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17217778 No.17217778 [Reply] [Original]

I have panic attacks almost every day about the inevitability of death. I'm constantly frustrated by the nability to comprehend nonexistence and terrified by the prospect.

What are some books, fiction or non-fiction that deal with the fear of death/denying and can maybe even help alleviate some of the ceaseless dread? For those who share this fear, has any book in particular helped you?

>> No.17217827
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There's nothing to save you here. I've had what I call death-tremors since I was as a kid. You could try turning to religion, but I reckon that your fear would just be turned into doubt. Their frequency luckily lessen with time. Read the existentialists, I guess. Best I can do as far a suggestion goes. It's not a cope but at least it gives you some sense of a fellow-feeling, some sense of not being alone in it.

>> No.17217911
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Nothing really helped me. The meme pursuit of knowledge have left me more confused and hopeless than ever.
You fill the void with interactions, people, ambitions, arts, nationalism etc. but nothing is will be enough until your last breath. the most "fulfilling" way to fill the void is to bend the knee in front of G-d. life here on this wretched earth is evil. so you have to be unethical and unreasonable to bend the knee in front of nature which is red in it's tooth and claw. there is no redemption on this planet brother. there is no escape but death.
Reading Cioran gives me some sort of comfort. I don't read anything these days. Not even the music makes sense anymore. I don't know what else I could tell you.

You can read Zapffe's The Last Messiah if you want to know about how people cope from the fear of death.
Read Schopenhauer if you're still looking for some sort of secular redemption through art and compassion. In more extreme sense, through asceticism.

>> No.17217919

Why fear death? Every man before you has done it, and every man after you will. No sense in fearing the inevitable.

Honestly though, change your mindset a bit. Your life is difficult, no doubt. What is so scary about a laying down of your burdens? Carry your sufferings as best you can, live well, and die as best you can. It’s only scary because it is unknown.

Also try church. I know people on this board will say that religion is just coping, but it really is more than that. At least it can be. You’ll get through it anon.

>> No.17217923

My fear of death isn't as great as the fear of dying without having proved my worth in life.

You should read some of Mishimeme's thoughts on death, in many ways Hagakure has a point. You're dying, so am I, so is everyone here. Accept it and try to live like you're already dead, as with this mindset you may cope in a more productive manner.

Maybe also the death of Ivan Ilyich by tolstoy.

>> No.17217936

You have to stare into the abyss

>> No.17217954
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You can never experience death. Do not fear what you cannot experience, but grasp the solace of finitude.

>> No.17218024

Nothing in a book has ever helped me with it, just sort of listening to other people’s experiences of grief. You’re essentially looking into a mirror of obsidian or some other dark material and REEEEing at it asking why you can’t see yourself. It’s horrifying and not fun but coming to terms with it is essentially saying “okay I can’t control this and worrying about it won’t stop it so let’s not worry about it” and then not worrying about it. Like you will die period. Afraid or not afraid of it you’re gonna die. You have a limited amount of time here, and death inches closer every day, are you really gonna continue upsetting yourself over it when you literally cannot change it? No amount of reading or learning will change that it just sucks and is dark and nobody knows what happens, but it’s okay because that’s all there is to know about it. It’s not “okay” in the sense of “there’s no reason to be worried” but rather you’re at the bottom of the barrel, it doesn’t get any deeper, it’s just shitty and scary and void. You can keep yelling at the ocean about how vast it is but it’s not gonna change it.

It’s harder to deal with the death of others desu.

>> No.17218071

Read Gilgamesh and Heraclitus

>> No.17218085

Look up "alan watts death" on youtube, or listen to some of his stuff in general.
Think about before you were born. That's what death is gonna be like. You're not gonna be stuck in a room alone, you just won't be. It'll be like sleeping. Whatever makes you you will be reused by other things. You'll eat dead animals and plants later today. They'll become a part of you now. You can and should still wonder about death, it is a fascinating question, but don't be terrified about it, it'll be fine.

>> No.17218094

just wait
as you get older, death becomes good and birth becomes the real evil
personally, i can't wait until i die
fuck this gay earth, humanity is a fucking joke

>> No.17218125

“The Gay Scientist” or Frederick Niche’s concept of the eternal piss current can be described as so. The current scoured the concept of eternity is not only direct but also to our understanding of the nature of that radical urine. We understand from the plane of the circle or urine happen rivers empty future description and urine. Always generate new, allows urine from the kidney to live among us continually urinate, which allows the creation of novelty.

>> No.17218139

YOU cant die, only the apparitions around you can... if you think this place serves linearity you are mistaken.

>> No.17218403

Bardo Thadol

>> No.17218418

If that’s a reference to Exubr1a’s video on death then I just got the chills man. That video changed me forever

>> No.17218519

Nonexistence seems comfy. What scares me is not being dead but dying, the dissolution of the ego-self rather than its final extinction.

>> No.17219599


>> No.17219800

Read epicuro, epictetus, marcus aurelius, seneca, lenin and Marx

>> No.17219831

i think without the fear of death you wouldn't get the joy of living. its baked into our whole universe

>> No.17220329

The Bible and a healthy dose of Plato should do the trick

>> No.17220349

ša naqba imuru

>> No.17220421

If by setting one’s heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body were already dead, he gains freedom in the Way.
Live like you are already dead and you will achieve greatness. Embrace death. Fall in love with death. Crave for death.

>> No.17221773

This. I'm scared to be in the final minutes of life and know it. I must be good at empathy because when I watch the fucked up liveleak videos I imagine myself in their shoes, and what I'd be thinking as I bled out in shock or whatever.

Everything that I was, all my thoughts and memories and opinions.. they'll mean nothing. I'll just be another dying thing.

>> No.17221794

It isn't death you should fear.
It's the eternal fire that awaits you afterward... ...unless you pray to Christ for your soul's salvation.

>> No.17222134

Disgusting jew missionary preying on the week

>> No.17223864

dude, you are all wrong. you should celebrate death as real birthday.

>> No.17223878

What if death is birth and you're trapped doing the same shit over and over again?

>> No.17225214

You won't ever die and even if you do who gives a fuck you won't even exist.

Not gonna lie though it's not like I have zero fear of death but I accept my fear and trepidation as a natural consequence of going into the unknown. I'm mostly sure it will be fine though, nothing to worry about