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17208924 No.17208924 [Reply] [Original]

Why did gnosticism fail to catch on in the west, unlike Buddhism in the east?

>> No.17208937

It was declared a heresy by the proto-orthodox church and crushed, no?

>> No.17208955

>unlike Buddhism in the east
The east was not dominated by intoxicating jewish religions that remove all trace of native thought.

>> No.17210710

Too esoteric. A tradition can't catch on if nobody wants to teach it to you.

>> No.17210755
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Because it was debunked

>> No.17210786

It's elitist and only appeals to autistic retards

>> No.17210797

Elitism is good

>> No.17210823

Because the Catholic Chruch genocided the Gnostics. Look up the "Albigensian Crusade."

>> No.17210832

It was hotly popular, but since it didn’t favor authoritarian structures it got crushed by the church

>> No.17210872

This. It's hard for anything to "catch on" when a bunch of frothing retards will burn you alive for it.

>> No.17210879

Ok Satanist

>> No.17210880
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>not elite
Sucks to be you.

>> No.17210882

It was never very popular with the common people. It only appeals to you because it seems exotic and mystical.

>> No.17210895

Christians call everything they don’t like “satanist” even though the only people who actually call themselves satanist are retard edgy LARPers, and often those who they are calling satanists, also oppose “””””satanism””””” (whatever the hell that is)

>> No.17210902

Because it's nonsensical. Like most things nonsensical and poorly understood, it's quite popular as an intellectual fashion accessory, as you can see from this thread.

>> No.17210903


>> No.17210906

Those were the Cathars, dumbass.

>> No.17210911

why would a tradition that has nothing but contempt for authoritarian power structures be crushed by those structures? it truly is a mystery.

>mani's empire stretched from the fringes of china to rome
>valentinus was allegedly going to be elected bishop of Rome
>marcion's proto-church lit a fire under the ass of the proto-orthodoxy

why do I come to this board? you're all undergrads still working through hooked on phonics.

>> No.17210919

>it's a heresy opposed by True Christianity™!
Same fucking shit dude. It's just a matter of which characters from the Jewbook are assigned which roles. Either way the world is evil, your true self is something immaterial, you seek liberation from this awful flesh, etc. In other words SLAVE MORALITY.

>> No.17210920

Too based and redpilled.
Remember, most people are hylics a.k.a NPCs. Of course they would never be able to comprehend Gnosticism, they cannot comprehend the mystical at all.

>> No.17210925

your whole fucking life is a fashion accessory for the elites you fucking toad laffo

>> No.17210934

Teachings so weak they withered and died in a few generations
Autistic retard who appealed to a few autistic retard. By the will of the majority his teachings were laughed at and trampled out
Seriously bro, read a book.

>> No.17210943

Christianity believes the body is just as holy as the soul retard

>> No.17210941

lol stupid faggot ass zoomer

>> No.17210944


the rabble is YOU

>> No.17210956

Gnostics are trannys
Trannys hate their bodies and want to deny material reality by believing they are trapped in body-coffins.
Gnostics believe the same
Both will be dealt with on the day of judgement

>> No.17210961

Yeah all those hairshirts and self-flagellations show a real love for the body. Don't forget the fasting and NoFap lmao

>> No.17210971


>> No.17210972

Yes, and Cathars believed in a form of Gnosticism.

>> No.17210973

>fasting bad
How fat are you bro

>> No.17210978


>> No.17210985
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>> No.17210994

he's right

>> No.17211012

Fat enough to d o u b l e your bench

>> No.17211166


>> No.17211211


>> No.17211241

Far right, to be precise.

>> No.17211244

Cmon guys this is supposed to be the good board

>> No.17211252

Keyed is the new based, retard.

>> No.17211264

Too pagan for Christians, too Christian for pagans

>> No.17211279
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>> No.17211284

BASED Irenaeus poster

>> No.17211303

There is some truth to this. The same self-hating impluse drives trannies to transhumanism as well. People who hate their body project it out into a worldview where all of matter is evil.

>> No.17211314

sounds like something a tranny would come up with

>> No.17211385

It did catch on, subterraneanly, in the form of Alchemy.

>> No.17211401

Just like a tranny to not like keyed just like they didn’t like based because it was associated with tranny-haters before faggots on twitter and reddit spread based.

>> No.17212188

At last I see.

>> No.17212246

Locked and keyed are tranny references to the chastity cuck fetish, tranny

>> No.17212265

Dilate, tranny.

>> No.17212274

Your cage is still locked, faggot

>> No.17212295

a lot of stuff was declared heresy by the church and destroyed. stuff like the nag hammadi for example was stashed away because it was ordered to be destroyed. gnosticism only survived outside the influence of christcucks, who were in a hurry to destroy any and all opposition

>> No.17212519

It’s too autistic and its followers were too autistic. Gnosticism is reddit-tier transhumanism, I’ve no doubt gnostics were just as insufferable in their time.

>> No.17212676

>Why did gnosticism fail to catch on in the west, unlike Buddhism in the east?

why are you drawing an equivalence between these things, I don't see one

>> No.17212700

surprisingly accurate