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17216453 No.17216453 [Reply] [Original]

>Bought 400 dollars worth of books
>Planned to read incredible amounts of philosophy
>Made a thread about it because I was so ready
>Depressive episode hits
>Haven't touched a single book in a month
>Will probably fail another semester

How to read when depressed?

>> No.17216467

>>Depressive episode hits
Nigga, you can buy 400 dollars worth of books in one go. The fuck do you have to be depressed about?

>> No.17216473

you coulda just bought one and actually read it

>> No.17216478

I read more when I am something like depressed. More often I am depressed not because I have faith and know God always got my back.
>400 dollars on books

>> No.17216487

wow I bet this comment helped with their depression.
depressed people often buy things as a source of material comfort, sorta like food or alcohol or sex. Buying a few too many books in advance isn't a great sin, mang, don't need to make the guy feel bad about it

>> No.17216499

I buy several books at once and read them all in a timely manner. nothing wrong with buying a few at once if you know you'll read it but buying 400 worth is just a lack of self control. Even at 20 dollars a book that's 20 fuckin books. That's more than most posters here have ever read in their lives.

>> No.17216506

Could kys or get off of lit

>> No.17216509

plenty of anons say this every stack thread, and the stackers always make the same excuses.
it's just as true that OP's depressed because he cornered himself psychologically, so anons observation is correct. also drop the fake social media outrage.

>> No.17216519

>made a thread
>no one cares
>made another thread
you are just a seeking attention whore. drop the 'chan and go read a book.
Also you said you are depressed and you will probably fail (another) semester, focus on what matters in your life instead of consooming books. You could have used that amount of money to makes something that would have improved your mental health.

>> No.17216521
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The only people who cared about me were people whore paid to care. And then my therapist thought it best to end the Therapy because we were getting nowhere and I was only staying because I was attracted to her.

I literally have nothing going for me. And the money for the books were part of my student loans which I'll have to repay with a philosophy degree.

Yeah I'm looking to God too in these difficult times. That's why I bought the Jesus book.

In my defence I live in Norway so the average book costs 30-50 dollaridoos all

Books from earlier semesters that I haven't read

>> No.17216523

>that's more than most posters here have ever read in their lives
is this bait? or am I actually completely out of touch with the average person? I am just getting into reading, have never been an avid reader, but I've still read 150-200 books, about half of them classics. Even not having hardly read at all since college, I've finished 20-25 books in the past few years -- what's the issue if I buy them well before I need them? I bought East of Eden like 4 years ago and I'm just now getting around to it, but I'm halfway done and really enjoying it. If money isn't a big issue and you have a semi-permanent residence with storage space, I don't see the issue with buying books you won't read for a while.
>social media outrage
what are you talking about

>> No.17216543

>books cost 50 dollars in Norway
Jesus mang. I remember visiting there 8 years ago and noticed, everything in Norway was 3x more expensive than US, everything in Sweden was 2x more expensive. What's it like there? My grandma was born there and she was pretty racist and thought Norwegian people were genetically superior to all others, obviously Swedes but also Negroes and others. My parents told me she was coocoo but I liked it.

>> No.17216547
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Jus read the book, nigga. Put one near the loo and read it when you have to take a massive shit from eating too much kebab.

>> No.17216564

>student loans
In fucking Norway?
>philosophy degree
Now thats just stupid.

>> No.17216567

>In fucking Norway?
Not OP but if you don't live at home you'll still obviously have to pay rent. Education is free but rent isn't.

>> No.17216572

based af

focus on your studies instead of giving a shit about your stacks, just glance through them if you really want to

>> No.17216584
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I'm an immigrant, and in my honest experience Norwegians are rarely racist. It's a paradise compared to most places on earth. Taxes are pretty high and so is cost of living, but honestly I would rather lose half my pay check than my life in some shit hole country.
How am I gonna read Hegel on the shitter well enough to write essays on it.
My stacks are my studies brother man.

>> No.17216594


Nobody reads Hegel in academic philosophy in scandinavia

>> No.17216595

>How to read when depressed?

try to work out how not to get depressed. Exercise, counselling/therapy, medication, religion, diet, abstaining from drugs/alcohol, keeping a decent sleep pattern etc etc. What ever works, do it.

spending too much time on 4chin/social media usually isn't helpful

>> No.17216609

>How am I gonna read Hegel on the shitter well enough to write essays on it
I don't fucking know nigga it's just a suggestion. You clearly have some sense of what you're supposed to be doing, since you've got enough pep for a rebuttal. What's keeping you from doing the thing you wanna do clearly isn't spoken of in this thread. I can't provide advice without knowing what's actually keeping you from doing the thing. Take my advice of reading the damn book or leave my vicinity and don't respond to me

>> No.17216610

When depression strikes, you have to just act. You have to view your life as a mere actor in a play, with an imperative to play a role, whether you want to or not. If your imperative is to read and be a student, you must read and be a student.

The other thing I’d say is that the best cure for depression is redemption. The trick is not to cure your depression but rather to take up the sort of task that makes living with depression worth. It’s about finding that thing which is redeemable, which makes suffering worth it and often times, it is also a means of coping with suffering. Lovecraft inspired a whole fleet of writers who wrote Lovecraftian horror simply because they felt they needed a way of coping with what they saw as the horror show of reality. Putting that into art was how they did that. The work of art then justifies the suffering of the horror show. So you need to take up whatever that world-task is for you redeem your world, even if it’s shit.

That’s my advice.

>> No.17216611

The Christ book that’ll get the job done is Matthew KJV. First go to primary texts and then go to the filtered interpretations

>> No.17216623

you have to go back

>> No.17216628

Depression sucks man. Ill only give advice on how to keep reading. Try to find the least objectionable book in your collection that you have a desire to read. Set yourself a realistic goal on how many pages you should read. The tricky part is being honest with yourself. Trying to read 50 or 30 pages a day during an episode is generally impossible so be honest. 10? 5? 1? Pick what you think you can actually do and not what you think you should do and build from there. If the goal is even just a single page, if you complete that goal youll feel better about yourself rather than setting the goal at 50 and reading nothing at all. Hope this helps Anon

>> No.17216640

Stop being a retard and don't delve into philosophy if you're not feeling motivated to do so. Read fiction if you don't have the energy. Not that non-fiction is demanding, but actually understanding it is basically studying.
Stop trying to prove some random anons that's you're intelligent. You guys are probably the only group where at least 50% of the sample has a grasp of Stirner and egoism, but still keep trying to spook yourself for spooks.

>> No.17216657

that ain't a student loan bud

>> No.17216662

>he doesn't just download/torrent book collections and read them on a decent tablet/e-reader

>> No.17216663

Consider that you might be bipolar. Also for the whole not reading stuff thing, you need to literally force yourself to read or do fun things. It sounds bad but it’s just how motivation works. Motivation follows action not the other way around. It keeps the momentum going. The habit will build after repeated practice at that. I consider myself to not really be depressed but I still have to absolutely twist my arm into doing basically anything (books, tv, chores, video games). But also you bought a lot of boring books and I’d never want to read any of them. Philosophy is fun but I would never put myself through having to sit and read a book on it when you can easily learn the core concepts online and not subject yourself to the ramblings in an essay.

>> No.17216666

All this just because one anon can't stop staring at 4chan long enough to read the shit he buys lmao. just READ you fuckin lazy nigger

>> No.17216668
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All the UiO course curricula are available online. I'm sure you will find you are wrong.
based (you)s I'll incorporate these and see how I do. I don't know what's wrong with me, so it's hard to fix.
Houellebecq and MacIntyre only good reads in this stack

>> No.17216673

Sorry, there's some confusion. As a student you can apply for what's called here a "student loan" through the state, a conditionally interest-free loan. If OP lives away from home, he most likely is using this loan to pay his rent.

>> No.17216679

>I'm an immigrant

>> No.17216698

>muh owchies
grow up

>> No.17216700

fair enough, similar programs exist in the USA as well albeit less common I'd imagine.

>> No.17216701
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Okay boys you have given me the real deal. I'll go and force myself to read no matter what. here are my favourites.

>> No.17216717

I used to do shit like this. What you have to try to do is shut down the metanarrative in your head that is telling you you can't complete your goals. Not the depression itself, just the actual thoughts. Make stages, write a checklist our have one in your head. Pick one book out. Check that off. Congrats, if you do that, then you can start reading. Dont force it too hard. The first three pages. Get through those. Check em off. When you get finished with the whole introduction, check it off and let yourself feel a little accomplishment, even if your self-loathing backtalk says it was nothing, other people BLAH blac blah --- you know it's not nothing, youre not like other people, who are filthy normies anyway, it's hard work. Reading in this state is like jogging in the pool, it's a big workout.

This has been the best way I've found to push through my depressive episodes and not let it all drop away.

>> No.17216729
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Thank you. I'm starting with this one and will occasionally check the thread.

"Jogging in the pool" (or "swimming in molasses" which is my version) is exactly what mental effort during an episode is. Well formulated.

>> No.17216734
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>norwegian immigrant but no scandi lit
Pick up some Ibsen and Hamsun, homie. Your norwegian teacher's zeal for the language isn't unfounded.

>> No.17216739

fuck off to

>> No.17216743

Read at least a chapter every day, just force yourself, a chapter should be doable even while depressed.

>> No.17216775
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I do have Falkberget. Hamsun and Ibsen both write in bokmaal which I don't appreciate as much. I've also read Fosse and Grytten.

Tilhoveleg Bilete

>> No.17216781

I fucking WISH I could just drop 400 bones on books.
Also, OP, there is no one coming to help you. It is simply on you.

>> No.17216787
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>both write in bokmaal which I don't appreciate as much
Now that's based. Wish you lived closer so we could banter over German obscurantism (Hegel) but alas I'm stuck being shy in literal no man's land doing STEMfaggotry. Best of luck with you're degree homie, I don't think it's wasted at all.

>> No.17216797
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It's easy bro just get a job lol

>> No.17216799

OP, you are a fucking retard and deserve everything that happens to you.

>> No.17216843
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Mange Takk, ynskjer deg mykje lukke til og.

It's a shame that the big STEM places are so far away. I would have loved to learn some concurrent with the philosophy.

I do have this as far as STEM goes but I'm not getting much done.

>> No.17216871
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>I would have loved to learn some concurrent with the philosophy.
Casually learning the basic programming syntax (ie. Python) goes a long way. The logic of computers isn't too separated from the analytics (Kant, Witty, Russell, etc.) anyway, so learning either will give you good grounding for learning the other. To be sure I didn't choose the field arbitrarily.

>> No.17216914

Based idea. I'm phone posting rn but will get a computer within the fortnight. I'll learn either python or java (only because I'm told this is needed for people interested in molecular biology)

>> No.17216923

You shouldn't be reading primary sources for now. First you should get used to the author's thinking and ideas, read the Oxford's Very Short Introductions on whoever interests you to get an idea, they really are very short as the name suggest or just read another introduction by a famous commentator. After understanding their philosophy better then you should go to the primary sources, otherwise your study won't be very effective.

>> No.17216928

Why are so many people on this board still in public education? Even college and uni has to end at some point right.

>> No.17216931

I'm just done reading. This is how I do it. I read 25 pages everyday. If I fail to read one day I don't try to catch up ever, I just let it go and try again the next day. I never read more than 25 pages. I have the book, pencil next to my bed so the first thing I do when I wake up is read and underline (maybe I'll take a piss before). Because humans have a limited amount of willpower each day so you're more likely to read if it's the first thing you try to do each day. This should make you read.

>> No.17216945
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Funny, someone else told me to focus only on primary bsources in this very thread.
To my professor's credit he has assigned secondary sources as primary reading and primary sources as a supplement. So I should be doing both if it wasn't for this damn depressive episode.

>> No.17216968

People who say that generally have no idea what they're talking about. It's not that primary sources aren't good, it's just that you won't get everything you can from only reading it. Take Plato for example, you can read The Republic and form your own opinion on it but the chance that you'll have a wrong interpretation of it somewhere is extremely high since you have no prior knowledge of the author and his ideas, this is a philosopher that has been studied for over 2000 years and even now people dedicate all their academic lives to studying him, so for now you should first trust in those people's judgements and opinions and then after learning all you can from the major commentators, you can read the primary source and get a much better understanding of it.

>> No.17216995

But wouldn't my hermeneutic cycle be muddied by other people's opinions?
I'm a bit wary of experts given that almost all of them have one agenda or another that I don't want pushed upon me.

>> No.17217006
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>wouldn't my hermeneutic cycle be muddied by other people's opinion
Not really, seeing as you're already inclined to shun other people's opinions. You're safe to read the books. Not reading the experts on so-and-so topic is well-and-truly "just cope".

>> No.17217012

Based doubt poster. I don't have much choice anyway since the curriculum must be used in the final essay.

>> No.17217035

Always here to sow doubt :)
Think of it not like studying to reiterate what somebody wants you to think, but studying to transcend what's already been written

>> No.17217049

I trust you have critical thinking to question whether an interpretation is right or wrong and then search for other points of views thereafter. All in all, the chances of an expert making a wrong interpretation are still much lower than someone with no knowledge beforehand.

>> No.17217067

Just a friendly reminder that people like OP exclusively comprise the "bookshelf/stack" threads.

>> No.17217075
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Stating one's goal 'out loud' before even beginning is a sure way to fail. there's studies on this if you have a minute to google (on my phone). next time internalize your goal and instead only discuss it when fulfilled.

>> No.17217089

Care to post those studies?

>> No.17217101


you can tell nobody in those threads reads by the sheer number of books with uncracked spines and bookmarks that are always < 1/2 through the book

>> No.17217131

not that guy and too lazy to find studies, but if you're looking for an intuitive understanding of why this is the case, it's that your brain releases many of the same feelings of accomplishment from talking about a goal as it does from actually achieving the goal, and for much less effort, discouraging you from actually achieving the goal.

>> No.17217141

The fine people at r/books love to talk about their depression.

>> No.17217143

my books are mostly indistinguishable before/after reading. They get more damaged in the mail on average than in the reading process. I'm literally just sitting in a chair. What could possibly happen to the book? If you need to crack the spine to keep it open, it's a shitty book.

>> No.17217151

>there's studies on this
How would something like that be studied?

>> No.17217165

You have to fight anon. I know how you’re feeling and I know what it’s like to feel like you can’t do anything but sit or lie down and stare at the ceiling

>> No.17217197
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>mentally ill immigrant parasite reading resentment-filled, marxist anti-white garbage
marxism at work people.

>> No.17217213

I am so fucking tired of this fag shit excuse.

>> No.17217244
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Ignorant opinion. Norwegian has two written forms. OP has a revealed preference for the more obscure, populist, and nationalist one (>>17216775) Keep your burger fantasies within the politics of burgerland where they actually make sense.

>> No.17217291

you have no knowledge of norway moron. nynorsk isn't "nationalist" or "populist" lmao, tons of commies here write in nynorsk.
to the extent choosing a written form is a political choice (rarely is), nynorsk is the leftist one, and bokmål (particularly riksmål) is the anti-leftist one.
Why the actual fuck do you feel so confident speaking about something you know shit about? you are a fucking retard. kill yourself NOW you disgusting little slime.

>> No.17217317
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This, but I only spent $30 total and now I'm feeling like getting rid of them.

>> No.17217380

Well I wouldn't know about commies writing nynorsk, that's news to me. Though I guess in hindsight the association of bokmål with the bourgeoisie class makes the association of nynorsk with communism not too far-fetched. I'm making the claim that nynorsk is nationalist based on the fact that, well, it purports to be. It's also populist in my book when Ivar Aasen literally scavenged the contryside to create a language that appealed to the masses. Insofar as the country at large is socialist, though, (dugnad and whatnot), nynorsk being associated with socialism wouldn't make it less but more nationalist. I guess it's a question of which camp gets to claim to be the inheritant of the 'true' norwegian national spririt. Fair enough, I can't claim to know enough to decide who has the truer claim, but I still believe dividing the country by leftist / non-leftist is a burger-like (YUPP-y or 'americanized') sentiment and one better left outside of discourse regarding internally cultural matters.

>> No.17217396

you don't know shit faggot, shut the fuck up and fucking kill yourself disgusting little parasite.

>> No.17217403

Gee, you sure showed them, Anon.

>> No.17217411
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Jævla neger

>> No.17217413

Kek nigga at least provide an argument

>> No.17217416

Don't reply, just report.

>> No.17217431

Oh yeah I'm so anti-white that I actively care about the preservation and continuation of a written form that 13% (and diminishing) of the Norwegian population themselves still write in. My Norwegian friends consistently made fun of me for choosing the "obsolete" and old (not chronologically speaking) version of the language, instead of accepting the modern danish based one.

>nynorsk is the leftist one, and bokmål (particularly riksmål) is the anti-leftist one.
What the hell are you talking about? The written form that preserves in writing the way a large minority of Norwegians speak, and thereby the diversity of Norwegian dialects is somehow leftist?

It's one thing to make a boogeyman out of me based of "parasitism" or mental illness, but a whole other level of delusion to think I hold a certain political views solely based on the colour of my skin.
The Karamazov brothers chapter where he X sees the red guy himself is my favourite Dostoevsky passage. I have notes from the underground beside me right now.

>> No.17217442

Funny that you weren't too depressed to make another worthless thread on /lit/ like this.

>> No.17217467

Pick one book and read it. Don’t wait to “feel like reading.”

>> No.17217482

what fucking argument is there to make when some crypto-leftist g*rm posts absolute pure absurdities about my country that shows he has no fucking knowledge whatsoever in the most self-assured, smug tone?
crying redditor leftist pussy.
many anti-white leftists write in nynorsk. it has absolutely no association with pro-norwegian, anti-leftist causes.
>The written form that preserves in writing the way a large minority of Norwegians speak, and thereby the diversity of Norwegian dialects is somehow leftist?
that's not fucking true. no one speaks nynorsk, it's a written variant based on a concoction of different dialects from the west. you're garbage.

>> No.17217485

Funny how writing 20 paragraphs on the Swedish chair assembly forum is less of mental effort than reading and taking notes on Hegel.

Ekkje svart. Sånt sømmer det set ikkje å seie.

He isn't me, not sure why you would call him a parasite. And he is right for what it's worth. Bokmål advocacy belongs to those who want to see the Norwegian language lose its colours. I want it to be preserved.

>> No.17217497

The dopamine hit from your purchase wore off and you had to come to terms with the realisation that you never intended to read them.

You can make a thread and read replies? You can read a book.

>> No.17217506

Therapy helps

>> No.17217524

>Nobody speaks Nynorsk, they just speak the dialects that Nynorsk is based on.
Jesus what pedantry.
You are too much of a retard to bother with. I don't have to prove my interest in the Norwegian language and it's written forms to you.

NO you can't just give me good advice you have to sling racist shit Noooo

>> No.17217548

>I'm an immigrant, and in my honest experience Norwegians are rarely racist.
Oh, how I wish I could be this naive.

>> No.17217561

>what fucking argument is there to make
I don't know nigga you're the one supposed to provide it.

>> No.17217577

US dollars? Anyhow, why don't you use Bookdepository? Download a free VPN like Windscribe, choose England and buy whatever you want on Bookdepository, it should be way cheaper than buying from local bookstores.

>> No.17217594

I've read many times on /int/ that being a leftist in Sweden and Norway is the norm and if you don't show that you're on the left, people will give you side eyes. You're the naive one here.

>> No.17217607

Even if people have to espouse leftist views to fit in, they're not completely blind to the effect immigrants are having on their country.

>> No.17217626

No honestly, it's very rare. I've experienced explicit racism all of 4 times in my 10 years here.

Once was the police picking me out at nasjonalteateret stasjon to ask me a bunch of questions making me miss my ride. I asked around and apparently this never happens to Norwegians, but somewhat often to darker fellows.

The second and third were high school kids shouting racial slurs, but then again high school kids are retarded, and you can't blame Norwegians for this.

And the 4th was seeing some "brown people are invading, pick up the fight" poster.
Not sure about the rules but I think there is a 25% added tax too buy inter-nationaly plus the shipping it ends up being of little value.
The sitting party right now is conservative by my understanding. They are big on inclusivity regardless so pretty leftist by American standards.

>> No.17217627

That's why they're still voting majorly for leftists, huh? Great logic there, pal.

>> No.17217637

there are a bunch of third worlders in norway that make a living being professional victims, constantly appearing in media to talk about how horrible and racist norwegian society is.

>> No.17217646

Isn't it off how for thousands of years worth of literature nobody ever talks about what we understand to be "depression" today? There's sadness and melancholy but there's never this overwhelming force that seemingly came out of nowhere in modernity. It's either all made up or people were just happier in the past, so in either case the solution would be to return to classical philosophy. I'm using philosophy in the most all encompassing way, as a lifestyle and worldview.

>> No.17217655

Hvordan i helvete klarer du å styrke i humaniora? Følger du forlesningene? Det er mye viktigere enn å lese pensum.
Bøker har null toll hvis jeg husker riktig. Jeg har i hvertfall aldri betalt noe.

>> No.17217662

Bookdepository offers free shipping, however the trick is that they change the prices based on your IP, that's why you have to use a VPN to fool their system and make them believe that you're in the UK.
Well, I don't know how that works. I don't have to pay taxes to import books to Japan and Argentina.

>> No.17217682

>Spend 400 dollars on books that aren't even just about impossible to find irl
go to an op shop bro.

>> No.17217684

Get outside and start exercising

>> No.17217712

Op here.

From what I've understood the more we move away from our tribal ancestoral way of living the worse we will feel.we need close nit tribes that take care of each other and work only to survive. Not individuals who work 1/3 of their day without seeing the products of their labor to come home to an empty home.

Also back in the day pretty much regardless of where you were depression was synonymous with possession. Ain't nobody gonna act depressed if they get told the cure is being starved and whipped.

Eg har diverre ikkje fulgd undervisninga, har vore depressiv/suicidal ein god stund nå. Du har kanskje rett på det med bøker, skal skjekke.

Interestingd, thank you.

>> No.17217739

where you from bro? my cousin lived in norway like 30 years ago and said norwegians were extremely racist and treated him like shit. in canada i never experienced racism to my face, probably because i'm an aryan iranian

>> No.17217751

>Wahhh waahhh they didn't welcome the invaders.

>> No.17217772

Iraqi Kurdistan. Honestly speaking, the racism depends on where you are, the big cities are good, the small cities are not great. And personally I tend to ignore/not count implicit racism because it's so hard to quantify. So there might have been more but I just attribute it to rudeness.

>> No.17217777

he was exiled from iran for political reasons, they shouldve treated him as a hero like that saudi whore who ran to canada

>> No.17217794

Yes, and it was just very convenient that Norway borders Iran.

>> No.17217802

yeah maybe there are instances where people were racist to me too but i don't really care. have you taken the islampill?

>> No.17217814

sometimes i wish we weren't let into the west honestly

>> No.17217816

sub 90 iq butthurt pathetic nigger cattle, tools to destroy europe.

>> No.17217847
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at least you aren't speaking german

>> No.17217889

No, I'm not religious. Although lately I've started studying Christianity. If I had to pick one I would go back to our
Zoroastrian roots of old.
Don't let the poll losers get to you, don't even bother replying if you yourself are a good human being you can't be held responsible for others "of your kind".

>> No.17217900

Sometimes? I wish it all the time.

>> No.17217902

based young imam

>> No.17217941

Zoroastrianism seems lame, Islam at least has an outline for a government and practical implementation of moral laws. I don't think I'm responsible for what other immigrants do but the West is too degenerate and depressing. Maybe if Hitler won I would stay in the West.

>> No.17217960
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Try not think of reading the books as some mystical transformation that will make you happy. Or something to judge your worth by. Just see them as something you're interested in, and that you want to read and understand them because it will give you enjoyment, and then proceed to read when you don't feel too tired. (Though obviously with depression theres pretty much a permanent fatigue).

Worst thing ever is starting a book and suddenly feeling guilty that you didn't start it last month, that you don't already knows this, that your only reading it to appear smarter cause you're a shallow person, blah blah. Try tune out these emotions and just focus on the interest you have for philosophy and why you think its cool to study.

You got this bro

>> No.17217967

Can't say I agree with you on anything you said. But I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.17217972

>wow I bet this comment helped with their depression.
I hope OP kills you then kills himself

>> No.17217982

Thank you. It's people like you who make 4chan worth visiting.
Op's violence is reserved for malevolent people. Also too much of a coward to off myself yet.

>> No.17218021

Offing yourself is cowardly

>> No.17218120

Read 30 minutes a day, dude. It’s not hard

>> No.17218136

>6000 page curriculum
>Just fucking read half an hour bro
I respect the sentiment, but cmon boss.

>> No.17218146

It's self evident you've never reached proficiency in literally anything ever.

This is how you tackle big things - in increments. Not by running away.

>> No.17218224

>bought only the preface of Phenomenology of Spirit
>No philosophy dictionaries
Nigger what are you doing, just buy the Miller version of the Phenomenology. Why not just go to school for philosophy? It's very difficult to read it by yourself, especially without any reference materials or dictonaries

>> No.17218293

he posts a pic of the rest somewhere in the thread brah

>> No.17218312

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time

>> No.17218316

You're a fag and you're very cringe. Excuse me while I go jerk off to Ayn Rand and laugh at you

>> No.17218457

I do study philosophy, autodidactism is incredibly hard. Pic in the op is only half my curriculum (not in size).
I also do have the phenomenology itself, but it isn't as relevant for the current course I'm taking.
We don't really use dictionaries. I just Google shit if I'm stuck and need secondary sources.
Elefand endangered ;-((((

>> No.17218594

Have tried vitamin d it might help also exercise ?

>> No.17218623

>I just Google shit if I'm stuck and need secondary sources.
Very cringe, get good reference works or get eternally lost. Literally the only thing that gave me a high GPA, and as you can tell I'm a retard. You're basically betting your future on faggots on the internet and opportunists who are trying to get their nonsensical mumbojumbo published in order to obtain tenure

>> No.17218628
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>student loans which I'll have to repay with a philosophy degree

>> No.17218657

I exercize twice a week. take about 2x daily recommended intake of d everyday.
>opportunists who are trying to get their nonsensical mumbojumbo published in order to obtain tenure
I thought this included all academics in the last 200 years?
What dictionaries do you suggest (right now I use Stanford's philosophy encyclopedia

>> No.17218673

It does, but it is a lot easier to publish a book without playing academic politics, and when you publish a book you don't need to write it in heavily coded language that virtue signals to partisan dinosaurs that you are on the same team as them. Also people write journal articles in a way that is intentionally confusing and ambiguous so that reviewers can't reject them for being false.

>> No.17218679

Just literally look up 'x dictionary' where x is the name of the figure or movement. Oxford handbook mentioned earlier is okay as well

>> No.17218771

>The Complete Works of Aristotle
Go read Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle will teach you about happiness.

>> No.17218791

twice a week isn't super often. 4-5 days of 30 minutes of cardio is what is often recommended as being as effective as an antidepressant

>> No.17218865

Sounds reasonable enough, though if they are getting published they must already have endured catering to ideologues for a long time.
It's not like you can become an expert on any field without going through some higher education.
>Need to read
>Too sad to read
>Bro just read Aristotle
Jokes aside I have and will read both the Greek and English versions of N.e. Though my Greek is shit.
Probably right on that account. I've been able to muster the will for two short sessions of calisthenics a week but I need to do some aerobic exercise.

>> No.17219913

You just don't want to get better so you have to wait until the only options you'll have is getting yourself out of that at all cost or killing yourself.

>> No.17221155

>Bought 400 dollars worth of books
>>Planned to read incredible amounts of philosophy
>>Made a thread about it because I was so ready
>>Depressive episode hits

>> No.17221726

You will never be a woman

>> No.17221864

Calm down schizo

>> No.17223147

Thanks for the advice

>> No.17223629
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I get really big depressive episodes about every 18 months, i just shut down entirely for a few months and wait for the mania to wash over me once more, and get all i would've done in that wasted time. I hate it but it's all i know now.

>> No.17223633


Oh i might also be in this case.
Impossible for me to communicate my feelings though so im just waiting for the big one

>> No.17223958

You're probably depressed because you're studying philosophy in Norway and have to do shit tons of analytic philosophy. if you're in a depressive episode are you really gonna pick up logiske metoder in the evening before sleep, no, ease yourself in. Kom så Nordmand. Har du læst Knut Hamsun eller Ibsen? Hvis du syntes det tunge filosofi er svært lige nu, så skift gear ned, og læs literatur

>> No.17224010

>How to read when depressed?
How about you try to cure your depression first? Find a good psychologist/psychiatrist and climb yourself out of that hole.

>> No.17224296

I feel you lads, but the thing is. You can't do all the course work during the last 15 days of the semester when you're manic.

My mania is rare and ephemeral. And academic work requires consistency.

Det er smukt at læse skjønnliteratur, men Ige når mand stryger på universitet. (My danish is shit I know.)

Tried for 2 years almost. Therapist realized I was only staying with her because I was into her, so she shut it down.

>> No.17225278

>How to read when depressed?
Same way you read when you aren't depressed. You pick up a book and read it

>> No.17225310

sad to hear about your therapist, projecting is normal for a patient, so it sounds like she abandoned you. try again, and maybe a male therapist who is more hands-on/pragmatic could help. i have a great gestalt therapist, but at the end of the day, it's down to the patient/therapist dynamic.

and yeah, wouldn't recommend more reading, but try to find joy in the little things, and try psychedelics, they can definitely help if you are in a rot.

>> No.17225414

Thanks for the sympathy. Sorry for short reply.

>> No.17225531

How's it feel to be an anti intellectual

>> No.17225563

Go back please.

>> No.17225587

I feel like it’s useless to give a depressed person advice so I will just say what I told myself. Stop trying to fix yourself, stop trying to change yourself, stop being concerned about depression. It’s the most counterintuitive thing. Things are beyond your control, stop fighting and accept this is how things are. We live in a fucked up unnatural society, anyone who denies this is coping. All you can do is accept everything as it is so you can at least have some peace. Your life isn’t a fiction novel. And take meds if they help because our way of life obviously has an affect on our chemistry.

>> No.17225605

Never go to a therapist of the opposite sex, or the same sex if you are a fag or a dyke.
T. Therapist

>> No.17225630

You're most welcome, and all the best friendo :)

and as >>17225587 said: it really isn't easy, so give yourself all the slack you need, you deserve it.

>> No.17225634


>> No.17225711

this isn't helping with my depression

>> No.17225737

read the replychain before you jump into the discussion, first-post-by-this-IP-kun. human psychology is funky and when someone "helps" you and you think they're sexual attractive your brain will likely lock onto them in an unhealthy way.

>> No.17225745

yes, and?

>> No.17225773

I came here for help with my depression

>> No.17225777

fuck you pay me

>> No.17226044

Jackpot trips asks for payout.

Thanks for the advice friends. I've noticed my highs tell me I need more slack and my lows tell me that I've had enough slack and need to force myself. Both statements sound sound when I'm in their respective mood.

>> No.17226804

the only problem is trying to reconcile both of them