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/lit/ - Literature

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17207194 No.17207194 [Reply] [Original]

The English have Shakespeare, The Italians Dante, The Spanish Cervantes, but what about the French? No author comes to mind. Of course one can name many excellent French writers, but no single one of them stands out. Could it be Moliere?

>> No.17207197


>> No.17207203

Baudelaire? Hugo?

>> No.17207218
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>> No.17207221

proust moron

>> No.17207230

dumas retard

>> No.17207232

flaubert imbecile

>> No.17207233

Racine of course

>> No.17207240

The problem is that Shakespeare is THE only good English writer.
Dante is THE only good Italian writer.
Cervantes is THE only good Spanish writer.
French has so many brilliant authors that greatness has become the norm.

>> No.17207244

This is a good thing. You don't get everyone shilling hard for one writer like with the Spanish and Anglos. More variety.

>> No.17207248
File: 544 KB, 1574x1947, Francois_Rabelais_-_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This literal shitposter right here. Just look how smug he is at preemptively mogging on the entire French canon.

>> No.17207256
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>Shakespeare is THE only good English writer.

>> No.17207284
File: 124 KB, 534x978, Francois_Villon_1489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cheeky garçon

>> No.17207327

t. frog

>> No.17207354


>> No.17207370

It hurts me to know that I will never be able to pull off such humorous stories in my writing... If I write a story about how a man pissed on his wife's ass to make her stop farting, everybody will look at me like I'm autistic.

>> No.17207377
File: 8 KB, 216x260, Simkin the Miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting Chaucer.

>> No.17207428


>> No.17207449

Unironically this, angl*s will deny it though.

>> No.17207464

Flaubert IMO.

Some people call French "the language of Molière" in the same vein people call German "the language of Goethe" or Spanish "the language of Cervantes" so there's that.

>> No.17207474

Flaubert obviously. Reformed both the novel and language.

>> No.17207486

Balzac FFS...

>> No.17207487

haha ballsack

>> No.17207495

Dickens will dick you.

>> No.17207504

>James Joyce
>Geoffrey Chaucer
>Charles Dickens
>Samuel Taylor Coleridge
>T.S Eliot
>Thomas Pynchon
>Emily Dickinson
>Eugene O'Neill
Come on, dude.

>> No.17207609

>Dumas retard
You could have written Dumbass, ya'know...

>> No.17207618

>Thomas Pynchon
>Eugene O'neil
Come on, dude

>> No.17207627

Hugo, Rabelais, or Molière. It depends who you ask but usually one of those.

>> No.17207640

Pynchon I can understand if you don't like his style, but Eugene O'Neill's dialogue is some of the most realistic portrayals of American workers and families ever.

>> No.17207642


>> No.17207649


>> No.17207654

Ha. Ok there, bud.

>> No.17207655


>> No.17207692


>> No.17207695

one hit wonder desu

>> No.17207705

Discount Boccaccio

>> No.17207723

the french have La Chanson de Roland

>> No.17207760

Depends on what exactly you imply.
Villon is not influential enough.
Rabelais is a good pick but he is far from being the only influential writer from his time, du Bellay, Montaigne, Ronsard could also pretend to the title of best writer of the French Renaissance.
Molière perfectly encapsulates the spirit of French society but his work is too narrow in range.
Hugo is probably the closest to a sacred beast but he was outshined too quickly.
Flaubert has a perfect prose but he came to late.
Proust too.

>> No.17207772

Imagine being an ESL who constantly seethes about English yet chooses to speak it every day and fucking chooses to post on an English-speaking board, interacting with Anglos. They are the funniest fucking retards in history

>> No.17207796

we would gladly make fun of you in French but you cannot speak more than one language you monolingual faggot

>> No.17207840

Go ahead and start doing that then. If you perform it for your own satisfaction it shouldn't matter if the other person reads it or not. Or are you doing it from the validation of an acknowledgement from an Anglo? Rent-free

>> No.17207851


>> No.17207858

Je comprends le Francais, vas-y. Mais t'es quand même ici, tu as choisis un site anglo au lieu de te mettre avec tes grenouilles

>> No.17207901

T'es fini à la pisse con !
Quel intérêt à insulter,
Si l'insulte ne peux blesser ?
C'est pourquoi, anglais, nous disons :
"Qui pue autant la molle crotte ?
T'is anon, he's a big faggot !"

>> No.17207908

Damn. Based.

>> No.17207913

Not only do I speak French, but my native language is English--a far superior language.

>> No.17207935

They're the most pathetic faggots on this site. Their performance betrays their true beliefs. They may claim that English is a shit language, but they certainly don't act that way.

>> No.17207958


>> No.17208266

you must only pick one though

>> No.17208760

Racine, Corneille, Zola, Balzac, Hugo, Beckett, Camus. The french beat every other nation in the world in terms of litterature, every one of these is on par with the best English writers of his era.

>> No.17208772

Not even close lmao

>> No.17208782

>realistic portrayals of American workers and families ever
oy vey delet this white privilege

>> No.17208849

>Dante is THE only good Italian writer.
reading this hurts my eyes so much

>> No.17208860

The kids’ adventure story writer? As the best writer in the French language? LOL good one

>> No.17208887

Our world does not know the world of the carnival anymore, anon. You’d be a ghost writing for ghosts. Read Bakhtin.

>> No.17208905

>Read Bakhtin
Seems interesting. I guess you're referring to his book on Rabelais?

>> No.17209208

Forgetting authors for the moment, what's the definitive work of French lit? Something that captures the soul of the nation? I honestly can't think of anything.

>> No.17209427 [DELETED] 

French is a rat language spoken by Africans, if French writing was so great French thought wouldn't lead them to be a nation of mongrels.

>> No.17209446

Yes sir

>> No.17209477

Imagine my surprise at Pynchonfag believing in something so retarded as "realistic portrayal" having anything to do with Great Literature whatsoever.

>> No.17209485

Literally the worst national epic I have ever read

>> No.17209497

I would say Arsène Lupin comes close. Whereas English were fond of detectives, the French seemed to lean more towards the rebel with good manners and heart of gold. Lupin was certainly not the first, he is preceded by Carambole and probably some others, but is certainly the most known in the category of gentleman thief.

>> No.17209607

wtf it’s Rabelais

>> No.17210070

Tartuffe by Molière.
Tartuffe is the public intellectual, Orgon is both the public and the authorities, Elmire is the rare authentic talent. Only once the play is finished, it plays again, and so on, and so on... Molière also perfectly captures the spirit, pleasures and vices of social conversation, a very French thing in itself (according to Leopardi at least).
It may not be "the soul of the nation", but it's the soul of French public life since at least the 17th century.

>> No.17210085

Shakespeare was not even the best writer of his age

>> No.17210359


>> No.17210648

Tartuffe the spry wonder dog

>> No.17210664
File: 15 KB, 474x317, camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path

>> No.17210886

It is, but mostly due to the influence French had on it.

>> No.17210901


>> No.17210907

How the FUCK has no one named Stendhal yet ?

>> No.17210949

So you haven’t read italian literature. It’s ok buddy don’t be ashamed of it

>> No.17210975 [DELETED] 

Clearly you can't read because I was talking about Eugene O'Neill's realistic dialogue, not Pynchon's prose. Moron.

>> No.17211854

That is the worst bait I have ever read on this board

>> No.17211874


>> No.17211956

t. Jean-François Claude

>> No.17211957


>> No.17212452

Actually, that's right.

>> No.17212908

Yep yep. Also I hear baudelaire is god. Certainly not celine, though. Celine is america's bukowski, better, but same tier.

>> No.17212938

That's the most nonsensical statement I've ever heard, maybe in persona somewhat but not in prose

>> No.17212969

They hated him because he spoke the truth...

>> No.17214361

What did the pyncher do to you?

>> No.17214425


>> No.17214431

No John Milton and Sir Thomas Malory?

>> No.17215438

This poster eats snails.

>> No.17215671

the real omission is Spenser

>> No.17216011

Meanwhile the Scots have

Ossian, Buchanan(literally the greatest writer of latin), Dunbar, Henryson and Douglas.

Meanwhile no other country bar France is equal to that.

>> No.17216421

unequivocally based

>> No.17216452
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 1527039894322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your candidness and basedness to be yourself.

>> No.17216515

you are wrong but your post is nonetheless based

>> No.17216821

This but unironically

>> No.17217072

Undoubtedly Rabelais, the history of world literature would have been 100% better if authors had followed more in his footsteps (like Sterne)