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File: 79 KB, 850x400, quote-the-laws-of-democracy-remain-a-dead-letter-its-freedom-is-anarchy-its-equality-the-equality-plato-117-3-0389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17212852 No.17212852 [Reply] [Original]

Was plato right about democracy? Is it really the shitties political system?

>> No.17212955

dont know about shittiest, it definitely doesnt seem shittiest for the average system. it does always seem doomed to the same fate in that it creates weak citizens who eventually all come to believe they can get anything they want just by voting for it, no work involved, forever.

>> No.17212965

meant average citizen not system

>> No.17213027

Well, yes. Look at the US elections. Look at Western societies. China and even Saudi Arabia will overtake us soon. Good riddance.

>> No.17213283

its ruined by demagogues because most people don't know how to think and are guided by their feefees rather than reason

>> No.17213323

If you agree with Plato's notion that "until philosophers are kings or kings are philosophers man will not know rest from evil" then yeah democracy is a meme. Hard enough to make one man a true philosopher or even just a decent person. No way can you make an entire society philosophers.

>> No.17213338

You have a choice between Oligarchy rule or shadow oligarchy rule

>> No.17213380

Philosophers are the most evil men on the planet though, so what did Plato mean by that?

>> No.17213482

>Philosophers are the most evil men on the planet though
According to what

>> No.17213496

Me, a philosopher

>> No.17213819

Yes, no question. The only shittier form is “anarchy”. In quotes because some people actually think that’s a political system.

>> No.17213835

Philosophy meant something different in Plato’s time. Read Plato then read Foucalt and you’ll get a feel for the difference.

>> No.17213881

Plato didn't think that democracy was the worst political system. The five regimes are Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy and Tyranny in that order. Plato thought democracy was a shit political system but he thought that tyranny was worse.

>> No.17213962

Wow look at that, somebody who actually read the Republic

>> No.17213987

Plato did not say that democracy was the worst political system. He said tyranny was, retard.

>> No.17214010

The asshole lived in a patriarchal slave state.
You like the shit he does, you’ll think he’s right.
But he’s a little bitch.

The US isn’t a democracy.

>> No.17214054
File: 1.28 MB, 600x338, 1599645786729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal reminder that when Plato and Aristotle use the term democracy they are referring to direct democracy. Aristotle uses the term to definitionally mean a corrupt form of 'rule by the many'. Contemporary representative democracies do not fit these definitions.

>> No.17214304

how can we trust you? you are a philosopher!

>> No.17214317

Eternal reminder that Plato was probably definitely aware of the earlier non direct democracies of Athens which basically worked as oligarchies/representitive democracies and was well aware of both forms.

>> No.17214339

>Contemporary representative democracies do not fit these definitions
This. They also happen to work as well as they do because there is a large undemocratic element to them - i.e. your representatives don't have to carry out your autism (and very often don't) once you elect them. It's all a bit stupid.

>> No.17214429

There is no difference in terms of morality. Both men wanted to shape the world so it suited their interests, which is evil.

>> No.17215476

Fucking TRUE
Plato is based

>> No.17215477


>> No.17215484

The Republic was satire

>> No.17215485

>even Saudi Arabia will overtake us soon
you understand absolutely nothing of the world desu

>> No.17215489

Yes. It's time we go back to Feudalism.

>> No.17215492
File: 33 KB, 500x483, Pepe 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was a philosopher of a now "lost in the dust of this planet" civilisation.
why we should we take the words of this failure seriously?
every civilisation fails eventually. so fuck off with your street shitting retard.

>> No.17215532

Ancient Greek democracy isn't modern democracy, retard.

>> No.17215592

>Democracy and Tyranny in that order.
they are the same btw, but secular humanists have hard time admitting it

>> No.17215688

What part of the Republic is that from? I don't remember that exact quote. Maybe it was less poetic in the rendering I read.

Nvm, it's from the Laws.