.17221488

Wait for the day when she doesn't put on makeup. Tell her she looks really pretty. Repeat.

>> No.17221492

No, she's willing to listen but will resort to "oh c'mon a woman just wants to look beautiful" platitudes.

>> No.17221507

not a terrible idea but my it backfired on my family

>> No.17221967

my girlfriend struggles a lot with point #3. i don't know how to make her understand that sex isn't everything.

>> No.17221995

Zone Theory is the final redpill but they openly say it's not for women

>> No.17222026

>women should be men
why? it's a good thing they are different from us. i question this wisdom of making woman a "human" (very arbitrary critera might I add) as you put it when it's not in their nature to be one.

>> No.17222275

You have to find something that exceeds the pleasure of sex, to replace it. Chances are, you can't.
This is why addictions are dangerous; once you experience the high of drugs/sex, none of life's simple pleasures can compare. You live in its shadow for the rest of your life.

>> No.17222309

>attempt to trick the eye and simulate the hairlessness of youth.
not just youth but...prepubescent youth. It surprises me how rarely this is pointed out

>> No.17222400

probably anna khachiyan from the red scare podcast.

>> No.17222404

All men are crypto-pedos

>> No.17222413


>> No.17222445

Which brings us to another accident of nature: Many (most?) men find children attractive. There are lots of evil "natural" tendencies in human nature, all of which should be repressed --- this includes tendencies in women previously mentioned, and various sexual pathologies common in men.
The whole point of religion is to overcome the bestial (natural) aspect of humanity to strive for a better world.

>> No.17222516

the genie is hard to put back in the bottle

>> No.17222532

>male conception
wrong, its what women wanted to do for the last 200,000 years are were happy with until like 10 minutes ago

>> No.17222537

not for women

>> No.17222633

Stop projecting incel

>> No.17222640
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>> No.17222675

The implication you're making is retarded

>> No.17222678

surely it can't be that hopeless, right ?

>> No.17222844


>> No.17223132

You aren't going to get a good answer from /lit/ because most of the board can't even talk to chicks, let alone know what they need to become strong and independent of their society.
Shit if you want my advice just read Aristotle and the like and do what they say. No reason to try and sexualize virtue and pride.

Outside of that the general feminist theory is useful here.
You can either dive into those that push female traits as something special if you want, or those that work to break the male-female dichotomy whichever seems more real to you.

>> No.17223142

No but it would have been really convenient for him for it to have.

>> No.17223192


>> No.17223194

Addiction isn't really based on pleasure, but on relieving the fear and anxiety of withdrawal

>> No.17223199

Nice bait lol

>> No.17223411


>> No.17223560
File: 88 KB, 596x201, 4AF2AB11-82F8-46AB-9495-81C699BC2DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re a real woman, the biggest red pill is exactly where you are. read the shit these anonymous men say. on the inside, men are truly degenerate and the most important thing is to never trust them. be careful, femanon. of all men, always.

>> No.17223714

No. Do you think women question men the same why men question women? Do you think woman study the nature of man?

>> No.17223764
File: 191 KB, 620x349, 1597460739643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to start with Camille Paglia?

>> No.17223773


>> No.17223780

who the fuck is this schlomo and why would i fucking care what he thinks

>> No.17223785

newfag hasn't read a norwegian in the family lol

>> No.17223788

yes i haven't read a literally who

>> No.17223794

lurk moar

>> No.17223798

nobody talks about this dude or his books. learn to use the archive retard.

>spouting /b/ memes
fuck off

>> No.17223801

All these leftist faggots ITT showing why Western civilization collapsed. LMAO. Even if many women dream of career, their bullshit equality where they can pick out what suits them, independence, it always ends the same. Birth rate plummeting and how are we even supposed to talk about other things when we can't survive on the most basic level. Future generations are gonna curse for being such colossal faggots.

>> No.17223807

will always be an extremely based pic

>> No.17223808 [DELETED] 

he's literally foaming now lol

>> No.17223815

>learn to use the archive retard
now kys newshit

>> No.17223818

There's child rearing too

>> No.17223831

This. This is what I would say to my daughter.

>> No.17223836

well done for spamming

still don't know what you're talking about schizo

>> No.17223841

>i-it was just you spamming
newdregs are almost adorable

>> No.17223937

Yeah, that’ll really help women self-improve. Lots of sane people love that screed.

>> No.17223943

You will never be a woman.

>> No.17223946
File: 142 KB, 1050x741, 3B66DF66-9485-4949-A6D7-1572403FA406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /leftypol/, tranny.

>> No.17223949


>> No.17223953

That is good advice for women though.

>> No.17223964

This is a red pill thread, reject morality.

>> No.17223970

Women can't be redpilled, they are NPCs and herd followers

>> No.17223972

>cant understand him
>he is trash

>> No.17224020

renounce sexual pleasure and meaningful goal in mind (that isn´t sex of course)

>> No.17224037
File: 155 KB, 500x420, ebony nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boyfriend = women's only hobby

it´s true it´s true


>> No.17224092

Few things are as depressing as seeing spinsters get desperate and try to cope with being 30+ and childless. YOU JUST KNOW that they'd probably be a lot happier if they had found a guy who managed to cure their retardation with his dick, but ultimately it was their choice. Still, it's depressing, since you know how gullible and herd-minded most women are, and how the contemporary zeitgeist memes them into choosing a lifestyle they never really wanted in the first place.

>> No.17224127

i cannot imagine taking petersons advice seriously, you are a commodity if you take his advice seriously, not a human being

>> No.17224209

women should be indifferent to men. they’re not nearly as important to women as women are to men. the only men you need to care about on an interpersonal level are your father, your husband, and your sons.

>> No.17224222

>t. autist trying to make sense of the world

>> No.17224241

women don't really need anything outside of a supportive life, usually they have a natural form of competence in most skills and their self value comes from social approval. this is why you see so many women in universities now and men just wasting their lives away, men can't even relate to having the need for social value so they don't bother

>> No.17224249

it’s just my experience of the world. don’t think i’m autistic but maybe so. i can fulfill most of my social, emotional, sexual, and aesthetic needs with other women. the only men who matter are my dad and my husband. i seem to be way more content than women who actively concern themselves with men (again on an interpersonal level, obviously you should still engage with the work of male artists and thinkers)

>> No.17224259

timestamp or gtfo

>> No.17224263

i don’t care enough about you to do that lol

>> No.17224279

the latter it is

>> No.17224297

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.17224326

thanks for the additional proof trog

>> No.17224341

Do you really think this guy is serious in the screencap here? >>17223560

Fucking christ i hope you're trolling

>> No.17224385

ah yes, 18th century Germans, known for their very subtle and nuanced takes on women.

>> No.17224404

Hey sometimes they only thought that most women were subhumans.

>> No.17224441

t. pedo

>> No.17224449

in a purely descriptive sense, historically most women were subhuman. not because of their nature but because of social conditions imposed on women due to their being the child-bearing sex

of course nowadays virtually no one is human

>> No.17224500

brain size 11% smaller on average
mean IQ 5 points lower
they're like men, but slightly shittier and more retarded

>> No.17224536

no, this line of thinking is how unremarkable men cope

>> No.17224565
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>> No.17224577

I’m bored with you now though.
OP, don’t trust men and don’t give them power. That’s all you ever need to know.

>> No.17224585

Repeated tests trying to verify the idea that men and women have differences in IQ or in IQ distribution have failed to be replicated.
Instead all that gets found is that there is no difference.

>> No.17224672

Source, because Daddy Peterpillson said that this was true, and you're going against him now.

>> No.17224742

as far as I'm aware there's a difference in spatial reasoning but the average is pretty close, while the standard deviatopn is larger for men

>> No.17224815


peterson is a omega cuck who whines after the woman he provided for died

Omega males are whinny like women. Trump will never be president. you will never be a woman


>> No.17224833

Sure, here is the first one:
This largely deals with the variability hypothesis.
Where its pretty much being found more that its heavily based on what the specific gender politics of a nation are.
Where women move more towards variability the more 'male' that society treats them. Which indicates that variability may be a representation of competition or something of the sort.

And a second article:
Which addresses IQ differences by Sex or overall the lack thereof, and the influence of the infinitely nebulous 'g factor'.
It also has sections that deal with racial IQ differences and the observed closure of them over time, but that is less important to our discussion.
Frankly I'm no fan of 'g factor' research due to the vague nature of what it means from research to research, but as it stands it is valuable.

>> No.17224839

Whoops. Trying to figure out why 4chan thought my post was spam I deleted the reply tags.

>> No.17224897

Peterson said that there MIGHT be a difference in distribution you retard.

>> No.17225010

You're being intentionally dense. A careful read of this thread shows what's in the back of the minds of even "intellectual" men. This thread is a blackpill for women

>> No.17226588

>most red pill lit I see here is written with men in mind. Is there something like Nietzsche but for women?

Is it not enough that the entirety of society is modelled towards your benefit, you entitled hole.

>> No.17226774


Yeah, cause everyone who notices you're a retard is a tranny

>> No.17227719

Red-pilling is such a childish concept. Just do what your globohomo slavemaster expect of you.

>> No.17228095

Dilate, bro.

>> No.17228159

society is modelled to benefit men (jobs, opportunity, etc)

>> No.17228267

Its a good way to avoid responsibility or thinking.
Just call the other side whatever the boogeyman of late is and you can avoid thinking.

>> No.17228330

unironically based and redpilled

>> No.17228750

Denying/opening her cunt, sparingly giving her approval and other similar manipulative behaviors are particular solutions available to women that work for many issues and aspirations.
They won't change that because it's an easy way out. Manlier solutions like technical mastery seem less efficient, at least in the short term and for common daily life situations, and require more effort.
Destroying the "simp" and in general pro-women mindset in men would have more of a positive long term effect on women than any female centric attempt at behavioral change. The failure of women are partially due to being liked too much, and thus being able to rely on being liked to go through life. I don't mean to absolve them of their responsibility at all.

>> No.17228765

It’s because men have difficulty relating to women. You probably need to seek such advice from women.